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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 3861, 2024 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38719822


Fermionic superfluidity with a nontrivial Cooper-pairing, beyond the conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer state, is a captivating field of study in quantum many-body systems. In particular, the search for superconducting states with finite-momentum pairs has long been a challenge, but establishing its existence has long suffered from the lack of an appropriate probe to reveal its momentum. Recently, it has been proposed that the nonreciprocal electron transport is the most powerful probe for the finite-momentum pairs, because it directly couples to the supercurrents. Here we reveal such a pairing state by the non-reciprocal transport on tricolor superlattices with strong spin-orbit coupling combined with broken inversion-symmetry consisting of atomically thin d-wave superconductor CeCoIn5. We find that while the second-harmonic resistance exhibits a distinct dip anomaly at the low-temperature (T)/high-magnetic field (H) corner in the HT-plane for H applied to the antinodal direction of the d-wave gap, such an anomaly is absent for H along the nodal direction. By carefully isolating extrinsic effects due to vortex dynamics, we reveal the presence of a non-reciprocal response originating from intrinsic superconducting properties characterized by finite-momentum pairs. We attribute the high-field state to the helical superconducting state, wherein the phase of the order parameter is spontaneously spatially modulated.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(27)2021 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33946054


Unconventional superconductivity and magnetism are intertwined on a microscopic level in a wide class of materials, including high-Tccuprates, iron pnictides, and heavy-fermion compounds. Interactions between superconducting electrons and bosonic fluctuations at the interface between adjacent layers in heterostructures provide a new approach to this most fundamental and hotly debated subject. We have been able to use a recent state-of-the-art molecular-beam-epitaxy technique to fabricate superlattices consisting of different heavy-fermion compounds with atomic thickness. These Kondo superlattices provide a unique opportunity to study the mutual interaction between unconventional superconductivity and magnetic order through the atomic interface. Here, we design and fabricate hybrid Kondo superlattices consisting of alternating layers of superconducting CeCoIn5withd-wave pairing symmetry and nonmagnetic metal YbCoIn5or antiferromagnetic heavy fermion metals such as CeRhIn5and CeIn3. In these Kondo superlattices, superconducting heavy electrons are confined within the two-dimensional CeCoIn5block layers and interact with neighboring nonmagnetic or magnetic layers through the interface. Superconductivity is strongly influenced by local inversion symmetry breaking at the interface in CeCoIn5/YbCoIn5superlattices. The superconducting and antiferromagnetic states coexist in spatially separated layers in CeCoIn5/CeRhIn5and CeCoIn5/CeIn3superlattices, but their mutual coupling via the interface significantly modifies the superconducting and magnetic properties. The fabrication of a wide variety of hybrid superlattices paves a new way to study the relationship between unconventional superconductivity and magnetism in strongly correlated materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(18): 187002, 2018 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29775349


Unconventional superconductivity and magnetism are intertwined on a microscopic level in a wide class of materials. A new approach to this most fundamental and hotly debated issue focuses on the role of interactions between superconducting electrons and bosonic fluctuations at the interface between adjacent layers in heterostructures. Here we fabricate hybrid superlattices consisting of alternating atomic layers of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn_{5} and antiferromagnetic (AFM) metal CeRhIn_{5}, in which the AFM order can be suppressed by applying pressure. We find that the superconducting and AFM states coexist in spatially separated layers, but their mutual coupling via the interface significantly modifies the superconducting properties. An analysis of upper critical fields reveals that, upon suppressing the AFM order by applied pressure, the force binding superconducting electron pairs acquires an extreme strong-coupling nature. This demonstrates that superconducting pairing can be tuned nontrivially by magnetic fluctuations (paramagnons) injected through the interface.