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Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1263911


Objectifs : Etablir le profil épidémiologique des traumatisés, répertorier et décrire les caractéristiques des lésions visibles à la radiologie conventionnelle. Matériels et méthodologie : Il s'est agi d'une étude prospective et analytique de 12 mois (mai 2010 à avril 2011) concernant l'analyse radiographique de 302 examens de la hanche ou du bassin traumatique de l'adulte, colligés dans un service de radiologie d'un centre hospitalier préfectoral. Résultats : Il était noté une prédominance masculine avec sex-ratio 2,6. L'âge moyen des patients était de 60 ans avec des extrêmes de 18 à 95.Les accidents de la voie publique (AVP) dans 60,26% constituaient les plus fréquentes circonstances de survenue des lésions dont la fréquence était de 39,40 %.La radiographie du bassin de face en position couchée (100%), le profil urétral (25%),) et le profil chirurgical d'Arcelin (2,3%) ont été réalisés. Les lésions répertoriées étaient les fractures trochantériennes (40,33 %), les fractures cervicales (30,25 %), les fractures du cotyle (15,9 %) et les luxations (13,44 %). Au niveau du massif trochantérien, les traits de fractures étaient obliques (33,33%), multi-fragmentaires (25%), spiroïdes(22,91%). Au niveau du cotyle les traits dominants étaient obliques (42, 21%) et transversales (36,84 %) . Les fractures du col étaient classées en Garden I (20%), Garden II (,4%), Garden III (48%) et Garden IV (28 %). Les luxations postérieures étaient prédominantes dans 68,75% vs 31,25% de formes antérieures. Conclusion La radiographie conventionnelle reste est un outil de diagnostic indispensable et incontournable dans l'exploration de la pathologie traumatique de la hanche dans les situations d'urgence surtout en milieu rural où font défaut les moyens d'imagerie en coupe et les mains qualifiées

Adulto , Fracturas del Fémur , Fémur , Pelvis , Radiografía , Togo
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1263914


But : Etudier la biometrie echographique de la prostate normale chez le Togolais age de 15 a 50 ans. Methodologie : Il s'est agit d'une etude prospective transversale effectuee sur une periode de douze (12) mois (avril 2010 - mars 2011) au service de radiologie du CHU SYLVANUS OLYMPIO de Lome portant sur une population d'etude de 512 sujets choisis pour une echographie sus pubienne de la prostate.Resultats : La valeur minimale de la hauteur etait de 27 mm et la valeur maximale etait de 41mm avec une valeur moyenne de 34mm. La valeur moyenne de la largeur etait de 33;7mm avec des extremes de 44 mm et 27 mm. La valeur minimale de l'epaisseur etait de 12 mm et la valeur maximale etait de 36mm avec une valeur moyenne de 22;4mm. Le volume moyen de la prostate etait de 12;83cm3. Conclusion : La biometrie de la prostate croit avec l'age. Les valeurs de cette etude ont des similitudes avec la litterature

Adulto , Biometría , Próstata , Neoplasias de la Próstata , Togo , Ultrasonografía
Med Sante Trop ; 24(3): 279-82, 2014.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25151988


Few studies have examined ultrasound imaging of abdominal manifestations of HIV-AIDS, although these rank second only to its pleuropulmonary manifestations. Thus, this study sought to determine the features of abdominal ultrasound in HIV infection. This prospective, descriptive and analytical study took place in the radiology department of the University Hospital Campus Lomé and covered the three-year period of 2009-2011. It included all patients older than 15 years with positive HIV serology. During the study period, 566 patients met the inclusion criteria. Ultrasound examination showed the liver appeared normal in 153 patients (27.0%), but homogeneously hyperechoic and thus suggestive of hepatic steatosis in 107 (18.9%). The bile duct was dilatated in 12 patients or 2.1%. An anomaly in the corticomedullary differentiation in normal-sized kidneys was noted in 28.1% (159 patients). Diffuse homogeneous hypertrophy of the pancreas was found in 3 patients (0.53%). Splenomegaly was noted in 387 patients (68.4%); the echopattern of the spleen was diffusely micronodular in 6 patients (1.1%). Deep adenopathies were found in 29 patients (5.1%) and ascites in 46 patients (8.1%). Abdominal ultrasound is a medical imaging technique available in developing countries, less expensive than others, which can be considered an alternative to computed tomography (CT) in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa for the exploration of the abdominal manifestations of HIV.

Enfermedades del Sistema Digestivo/diagnóstico por imagen , Infecciones por VIH/complicaciones , Páncreas/patología , Esplenomegalia/diagnóstico por imagen , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Hipertrofia , Hallazgos Incidentales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Togo , Ultrasonografía , Adulto Joven
Sciences de la santé ; 2(2): 84-87, 2014.
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1271898


Objectif : decrire les aspects etiologiques des lombosciatiques a la tomodensitometrie. Patients et methode : etude transversale descriptive realisee chez des patients ayant beneficie d'un scanner lombaire dans le cadre de l'exploration d'une lombosciatique ; l'examen scanographique avait ete realise sur un scanner de 16 barrettes de la firme General Electric; avec des acquisitions volumiques sans et avec injection du produit de contraste iode si besoin en intraveineuse ou dans les espaces sous arachnoidiens. La lecture a ete faite en fenetres osseuses et parties molles; apres reconstructions multi-planaires; par deux radiologues ayant au moins cinq ans d'experience. Resultats : L'etude avait concerne 166 patients dont l'age moyen etait de 48 ans avec les extremes de 23 ans et 76 ans. L'examen scanographique etait normal dans 4 des cas (7 patients). Les aspects etiologiques au scanner etaient domines par la hernie discale dans 34 des cas (56 patients); du debord discal global dans 23 des cas (39 patients); de la spondylodiscite dans 13 des cas (22 patients); du canal lombaire retreci avec constructions osteophytiques; spondylolisthesis et arthrose inter-apophysaire dans 11 des cas (18 patients); du canal lombaire etroit constitutionnel dans 6 des cas (9 patients). Conclusion : La tomodensitometrie peut etre consideree comme suffisante dans l'exploration d'une lombosciatique dans un pays en developpement ou l'acces a l'imagerie par resonnance magnetique est tres limite

Desplazamiento del Disco Intervertebral , Ciática/etiología , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Sciences de la santé ; 2(2): 52-56, 2014. ilus
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1271899


Objectifs : Evaluer l'apport de l'écho Doppler veineux des membres inférieurs et de l'angioscanner thoracique dans le diagnostic de l'EP . Matériel et Méthodes: il s'est agi d'une étude prospective descriptive de 12 mois dans des services de radiologie des CHU de Lomé chez soixante-neuf patients, suspects d'EP . Nous avons évalué le score de Wells, réalisé un angioscanner thoracique et un écho-doppler veineux aux patients. Résultats : la prévalence était de 50,72%. L'âge moyen était de 47,81 ± 10,84 ans (27 à 62 ans). Dans 10%, 60% et 75%, la probabilité clinique était respectivement faible, moyenne et forte. Les principales contextes cliniques et co-morbidités étaient : la thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) dans 71,43%, l'obésité (54,28%) et l'hypertension artérielle (25,71%). Le siège de l'embole prédominait dans le tronc et/ou dans l'artère principale (51,51%). L'index de Qanadli était modérée (25,81%), sévère (22,58%) et massive (51,61%). La sensibilité et la spécificité étaient respectivement de 89% et 94%. Les diagnostics alternatifs étaient retrouvés au scanner dans 21,73%. Conclusion : l'angioscanner a contribué aux diagnostics positif et différentiel de l'EP et l'écho doppler veineux de compression a montré l'éventuelle origine cruorique

Angiografía , Pacientes , Embolia Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Togo
Med Sante Trop ; 23(2): 185-8, 2013 May 01.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23774621


OBJECTIVE: To report a series of cases of anencephaly in twin pregnancies and assess the prognosis of the normal twin. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study covering 4 years, at the CHU Campus in Lomé, assessing the sonographic aspects and management of cases of anencephaly in twin pregnancies. RESULTS: Anencephaly was found in 6 twin pregnancies. The mothers' mean age was 31 years and all had a very low socioeconomic status. All had drunk a plant infusion of an unknown chemical composition in early pregnancy. Mean gestational age at diagnosis was 25 weeks. Ultrasound performed in all cases showed that 5 cases involved monochorionic diamniotic placentas, and 1 case a dichorionic placenta. Both fetuses were alive at diagnosis in all cases: one had anencephaly and the other twin was normal. The average estimated weight of the anencephalic twin at diagnosis was 659 grams, and of the normal twin, 749 grams; growth was thus discordant. Hydramnios was noted in all cases. Expectant monitoring was instituted; both twins died before 30 weeks in 4 cases. CONCLUSION: Anencephaly in twin pregnancy is a rare occurrence. Ultrasound can be involved in the diagnosis and management.

Anencefalia/diagnóstico por imagen , Enfermedades en Gemelos , Ultrasonografía Prenatal , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Pronóstico , Estudios Retrospectivos
Med Sante Trop ; 23(2): 221, 2013 May 01.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23774642


The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and practices of hygiene rules for transvaginal ultrasound by sonographers practicing in Togo. Their knowledge of these rules is good. In practice, they mainly use condoms to protect the vaginal probe, which is sufficient to prevent horizontal transmission of infection. The shortcomings are at the level of hand hygiene; they do not routinely wash hands or wear gloves, nor do they follow guidelines for disinfection of the probes.

Países en Desarrollo , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Control de Infecciones , Ultrasonografía/instrumentación , Femenino , Humanos , Togo , Ultrasonografía/métodos , Vagina/diagnóstico por imagen
Med Sante Trop ; 22(1): 54-60, 2012.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22868727


INTRODUCTION: Ultrasonography is an important nonirradiating diagnostic medical imaging procedure, frequently used, especially in urgent circumstances. This relatively inexpensive noninvasive examination makes it possible to diagnose disorders in various parts of the human body, by examining, for example, the abdomen and pelvis, the cardiovascular system, and the muscles and joints. Ultrasound is also an operator-dependent examination, in that the quality of the result depends on precision in the manipulation of the probe. Unfortunately, many small medical centers and isolated sites do not have an appropriate well-trained sonographer to perform initial evaluations, and an untrained operator cannot capture the appropriate echographic views required for a safe diagnosis of current patients, even with realtime vocal guidance (personal data). The lack of experienced physicians or qualified technicians means that diagnostic ultrasound is not always accessible to patients for rapid examination worldwide, especially in Africa, Amazonia or near the North or South Poles. This situation has led to the development of a new concept of telemedicine: telesonography, with a remote ultrasound diagnosis either in real time (synchronous) or delayed (asynchronous; store-and-forward). These systems of real-time telesonography and data transmission require expensive and complex technology with sophisticated equipment not available in many developing countries. The purpose of this study is to design a low-cost real-time system of telesonography for teleconsultations with experts and a delayed telediagnostic mode between isolated peripheral hospitals and a University Hospital center (UHC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: An IP camera and an internet video server were installed in a geographically isolated site equipped with an ultrasound machine and an operator with basic training in its use. Synchronous teleconsultation (second-opinion diagnosis) is possible via internet with a UHC expert. If no ultrasound operator is available at the isolated center, volume capture-and-store software is used. Later on, the UHC expert uses Echo-Cnes 3D software to reconstruct the organs scanned. The expert can then navigate within the reconstructed volume and display any plane. Volume capture is performed by tilting (± 40°) to both sides vertically to the skin. To locate the probe on the organ acoustic window, the novice operator uses acoustic window mapping designed by our laboratory (UMPS-Tours). The system was tested between the Tsévié regional hospital in Togo (40 km from Lomé, Togo, and 4500 km from Tours, France) and the UHC at Lomé and the Trousseau UHC in Tours. RESULTS: With an average internet connection of 2 Mbps, the quality of transmission of the background video and ultrasound sequence videos from Tsévié towards Lomé was satisfactory (16 images/s) with a maximal transmission delay of 1.5 s (almost in real time). A video conference between the Trousseau UHC in Tours, the UHC Campus in Lomé and the Tsévié Hospital was possible and the bandwidth allowed the Lomé experts (radiologists) to perform real-time telesonography with very satisfactory results (ultrasound diagnoses obtained) for abdominal (n = 5), pelvic (n = 3), obstetric (n = 2), prostate (n = 2) and mammary (n = 2) ultrasound, both normal and pathological. Because the doctors at Tsévié had minimal experience with ultrasound, complete ultrasound diagnoses were obtained by combining remote voice instruction for image capture and full diagnosis by Echo-Cnes. Asynchronous telediagnosis was also performed with Tsévié operators who lacked ultrasound expertise but could perform the required tilt movements (after 3 training sessions). The expert at Trousseau UHC performed real-time telesonography with the Tsévié Hospital for two cases requiring abdominal images and another viewing of the prostate. He also performed asynchronous reconstruction of the abdominal organs with Echo-Cnes. A demonstration seminar of our platform was organized successfully for 2 days during the 9(th) Congress of the French-speaking Black Africa Society of Radiology (SRANF in French) held from 4 till 6 May 2011 at the hotel EDA OBA. During this seminar, 4 ultrasound teleconsultations were performed from the hotel by eminent African radiologists. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This preliminary study, although limited in the number of patients, allowed us to assess the technical features of our telesonography system. Togo, a developing country with a very modest infrastructure for information and communication, was an ideal site for a first test of this platform. Our system of remote ultrasound requires the local patient center to be equipped simply with a 2D ultrasound machine. The cost is quite low, in comparison to the asynchronous techniques requiring 3D devices. The high cost of 3D or 4D ultrasound machines and their fragility make it difficult to install them at the isolated sites and was a serious obstacle in the development of this system. If the center already has a 2D device and a computer, the cost to equip it with the remaining communications materials is 1,500 €. The experience in Togo clearly highlighted the possibility of teletraining and complete teleradiology with our system. The next stage of this work will seek to validate the results of this preliminary experience on a larger sample with more precise assessment criteria in 2012. The results will allow the widespread dissemination and routine use of this system in developing countries.

Consulta Remota , Ultrasonografía , Humanos , Factores de Tiempo , Togo
Med Sante Trop ; 22(1): 79-81, 2012.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22868732


Ulcerative colitis seems to be rare in sub-Saharan Africa. Because its clinical and radiological signs are non-specific, anatomopathologic studies are necessary for definitive diagnosis after exclusion of parasitic, bacterial, and viral causes. The purpose of this report is to describe a fatal case of ulcerative colitis in a 68-year-old woman in Togo.

Colitis Ulcerosa , Anciano , Colitis Ulcerosa/diagnóstico , Colitis Ulcerosa/terapia , Resultado Fatal , Femenino , Humanos , Togo
Mali Med ; 27(1): 37-41, 2012.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22765948


GOAL: This survey has been realized in order to show the diagnostic interest of the standard radiography in the non traumatic knee's pain. OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this work were to describe the elementary lesions, the etiological aspects of the non traumatic knee's pain and to list the met pathologies. PATIENT AND METHOD: It was about a prospective survey of six months (december 2007-may 2008) track in the departments of radiology of the Teaching Hospitals of Lomé and on a population of 187 patients enduring a non traumatic knee's pain. RESULTS: The frequency was of 2.5%. The average of age was of 48.55 years (extreme: 18 and 92 years). The feminine sex (63.10%) was the most represented. The housewives were the most represented (36.36%). of The bodily mass indication was consisted between 09 and 42 Kg/m2s with an average of 25.65 Kg/m2s. The osteophyte (26.67%) was the most observed elementary radiographic lesion. The arthrosic knee (47.71%) was the dominant pathology and the chondrocalcinose (02.74%) least represented. A predominance of the tricompartimentale arthrosic knee (38.46%) was cleared itself. The malformatives abnormalities were in 58.62% of the osteoarthritis cases seat. CONCLUSION: This survey reveals the importance diagnostic of the x-ray and the wealth of the pathology of the knee in Africa particularly in Togo.

Artralgia/diagnóstico por imagen , Articulación de la Rodilla/diagnóstico por imagen , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Artralgia/etiología , Neoplasias Óseas/complicaciones , Neoplasias Óseas/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias Óseas/epidemiología , Condrocalcinosis/diagnóstico por imagen , Condrocalcinosis/epidemiología , Femenino , Hospitales Universitarios/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Articulación de la Rodilla/anomalías , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Obesidad/epidemiología , Ocupaciones , Osteoartritis de la Rodilla/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteoartritis de la Rodilla/epidemiología , Osteofito/complicaciones , Osteofito/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteofito/epidemiología , Estudios Prospectivos , Radiografía , Togo/epidemiología , Adulto Joven
Diagn Interv Imaging ; 93(7-8): 639-42, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22683232


Many medical centres are equipped with a sonograph. However, a sonographist is not always present or is not trained in all of the specialised domains of sonography. . A sonogram is not always possible due to a lack of physicians. This situation has given rise to the concept of remote-controlled sonography: tele-sonography, a medical procedure used in remote sonographic diagnosis in real time or deferred time. Tele-sonography can now be carried out in real time by the transmission of the expert's procedure (robotic system) or by the use of a 3D sonograph in real time. These modes of real time tele-sonography rely on expensive technologies requiring budgets and an infrastructure that is not always possible in developing countries where the needs in tele-medicine are increasing. This paper aimed to present a preliminary evaluation of a "low cost" system of sonographic tele-expertise in real time and the deferred sonographic telediagnosis accompanied by a tele-mammography between expert sites (university hospitals) and isolated sites (peripheral hospitals, dispensaries).

Mamografía , Telemedicina , Ultrasonografía , Humanos , Proyectos Piloto , Togo
Journal Africain de l'Imagerie Médicale ; 3(10): 543-550, 2012. tab
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1263894


Objectifs : Etudier les particularités épidémiologiques et les caractéristiques à L'EDC de la TVP des MI. Matériel et Méthode : Etude rétrospective des archives de compte ­ rendu d'EDC des patients chez qui le diagnostic des TVP des MI avait été posé à l'EDC de janvier 2005 à décembre 2009. Résultats : L'EDC avait diagnostiqué 258 cas de TVP des MI. La moyenne d'âge était de 47,41 ± 17,8 ans, avec un sex ratio (M/F) de 1,53. Deux cent vingt six patients (87,60%) étaient hospitalisés. Tous les segments veineux étaient touchés, avec une localisation plus fréquente à gauche (46,51%) qu'à droite (36,84%). Elle était bilatérale dans 16,28% des cas. Les localisations distales étaient les plus fréquentes (37,21%). Conclusion : La particularité épidémiologique de la TVP des MI dans notre pays porte sur l'âge de nos patients qui est particulièrement peu élevé comparativement aux études occidentales. La topographie des lésions, est globalement superposable à celle décrite dans la littérature

Ecocardiografía Doppler en Color , Extremidades , Togo , Trombosis de la Vena
Med Trop (Mars) ; 71(1): 100, 2011 Feb.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21585109


The purpose of this report is to describe findings of clinical examination and imaging in a 27-year-old man admitted for nonpainful left testicular enlargement. Initial diagnosis was testicular cancer based on ultrasonography and association with pulmonary metastasis. This diagnosis was revised after histological study demonstrated testicular tuberculosis.

Errores Diagnósticos , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico por imagen , Testículo/diagnóstico por imagen , Tuberculosis de los Genitales Masculinos/diagnóstico por imagen , Adulto , Enfermedades Endémicas , Humanos , Masculino , Ultrasonografía
Mali Med ; 26(2): 21-6, 2011.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22766454


PURPOSES: To describe the elementary lesions, to list the kidney pathologies, to determine the kidney reach frequency and to establish an interrelationship enters the gravity of the kidney reach and the kidney's structure at the ultrasound scan. PATIENT AND METHOD: It was about a prospective survey of ten (10) month, realized in the Departments of radiology of the Teaching Hospitals of Lomé (CHU Tokoin and Campus), concerning 281 patients aged of 18 to 71 years whose HIV serology is positive. RESULTS: The radiological frequency of the HIV/AIDS infection noted during our period of survey was of 3.27% (281/8583). The modal age group was of 30-40 years (32.38%). The female representativeness was 56.92% against 43.08% of men. The drivers (23.13%) follow-ups of the tradesmen were the more touched. The bachelors were more exposed (38.43%). The kidney increased size in 31.85% of the cases. The majority of the patients (88.19%) was at the echographic advanced stage of the renal suffering of which 70.08% were at the III stage. The length of the kidneys was generally normal (74.38%), their width was normal in 53.38% of the cases and increased in 44.42% of the cases. As for the thickness, it was increased in general (71.88%). The kidney suffering (49.03%) was the most dominant pathology. CONCLUSION: The wealth of the kidney pathology associated to the infection of the HIV/AIDS should bring the practitioners to integrate the ultrasound scan in the balance of this affection.

Nefropatía Asociada a SIDA/diagnóstico por imagen , Seropositividad para VIH/epidemiología , Riñón/diagnóstico por imagen , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Ultrasonografía , Adulto Joven
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 26(2): 21-26, 2011. ilus
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1265649


Objectifs : Par ce travail nous voulons decrire les lesions elementaires; repertorier les pathologies renales; determiner la frequence des atteintes renales et etablir une correlation entre la gravite de l'atteinte renale et la structure renale a l'echographie.Patients et methode : Il s'est agi d'une etude prospective de dix (10) mois; menee dans les services de radiologie des CHU Tokoin et Campus de Lome; concernant 281 patients ages de 18 a 71 ans dont la serologie VIH est positive. Resultats : La frequence radiologique de l'infection VIH/SIDA notee pendant notre periode d'etude etait de 3;27(281/8583). La tranche d'age modale etait de 30 a 40 ans (32;38). La representativite feminine etait 56;92contre 43;08d'hommes. Les chauffeurs (23;13) suivis des commercants etaient les plus touches. Les celibataires etaient les plus exposes (38;43) Le rein a augmente de taille dans 31;85des cas. La majorite des patients (88;19) etait a des stades echographiques avances de la souffrance renale dont 70;08au stade III. La longueur des reins etait generalement normale (74;38); leur largeur etait normale dans 53;38des cas et augmentee dans 44;42des cas. Quant a l'epaisseur; elle etait en general augmentee (71;88). La souffrance renale (49;03) etait la pathologie la plus dominante. Conclusion : La richesse de la pathologie renale associee a l'infection au VIH /SIDA devrait amener les praticiens a integrer l'echographie dans le bilan de cette affection

Centros Médicos Académicos , Riñón , Togo , Ultrasonografía
Med Trop (Mars) ; 70(4): 410, 2010 Aug.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22368948


The purpose of this report is to describe the value of genitography in management of abnormal sexual development abnormalities discovered at a late age (> or = 10 years). Genitography was performed in 5 patients ranging from 10 to 23 years of age. No procedural difficulty was encountered in any of these patients. Genitography allowed correct determination of anatomical sex in all patients.

Trastornos del Desarrollo Sexual 46, XX/diagnóstico , Trastorno del Desarrollo Sexual 46,XY/diagnóstico , Genitales Femeninos/diagnóstico por imagen , Genitales Masculinos/diagnóstico por imagen , Adolescente , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Radiografía , Togo , Adulto Joven
Mali Med ; 24(1): 64-6, 2009.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19666384


The authors report a case of a crossed renal ectopia with fusion discovered in an outpatient admitted for abdominal pain to recall embryologic, epidemiology and diagnosis aspects using a literature review.

Riñón/anomalías , Adulto , Humanos , Riñón/diagnóstico por imagen , Masculino , Ultrasonografía
Arch Pediatr ; 9(11): 1156-9, 2002 Nov.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12503507


UNLABELLED: We report three cases of tuberculosis observed in a neonatal unit in a country characterized with a high endemia of tuberculosis. CASE REPORTS: Case 1. A term infant presented at the age of 35 days, with cough since day 18, respiratory distress and bronchopneumonia. Her mother had unrecognised tuberculosis since pregnancy. Post mortem biopsies of the infant confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis and social survey found out pulmonary tuberculosis in the newborn's aunt. Case 2. A term infant presented at the age of 30 days with cough since day 13, respiratory distress, nodular pulmonary lesions and right pleural effusion. Her mother had cough and stomatitis since the eighth month of pregnancy and nodular pulmonary lesions. Tuberculosis and HIV were confirmed in the mother and the infant. Social survey found tuberculosis in the newborn's paternal uncle. Case 3. A term but hypotrophic infant presented on the first day of life, with haemorrhagic troubles and respiratory distress. Tuberculosis and HIV were confirmed in the mother and the infant. Social survey found tuberculosis in the father, in a friend of her and in her three-month-old child. CONCLUSION: Congenital or neonatal tuberculosis is an under-estimated emergent disease, with a need for early diagnostic methods and consensual therapeutic protocols to improve its management.

Tuberculosis Pulmonar/congénito , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Resultado Fatal , Femenino , Infecciones por VIH/complicaciones , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad Infecciosa , Masculino , Medicina Tropical , Tuberculosis Pulmonar/patología
Ann Med Interne (Paris) ; 147(6): 397-401, 1996.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9092342


A retrospective study was conducted to determine the different kinds of spinal diseases in patients attending the rheumatology unit of Lomé hospital, Togo. Among the 4927 patients seen over a 5-year period, 1966 (40%) had spinal involvement. The disease observed were as follows: degenerative spinal disorders: 1872 cases (95%); infectious discitis: 41 cas (2.1%); spondyloarthropathies: 33 cases (1.8%); tumors: 20 cases (1.1%). Degenerative spinal involvement affected mainly lumbar and cervical spine. The only unusual clinical feature was that Schober's index was often normal. Lumbar spinal stenosis was common (233 cases, 12.4%), especially in females, and occurred at an earlier age than in the Western world. Ankylosing spondylitis features included mildness of extra-articular manifestations and an often negative family history. Pott's disease was de leading cause of infectious discitis. The present study suggests that spinal disorders are as frequent in Africa as in Western countries.

Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral/epidemiología , Adulto , Demografía , Femenino , Hospitales Universitarios , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Retrospectivos , Reumatología , Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral/diagnóstico , Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral/fisiopatología , Togo/epidemiología