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Heliyon ; 6(9): e04880, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32984595


Product-review videos can be a promising marketing method. The popularity of using videos as a medium for product reviews is evidenced by the number of channels that are used to provide product reviews on multiple platforms. Reviewers can use various strategies to attract wider audiences and make these audiences loyal to their channels. This study analyzes the effect of the reviewer's communication style on the audience's loyalty to the channels that provide product reviews, especially on the YouTube platform. Communication-style analysis is associated with hedonic and utilitarian motivation theory, which can be used to explain communication style effect on channel loyalty. This study uses a quantitative approach using questionnaire to obtain data. The data in this study are analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modeling in AMOS 21.0. The results show that communication styles (social-oriented and task-oriented), perceived transparency, perceived enjoyment, credibility, and channel engagement affect channel loyalty. Meanwhile, the informativeness factor does not affect channel loyalty. This paper will also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the study.

Healthc Inform Res ; 25(1): 3-11, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30788176


OBJECTIVES: In this study an enterprise architecture (EA) was developed for a health referral information system (HRIS) for individual healthcare in Indonesia with reference to the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.1. The HRIS includes patient referrals for vertical and horizontal references (internal and external), specimen referrals, and health personnel referrals. METHODS: This research was a qualitative study that used the interview and observation method of the Primary Health Care Information System (SIMPUS) application developed by the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). The interviews were conducted at South Tangerang City Government Health Office with five resource persons who were responsible for conducting health referral processes. RESULTS: The EA of the HRIS includes the principles of architecture, business, application, data, and technology architecture. Twelve principles, four referral processes, and three application reference modules and centralized applications comprise the architecture of the HRIS. The HRIS is a centralized integrated application that uses application program interface (API) to integrate with SIMPUS. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed architecture was developed in an integrated and comprehensive manner for the individual healthcare referral process, which can be implemented by regulators and healthcare facilities. This architecture can also help regulators and healthcare facilities to standardize and integrate health referral data and related processes.