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Opt Express ; 31(22): 36615-36637, 2023 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38017809


We propose an experimentally feasible optomechanical scheme to realize a negative cavity photon spectral function (CPSF) which is equivalent to a negative absorption. The system under consideration is an optomechanical system consisting of two mechanical (phononic) modes which are linearly coupled to a common cavity mode via the radiation pressure while parametrically driven through the coherent time-modulation of their spring coefficients. Using the equations of motion for the cavity retarded Green's function obtained in the framework of the generalized linear response theory, we show that in the red-detuned and weak-coupling regimes a frequency-dependent effective cavity damping rate (ECDR) corresponding to a negative CPSF can be realized by controlling the cooperativities and modulation parameters while the system still remains in the stable regime. Nevertheless, such a negativity which acts as an optomechanical gain never occurs in a standard (an unmodulated bare) cavity optomechanical system. Besides, we find that the presence of two modulated mechanical degrees of freedom provides more controllability over the magnitude and bandwidth of the negativity of CPSF, in comparison to the setup with a single modulated mechanical oscillator. Interestingly, the introduced negativity may open a new platform to realize an extraordinary (modified) optomechanically induced transparency (in which the input signal is amplified in the output) leading to a perfect tunable optomechanical filter with switchable bandwidth which can be used as an optical transistor.

Heliyon ; 7(6): e07384, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34258455


We have experimentally created a robust, ultrabright and phase-stable polarization-entangled state close to maximally entangled Bell-state with %98-fidelity using the type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) process in periodically-poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP) collinear crystal inside a Sagnac interferometer (SI). Bell inequality measurement, Freedman's test, as the different versions of CHSH inequality, and also visibility test which all can be seen as the nonlocal realism tests, imply that our created entangled state shows a strong violation from the classical physics or any hidden-variable theory. We have obtained very reliable and very strong Bell violation as S = 2.78 ± 0.01 with high brightness V HV = % ( 99.969 ± 0.003 ) and V DA = % ( 96.751 ± 0.002 ) and very strong violation due to Freedman test as δ F = 0.01715 ± 0.00001 . Furthermore, using the tomographic reconstruction of quantum states together a maximum-likelihood-technique (MLT) as the numerical optimization, we obtain the physical non-negative definite density operator which shows the nonseparability and entanglement of our prepared state. By having the maximum likelihood density operator, we calculate some important entanglement-measures and entanglement entropies. The Sagnac configuration provides bidirectional crystal pumping yields to high-rate entanglement source which is very applicable in quantum communication, sensing and metrology as well as quantum information protocols, and has potential to be used in quantum illumination-based LIDAR and free-space quantum key distribution (QKD).

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 35(12): 2010-2019, 2018 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30645290


Diffraction of light beams from the phase steps due to abrupt/sharp changes in the boundary of the steps leads to Fresnel fringes whose visibility and intensity profile depend on the change of the step height or light incident angle. The visibility has been utilized in measurements of different physical quantities. In this paper, for the first time to our knowledge, by introducing the fitting method as a fast method, we show that by fitting the theoretical intensity distributions on the experimental intensity profiles of the light diffracted from a step at different incident angles, one can specify the step height with precision of a few nanometers. In addition, we show that this approach provides accurate film thickness in a broad range of thicknesses using modest instrumentation. Furthermore, based on Fresnel diffraction from the phase step, we have manufactured and trademarked an optical device for measuring the thickness of thin films.