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Rev. patol. trop ; 50(1)2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223812


The purpose of this study was to verify the occurrence of head lice in children at a public hospital in Uberlândia, MG and factors associated with pediculosis such as sex, age, hair characteristics and socioeconomic conditions, as well as obtaining information from their parents/guardians regarding the epidemiology, its transmission, prevention and control. To obtain the data, direct hair inspection and a characterization sheet and questionnaire were utilized. An occurrence rate of 6.1 % was found in 230 children examined in a public hospital, 111 females and 119 males with the highest rates observed in female children aged 4-8 with medium to long hair. Income, level of education, hair washing, hair type, color and thickness did not seem to influence the distribution of pediculosis in the children seen in the hospital in Uberlândia. The questionnaire answered by parents/guardians indicated that the children had had at least one infestation in their lifetime. The use of fine comb and pesticides were the most usual control methods adopted. The most frequent symptom was severe itching on the scalp. Although the occurrence of head pediculosis is declining, it is still a prevalent public health problem in the child population of Uberlândia, MG. Pediculosis may be associated with sex, age and hair characteristics. Variations in the degree of these influencing factors depend on the profile of the population studied. Additional studies are required in population groups over time, particularly in those that are inadequately assisted or lack state education and health assistance.

El propósito de este estudio fue verificar la ocurrencia de piojos en niños de un hospital público de Uberlândia, MG y factores asociados a la pediculosis como sexo, edad, características del cabello y condiciones socioeconómicas, así como obtener información de sus padres / tutores. en cuanto a la epidemiología, su transmisión, prevención y control. Para la obtención de los datos se utilizó inspección capilar directa y hoja de caracterización y cuestionario. Se encontró una tasa de ocurrencia del 6.1% en 230 niños examinados en un hospital público, 111 mujeres y 119 hombres, con las tasas más altas observadas en niñas de 4 a 8 años con cabello medio a largo. Los ingresos, el nivel de educación, el lavado del cabello, el tipo de cabello, el color y el grosor no parecen influir en la distribución de la pediculosis en los niños atendidos en el hospital de Uberlândia. El cuestionario respondido por los padres / tutores indicó que los niños habían tenido al menos una infestación en su vida. El uso de peine fino y pesticidas fueron los métodos de control más habituales adoptados. El síntoma más frecuente fue la picazón intensa en el cuero cabelludo. Aunque la incidencia de pediculosis de la cabeza está disminuyendo, sigue siendo un problema de salud pública prevalente en la población infantil de Uberlândia, MG. La pediculosis puede estar asociada con el sexo, la edad y las características del cabello. Las variaciones en el grado de estos factores de influencia dependen del perfil de la población estudiada. Se requieren estudios adicionales en grupos de población a lo largo del tiempo, particularmente en aquellos que reciben asistencia inadecuada o carecen de educación y asistencia sanitaria estatal.

O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de piolhos de cabeça em crianças de um hospital público de Uberlândia, MG e fatores associados à pediculose como sexo, idade, características do cabelo e condições socioeconômicas, além de obter informações dos pais / responsáveis. quanto à epidemiologia, sua transmissão, prevenção e controle. Para a obtenção dos dados foram utilizados inspeção direta dos cabelos e ficha de caracterização e questionário. Uma taxa de ocorrência de 6,1% foi encontrada em 230 crianças examinadas em um hospital público, 111 mulheres e 119 homens com as taxas mais altas observadas em crianças do sexo feminino de 4 a 8 anos com cabelo médio a longo. Renda, escolaridade, lavagem dos cabelos, tipo, cor e espessura do cabelo não parecem influenciar na distribuição da pediculose nas crianças atendidas no hospital de Uberlândia. O questionário respondido pelos pais / responsáveis ​​indicou que as crianças tiveram pelo menos uma infestação na vida. O uso de pente fino e pesticidas foram os métodos de controle mais comumente adotados. O sintoma mais frequente foi coceira intensa no couro cabeludo. Embora a ocorrência de pediculose cefálica esteja em declínio, ainda é um problema de saúde pública prevalente na população infantil de Uberlândia, MG. A pediculose pode estar associada ao sexo, idade e características do cabelo. As variações no grau desses fatores influenciadores dependem do perfil da população estudada. Estudos adicionais são necessários em grupos populacionais ao longo do tempo, principalmente naqueles que são inadequadamente assistidos ou carecem de educação e assistência à saúde do Estado.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Infestaciones por Piojos , Niño , Epidemiología , Incidencia
Rev. patol. trop ; 48(4): 234-242, 2019. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099563


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the occurrence of head lice in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) in Uberlandia, MG, Brazil, analyze associations with sex, ethnicity, age and hair characteristics, and verify awareness among elderly adults. Head inspections were performed and infestation was characterized on individual forms. A questionnaire on the biology, epidemiology and control of head lice was applied. Overall occurrence was 1.4%, being highest in elderly women with medium-length curly hair. Questionnaire responses indicated that the majority had no general knowledge on head lice. More than 40% reported infestation at some point in their lives and most knew how to control it. Overall occurrence was considered low and is related to measures adopted by the LTCFs, which controlled infestation by minimizing the influence of factors normally associated with its occurrence. The study was pioneer in analyzing associations between head lice and the degree of autonomy of elderly adults.

Infestaciones por Piojos , Anciano
Rev. patol. trop ; 47(4): 235-245, dez. 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-996640


Pediculosis capitis is a public health problem not only in Brazil, but also in many countries worldwide. Children are the most likely population group to be infested. The purpose of this study was to verify the prevalence of head lice in children seen at the public hospital in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State, and factors associated with ectoparasitosis in this group. In addition, data about the transmission, prevention and control were obtained from the children's parents or guardians. The scalp and hair of every child aged 2 to 12, attended to at the hospital pediatric outpatient clinic from 2015 to 2017, were examined. Questionnaires and characterization sheets were also used to obtain and record the information. The overall prevalence rate observed was 2.8%. The highest prevalence rates were observed in girls with medium length hair. Children presented a relatively low prevalence of head lice in the parasitological examinations. However, the answers to the questionnaires indicated that this ectoparasitosis is common in this population group. All the children examined were of school age, and their parents or guardians indicated the school environment as the main source of infestations. The responses to the questionnaires also highlighted evidence of negligence on the part of guardians of positive children regarding the occurrence of this ectoparasitosis. The information obtained indicates that authorities should design/improve their plans of action regarding guidelines for parents or guardians for adequate prevention and control of this ectoparasitosis

Humanos , Niño , Pediculus , Estudios Epidemiológicos , Infestaciones Ectoparasitarias
Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo ; 57(3): 239-44, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26200965


A study of head lice infestations among young people, adults and elderly individuals was conducted from August 2010 to July 2013 in Manaus, AM, Northern Brazil. Hair samples collected from 1,860 individuals in 18 barber shops and beauty parlors were examined for the ectoparasite. The occurrence of pediculosis and its association with factors, such as sex, age, ethnicity, hair characteristics and the socioeconomic profile of salon customers, salon location and seasonal variation were determined. The overall occurrence rate was 2.84%. Occurrence was higher in hair samples from non-blacks and the elderly. Higher occurrence was also observed during kindergarten, elementary and junior education school holidays. The results indicate that the occurrence of head lice among young people, adults and the elderly in Manaus is relatively low compared to that determined in children and in other regions of the country. After children, the elderly were the most affected. The study also indicated the need to adopt additional procedures to improve surveys among the population with low or no purchasing power, which is usually the most affected by this ectoparasitic disease.

Cabello/parasitología , Infestaciones por Piojos/epidemiología , Pediculus , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Animales , Peluquería , Brasil/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Prevalencia , Factores Socioeconómicos , Adulto Joven
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 57(3): 239-244, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-752601


A study of head lice infestations among young people, adults and elderly individuals was conducted from August 2010 to July 2013 in Manaus, AM, Northern Brazil. Hair samples collected from 1,860 individuals in 18 barber shops and beauty parlors were examined for the ectoparasite. The occurrence of pediculosis and its association with factors, such as sex, age, ethnicity, hair characteristics and the socioeconomic profile of salon customers, salon location and seasonal variation were determined. The overall occurrence rate was 2.84%. Occurrence was higher in hair samples from non-blacks and the elderly. Higher occurrence was also observed during kindergarten, elementary and junior education school holidays. The results indicate that the occurrence of head lice among young people, adults and the elderly in Manaus is relatively low compared to that determined in children and in other regions of the country. After children, the elderly were the most affected. The study also indicated the need to adopt additional procedures to improve surveys among the population with low or no purchasing power, which is usually the most affected by this ectoparasitic disease.

Estudo sobre a pediculose do couro cabeludo em jovens, adultos e idosos foi realizado de agosto de 2010 a julho de 2013 em Manaus - AM, região norte do Brasil. Amostras de cabelos obtidas de 1.860 indivíduos em 18 barbearias e salões de beleza foram examinadas à procura do parasito. Procurou-se verificar a ocorrência da pediculose e sua associação com fatores tais como: sexo, idade, etnia, características dos cabelos e perfil socioeconômico dos clientes dos salões, localização dos salões e variação sazonal. A taxa de ocorrência encontrada foi 2,84%. Ela foi maior em amostras de cabelos de não negros e dos idosos. Também se observou maior prevalência no período de férias escolares do ensino fundamental e médio. Os resultados indicam que a ocorrência da pediculose em jovens, adultos e idosos em Manaus é relativamente baixa em comparação com as encontradas em crianças e as encontradas em outras regiões do país. Depois das crianças, os idosos seriam os mais acometidos. O estudo também indica a necessidade de adotar procedimentos adicionais para melhor amostrar a faixa da população com menor ou com nenhum poder aquisitivo, a qual geralmente é a mais acometida por esta ectoparasitose.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Animales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Cabello/parasitología , Infestaciones por Piojos/epidemiología , Pediculus , Peluquería , Brasil/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Factores Socioeconómicos
Rev. patol. trop ; 44(2): 207-214, 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-776171


A pediculose do couro cabeludo é um problema de saúde pública não somente no Brasil, mastambém em vários países do mundo. Crianças em idade escolar têm demonstrado ser o grupomais susceptível à infestação por seus hábitos e comportamentos. Estudos recentes encontraram baixas taxas de ocorrência em crianças e jovens de creches e escolas de Manaus-AM. Foramobjetivos deste estudo verificar a prevalência da pediculose do couro cabeludo em crianças e jovens atendidos em abrigos/orfanatos e no setor de pediatria de um ambulatório público na cidade de Manaus e também analisar possíveis associações com idade, sexo, etnia e tamanho dos cabelos dos parasitados. O diagnóstico da parasitose foi feito com base no exame direto das cabeças das crianças e jovens e, em seguida, foi preenchida uma ficha com informações sobre cada um dos 437 indivíduos examinados. Observou-se uma prevalência total de 44,8 por cento. Houve maior ocorrênciaem indivíduos do sexo feminino (57,7 por cento) e nas faixas etárias acima de 5 anos de idade. Indivíduos com cabelos longos exibiram a maior prevalência (62,3 por cento). Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram a necessidade de investigação desta ectoparasitose em grupos que apresentem características epidemiológicas como as descritas aqui e outras que os predisponham a esta e outras ectoparasitoses, mesmo em áreas/cidades onde esta dermatite parasitária apresente baixas taxas deocorrência na população.

Pediculosis capitis is a public health problem not only in Brazil but in many countries worldwide.School children have been shown to be the most likely group to be infested due to their habits andbehaviors. Recent studies have encountered low prevalences of this infestation on children attendedin nurseries and schools in Manaus, Amazon State. The study objectives were to verify the prevalenceof pediculosis on children and young people assisted in shelters / orphanages and the pediatricdepartment of a public clinic in the city of Manaus, as well as to analyze possible associations withage, sex, ethnicity and length of hair of those infested. The diagnosis of parasites was made from thedirect examination of the heads of children and young people and then a form with information was completed, for each of the 437 individuals examined. There was an overall occurrence rate of 44.8 percent.The parasite was more frequent on females (57.7 percent) and in the age groups older than five years old. Subjects with long hair had the highest prevalence (62.3 percent). The results presented in this work show theneed to investigate this parasitic skin disease in groups that have the characteristics / epidemiological factors studied here and others that may predispose them to this and other ectoparasites, even in areas/ cities where this parasitic dermatitis has shown low occurrence rates in the population.

Humanos , Niño , Adulto Joven , Refugio , Infestaciones por Piojos , Orfanatos
Toxicon ; 77: 105-13, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24211759


Injuries caused by freshwater stingrays are characterized by intense pain and pathological changes at the lesion site, including oedema, erythema and, in most cases, necrosis. In this study, the systemic myotoxic activity induced by mucus extracts from the dorsal region and stinger of the stingrays Plesiotrygon iwamae and Potamotrygon motoro was described, analysed and quantified. Twenty-four hours after injection of 400 µg of the extracts into the gastrocnemius muscle of mice, the following effects were observed: coagulative necrosis of the muscle tissue, muscle fibre regeneration and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates, including neutrophils, macrophages, and a reduced number of eosinophils and lymphocytes. These changes were also observed, although to a lesser extent, in the gastrocnemius muscles of the contralateral limbs, demonstrating that the extracts from the two species could induce systemic rhabdomyolysis. Based on morphometric analysis, it was observed that the stinger extract of P. motoro was more potent in inducing local and systemic myotoxic activity, followed by the dorsal extract from P. motoro and stinger and dorsal extracts from P. iwamae, which induced similar effects.

Mordeduras y Picaduras/patología , Venenos de los Peces/toxicidad , Moco/química , Rabdomiólisis/inducido químicamente , Rajidae/metabolismo , Animales , Mordeduras y Picaduras/complicaciones , Brasil , Venenos de los Peces/análisis , Agua Dulce , Macrófagos/patología , Ratones , Músculo Esquelético/patología , Neutrófilos/patología , Rabdomiólisis/patología , Especificidad de la Especie