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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 27(1): 91-98, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-843790


ABSTRACT The antimicrobial potential of extracts of bark and leaves of Cassia bakeriana Craib, Fabaceae, against aerobic and anaerobic oral bacteria was evaluated by the microdilution broth method. For crude ethanol extracts and organic fractions tested, the bark dichloromethane phase showed a significant antibacterial effect, with MIC values ranging from 12.5 to 100 µg/ml for most of the microorganisms tested. Thus, a bioassay-guided fractionation of this fraction was performed. This fractionation led to isolation of the 1,8-dihydroxy-anthraquinone-3-carboxylic acid, also known as cassic acid or rhein. It is the first time that this bioactive anthraquinone has been isolated from this plant. Rhein exhibited good selectivity and high activity against anaerobic microorganisms, with MIC values ranging between 3.12 µg/ml (11.0 µM) and 25 µg/ml (88.0 µM). These results were considered very promising since the most active samples and rhein showed greater selectivity against oral microorganisms than toxicity to Vero cells.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(3): 392-396, maio-jun. 2011. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-593287


The essential oil obtained from the leaves of Eugenia uniflora L., Myrtaceae, which grows in the Brazilian savannah, was studied by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Furanodiene (1.2 percent) was thermally rearranged to curzerene (85.1 percent) to produce a combined content of 86.3 percent. GC analysis carried out under mild conditions (with a constant temperature of 100 ºC) showed that the furanodiene concentration was three-fold greater than the curzerene concentration, i.e., the essential oil contained 64.7 percent furanodiene and 21.6 percent curzerene. Germacrene B also rearranged to γ-elemene and the concentration of both was 2.3 percent. Special care should be taken when conventional gas chromatography analysis is used for quantifying compounds that can rearrange at high temperatures.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(3): 373-378, jul.-set. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-496112


Duguetia furfuracea, Annonaceae, uma invasora de pastagens, é também usada na medicina tradicional em diversos estados no Brasil. Devido à significante diferença de odor entre dois grupos de indivíduos desta planta em um remanescente de cerrado em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, seis amostras foram selecionadas de acordo com a intensidade de odor em suas folhas: In-01, In-03 e In-05: odor pronunciado (Perfil A); In-02, In-04 e In-06: odor fraco ou ausência de odor (Perfil B). As folhas foram coletadas e submetidas a hidrodestilação para obtenção dos óleos essenciais, os quais foram analisados por CG/EM. Uma boa compatibilidade foi encontrada entre os resultados obtidos por CG/EM e a análise olfativa adotada para as amostras: espécimes odor pronunciado apresentaram uma alta porcentagem de monoterpenos e alguns sesquiterpenos: In-01 (β-felandreno, 42,2 por cento; mirceno, 6,8 por cento; α-felandreno, 4,6 por cento); In-03 (terpin-4-ol, 21,6 por cento; sabineno, 17,3 por cento; p-cimeno, 5,6 por cento); In-05 (sabineno, 25,1 por cento; terpin-4-ol, 16,2 por cento; p-cimeno, 8,3 por cento). Apenas sesquiterpenos foram encontrados nos espécimes que apresentaram odor fraco ou ausência do mesmo (com constituinte majoritário biciclogermacreno: 21,4 por cento, 24,0 por cento, and 29,1 por cento, respectivamente, para os In-02, In-04 e In-06).

Duguetia furfuracea, Annonaceae, a pasture weed, is also used in folk medicine in several Brazilian states. Because of the significant difference in odor between two groups of this plant in a remnant patch of savanna in Campo Grande county, Mato Grosso do Sul, six samples were selected according to the odor intensity in the leaves (In-01, In-03, and In-05: pronounced odor; In-02, In-04, and In-06: weak odor or its absence). The leaves were collected and subjected to steam distillation for extraction of essential oils, which were analyzed by GC-MS. A good agreement was found between CG/MS results and olfactory evaluation of the samples: specimens exhibiting leaf scent had a high percentage of monoterpenes and some sesquiterpenes, as follows: In-01 (β-phellandrene, 42.2 percent; myrcene, 6.8 percent; α-phellandrene, 4.6 percent); In-03 (terpin-4-ol, 21.6 percent; sabinene, 17.3 percent; p-cymene, 5.6 percent); In-05 (sabinene, 25.1 percent; terpin-4-ol, 16.2 percent; p-cymene, 8.3 percent). Only sesquiterpenes were found in the specimens having weakly scented or scentless leaves (main constituent bicyclogermacrene: 21.4 percent, 24.0 percent, and 29.1 percent, respectively, for In-02, In-04 and In-06).