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J. health inform ; 8(supl.I): 973-980, 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-906742


OBJETIVOS: Desenvolvimento de um software para auxiliar no gerenciamento médico para casos traumáticos e não traumáticos com recursos de vigilância e alerta de deterioração clínica baseado nos sinais vitais e disfunções orgânicas baseadas nos resultados de exames laboratoriais. MÉTODOS: Desenvolvimento de um módulo de software para sistemas web. Resultados: Este estudo mostra o desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de reunir informações clínicas e laboratoriais para criar alertas visuais sobre a evolução do quadro clínico do paciente. CONCLUSÃO: Através de resultados preliminares com 32 variáveis fisiológicas (25 resultados de exames laboratoriais e sete sinais vitais) foi possível desenvolver uma interface que reúne todos os dados de uma maneira clara e de fácil entendimento. Utilizando o desvio de normalidade de cada parâmetro fisiológico, foi criado um alerta visual guiado por cores, indicando melhora ou deterioração do quadro clínico.

OBJECTIVES: To develop software to support medical management of traumatic and non-traumatic cases, using surveillance resources in addition to a clinical deterioration alert system based on vital signs and organ dysfunction, with the latter being dependent on the results of laboratory analysis. METHODS: Development of modular software for web systems. RESULTS: The study demonstrated the development of a system capable of assembling clinical and laboratory data in order to create visual alerts from tracking a patient`s clinical progress. CONCLUSION: From the preliminary results using 32 physiologic variables (25 results from laboratory exams and 7 from vital signs), it was possible to develop an interface that assembled data in a clear and comprehensible way. From the physiological parameters, acolour-coded visual alert system was created, which was able to indicate the improvement or deterioration in the patient`s condition.

Humanos , Programas Informáticos , Índices de Gravedad del Trauma , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Congresos como Asunto
Radiol. bras ; 46(5): 290-298, Sep-Oct/2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-690173


Objective To construct a Portuguese language index of information on the practice of diagnostic radiology in order to improve the standardization of the medical language and terminology. Materials and Methods A total of 61,461 definitive reports were collected from the database of the Radiology Information System at Hospital das Clínicas – Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (RIS/HCFMRP) as follows: 30,000 chest x-ray reports; 27,000 mammography reports; and 4,461 thyroid ultrasonography reports. The text mining technique was applied for the selection of terms, and the ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 standard was utilized to construct the index based on a thesaurus structure. The system was created in *html. Results The text mining resulted in a set of 358,236 (n = 100%) words. Out of this total, 76,347 (n = 21%) terms were selected to form the index. Such terms refer to anatomical pathology description, imaging techniques, equipment, type of study and some other composite terms. The index system was developed with 78,538 *html web pages. Conclusion The utilization of text mining on a radiological reports database has allowed the construction of a lexical system in Portuguese language consistent with the clinical practice in Radiology. .