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Psicol. pesq ; 9(2): 148-158, dez. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-869309


La implementación de las políticas públicas de la reducción de daños en Brasil ha sido objeto de múltiples debates. Tratamos de las principales tensiones de este campo a partir del análisis de 15 documentos de políticas de salud en Brasil. Discutimos que la reducción de daños aparece como un método político-clínico y como una perspectiva emancipadora que tensiona el saber-poder instituido en el campo de las drogas. Sin embargo, al nivel de las políticas públicas, la reducción de daños señala la existencia de conflictos, sea por la indefinición de quien efectivamente opera la política o es responsable por implementarla, sea por la dificultad de llevar a cabo el proyecto de emancipación de sujetos que se ha pretendido.

The implementation of harm reduction public policies in Brazil has been discussed in many studies. We approached the main tensions in this fild based on the analysis of 15 documents related to health policies in Brazil. We discussed that harm reduction appears as a clinical-political method and as an emancipatory perspective that stresses the knowledge-power instituted in the fild of drugs. However, at the level of public policies, harm reduction indicates the existence of conflicts, whether by uncertainty of who actually operates the policy or is responsible for implementing it, or whether by difficulty of carrying out the intended project of emancipating the subjects.

Humanos , Reducción del Daño , Política de Salud , Política Pública
Psicol. pesq ; 9(2): 148-158, dez. 2015.
Artículo en Español | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-70539


La implementación de las políticas públicas de la reducción de daños en Brasil ha sido objeto de múltiples debates. Tratamos de las principales tensiones de este campo a partir del análisis de 15 documentos de políticas de salud en Brasil. Discutimos que la reducción de daños aparece como un método político-clínico y como una perspectiva emancipadora que tensiona el saber-poder instituido en el campo de las drogas. Sin embargo, al nivel de las políticas públicas, la reducción de daños señala la existencia de conflictos, sea por la indefinición de quien efectivamente opera la política o es responsable por implementarla, sea por la dificultad de llevar a cabo el proyecto de emancipación de sujetos que se ha pretendido.(AU)

The implementation of harm reduction public policies in Brazil has been discussed in many studies. We approached the main tensions in this fild based on the analysis of 15 documents related to health policies in Brazil. We discussed that harm reduction appears as a clinical-political method and as an emancipatory perspective that stresses the knowledge-power instituted in the fild of drugs. However, at the level of public policies, harm reduction indicates the existence of conflicts, whether by uncertainty of who actually operates the policy or is responsible for implementing it, or whether by difficulty of carrying out the intended project of emancipating the subjects.(AU)

Política de Salud , Política Pública , Reducción del Daño
Nova perspect. sist ; 23(48)2014.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-69990


O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma discussão sobre a autoridade e imposição de limites como parte do processo de atenção aos homens que usam drogas e necessitam de atenção especializada. Partes das produções discursivas analisadas expressam uma concepção dos usos de drogas como um comportamento compulsivo, incontrolável e gerador de transgressões diversas. Por outra parte, os homens que consomem drogas também são considerados agressivos e violentos, comportamentos que são vistos como potencializados pelos usos de drogas, dando ainda mais força e legitimidade à imposição de limites como intervenção terapêutica. Neste sentido, a Saúde acaba sendo a via de domesticação e medicalização dos homens, em um contexto em que o não cumprimento das regras acaba também sendo uma maneira de não deixar-se dominar.(AU)

This article aims to present a discussion of the authority and imposing limits as part of care for men who use drugs and require specialized care process. Part of discursive productions analyzed express a conception of the uses of drugs as a compulsive behavior, uncontrollable and generator of various transgressions. On the other hand, men who use drugs are also considered aggressive and violent, behaviors that are seen as potentiated by use of drugs, giving even more strength and legitimacy to the imposition of limits as a therapeutic intervention. In this sense, the Healthcare ends up being the route of domestication and medicalization of men, in a context where non-compliance with the rules also ends up being a way to not let it dominate.(AU)

Am J Community Psychol ; 30(4): 511-27, 2002 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12125780


This paper addresses the importance of the concept of ideology in community work. The implications of a Marxist approach to ideology in community practice are analyzed in terms of the concepts of problematization (P. Freire, 1979) and consciousness-raising (J. Barreiro, 1976), illustrating the point with some examples. The traditional Marxist perspective is also examined in relation to the perspectives of social constructionism (I. Ibáñez, 1996), cultural studies (A. McRobbie, 1992), post-Marxism (E. Laclau & C. Mouffe, 1985), and feminism (D. Haraway, 1991). It is argued that the concepts of hegemony and habitus (P. Bourdieu, 1985) can be useful to community social psychology theory and practice. A "situated perspective"--in which it is possible to dialogue from different "subject positions," and articulate transformation and political action--is argued. The implications of this shifting in the concept of ideology by means of theoretical developments outside social communitypsychology can help to define the external (outside) agent's position in community practice.

Comunismo , Psicología Social , Humanos , América Latina , Modelos Teóricos