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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(4): 040501, 2022 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35148155


We present a numerical strategy to efficiently estimate bipartite entanglement measures, and in particular the entanglement of formation, for many-body quantum systems on a lattice. Our approach exploits the tree tensor operator tensor network Ansatz, a positive loopless representation for density matrices which, as we demonstrate, efficiently encodes information on bipartite entanglement, enabling the upscaling of entanglement estimation. Employing this technique, we observe a finite-size scaling law for the entanglement of formation in 1D critical lattice models at finite temperature for up to 128 spins, extending to mixed states the scaling law for the entanglement entropy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(8): 083603, 2021 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33709745


We demonstrate a source for correlated pairs of atoms characterized by two opposite momenta and two spatial modes forming a Bell state only involving external degrees of freedom. We characterize the state of the emitted atom beams by observing strong number squeezing up to -10 dB in the correlated two-particle modes of emission. We furthermore demonstrate genuine two-particle interference in the normalized second-order correlation function g^{(2)} relative to the emitted atoms.

Science ; 365(6453): 570-574, 2019 08 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31395778


Quantum entanglement involving coherent superpositions of macroscopically distinct states is among the most striking features of quantum theory, but its realization is challenging because such states are extremely fragile. Using a programmable quantum simulator based on neutral atom arrays with interactions mediated by Rydberg states, we demonstrate the creation of "Schrödinger cat" states of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) type with up to 20 qubits. Our approach is based on engineering the energy spectrum and using optimal control of the many-body system. We further demonstrate entanglement manipulation by using GHZ states to distribute entanglement to distant sites in the array, establishing important ingredients for quantum information processing and quantum metrology.

Sci Rep ; 6: 34187, 2016 10 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27725688


Quantum technologies will ultimately require manipulating many-body quantum systems with high precision. Cold atom experiments represent a stepping stone in that direction: a high degree of control has been achieved on systems of increasing complexity. However, this control is still sub-optimal. In many scenarios, achieving a fast transformation is crucial to fight against decoherence and imperfection effects. Optimal control theory is believed to be the ideal candidate to bridge the gap between early stage proof-of-principle demonstrations and experimental protocols suitable for practical applications. Indeed, it can engineer protocols at the quantum speed limit - the fastest achievable timescale of the transformation. Here, we demonstrate such potential by computing theoretically and verifying experimentally the optimal transformations in two very different interacting systems: the coherent manipulation of motional states of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate and the crossing of a quantum phase transition in small systems of cold atoms in optical lattices. We also show that such processes are robust with respect to perturbations, including temperature and atom number fluctuations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(23): 237201, 2016 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27341253


Open quantum many-body systems play an important role in quantum optics and condensed matter physics, and capture phenomena like transport, the interplay between Hamiltonian and incoherent dynamics, and topological order generated by dissipation. We introduce a versatile and practical method to numerically simulate one-dimensional open quantum many-body dynamics using tensor networks. It is based on representing mixed quantum states in a locally purified form, which guarantees that positivity is preserved at all times. Moreover, the approximation error is controlled with respect to the trace norm. Hence, this scheme overcomes various obstacles of the known numerical open-system evolution schemes. To exemplify the functioning of the approach, we study both stationary states and transient dissipative behavior, for various open quantum systems ranging from few to many bodies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(1): 010502, 2014 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25032913


We study the relations between classical information and the feasibility of accurate manipulation of quantum system dynamics. We show that if an efficient classical representation of the dynamics exists, optimal control problems on many-body quantum systems can be solved efficiently with finite precision. In particular, one-dimensional slightly entangled dynamics can be efficiently controlled. We provide a bound for the minimal time necessary to perform the optimal process given the bandwidth of the control pulse, which is the continuous version of the Solovay-Kitaev theorem. Finally, we quantify how noise affects the presented results.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4009, 2014 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24874019


The Ramsey interferometer is a prime example of precise control at the quantum level. It is usually implemented using internal states of atoms, molecules or ions, for which powerful manipulation procedures are now available. Whether it is possible to control external degrees of freedom of more complex, interacting many-body systems at this level remained an open question. Here we demonstrate a two-pulse Ramsey-type interferometer for non-classical motional states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap. The control sequences used to manipulate the condensate wavefunction are obtained from optimal control theory and are directly optimized to maximize the interferometric contrast. They permit a fast manipulation of the atomic ensemble compared to the intrinsic decay processes and many-body dephasing effects. This allows us to reach an interferometric contrast of 92% in the experimental implementation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(24): 240501, 2009 Dec 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366188


Optimal control theory is a promising candidate for a drastic improvement of the performance of quantum information tasks. We explore its ultimate limit in paradigmatic cases, and demonstrate that it coincides with the maximum speed limit allowed by quantum evolution.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(18): 180503, 2008 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18999805


Tensor network representations of many-body quantum systems can be described in terms of quantum channels. We focus on channels associated with the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz tensor network that has been recently introduced to efficiently describe critical systems. Our approach allows us to compute the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz correspondent to the thermodynamical limit of a critical system introducing a transfer matrix formalism, and to relate the system critical exponents to the convergence rates of the associated channels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(22): 227901, 2001 Nov 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736427


We propose a quantum algorithm which uses the number of qubits in an optimal way and efficiently simulates a physical model with rich and complex dynamics described by the quantum sawtooth map. The numerical study of the effect of static imperfections in the quantum computer hardware shows that the main elements of the phase space structures are accurately reproduced up to a time scale which is polynomial in the number of qubits. The errors generated by these imperfections are more significant than the errors of random noise in gate operations.