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Acta Med Litu ; 26(4): 217-226, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32355460


BACKGROUND: Mature cystic teratomas (dermoid cysts) are the most common germ cell tumours with 10-25% incidence of adult and 50% of paediatric ovarian tumours. The aetiology of dermoid cysts is still unclear, although currently the parthenogenic theory is most widely accepted. The tumour is slow-growing and in the majority of cases it is an accidental finding. Presenting symptoms are vague and nonspecific. The main complication of a dermoid cyst is cyst torsion (15%); other reported complications include malignant transformation (1-2%), infection (1%), and rupture (0.3-2%). Prolonged pressure during pregnancy, torsion with infarction, or a direct trauma are the main risk factors for a  spontaneous dermoid rupture that can lead to acute or chronic peritonitis. The diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma is often made in retrospect after surgical resection of an ovarian cyst, because such imaging modalities as ultrasound, computer tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging cannot yet accurately and reliably distinguish between benign and malignant pathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present a report of a clinical case of a 35-years-old female, who was referred to the hospital due to abdominal pain spreading to her feet for three successive days. She had a history of a normal vaginal delivery one month before. Abdominal examination revealed mild tenderness in the  lower abdomen; no obvious muscle rigidity was noted. Transvaginal ultrasound showed a multiloculated cystic mass measuring 16 × 10 cm in the pelvis. In the absence of urgency, planned surgical treatment was recommended. The next day the patient was referred to the hospital again, with a complaint of stronger abdominal pain (7/10), nausea, and vomiting. This time abdominal examination revealed symptoms of acute peritonitis. The ultrasound scan differed from the previous one. This time, the transvaginal ultrasound scan revealed abnormally changed ovaries bilaterally. There was a large amount of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. The patient was operated on - left laparoscopic cystectomy and right adnexectomy were performed. Postoperative antibacterial treatment, infusion of fluids, painkillers, prophylaxis of the thromboembolism were administered. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the seventh postoperative day and was sent for outpatient observation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice for a dermoid cyst because it is safe, non-invasive, and quick to perform. Leakage or spillage of dermoid cyst contents can cause chemical peritonitis, which is an aseptic inflammatory peritoneal reaction. Once a rupture of an ovarian cystic teratoma is diagnosed, immediate surgical intervention with prompt removal of the spontaneously ruptured ovarian cyst and thorough peritoneal lavage are required.

Acta Med Litu ; 25(4): 206-218, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31308826


BACKGROUND: Uterine sarcomas are rare gynaecologic tumours representing 3-7% of all uterine malignancies. The aetiology of sarcomas is still unclear: it is thought, that chromosomal translocations have influence on wide histological variety of sarcomas. Presenting symptoms are vague and nonspecific. Usually sarcoma causes abnormal vaginal bleeding, can cause abdominal or pelvic pain, or manifests as a rapidly growing uterine tumour. The diagnosis of sarcoma is often made retrospectively after surgical removal of a presumed benign uterine neoplasm, because imaging modalities such as ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging cannot yet accurately and reliably distinguish between benign leiomyoma and malignant pathology. If there are certain clinical features that raise a suspicion of malignancy in the uterus, it is recommended to avoid the use of power morcellation through laparoscopic surgery in order to prevent disease dissemination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present a clinical case of a 64-year-old patient, who was referred to hospital due to abdominal pain and tenesmus that lasted for two days. From a past medical history it was known that previously the patient had been diagnosed with uterine myoma. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed a 10.4 cm × 9.8 cm uterine tumour of nonhomogeneous structure with signs of necrosis and good vascularization. The patient refused urgent hysterectomy, that was advised to her. The patient was operated on one month later and total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingooforectomy was performed. Postoperative histological evaluation showed undifferentiated sarcoma uterus pT1b L/V0. Imaging modalities were made to evaluate possible dissemination of the disease. In the absence of signs of disease progression, the patient received radiotherapy and brachytherapy and was followed-up by doctors. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Uterine sarcomas are highly malignant tumours that originate from smooth muscles and connective tissue elements of the uterus and make up 1% of all malignant gynaecological tumours and about 3-7% of all malignant uterine tumours. Imaging modalities cannot yet reliably distinguish benign myomas from malignant sarcomas. It is important not to damage the wholeness of uterus during operation in order to prevent dissemination of the disease in the abdominal cavity. The low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma has the best survival prognosis, while carcinosarcoma and undifferentiated uterine sarcoma have the lowest survival rates.