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J Phys Condens Matter ; 36(7)2023 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37903439


We have studied the spin-pumping phenomenon in ferromagnetic metal (FM) (Ni80Fe20)/topological insulator (TI) (BiSbTe1.5Se1.5) bilayer system to understand magnetization dynamics of FM in contact with a TI. TIs embody a spin-momentum-locked surface state that spans the bulk band gap. Due to this special spin texture of the topological surface state, the spin-charge interconversion efficiency of TI is even higher than that of heavy metals. We evaluated the parameters like effective damping coefficient (αeff), spin-mixing conductance (geff↑↓) and spin current density (jS0) to demonstrate an efficient spin transfer inNi80Fe20/BiSbTe1.5Se1.5heterostructure. To probe the effect of the topological surface state, a systematic low-temperature study is crucial as the surface state of TI dominates at lower temperatures. The exponential increase ofΔHfor all different thickness combinations of FM/TI bilayers and the enhancement of effective damping coefficient (αeff) with lowering temperature confirms that the spin chemical potential bias generated from spin-pumping induces spin current into the TI surface state. Furthermore, low-temperature measurements of effective magnetization (4πMeff) and magnetic anisotropy field (Hk) showed anomaly around the same temperature region where the resistivity of TI starts showing metallic behavior due to the dominance of conducting TI surface state. The anomaly inHkcan result from the emerging exchange coupling between the TI surface state and the local moments of the FM layer at the interface without any long-range ferromagnetic order in TI at the interface.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(8): 083909, 2022 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36050111


A coplanar waveguide shorted in one end is proposed, designed, and implemented successfully to measure the properties of magnetic thin films as a part of the vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy setup. Its simple structure, potential applications, and easy installation inside the cryostat chamber made it advantageous especially for low-temperature measurements. It provides a wide band of frequencies in the gigahertz range essential for FMR measurements. Our spectroscopy setup with a short-circuited coplanar waveguide has been used to extract the Gilbert damping coefficient and effective magnetization values for standard ferromagnetic thin films, such as Permalloy (Py) and Cobalt (Co). The thickness and temperature-dependent studies of those magnetic parameters have also been done here for the afore-mentioned magnetic samples.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(7): 9909-9916, 2022 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35156377


Optical control of helicity-dependent photocurrent in topological insulator (TI) Sb2Te2Se has been studied at room temperature on epitaxial thin-films grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Comparison with a theoretical model, which fits the data very well, reveals different contributions to the measured photocurrent. Study of the dependence of photocurrent on the angle of incidence (wave-vector) of the excitation light with respect to the sample normal helps to identify the origin of different components of the photocurrent. Enhancement and inversion of the photocurrent in the presence of the photothermal gradient for light incident on two opposite edges of the sample occur due to selective spin-state excitation with two opposite circularly polarized lights in the presence of the unique spin-momentum locked surface states. These observations render the PLD-grown epitaxial TI thin-films promising for optoelectronic devices such as sensors, switches, and actuators whose response can be controlled by polarization as well as the angle of incidence of light under ambient conditions. The polarization response can also be tuned by the photothermal effect by suitably positioning the incident light beam on the device.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(47): 475802, 2019 Nov 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31390596


Recent research dealing with magnetocaloric effect (MCE) study of antiferromagnetic (AFM) low dimensional spin systems have revealed a number of fascinating ground-state crossover characteristics upon application of external magnetic field. Herein, through MCE investigation we have explored field-induced quantum level-crossing characteristics of one such spin system: [Formula: see text] (NCP), an AFM spin 1/2 dimer. Experimental magnetization and specific heat data are presented and the data have been employed to evaluate entropy, magnetic energy and magnetocaloric properties. We witness a sign change in magnetic Grüneisen parameter across the level-crossing field B C . An adiabatic cooling is observed at low temperature by tracing the isentropic curves in temperature-magnetic field plane. Energy-level crossover characteristics in NCP interpreted through MCE analysis are well consistent with the observations made from magnetization and specific heat data.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(50): 505601, 2017 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29095149


We explore the temperature dependent magnetoresistance of bulk insulating topological insulator thin films. Thin films of Bi2Se2Te and BiSbTeSe1.6 were grown using the pulsed laser deposition technique and subjected to transport measurements. Magnetotransport measurements indicate a non-saturating linear magnetoresistance (LMR) behavior at high magnetic field values. We present a careful analysis to explain the origin of LMR taking into consideration all the existing models of LMR. Here we consider that the bulk insulating states and the metallic surface states constitute two parallel conduction channels. Invoking this, we were able to explain linear magnetoresistance behavior as a competition between these parallel channels. We observe that the cross-over field, where LMR sets in, decreases with increasing temperature. We propose that this cross-over field can be used phenomenologically to estimate the strength of surface to bulk coupling.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 4924, 2017 07 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28687773


The surface states of a 3D topological insulator (TI) exhibit topological protection against backscattering. However, the contribution of bulk electrons to the transport data is an impediment to the topological protection of surface states. We report the tuning of the chemical potential in the bulk in Bi2Se2Te TI thin films, pinning it near the center of the bulk band gap, thereby suppressing the bulk carriers. The temperature dependent resistance of these films show activated behavior down to 50 K, followed by a metallic transition at lower temperatures, a hallmark of robustness of TI surface states. Manifestation of topological protection and surface dominated transport is explained by 2D weak antilocalization phenomenon. We further explore the effect of surface to bulk coupling in TI in this work, which is captured by the number of effective conducting surface channels that participate in the transport. The presence of a single conducting channel indicates a strong surface to bulk coupling which is detrimental to purely topological transport. We demonstrate the decoupling of topological surface states on opposite surfaces of thin films, thereby suppressing the bulk transport. Our findings provide a deeper understanding of surface to bulk coupling along with topological transport behavior and their respective tunability.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 25(42): 425601, 2013 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24067453


A quantitative estimation of quantum discord is performed for a Heisenberg spin 1/2 dimer compound (NH4CuPO4, H2O) by means of experimental magnetic and thermal measurements. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data were collected for NH4CuPO4, H2O and analyzed within the framework of the Heisenberg isolated dimer model. Internal energy as a function of temperature is obtained by integrating the specific heat versus temperature data. Subsequently, quantum discord, total correlations and spin-spin correlation function are quantified from susceptibility and internal energy and plotted as a function of temperature. Violation of Bell's inequality is also tested for NH4CuPO4, H2O via both experimental susceptibility and specific heat data signifying the presence of entanglement.