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Educ Technol Res Dev ; 68(6): 3143-3163, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34539152


Engagement is central to the effectiveness of online health messages and the related educational programs that aim to deliver these messages to the intended audience (Li, Won, Yang et al. 2019: Lin, Hung, Kinshuk et al. 2019). Drawing from health communication and social learning theories, the Theory of Active Involvement (TAI) (Greene, 2013) posits that an online prevention program's impact depends on how engaged participants are. In practice, measuring engagement in this context has relied primarily on self-report measures (e.g., Hamutoglu, Gemikonakli, Duman et al. 2019). However, the emergence and growth of online learning platforms to deliver health-specific information offers other options for assessing engagement. This includes program analytics that capture interaction with content and facilitate examination of patterns via multiple indicators such as responses to interactive questions and time spent in the program (Herodotou, Rienties, Boroowa, et al. 2019; Li, Wong, Yang et al. 2019; van Leeuwen, 2019). However, little is known about the relationships between these different indicators of engagement as it applies to health curricula. This study uses self-report, observational, and program analytic data collected on a small (N = 38) sample using REAL media, an online substance use prevention program, to examine relationships among various indicators of engagement. Findings suggest a cluster of indicators across the three modalities that provide a useful way of measuring engagement. A cluster centered around complexity suggests a separate factor to be considered when designing engaging interventions.

J Appl Commun Res ; 38(3): 215-229, 2010 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20711485


This paper discusses the applied aspects of our Drug Resistance Strategies Project. We argue that a new definitional distinction is needed to expand the notion of "applied" from the traditional notion of utilizing theory, which we call "applied.1", in order to consider theory-grounded, theory testing and theory developing applied research. We label this new definition "applied.2" research. We then explain that our descriptive work describing the social processes of adolescent substance use, identity and use, and drug norms, as well as the subsequent development and dissemination of our keepin' it REAL middle school substance use curriculum are examples of "applied.1" work. In the "applied.2" realm, we include our theory testing (e.g., tests of multiculturalism, narrative and performance theories, the Focus Theory of Norms) and theory-developing (e.g., parent-child communication, cultural grounding) research as well our new directions in theory development (e.g., adaptation processes). We conclude with a call for space in the discipline for "applied.2" work that builds and tests theory through application to significant social issues that contribute to our communities. We note obstacles in departmental and scholarly norms but express optimism about the prospects for "applied.2" research in the future of communication research.