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J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care ; 13(5): 393-6, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24162615


AIMS: To study the AIDS welfare homes (AWHs) in Andalusia, assess their resources and the services provided, and describe the characteristics of their residents. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional, observational study; an interview questionnaire technique was used with the managers and the residents of the AWHs. RESULTS: A total of 7 AWHs and 96 residents were included; 32% of the staff were health care workers and 45.5% volunteers. The occupancy rate was 86% (2007) and 96% (2008). Residents' characteristics: mean age 45.6 years, 73% male, 92% with at least 1 AIDS-defining disease, median Karnofsky index 60 (50-80), and median Barthel index 80 (40-100). Half the residents had physical sequelae and 31% mental sequelae. CONCLUSION: The AWHs perform an important role in the care of certain types of patients with HIV infection. They require human and material resources to be able to tackle the immense difficulties associated with this group of patients.

Hogares para Grupos , Infecciones por VIH/epidemiología , Infecciones por VIH/terapia , Cuidados Paliativos , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Bienestar Social , España/epidemiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 20(3): 240-244, jun. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-631066


El control eficiente de la brucelosis bovina requiere la detección oportuna de la enfermedad en los rebaños. Tradicionalmente, la Prueba del Anillo de Leche (PAL) o Ring Test se ha utilizado para realizar vigilancia epidemiológica de brucelosis a nivel de rebaños lecheros, no obstante, esta técnica presenta resultados variables dependiendo del número de animales que aportan leche a la muestra y presencia de leche de vacas con mastitis o de calostro en la muestra. Además, la PAL es una prueba subjetiva producto de la apreciación visual del analista. Como método alternativo se han desarrollado diversos estuches de ELISA indirecto (ELISAi) que permiten el diagnóstico de la brucelosis en muestras de leche. Los formatos de ELISAi muestran una gran sensibilidad y sus resultados son medidos por un espectofotómetro, lo que disminuye el error de apreciación humano. En Venezuela, la mayor parte de la producción de leche se obtiene a partir de animales mestizos de doble propósito, generalmente criados bajo condiciones sanitarias deficientes y con gran variación en el número de animales que componen los rebaños, aunado a importantes tasas de mastitis y un escaso control del periodo de retiro del calostro. Se realizó un estudio para conocer el status de la brucelosis en el estado Lara, Venezuela, tomando 510 muestras de leche en 258 Unidades de Producción, para realizar PAL y ELISAi, encontrándose que el 27,25% eran No Negativas a la PAL y el 13,14% eran positivas a ELISAi. Ambas pruebas indican la presencia de la enfermedad en los predios analizados. Se observó una sensibilidad relativa de la prueba de la PAL al compararla con ELISAi del 56,72%, mientras que la especificidad relativa alcanzó el 77,20%. La baja sensibilidad de PAL permite que ocurra un alto número de muestras falsas negativas, lo que conlleva a fallas del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica.

The efficient control of the Bovine Brucellosis needs the opportune detection of the disease in the herds. Traditionally the Ring Test has served to realize epidemiological alertness of Brucellosis to level of dairy herds, nevertheless, this technology presents changeable behaviors depending on the number of animals that contribute milk sample and presence of milk of cows with mastitis or colostrum in the sample. In addition, the Ring Test is a subjective test, product of the visual appraisal of the analyst. As alternative method there have developed diverse kits of indirect ELISA (ELISAi) that allow the diagnosis of the Brucellosis in samples of milk. ELISAi’s formats show a great sensibility and results are measured by a spectrophotometer, which diminishes the human mistake of appraisal. In Venezuela most of the milk production is obtained from half-caste animals of dual purpose, generally raised under sanitary deficient conditions and by great variation in the number of animals that compose the herds, united to important rates of mastitis and a scanty control the period of withdrawal of the colostrum. A study was realized to know the status of the Brucellosis in the Edo. Lara - Venezuela, taking 510 samples of milk in 258 Units of Production, to fulfil Ring test and ELISAi, thinking that 27.25% was Not Negative to the Ring Test and 13.14 were positive to ELISAi. Both tests indicate that in the analyzed herds of the Lara State the disease exists. It was observed a relative sensibility of the Ring Test on having compared it with ELISAi of 56.72%, whereas the relative specificity reached 77.20%. This low sensibility carries in a high number of false negative samples, which is translated in faults of the epidemiological system of alertness.