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Entropy (Basel) ; 26(6)2024 Jun 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38920512


We refine and extend Ziv's model and results regarding perfectly secure encryption of individual sequences. According to this model, the encrypter and the legitimate decrypter share a common secret key that is not shared with the unauthorized eavesdropper. The eavesdropper is aware of the encryption scheme and has some prior knowledge concerning the individual plaintext source sequence. This prior knowledge, combined with the cryptogram, is harnessed by the eavesdropper, who implements a finite-state machine as a mechanism for accepting or rejecting attempted guesses of the plaintext source. The encryption is considered perfectly secure if the cryptogram does not provide any new information to the eavesdropper that may enhance their knowledge concerning the plaintext beyond their prior knowledge. Ziv has shown that the key rate needed for perfect secrecy is essentially lower bounded by the finite-state compressibility of the plaintext sequence, a bound that is clearly asymptotically attained through Lempel-Ziv compression followed by one-time pad encryption. In this work, we consider some more general classes of finite-state eavesdroppers and derive the respective lower bounds on the key rates needed for perfect secrecy. These bounds are tighter and more refined than Ziv's bound, and they are attained using encryption schemes that are based on different universal lossless compression schemes. We also extend our findings to the case where side information is available to the eavesdropper and the legitimate decrypter but may or may not be available to the encrypter.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(2)2024 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38392371


We extend Ziv and Lempel's model of finite-state encoders to the realm of lossy compression of individual sequences. In particular, the model of the encoder includes a finite-state reconstruction codebook followed by an information lossless finite-state encoder that compresses the reconstruction codeword with no additional distortion. We first derive two different lower bounds to the compression ratio, which depend on the number of states of the lossless encoder. Both bounds are asymptotically achievable by conceptually simple coding schemes. We then show that when the number of states of the lossless encoder is large enough in terms of the reconstruction block length, the performance can be improved, sometimes significantly so. In particular, the improved performance is achievable using a random-coding ensemble that is universal, not only in terms of the source sequence but also in terms of the distortion measure.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(8)2023 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37628229


We propose a universal ensemble for the random selection of rate-distortion codes which is asymptotically optimal in a sample-wise sense. According to this ensemble, each reproduction vector, x^, is selected independently at random under the probability distribution that is proportional to 2-LZ(x^), where LZ(x^) is the code length of x^ pertaining to the 1978 version of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) algorithm. We show that, with high probability, the resulting codebook gives rise to an asymptotically optimal variable-rate lossy compression scheme under an arbitrary distortion measure, in the sense that a matching converse theorem also holds. According to the converse theorem, even if the decoder knew the ℓ-th order type of source vector in advance (ℓ being a large but fixed positive integer), the performance of the above-mentioned code could not have been improved essentially for the vast majority of codewords pertaining to source vectors in the same type. Finally, we present a discussion of our results, which includes among other things, a clear indication that our coding scheme outperforms the one that selects the reproduction vector with the shortest LZ code length among all vectors that are within the allowed distortion from the source vector.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(5)2023 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37238507


It is well known that the traditional Jensen inequality is proved by lower bounding the given convex function, f(x), by the tangential affine function that passes through the point (E{X},f(E{X})), where E{X} is the expectation of the random variable X. While this tangential affine function yields the tightest lower bound among all lower bounds induced by affine functions that are tangential to f, it turns out that when the function f is just part of a more complicated expression whose expectation is to be bounded, the tightest lower bound might belong to a tangential affine function that passes through a point different than (E{X},f(E{X})). In this paper, we take advantage of this observation by optimizing the point of tangency with regard to the specific given expression in a variety of cases and thereby derive several families of inequalities, henceforth referred to as "Jensen-like" inequalities, which are new to the best knowledge of the author. The degree of tightness and the potential usefulness of these inequalities is demonstrated in several application examples related to information theory.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(12)2021 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34946000


We consider the problem of encoding a deterministic source sequence (i.e., individual sequence) for the degraded wiretap channel by means of an encoder and decoder that can both be implemented as finite-state machines. Our first main result is a necessary condition for both reliable and secure transmission in terms of the given source sequence, the bandwidth expansion factor, the secrecy capacity, the number of states of the encoder and the number of states of the decoder. Equivalently, this necessary condition can be presented as a converse bound (i.e., a lower bound) on the smallest achievable bandwidth expansion factor. The bound is asymptotically achievable by Lempel-Ziv compression followed by good channel coding for the wiretap channel. Given that the lower bound is saturated, we also derive a lower bound on the minimum necessary rate of purely random bits needed for local randomness at the encoder in order to meet the security constraint. This bound too is achieved by the same achievability scheme. Finally, we extend the main results to the case where the legitimate decoder has access to a side information sequence, which is another individual sequence that may be related to the source sequence, and a noisy version of the side information sequence leaks to the wiretapper.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(3)2021 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33668181


Typical random codes (TRCs) in a communication scenario of source coding with side information in the decoder is the main subject of this work. We study the semi-deterministic code ensemble, which is a certain variant of the ordinary random binning code ensemble. In this code ensemble, the relatively small type classes of the source are deterministically partitioned into the available bins in a one-to-one manner. As a consequence, the error probability decreases dramatically. The random binning error exponent and the error exponent of the TRCs are derived and proved to be equal to one another in a few important special cases. We show that the performance under optimal decoding can be attained also by certain universal decoders, e.g., the stochastic likelihood decoder with an empirical entropy metric. Moreover, we discuss the trade-offs between the error exponent and the excess-rate exponent for the typical random semi-deterministic code and characterize its optimal rate function. We show that for any pair of correlated information sources, both error and excess-rate probabilities exponential vanish when the blocklength tends to infinity.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(6)2020 Jun 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33286479


This work is an extension of our earlier article, where a well-known integral representation of the logarithmic function was explored and was accompanied with demonstrations of its usefulness in obtaining compact, easily-calculable, exact formulas for quantities that involve expectations of the logarithm of a positive random variable. Here, in the same spirit, we derive an exact integral representation (in one or two dimensions) of the moment of a nonnegative random variable, or the sum of such independent random variables, where the moment order is a general positive non-integer real (also known as fractional moments). The proposed formula is applied to a variety of examples with an information-theoretic motivation, and it is shown how it facilitates their numerical evaluations. In particular, when applied to the calculation of a moment of the sum of a large number, n, of nonnegative random variables, it is clear that integration over one or two dimensions, as suggested by our proposed integral representation, is significantly easier than the alternative of integrating over n dimensions, as needed in the direct calculation of the desired moment.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(1)2019 Dec 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33285826


We explore a well-known integral representation of the logarithmic function, and demonstrate its usefulness in obtaining compact, easily computable exact formulas for quantities that involve expectations and higher moments of the logarithm of a positive random variable (or the logarithm of a sum of i.i.d. positive random variables). The integral representation of the logarithm is proved useful in a variety of information-theoretic applications, including universal lossless data compression, entropy and differential entropy evaluations, and the calculation of the ergodic capacity of the single-input, multiple-output (SIMO) Gaussian channel with random parameters (known to both transmitter and receiver). This integral representation and its variants are anticipated to serve as a useful tool in additional applications, as a rigorous alternative to the popular (but non-rigorous) replica method (at least in some situations).

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(1)2018 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266739


We study a binary hypothesis testing problem in which a defender must decide whether a test sequence has been drawn from a given memoryless source P 0 , while an attacker strives to impede the correct detection. With respect to previous works, the adversarial setup addressed in this paper considers an attacker who is active under both hypotheses, namely, a fully active attacker, as opposed to a partially active attacker who is active under one hypothesis only. In the fully active setup, the attacker distorts sequences drawn both from P 0 and from an alternative memoryless source P 1 , up to a certain distortion level, which is possibly different under the two hypotheses, to maximize the confusion in distinguishing between the two sources, i.e., to induce both false positive and false negative errors at the detector, also referred to as the defender. We model the defender-attacker interaction as a game and study two versions of this game, the Neyman-Pearson game and the Bayesian game. Our main result is in the characterization of an attack strategy that is asymptotically both dominant (i.e., optimal no matter what the defender's strategy is) and universal, i.e., independent of P 0 and P 1 . From the analysis of the equilibrium payoff, we also derive the best achievable performance of the defender, by relaxing the requirement on the exponential decay rate of the false positive error probability in the Neyman-Pearson setup and the tradeoff between the error exponents in the Bayesian setup. Such analysis permits characterizing the conditions for the distinguishability of the two sources given the distortion levels.