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Appl Opt ; 40(27): 4759-69, 2001 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18360517


An aerosol microphysics dataset was used to model backscatter in the 0.35-11-mum wavelength range, with the results validated by comparison with measured cw and pulsed lidar backscatter obtained during two NASA-sponsored airborne field experiments. Different atmospheric features were encountered, with aerosol backscatter ranging over 4 orders of magnitude. Modeled conversion functions were used to convert existing lidar backscatter datasets to 2.1 mum. Resulting statistical distribution shows the midtropospheric aerosol backscatter background mode of beta(2.1) to be between ~3.0 x 10(-10) and ~1.3 x 10(-9) m(-1) sr(-1), ~10-20 times higher than that for beta(9.1); and a beta(2.1) boundary layer mode of ~1.0 x 10(-7) to ~1.3 x 10(-6) m(-1) sr(-1), ~3-5 times higher than beta(9.1).

Appl Opt ; 37(18): 3996-9, 1998 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18273370


The directional-hemispherical reflectance is obtained for Spectralon, the material chosen for onboard radiometric calibration of the multiangle imaging spectroradiometer, at laser wavelengths of 442, 632.8, and 859.9 nm. With p- and s-polarized incident light and for an angle of incidence of 45 degrees , the bidirectional reflectance distribution function was measured over a polar angle range of 1-85 degrees and a range of azimuthal angles of 0-180 degrees in 10 degrees increments. The resultant directional-hemispherical reflectance is found by integration to be 1.00 ? 0.01 at 442 nm, 0.953 ? 0.01 at 632.8 nm, and 0.956 ? 0.01 at 859.9 nm. The experimental methodology and the data analysis are presented together with a full discussion of the primary experimental errors.

Appl Opt ; 37(24): 5550-9, 1998 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18286039


The dependence of sea surface directional reflectance on surface wind stress suggests a method for deriving surface wind speed from space-based lidar measurements of sea surface backscatter. In particular, lidar measurements in the nadir angle range from 10 degrees to 30 degrees appear to be most sensitive to surface wind-speed variability in the regime below 10 m/s. The Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) shuttle lidar mission of September 1994 provided a unique opportunity to measure directional backscatter at selected locations by use of the landmark track maneuver and to measure fixed-angle backscatter from the ocean surfaces on a global scale. During the landmark track maneuver the shuttle orbiter orientation and roll axis are adjusted continuously to maintain the lidar footprint at a fixed location for a duration of ~1 min. Several data sets were converted to calibrated reflectance units and compared with a surface reflectance model to deduce surface wind speeds. Comparisons were made with ERS-1 scatterometer data and surface measurements.

Appl Opt ; 36(27): 7016-22, 1997 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18259576


The reflectance properties of an engineering model (EM) of the Spectralon panel intended for use within an on-board calibrator (OBC) on the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) instrument have been fully characterized with regard to panel uniformity and isotropy in response to three incident laser wavelengths of 442, 632.8, and 859.9 nm. A regional variation in the relative bidirectional reflectance factor (RBRF) across the surface of the EM panel, which contributes to spatial nonuniformity at the +/-2% level, has been measured at all three laser wavelengths. Further, a reflectance anisotropy has been identified. The mechanism causing these departures from the ideal Lambertian surface may originate in the sanding of the Spectralon surface in the final stage of preparation. This supposition is corroborated by measurements made on a pressed polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) panel in which a greatly reduced anisotropy in panel RBRF is measured. The EM panel RBRF exhibits a deviation from Lambertian characteristics as an off-specular peak in the forward scattering direction. A common crossover point at an angle of reflection of approximately 37 degrees at which the BRF is constant within +/-0.4% for an illumination angle range of theta(i) = 30 degrees-60 degrees is observed at all three wavelengths. Two Spectralon protoflight panels that were fabricated after the EM was studied were also the subject of a uniformity study over part of the area of the Spectralon panels at the 442-nm wavelength. The analysis indicated that the panel uniformity satisfies the +/-0.5% criterion, which indicates improved panel preparation. However, the off-specular peak in the forward scattering direction was essentially unchanged, with the crossover point at approximately 37 degrees.

Appl Opt ; 35(24): 4827-34, 1996 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21102908


A precision reflectance characterization facility, constructed specifically for the measurement of the bidirectional reflectance properties of Spectralon panels planned for use as in-flight calibrators on the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) instrument is described. The incident linearly polarized radiation is provided at three laser wavelengths: 442, 632.8, and 859.9 nm. Each beam is collimated when incident on the Spectralon. The illuminated area of the panel is viewed with a silicon photodetector that revolves around the panel (360°) on a 30-cm boom extending from a common rotational axis. The reflected radiance detector signal is ratioed with the signal from a reference detector to minimize the effect of amplitude instabilities in the laser sources. This and other measures adopted to reduce noise have resulted in a bidirectional reflection function (BRF) calibration facility with a measurement precision with regard to a BRF measurement of ±0.002 at the 1ς confidence level. The Spectralon test piece panel is held in a computer-controlled three-axis rotational assembly capable of a full 360° rotation in the horizontal plane and 90° in the vertical. The angular positioning system has repeatability and resolution of 0.001°. Design details and an outline of the measurement methodology are presented.

Appl Opt ; 33(3): 424-30, 1994 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20862034


An update is provided on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory aerosol backscatter climatology database, with emphasis on the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. The data set is acquired at thermal infrared wavelengths with a range-gated coherent CO(2) lidar system, which has been in regular operation since 1984. A number of analyses have been carried out to assess long-term trends in the tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosol backscatter, as observed from the lidar site at Pasadena, California.

Appl Opt ; 33(24): 5698-711, 1994 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20935971


An airborne CO(2) coherent lidar has been developed and flown on over 30 flights of the NASA DC-8 research aircraft to obtain aerosol and cloud backscatter and extinction data at a wavelength near 9µm. Designed to operate in either zenith- or nadir-directed modes, the lidar can be used to measure vertical profiles of backscatter throughout the vertical extent of the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. Backscatter measurements in absolute units are obtained through a hard-target calibration methodology. The use of coherent detection results in high sensitivity and narrow field of view, the latter property greatly reducing multiple-scattering effects. Aerosol backscatter profile intercomparisons with other airborne and ground-based CO(2) lidars were conducted during instrument checkout flights over the NASA Ames Research Center before extended depolyment over the Pacific Ocean. Selected results from data taken during the flights over the Pacific Ocean are presented, emphasizing intercom arisons with backscatter profile data obtained at 1.06 µm with a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nd:YAG lidar on the same flights.

Appl Opt ; 32(12): 2082-4, 1993 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20820347


A diode-laser-pumped single-frequency thulium holmium yttrium lithium fluoride laser that exhibits a closed-loop stability of a few megahertz and a continuous single-mode tuning range of 800 MHz is described. The laser output power is 25 mW and is tunable over ~ 8 cm(-1) at 25 degrees C.

Appl Opt ; 32(33): 6804-7, 1993 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20856533


The relative Stokes vectors at the detector exit port of a sandblasted and gold-plated integrating sphere are determined for four different polarizations incident on five unique surfaces. The results indicate in all cases that the integrating sphere is a depolarizer. These results validate assumptions used in hard-target calibration methodology for infrared lidars.

Appl Opt ; 28(5): 857-64, 1989 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20548576


Lidar hard target calibration is discussed, emphasizing the transfer target methodology. Characteristics of example calibration target surfaces are described in light of the four reflectance mechanisms: specular, diffuse, retroreflection, and off-specular reflectance. This ideal transfer target is one which can be described as entirely diffusely reflecting, i.e., Lambertian. Correction for retroreflection is required when using the flowers of sulfur transfer target at CO(2) laser wavelengths. Corrections for specular and retroreflection for the integrating sphere are negligible; however, the off-specular reflectance of rough metal surfaces used in the integrating spheres is only qualitatively compared with the diffuse reflectance of flowers of sulfur.

Appl Opt ; 27(17): 3645-9, 1988 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20539435


We investigate the antenna parameters of a coherent lidar in the far-field diffraction-limited regime, where the lidar transmitter consists of an unstable resonator with a Gaussian reflectivity profile output coupler. A figure-of-merit combining laser transmitter energy extraction efficiency with the far-field attributes of a given cavity configuration has been used to compare the lidar performance and relative merits of such systems as they relate to those of conventional unstable cavities with diffractive output coupling.

Appl Opt ; 27(23): 4907-12, 1988 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20539673


We report a series of atmospheric aerosol backscatter measurements at two widely spaced CO(2) laser wavelengths: 9.25 and 10.6 microm. Comparisons are made beween backscatter coefficient profiles at these two wavelengths up to 20-km altitude. Measurements such as those reported here can be used to assess the feasibility of coherent CO(2) lidar for wind measurements, and they also provide a partial test of backscatter model predictions.

Appl Opt ; 24(21): 3443, 1985 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18224068
Appl Opt ; 23(21): 3854, 1984 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18213238