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J Funct Biomater ; 11(1)2020 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32075267


This in vitro study evaluated the effect of myristyltrimethylammonium bromide (MYTAB) on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of an experimental dental resin. The resin was formulated with dental dimetacrylate monomers and a photoinitiator/co-initiator system. MYTAB was added at 0.5 (G0.5%), 1 (G1%), and 2 (G2%) wt %, and one group remained without MYTAB and was used as the control (GCtrl). The resins were analyzed for the polymerization kinetics, degree of conversion, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans, and cytotoxicity against human keratinocytes. Changes in the polymerization kinetics profiling were observed, and the degree of conversion ranged from 57.36% (±2.50%) for G2% to 61.88% (±1.91%) for G0.5%, without a statistically significant difference among groups (p > 0.05). The UTS values ranged from 32.85 (±6.08) MPa for G0.5% to 35.12 (±5.74) MPa for GCtrl (p > 0.05). MYTAB groups showed antibacterial activity against biofilm formation from 0.5 wt % (p < 0.05) and against planktonic bacteria from 1 wt % (p < 0.05). The higher the MYTAB concentration, the higher the cytotoxic effect, without differences between GCtrl e G0.5% (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of 0.5 wt % of MYTAB did not alter the physical and chemical properties of the dental resin and provided antibacterial activity without cytotoxic effect.

Odontol. vital ; (31): 37-44, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1091426


Resumen Objetivo: Comparar in vitro la microfiltración apical en premolares unirradiculares obturados con cemento a base de resina epóxica y cemento biocerámico. Método: 40 piezas dentales unirradiculares fueron seleccionadas y divididas en dos grupos para ser obturadas esperando el tiempo de fraguado de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante. El grupo A se obturó con cemento biocerámico Endosequence y, el grupo B, con cemento a base de resina epóxica AH-Plus: posteriormente los dos grupos fueron sellados con barniz de uñas hasta 3mm de la parte apical, luego se colocaron las muestras en la incubadora a 37ºC. Ambos fueron sometidos a 750 ciclos de termociclado, para reproducir el ambiente parecido a la cavidad oral. Para análisis de microfiltración se utilizó el método de difusión del colorante, se sumergieron en azul de metileno al 2 % por 6 días, posteriormente los especímenes fueron sometidos en una bomba de vacío. Los dientes fueron cortados longitudinalmente para ser evaluadas mediante el estereomicroscopio. El análisis estadístico fue hecho mediante T-Student y Chi-Cuadrado. Resultados: El grupo A corresponde a Endosequence obtuvo una medida de 0,55mm y el grupo B corresponde a AH-Plus 1,20mm con un estimado de significancia de p=0,013. Conclusión: El análisis de ambos cementos de obturación demostró que Endosequence posee menor microfiltración apical que AH-Plus.

Abstract Aim: To compare in vitro by the stereomiscroscope the lesser apical microfiltration in uniradicular premolars, between the cement based on Epoxy Resin and Bioceramic cement. Method: The study was performed on 40 uniradicular dental pieces divided into two groups, the samples were prepared using the protaper system and the obturation was performed using the lateral condensation technique, the first group was sealed withEndosequence bioceramic cement and the second group with Cement based on AH-Plus epoxy resin, then sealed with nail varnish up to 3mm from the apical part, then the samples were placed in the incubator at 37ºC, waiting for the set time corresponding to each group according to the manufacturer's instructions . The two groups of the present study were submitted to 750 cycles of thermocycling, to provide an environment similar to the oral cavity, then longitudinal cuts were made to the samples. The microfiltration was evaluated using the dye diffusion method, immersed in 2% methylene blue for 6 days, then the specimens were subjected to a vacuum pump. The teeth were cut longitudinally to be evaluated by the stereomicroscope. The statistical analysis was through T-Student and Chi-Square. Results: Group A corresponds to Endosequence obtained a mean of 0,55mm and Group B corresponds to AH-Plus 1,20mm with an estimated significance of p = 0,013. Conclusion: Both obturation cements have significant differences, therefore Endosequence has less apical microfiltration than AHPlus.

Obturación del Conducto Radicular , Diente Premolar/patología , Microcribado/análisis , Cerámica/uso terapéutico , Termoclina , Resinas Epoxi/uso terapéutico , Azul de Metileno/uso terapéutico , Oclusión Dental
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 21(3)Septiembre2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010142


Objetivo: Comparar el sellado apical in vitro de los sistemas de obturación termoplastificada, GuttaCore® y E&Q Master®, desde la perspectiva de microfiltración. Métodos: Cuarenta piezas unirradiculares se instrumentaron con sistema rotatorio e irrigaron con hipoclorito de sodio al 2,5% y EDTA al 17%. Las muestras se dividieron en dos grupos (n=20); se obturaron y colocaron en estufa incubadora a 37°C y 100% de humedad durante 3 días. Cada muestra se cubrió con barniz de colores excepto 3 mm apicales para ser sumergidas en azul de metileno al 2% por 3 días, y centrifugados por 20 min a 3000 rpm. Las muestras se lavaron y fracturaron axialmente para su análisis, mediante fotografías, en el estereomicroscopio. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó la prueba t de Student con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados: Los valores medios de microfiltración fueron 0,660 mm y 0,825 mm para GuttaCore® y E&Q Master®, respectivamente, no encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellas (p=0,525). Conclusión: GuttaCore® y E&Q Master® son sistemas de obturación que ofrecen un buen sellado apical no existiendo diferencia entre ellos. Palabras clave: EDTA; Gutapercha; Hipoclorito de Sodio; Microfiltración.

Objective: Compare in vitro the apical seal of thermoplastic filling systems, GuttaCore®and E&Q Master®, from the perspective of microfiltration. Methods: Forty single-rooted teeth were instrumented with rotary system and irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA. The samples were divided into two groups (20 for each system); sealed and placed in the incubator at 37°C and 100% humidity for 3 days. Each sample was covered with colored varnish except the last 3 apical millimiters to be immersed in 2% methylene blue for 3 days and centrifuged for 20 min at 3000 rpm. The samples were washed and fractured axially for their analysis in the stereomicroscope by means of photographs. For the data analysis we used the t Studenttest with a level of significance of 5%.Results: The mean microfiltration values were 0.660 mm and 0.825 mm for GuttaCore and E&Q Master respectively, no statistically significant differences were found between them (p=0.525). Conclusion: GuttaCore and E&Q Master are seal systems that offer good apical sealing, there is no difference between them. Keywords: EDTA; Gutta-Percha; Microfiltration; Sodium Hypochlorite.