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Earth Planets Space ; 69(1): 161, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31997914


This paper explores the effects that variation in the coalescence efficiency of the Venus cloud particles can have on the structure of the Venus cloud. It is motivated by the acknowledgment of uncertainties in the measured parameters-and the assumptions made to account for them-that define our present knowledge of the particle characteristics. Specifically, we explore the consequence of allowing the coalescence efficiency of supercooled sulfuric acid in the upper clouds to tend to zero. This produces a cloud that occasionally exhibits an enhancement of small particles at altitude (similar to the upper hazes observed by Pioneer Venus and subsequently shown to be somewhat transient). This simulated cloud occasionally exhibits a rapid growth of particle size near cloud base, exhibiting characteristics similar to those seen in the controversial Mode 3 particles. These results demonstrate that a subset of the variations observed as near-infrared opacity variations in the lower and middle clouds of Venus can be explained by microphysical, in addition to dynamical, variations. Furthermore, the existence of a population of particles exhibiting less efficient coalescence efficiencies would support the likelihood of conditions suitable for charge exchange, hence lightning, in the Venus clouds. We recommend future laboratory studies on the coalescence properties of sulfuric acid under the range of conditions experienced in the Venus clouds. We also recommend future in situ measurements to better characterize the properties of the cloud particles themselves, especially composition and particle habits (shapes).

Nat Geosci ; 10: 646-651, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29887914


The Venusian atmosphere is in a state of superrotation where prevailing westward winds move much faster than the planet's rotation. Venus is covered with thick clouds that extend from about 45 to 70 km altitude, but thermal radiation emitted from the lower atmosphere and the surface on the planet's night-side escapes to space at narrow spectral windows of near-infrared. The radiation can be used to estimate winds by tracking the silhouettes of clouds in the lower and middle cloud regions below about 57 km in altitude. Estimates of wind speeds have ranged from 50 to 70 m/s at low- to mid-latitudes, either nearly constant across latitudes or with winds peaking at mid-latitudes. Here we report the detection of winds at low latitude exceeding 80 m/s using IR2 camera images from the Akatsuki orbiter taken during July and August 2016. The angular speed around the planetary rotation axis peaks near the equator, which we suggest is consistent with an equatorial jet, a feature that has not been observed previously in the Venusian atmosphere. The mechanism producing the jet remains unclear. Our observations reveal variability in the zonal flow in the lower and middle cloud region that may provide new challenges and clues to the dynamics of Venus's atmospheric superrotation.