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Zootaxa ; 4878(1): zootaxa.4878.1.6, 2020 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311170


Three new species of the genus Syllis Savigny in Lamarck, 1818, from the Chilean Patagonia are described, figured and discussed. The specimens were collected in boulders, sediment bottoms, Macrocystis pyrifera holdfasts, and inside tubes of Chaetopterus cf. variopedatus. Syllis patagonica n. sp., is characterized by its color pattern, short, fusiform dorsal cirri, plenty of hyaline inclusions, acuminate posterior acicula, and compound chaetae with slightly bidentate falcigers. Syllis terraeignium n. sp., has similar compound chaetae, but dorsal cirri are longer than those of the above mentioned species, a long proventricle, and the posterior acicula are straight, pointed. Finally, Syllis patersoni n. sp., has a slender, elongated body, with moderately long dorsal cirri, plenty of hyaline inclusions, acuminate posterior acicula, and compound chaetae composed by falcigers and short spiniger-like.

Anélidos , Poliquetos , Animales , Chile
Zootaxa ; 4834(2): zootaxa.4834.2.5, 2020 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056123


East Timor is an island located to the south of the Indonesian Archipelago and to the north of Australia, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is included in the Coral Triangle and houses an amazing quantity of marine biodiversity. However, only two species of Syllidae (Annelida) have been reported up to now: Trypanosyllis migueli and T. devae. Based on a small collection from the Australian Museum, we have identified nine genera and 17 species: Brevicirrosyllis mariae, Opisthodonta morena, Sphaerosyllis densopapillata, Branchiosyllis australis, B. exilis, B. maculata, B. verruculosa, Haplosyllis djiboutiensis, Opisthosyllis brunnea, Syllis alternata, S. broomensis, S. corallicola, S. erikae, S. gerlachi, S. hyalina, S. setoensis and Trypanosyllis luzonensis. This is the first record of S. gerlachi outside the Indian Ocean, and B. mariae, O. morena, S. densopapillata, H. djiboutiensis, S. corallicola and S. erikae have not been previously reported in tropical Asia. A specimen of Parahaplosyllis sp. could not be identified due to its poor condition. Three species belonging to Syllis are herein described as new: S. cambuk n. sp. has a large size body, with anterior segments much wider and shorter than posterior ones, long whip-shaped dorsal cirri and bidentate midbody and posterior chaetae, with both teeth equal in size and shape; Syllis hampirmenyatu n. sp. has three chaetae per posterior parapodium, with short and wide blades appearing to be fused with shafts, but still clearly distinguishable from each other, bidentate, with proximal tooth clearly smaller and thinner than distal one; and S. maganda n. sp. is easily recognizable because of its spectacular orange and blue colouration, only observable in living specimens, with broad transverse red stripes on the dorsum forming a distinctive pattern and red spots on the cirri and prostomium observable in both living and fixed specimens. Additionally, Philippine samples from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid have been examined corresponding to S. maganda n. sp. A Philippine specimen of S. maganda n. sp. had a small unidentified specimen of Haplosyllis attached to a posterior dorsal cirrus, which is the first documented case of such an interaction between two species of Syllidae. This provisionally called Haplosyllis sp. is characterized by its simple chaetae with short spur and two very long, distinct curved teeth, very close to each other. A regenerated prostomium and a stolon were also found in other Philippine specimens of S. maganda n. sp.

Anélidos , Animales , Australia , Océano Pacífico , Filipinas , Timor Oriental
Zootaxa ; 4329(3): 281-291, 2017 Oct 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29242478


During a study of fauna associated with a shallow-water Zostera (Zosterella) noltei bed from the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast, among the identified material collected in 2015, a syllid polychaete belonging to the subfamily Exogoninae, Sphaerosyllis taylori Perkins, 1981, represents a new record for the Black Sea. Re-examination of available specimens previously identified as Sphaerosyllis bulbosa Southern, 1914 revealed that they belong to an unknown species, described herein as Sphaerosyllis pontica sp. nov. The new species is characterized by the median antenna inserted more posteriorly than the lateral antennae, dorsal cirri with bulbous bases and very short tips, shorter than the parapodial lobes, dorsal cirri absent on chaetiger 2, parapodial glands with fibrillar material from chaetiger 4 onwards, compound chaetae with short blades and smooth shafts, anterior parapodia with two aciculae each, one straight and one with bent tip. Descriptions of both species are provided together with a key to all Sphaerosyllis species known from the Black Sea.

Anélidos , Animales , Mar Negro , Poliquetos
Zootaxa ; 4353(3): 521-539, 2017 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29245501


The subfamily Exogoninae was studied from samples collected in shallow waters of the fjords and channels of the Patagonian region of Chile. Two new species are described: Exogone yagan n. sp. and Erinaceusyllis carrascoi n. sp. The species Exogone heterosetoides, Erinaceusyllis bidentata and Erinaceusyllis perspicax are newly reported to Chile, as well as the genus Erinaceusyllis San Martín, 2005. Parapionosyllis brevicirra, Sphaerosyllis hirsuta and Salvatoria rhopalophora, n. comb., are also reported, with the latter redescribed. Finally, we redescribe Exogone anomalochaeta from Antarctica. Most of the species were found inside tubes of Chaetopterus cf. variopedatus; this habitat is new for Exogoninae. This research is a new taxonomic account of Syllidae in Chile and improves the knowledge of Exogoninae of the Patagonian region.

Anélidos , Animales , Regiones Antárticas , Chile , Ecosistema , Poliquetos
Zootaxa ; 4237(2): zootaxa.4237.2.1, 2017 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28264288


Syllis Savigny in Lamarck, 1818, the type genus of Syllidae, is the largest and most diverse within the family. This genus presents many taxonomic and phylogenetic problems due mainly to the lack of molecular data and morphological synapomorphies for many of the species, but also to poor or inadequate descriptions. In order to improve the knowledge of the genus, we have undertaken a morphological revision of Australian species, based on type material and material from the Australian Museum. Sixteen species are herein described, of which four are new and twelve are redescriptions of alreadyknown species, with six new combinations: Syllis boggemanni, n. sp.; S. joaoi, n. sp.; S. karlae, n. sp.; S. marceloi, n. sp.; S. albanyensis (Hartmann-Schröder, 1984) n. comb.; S. erikae (Hartmann-Schröder, 1981) n. comb.; S. krohnii Ehlers 1864; S. lunaris (Imajima, 1966) n. comb.; S. lutea (Hartmann-Schröder, 1960); S. macrodentata (Hartmann-Schröder, 1982) n. comb.; S. monilaris Savigny in Lamarck, 1818; S. nigropunctata Haswell, 1886; S. pectinans Haswell, 1920; S. rosea (Langerhans, 1879); S. warrnamboolensis (Hartmann-Schröder, 1987) n. comb.; and S. yallingupensis (Hartmann-Schröder, 1982), n. comb.

Anélidos , Animales , Australia , Filogenia , Poliquetos
Zootaxa ; 4178(1): 116-130, 2016 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27811731


Two new species of Paraopisthosyllis are described herein, P. correiae sp. nov. (State of Pernambuco, NE Brazil) and P. kuluguhin sp. nov. (Philippines). Paraopisthosyllis correiae sp. nov. represents the first record for the genus in Brazilian waters and it is also the second species known to occur outside the Pacific Ocean. This species is characterized by having a marked color pattern, with a transverse red stripe between dorsal cirri on each segment and an inverted V anteriorly and a V posteriorly on some segments, small papillae on body, large, distinct papillae on dorsal cirri, compound chaetae with elongated, bidentate blades, shafts with moderate subdistal serration on margin, pharyngeal tooth located on anterior third of pharynx, near the pharyngeal opening, and reproduction by schizogamy. Paraopisthosyllis kuluguhin sp. nov. represents the first report of the genus for the Philippines, together with P. pardus, originally known from Australia and also found in the Philippines in the present study. This new species is characterized by its color pattern, with dark patches irregularly distributed on anterior segments, forming one anterior pigmented short band and two lateral areas on each chaetiger after the proventricle, club-shaped dorsal cirri, and short, bidentate compound chaetae. Our findings allow us to synonymize the genus Basidiosyllis to Paraopisthosyllis and represent the first report of sexual stolons (scissiparity) in this genus, which supports its allocation into the subfamily Syllinae.

Anélidos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Animales , Anélidos/anatomía & histología , Brasil , Filipinas , Filogenia
Zootaxa ; 4158(4): 507-22, 2016 Aug 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27615900


Previous studies have dealt recently with syllid polychaetes in soft sediments from Acapulco Bay (Southern Mexican Pacific) with new species and new records of the subfamily Syllinae published, but the remaining subfamilies found in the area had not been included. This study deals with syllids belonging to those subfamilies: Eusyllinae, Exogoninae and Autolytinae, since the Anoplosyllinae were not found. Three species are described as new: Odontosyllis septemdentata n. sp., characterized by having bidentate falcigers and a trepan with 7 teeth alternating in size; Sphaerosyllis tetralobata n. sp., which is characterized by having unidentate compound chaetae and segments divided in four annuli, and Prosphaerosyllis sotoi n. sp., characterized by having compound chaetae with short and hooked unidentate blades, and by being the only species of the genus that lacks dorsal cirri in the second parapodia. Additionally, Westheidesyllis gesae (Perkins 1981) is newly recorded for the Pacific Ocean, while Odontosyllis fulgurans (Audouin & Milne Edwards 1834), Erinaceusyllis bidentata (Hartmann-Schröder 1974) and Myrianida dentalia (Imajima 1966) are recorded for the first time from the Mexican Pacific coasts.

Poliquetos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Estructuras Animales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Ecosistema , México , Tamaño de los Órganos , Océano Pacífico , Poliquetos/anatomía & histología , Poliquetos/crecimiento & desarrollo
Zootaxa ; 4144(2): 291-5, 2016 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27470856


The genus Exogonoides Day, 1963, was described probably based on a single specimen, broken into two pieces (Aguado & San Martín 2008) and no other specimens of the type species, E. antennata Day, 1963, were ever found, which characterizes this species and, until now, the very genus Exogonoides, as 'singletons' (Lim et al. 2012). Although described as a member of the Syllidae Grube, 1850, the positioning of the genus in the family was recently questioned (Aguado & San Martín 2008), since the pharynx of the holotype was dissected for the original description and not preserved with the specimen, resulting that the presence of the proventricle, considered the main synapomorphy of the family, could not be confirmed.

Anélidos/clasificación , Distribución Animal/fisiología , Animales , Anélidos/anatomía & histología , Anélidos/fisiología , Brasil , Especificidad de la Especie
Zootaxa ; 4000(3): 301-34, 2015 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26623619


We present herein the first records for Amblyosyllis, Eusyllis and Perkinsyllis from northeastern Brazil, describing and illustrating Amblyosyllis sp., Eusyllis kupfferi and E. lamelligera, which are compared to the morphologically most similar congeners; a brief diagnosis is provided for Eusyllis nonatoi, Odontosyllis aracaensis, O. guarauensis, O. guillermoi and Perkinsyllis biota, described from southeastern Brazil. In addition, a new species of Odontosyllis is described, O. brevichaetosa sp. n., characterized by having short, bidentate falciger blades with inverted dorso-ventral gradation in length, and shafts of ventralmost falcigers from midbody parapodia onwards subdistally inflated, with sigmoid tip. A key for the valid Brazilian species of Odontosyllis is provided. Finally, this is also the first account of the genus Streptodonta for the South Atlantic, with the description of S. fauchaldi sp. n., characterized by a distinct distribution pattern of cilia along body, presence of spiniger-like chaetae, and morphology of falciger blades.

Poliquetos/anatomía & histología , Poliquetos/clasificación , Animales , Brasil , Especificidad de la Especie
Zootaxa ; 3609: 142-62, 2013 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24699578


Two new species of Odontosyllis were found in samples collected mainly on rocky shores off the states of São Paulo (SE Brazil) and Paraíba (NE Brazil). Odontosyllis aracaensis sp. nov., and O. guarauensis sp. nov., are herein described and compared to their most similar congeners. A key for the species found in Brazil is provided, and relevant morphological characters of similar species of the genus, based on falcigers morphology, are summarized and compared with those of the newly described species. The current state of knowledge on the genus is briefly discussed.

Poliquetos/anatomía & histología , Poliquetos/clasificación , Animales , Brasil
Zootaxa ; 3734: 156-68, 2013 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25277905


A new species of Alcyonosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae), A. aidae n.sp. is described from Luzón island, Philippines, associated with the alcyonacean Dendronephthya sp. (Nephthydae). This is the sixth known species of this genus living in the Indo-Pacific region. The new species differs from other Alcyonosyllis in having long and slender cirri with the first pair of dorsal cirri slightly thicker than remaining, bidentate chaetae with distal tooth larger than proximal one, and a distinct colour pattern, with a median longitudinal, slender reddish line, and two wider lateral bands, giving a tri-lineate appearance. A new report of the recently described species, A. hinterkircheri, previously known only from an area close to Bohol, in Philippines, is also included, being the first report of this species in Luzón Island. A new species of the genus Parahaplosyllis Hartmann-Schröder, 1990, is also described. Up to now, only the type species of the genus was known, from New South Wales, Australia; this is the second known species of this genus. It differs from P. brevicirra Hartmann-Schröder, 1990 by having unidentate dorsal simple chaetae (instead of bidentate ones as in P. brevicirra), ventral simple chaeta with shorter and less curved basal spur, more distinctly articulated dorsal cirri, with a long distal article, and a shorter proventricle. Finally, new different types of stolons are described for both genera.

Poliquetos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Animales , Ecosistema , Islas , Poliquetos/anatomía & histología