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Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20230048, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529736


RESUMO A dupla carreira é o desenvolvimento simultâneo de duas carreiras em áreas distintas, por exemplo, a esportiva e a acadêmica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o grau acadêmico de atletas mulheres de futsal do estado de São Paulo, tanto em nível de elite, quanto de categorias de base. Aplicamos questionários sobre as carreiras acadêmicas e esportivas a atletas adultas e das categorias sub-15 e sub-17 da Liga Paulista de Futsal entre os anos de 2019 e 2021, além de informações sobre os graus acadêmicos de seus pais e mães. A carreira no futsal não se mostrou uma barreira à trajetória escolar das atletas, considerando seus graus acadêmicos acima da média populacional e em convergência com suas idades, além da oferta de bolsas de estudos relacionadas ao desempenho esportivo.

ABSTRACT The dual career is the concomitant development of two careers in different areas, such as sport and academic. The aim of this study was to analyse the academic degree of women futsal athletes in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, both in the adult and junior ages. We applied questionnaires about academic and sport careers to adult, under-15 and under-17 athletes of Paulista Futsal League between the years 2019 and 2021, in addition to information about the academic degrees of their fathers and mothers. Futsal career played an important role in supporting the athletes' academic career, demonstrated by their academic degrees higher than the population average, either by not interfering with their studies in basic education, or by offering scholarships for higher education.

RESUMEN La carrera dual es el desarrollo concomitante de dos carreras en diferentes áreas, como el deporte y la academia. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el grado académico de atletas mujeres de futsal en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, tanto en las categorías adulta como junior. Se aplicaron cuestionarios sobre trayectoria académica y deportiva a atletas adultas y de las categorías sub-15 y sub-17 de la Liga Paulista de Futsal entre los años 2019 y 2021, además de información sobre los grados académicos de sus padres y madres. La carrera en futsal tuve un papel importante en el apoyo a la carrera académica de las atletas, demostrado por sus grados académicos por encima de la población, ya sea al no interferir con sus estudios en la educación básica, o al ofrecer becas para la educación superior.

Front Sports Act Living ; 3: 589459, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34164618


In 2020, the world was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which remains a major challenge for most countries today. In Brazil, football clubs' youth academies have faced a disruption of their regular activities. In order to study how the learning cultures of a Brazilian professional football club youth academy have been changed, and the alternatives created by the club's staff within this context, this perspective article aims to analyze how they have structured the Under-15 (U15) team learning culture during social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through document and thematic analysis on a Brazilian professional football club's youth academy program, we promoted a dialogue between the process of adaptation to remote theoretical-tactical teaching with the learning theory proposed by Hodkinson and collaborators. The main theme of analysis of this study was the remote structure of the theoretical-tactical learning and physical training. Challenged with the need to transpose face-to-face activities into a learning culture based on remote communication, the U15 team coaching staff created a process to prescribe physical training, and to teach and discuss football tactical issues with young players during the period of social isolation. This perspective article shows that it is possible for sports institutions to create programs for the development of young athletes within the social isolation/distancing context, considering both theoretical-tactical learning and physical training processes. The adaptation to remote environments as structures for the learning culture seems a challenge, but is also a good alternative for young players to develop their interpretation and perception of football theoretical-tactical issues.

Front Psychol ; 11: 1367, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32655454


Interest in studying the different transitions faced by elite athletes throughout their careers has grown significantly in recent years. While transition from secondary school to university is an important research area in Europe, there is a void of studies on how student-athletes experience the transition to specific degrees. One of the most sought-after university degrees among elite athletes in Spain is a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (PASS). The first aim of this study was to investigate the main demands, barriers, and resources perceived by elite student-athletes in various phases of dual career transition to a university degree in PASS. The second aim was to identify the transition pathways pursued depending on the subjective importance they attached to sport and education. Eleven elite student-athletes (M age = 20.7, SD = 1.6 years) who were in their second and third year of the degree in PASS participated in semi-structured interviews. Deductive-inductive thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed three main themes: (a) general university transition issues, (b) PASS-specific transition issues, and (c) transition pathways. Our results show that the close link between sport and the content of the degree was perceived by the elite student-athletes as their main resource. This link, however, was also perceived as a major barrier as the compulsory practical subjects entailed a risk of injury or overtraining that could affect both athletic and academic development. We noticed how the importance they attached to sport or studies varied at different moments of the transition period, a phenomenon we termed "fluid transition pathways." Dual career promotion for elite athletes is an important part of European sports policy, and our findings provide new knowledge that could help Spanish PASS faculties develop specific assistance programs to support transitioning student-athletes.

Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 22(3): e1547-e1547, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | IBECS | ID: ibc-200521


Compreender o desenvolvimento da participação esportiva em diferentes cenários e etapas de envolvimento com o esporte é uma tarefa que recebe importantes contribuições de pesquisadores de distintas áreas de estudos. Objetivos principais: a) apresentar algumas contribuições de Jean Côté e colaboradores sobre processos de participação esportiva; b) apresentar contribuições que culminaram na proposição de dois modelos de compreensão destes processos: o Modelo de Desenvolvimento da Participação Esportiva (DMSP) e suas quatro ondas de pesquisas; o Quadro de Desenvolvimento de Valores Pessoais (PAF). O DMSP apresenta como lacuna a ausência de análises aprofundadas sobre condições sociais ao entorno do jovem atleta. A quarta onda de pesquisas aponta para os possíveis resultados do desenvolvimento esportivo, complementa-dos pelo PAF, uma abordagem ecológica desenvolvida para contribuir com avanços sobre lacu-nas deixadas pelo DMSP. Devido a esta relação de complementariedade, acreditamos ser possí-vel propor o PAF como uma quinta onda de pesquisas do DMSP

Understanding the development process of sports participation in different scenarios and stages of engagement is a task that has been receiving important contributions from scholars in distinct areas. Main aims: a) to present some contributions from Jean Côté and collaborators encompassing the process of sports participation; b) to present contributions that culminate on the proposition of two models: the four waves of research of the Developmental Mod-el of Sports Participation (DMSP); and the Personal Assets Framework (PAF). The DMSP shows as a gap an absence of in-depth analysis on social conditions surrounding the young athlete. The fourth wave of research aims for possible results of the sports development, complemented by PAF, an ecological approach developed to contribute with the progress in the gap left by DMSP. Due to the relationship of complementarity between them, we believe it's possible to propose PAF as an eventual fifth wave of DMSP research

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Humanos , Atletas/psicología , Deportes/psicología , Rendimiento Atlético/psicología , Conducta Competitiva , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , Aptitud/fisiología , Rendimiento Atlético/clasificación , Ejercicio Físico/fisiología , Ejercicio Físico/psicología
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 26: e26065, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135338


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional de João, ex-treinador da seleção brasileira e campeão da Liga Nacional de Futsal. Para a produção dos dados foi realizada uma entrevista semiestruturada e retrospectiva, analisada pelo método Análise Temática Reflexiva. Com fundamentação teórica na Sociologia Reflexiva de Pierre Bourdieu e na Teoria de Aprendizagem Cultural de Phil Hodkinson e colaboradores, tem-se como principais resultados: a constituição do habitus esportivo baseou-se na familiaridade com o futsal desde a infância; foram fatores relevantes os acessos a capitais oriundos de herança familiar, da posição de jogador de elite, da proximidade com treinadores consagrados e experientes, do aprendizado tanto na vivência prática como treinador, quanto no contexto acadêmico. Como conclusão, sugere-se que processos de educação e desenvolvimento de treinadores estruturem-se pela oferta de modos variados de acumulação de capitais, pautados entre vivências práticas, teóricas e trocas de experiências entre colegas.

This study analyzes the learning and professional development process of João, a former coach of Brazil's national futsal team and a National Futsal League champion. To produce data, a semi-structured and retrospective interview was conducted and then it underwent Reflexive Thematic Analysis. With Pierre Bourdieu's Reflexive Sociology and the Cultural Learning Theory of Phil Hodkinson and collaborators as its theoretical framework, the main results were: 1) the constitution of sport habitus was based on familiarity with futsal since childhood; 2) relevant factors included access to capitals inherited from his family; being an elite player; proximity to established and experienced coaches; learning both from practical experience as a coach and in the academic context. By way of conclusion, it is suggested that coach education and development processes offer distinct ways of accumulating capitals based on practical and theoretical experiences, and exchange between colleagues.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el proceso de aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional de João, ex entrenador de la selección brasileña y campeón de la Liga Nacional de Futsal. Para la producción de los datos, se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada y retrospectiva, analizada por el método de Análisis Temática Reflexiva. Teóricamente basado en la Sociología Reflexiva de Pierre Bourdieu y en la Teoría de Aprendizaje Cultural de Phil Hodkinson y colaboradores, tiene como principales resultados: la constitución del habitus deportivo se basó en la familiaridad con el futsal desde la infancia; fueron factores relevantes el acceso a capitales oriundos de herencia familiar, la posición de jugador de élite, la proximidad a entrenadores establecidos y con experiencia, el aprendizaje tanto con experiencia práctica como entrenador como en el contexto académico. Como conclusión, se sugiere que los procesos de educación y desarrollo de los entrenadores deben estructurarse ofreciendo diferentes modos de acumulación de capitales, basados ​​en experiencias prácticas, teóricas e intercambio de experiencias entre colegas.

Humanos , Masculino , Deportes , Educación , Aprendizaje , Sociología
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3173, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134698


ABSTRACT In Brazil, soccer championships for children and adolescents are generally organized and divided into categories by age group (usually every two years), with the aim of bringing about greater balance and fairness in the competition. Although they create a certain scenario in which performance capabilities are similar among participants, such division, on the other hand, enables and sustains some conditions that provide unequal learning opportunities. Coupled with socio-cultural and pedagogical issues, it structures a phenomenon called Relative Age Effect (RAE). The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of RAE among male and female goalkeepers that competed in the A series of the 2018 Brazilian men's and women's soccer championships. Information about the athletes' birth dates was collected from the official website of the Brazilian Football Confederation. The male group was composed of 68 goalkeepers within a population of 73 individuals, while the female group was composed of 39 of totals of 43 goalkeepers. For statistical analyses, the chi-square test was used. Results reveal that the RAE does not happen in this population, regardless of gender. This may be due to the goalkeeper position in soccer teams being less contested. It is concluded that, for both males and females, date of birth does not seem to influence the offer of opportunities for goalkeepers to reach the elite of Brazilian soccer.

RESUMO No Brasil, os campeonatos de futebol para crianças e adolescentes são geralmente organizados e divididos por categorias relacionadas a faixas etárias (normalmente a cada dois anos), com o objetivo de promover maior equilíbrio e justiça na competição. Embora produzam certo cenário de proximidade de capacidades de desempenho entre os participantes, por outro lado, tal divisão comporta e sustenta algumas condições de desigualdade de ofertas de oportunidades de aprendizagem. Isso somado a questões de ordem sociocultural e pedagógica, estrutura um fenômeno denominado Efeito da Idade Relativa (EIR). O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrência do EIR em goleiros e goleiras dos Campeonatos Brasileiros de futebol masculino e feminino da Série A no ano de 2018. As informações sobre as datas de nascimento dos(a) atletas foram coletadas através do site oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol. O grupo masculino foi composto por 68 goleiros dentro de uma população de 73 indivíduos, enquanto o grupo feminino foi composto por 39 de um total de 43 goleiras. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado. Os resultados revelam que o EIR não acontece nesta população, em nenhum dos gêneros. Isso pode ocorrer por existir menor concorrência por vagas de goleiros e goleiras em equipes de futebol. Conclui-se que, para o gênero masculino e feminino, a data de nascimento não parece influenciar a oferta de oportunidades para goleiros atingirem a elite do futebol brasileiro.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Fútbol , Capacitación Profesional , Deportes , Enseñanza , Atletas , Tutoría , Equidad de Género , Destreza Motora , Grupos de Edad
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 25(1): e25018, jan.- dez. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047907


O Brasil se destaca pelo número de praticantes e conquistas internacionais no futsal. Este esporte encontra-se em processo de consolidação da profissionalização de suas práticas no país. Consequentemente, a mídia torna-se fundamental para a atração de consumidores e investidores. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a perspectiva de jogadores brasileiros de elite de futsal relativa à cobertura midiática sobre este esporte no Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas com 21 jogadores da seleção brasileira masculina principal de futsal. Após análise temática, as categorias analíticas foram discutidas com base na Teoria dos Campos de Pierre Bourdieu. Concluiu-se que, segundo os jogadores, o futsal ocupa um espaço desprestigiado na mídia esportiva, o que dificulta a atração de investimentos e desenvolvimento de carreiras. Os jogadores propõem ações ortodoxas que tentam se adaptar às normas do campo, de modo a alcançarem capitais econômicos e simbólicos que melhorem suas condições de trabalho e posição na estrutura social

Brazil has many futsal practitioners and is the main winner of world championships; professionalism is increasing in the country. Thus, the media play a key role in attracting consumers and investors. This study investigates the perspective of Brazilian elite male players on the media coverage. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 national team members. After players' discourses underwent thematic analysis, analytic categories were subjected to Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Fields. According to players, futsal is discredited in sports media coverage, hampering the attraction of investors and career development. Players propose orthodox actions to adapt to the rules of the field in order to gain economic and symbolic capitals that may improve their work conditions and social status

Brasil se destaca por el número de practicantes y por las conquistas internacionales en futsal, y la profesionalización de sus prácticas se consolida en el país. Los medios son fundamentales para atraer a consumidores e inversores, y este estudio investigó la perspectiva de jugadores de élite sobre la cobertura mediática. Se realizaron entrevistas con 21 jugadores de la selección masculina principal. Las categorías analíticas fueron discutidas con base en la Teoría de los Campos de Pierre Bourdieu. Según los jugadores, el futsal tiene poco prestigio en la prensa deportiva, lo que dificulta inversiones y desarrollar carreras. Los jugadores proponen acciones ortodoxas para adaptarse a las normas del campo y alcanzar capitales económicos y simbólicos que mejoren sus condiciones de trabajo y su posición social

Humanos , Masculino , Fútbol , Medios de Comunicación , Sociología , Deportes , Mercantilización
Motriz (Online) ; 25(3): e101922, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040647


Aims: Women participation in sport is historically permeated by manifestations of discrimination, especially in male preserve practices. This study aimed to investigate and describe the processes of entry and performance of women athletes in rugby, as well as socio-cultural components of this field in relation to gender differences from the perspective of Brazilian women national senior team players. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with five athletes were performed and data analyzed based on the Grounded Theory method. Results: It was found that there are social barriers for women practice in rugby. By the other hand, better opportunities for the development of an athletic career are more available than in the past. Besides that, it has been perceived that the women players need to constantly prove that they can play hard to legitimize their athletic skills among men players. Conclusions: Even if the women participation in rugby is in a changing process of acceptance, barriers still need to be broken for a full social legitimation of these players' practice.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Atletas , Equidad de Género , Rugby/fisiología , Teoría Fundamentada
Motriz (Online) ; 25(2): e101968, 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012703


Abstract Aims: To investigate elite women sports career development can be a way to better understand how gender issues and specific women sport practice conditions have influenced athletes' life and personal experiences, also subside reflections on policies and pedagogic intervention on the sport. The aims of this study were to investigate and describe the process of sports career development lived by Brazilian women elite futsal players, based on their own sport experiences and perspectives on futsal. Methods: Data of this qualitative study were produced by semi-structured retrospective interviews with 13 Brazilian elite women futsal players. Data gathering and data analysis were based on the Grounded Theory method. Results: This section is organized in four axes, with their main categories in parenthesis: 1.Diversified experiences in childhood and youth (enjoyment related to diversified sport practices); 2.Initiation on 'kicking ball games' practices (experiences with football and futsal informal practices and suffering of prejudice related to gender issues); 3.Systematic participation in futsal practices (experiences in systematic futsal practices within older age groups); 4.The investment on elite futsal career (moving from football to futsal career). Conclusion: Interviewed players had their first sports experiences on a variety of practices during sport initiation in childhood. The beginning on systematic practice of futsal occurred later than men athletes. The lack of competitions for young girls, and the fact that futsal and other 'ball kicking games' are considered as men preserve practices contributed to the late sport specialization process. The athletes' career presented strong thresholds related to gender issues on futsal.

Humanos , Femenino , Fútbol , Movilidad Laboral , Atletas , Brasil
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(4): 1335-1352, out.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-981744


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e descrever a produção científica relacionada ao jiu-jítsu, de modo a identificar tendências, lacunas e possibilidades de desenvolvimento de pesquisa. Através de busca nas bases de dados digitais Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, Bireme, LILACS e Redalyc, além do banco de teses e dissertações da Capes, e análise temática de 105 artigos, duas teses e 23 dissertações, tem-se como principais resultados: a) desigualdade numérica entre diferentes abordagens e subáreas de pesquisa, bem como disciplinas de estudo; b) característica heterogênea dos participantes destes estudos, sendo a maioria homens adultos não competidores; c)destaque do Brasil na produção científica sobre o jiu-jítsu; d) crescimento quantitativo e qualitativo de pesquisas; e) processo de internacionalização de pesquisas. Conclui-se que, assim como no âmbito esportivo mais amplo, a pesquisa sobre jiu-jítsu se encontra em franca expansão, principalmente no Brasil, com lacunas que representam potenciais áreas de interesse para investigações futuras

The aim of this article was to analyse and describe the scientific production related to jiu-jitsu, in order to identify trends, gaps and research possibilities. Searches on the digital data basis Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, Bireme, LILACS and Redalyc, besides Capes's digital thesis library, and thematic analysis on 105 articles, 2 theses and 23 dissertations, yielded the following main results: a) numerical inequality between different research approaches and subareas, as well as study subjects; b) the profiles of participants in those studies are highly diverse, and most are male non-competitors; c) Brazil stands out in academic production on jiu-jitsu; d) increasing quantitative and qualitative research; e) process of internationalization of research. The study found that, just as in the sports field as a whole, research on jiu-jitsu is in full expansion, mainly in Brazil, with gaps that are potential areas of interest for future investigation

El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar y describir la producción científica relacionada con el jiu-jitsu, para identificar tendencias, lagunas y posibilidades de desarrollo de investigación. A través de la búsqueda en las bases de datos digitales Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, Bireme, LILACS y Redalyc, además del banco de tesis y disertaciones de Capes, y del análisis temático de 105 artículos, dos tesis y 23 disertaciones, se tienen como principales resultados: a) desigualdad numérica entre diferentes aproximaciones y subáreas de investigación, así como disciplinas de estudio; b) característica heterogénea de los participantes en estos estudios, donde la mayoría es de hombres adultos no competidores; c) destaque de Brasil en la producción científica sobre el jiu-jitsu; d) crecimiento cuantitativo y cualitativo de investigaciones; e) proceso de internacionalización de investigaciones. Se concluye que, así como en el ámbito deportivo más amplio, la investigación sobre jiu-jitsu se encuentra en expansión, principalmente en Brasil, con lagunas que representan potenciales áreas de interés para investigaciones futuras

Humanos , Artes Marciales , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas , Bibliometría
Motriz (Online) ; 24(4): e101838, 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-976271


To identify the teaching approaches preferred by Brazilian coaches in the U-16 and U-18 women's teams and whether it is possible to apply long-term goals for handball training. Methods: Six experienced coaches were interviewed individually in a semi-structured format. Data were transcribed and analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) method. Results: Coaches revealed a choice for the situational approach and global-functional approach in U-16 teams. In U-18 teams, coaches' choices were for the technique and situational approaches. The change of coaches' choice might be based on players' specialization, suggested to U-18 teams when coaches highlighted the increased demand for performance. On players' transition from U-16 to U-18 teams, the coaches showed less preference for the global-functional approach and increasing evidence of the technique approach. Conclusion: Global-functional and situational approaches should be given a prominent position in these teams, especially due to the development of technical-tactical aspects. However, the technical approach was recognized as a central position in U-18 teams, probably related to players' specialization and technical improvement, although it does not offer a rich environment for the development of players' decision making.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico/métodos , Enseñanza , Deportes Juveniles/educación , Enseñanza/tendencias , Brasil
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(4): 1407-1420, out.-dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-981185


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a produção científica referente aos aspectos tático-técnicos nos JEC publicada em periódicos brasileiros entre 2000 e 2015. Por meio da busca online em 14 revistas, foram selecionados 335 artigos. Os trabalhos foram classificados nas seguintes categorias temáticas: Análise do desempenho táticotécnico, Metodologias de ensino, Análise do desempenho energético-funcional, Formação de treinadores, Formação de atletas e Outros. A partir de 2009, verifica-se um aumento substancial no número de publicações. A maior frequência de publicações (60,9%) encontra-se entre as temáticas Análise do desempenho tático-técnico e Metodologias de ensino. Adicionalmente, das 16 modalidades esportivas exibidas nos artigos, o futebol e o futsal contemplam 50,7% das publicações. Conclui-se que a produção científica acerca dos aspectos tático-técnicos nos JEC ainda é pouco abrangente e plural, portanto, mais estudos são necessários, sobretudo na Formação de Treinadores e Atletas, assim como em modalidades esportivas coletivas para pessoas com deficiência

This study examined scientific production on tactical-technical aspects of team sports, published in Brazilian journals between 2000 and 2015. After an online search in 14 journals, 335 articles were selected and classified under the following thematic categories: Tactical-technical performance analysis; Teaching methodologies; Energy-functional performance analysis; Coach training; Athletes' training; and others. The number of publications has seen substantial increase since 2009. The higher frequencies of publications (60.9%) are distributed among themes related to Tactical-technical performance analysis and Teaching methodologies. Additionally, of 16 sports presented in the articles, Football and Futsal accounted for 50.7% of publications. We found that scientific production related to tactical-technical aspects in team sports is still not comprehensive and plural. Therefore, more studies are needed, especially on Coach and Athletes' Training, as well as team sports for people with disabilities

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la producción científica sobre los aspectos técnicos y tácticos en los Juegos de Deportes Colectivos (JDC) en revistas brasileñas entre 2000 y 2015. A través de la búsqueda online en 14 revistas, fueron seleccionados 335 artículos. Los estudios fueron clasificados: Análisis del rendimiento técnico-táctico, Metodologías de enseñanza, Análisis de rendimiento funcional de energía, formación de entrenadores, Formación de atletas y otros. Desde 2009, ha habido un aumento sustancial en el número de publicaciones. La mayor frecuencia de publicaciones (60.9%) se encuentra entre las temáticas: Análisis de rendimiento técnico-táctico y las Metodologías de enseñanza. Fútbol y Futbol de sala incluyen el 50.7% de las publicaciones. Se concluye que la producción científica sobre los aspectos tácticos y técnicos es incompleta, se necesitan, más estudios, especialmente en la formación de los entrenadores y atletas, así como en los deportes colectivos para las personas con discapacidad física

Humanos , Deportes , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas , Juegos Recreacionales
Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 20(2): 355-367, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28832857


OBJECTIVE:: To investigate the association between both demographic and socioeconomic conditions with physical fitness and regular practice of physical exercises in participants of community projects, supervised by a physical education teacher. This enabled to investigate whether the adoption of an active lifestyle depends only on the personal choice or has any influence of socioeconomic factors. METHODS:: 213 individuals aged over 50 years joined the study, and provided information about their socioeconomic status (age, gender, education/years of study, and income); usual level of physical activity (ULPA); and physical fitness, by a physical battery tests which allowed the calculation of general functional fitness index (GFFI). RESULTS:: The generalized linear model showed that participants ranked in the highest GFFI groups (good and very good) had more years of study and higher income (p < 0.05). The multiple linear regression model complements the previous analysis, demonstrating the magnitude of the change in the GFFI in association with the years of study (group > 15), income (all groups) and age (p < 0.05). By means of analysis of variance, a difference between the groups was verified and longer practice of exercises (> 6 months) were also associated with education and income (p < 0.05); among the groups with exercise practice whether greater than or equal to six months, that supervised showed better results in the GFFI (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION:: The association between variables strengthens the hypothesis that adherence and maintenance of physical exercise might not be only dependent of individual's choice, but also the socioeconomic factors, which can influence the choice for any active lifestyle.

Ejercicio Físico , Aptitud Física , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Demografía , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores Socioeconómicos
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 20(2): 355-367, Abr.-Jun. 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-898589


RESUMO: Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre condições demográficas e socioeconômicas com a aptidão física e a prática regular de exercícios físicos supervisionados em participantes de projetos comunitários, possibilitando investigar se a adoção de um estilo de vida ativo depende apenas da escolha pessoal ou sofre influência de fatores socioeconômicos. Métodos: 213 indivíduos com idades acima de 50 anos com informações sobre condição socioeconômica (idade, sexo, escolaridade/anos de estudos e renda); nível habitual de atividade física; e aptidão física por meio de testes motores que permitiram o cálculo do Índice de Aptidão Funcional Geral (IAFG). Resultados: O modelo linear generalizado de comparação de grupos evidenciou que os participantes classificados nos grupos de IAFG mais elevado (bom e muito bom) apresentaram maiores escolaridade e renda (p < 0,05). O modelo de regressão linear complementa a análise anterior, evidenciando a magnitude da modificação da pontuação do IAFG na associação com os anos de estudos (grupo ≥ 15), a renda (todos os grupos) e a idade (p < 0,05). Pela Análise de Variância, verificou-se diferença entre os grupos e, com isso, associação entre maior tempo de prática de exercícios (> 6 meses) com a escolaridade e a renda; entre os grupos com prática de exercícios igual ou superior a seis meses, o grupo supervisionado apresentou os melhores resultados no IAFG (p < 0,05). Conclusão: A associação entre as variáveis fortalece a hipótese de que a adesão e manutenção da prática de exercícios podem não ser dependentes apenas da escolha do indivíduo, mas também de fatores socioeconômicos que podem influenciar a escolha pelo estilo de vida ativo.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To investigate the association between both demographic and socioeconomic conditions with physical fitness and regular practice of physical exercises in participants of community projects, supervised by a physical education teacher. This enabled to investigate whether the adoption of an active lifestyle depends only on the personal choice or has any influence of socioeconomic factors. Methods: 213 individuals aged over 50 years joined the study, and provided information about their socioeconomic status (age, gender, education/years of study, and income); usual level of physical activity (ULPA); and physical fitness, by a physical battery tests which allowed the calculation of general functional fitness index (GFFI). Results: The generalized linear model showed that participants ranked in the highest GFFI groups (good and very good) had more years of study and higher income (p < 0.05). The multiple linear regression model complements the previous analysis, demonstrating the magnitude of the change in the GFFI in association with the years of study (group > 15), income (all groups) and age (p < 0.05). By means of analysis of variance, a difference between the groups was verified and longer practice of exercises (> 6 months) were also associated with education and income (p < 0.05); among the groups with exercise practice whether greater than or equal to six months, that supervised showed better results in the GFFI (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The association between variables strengthens the hypothesis that adherence and maintenance of physical exercise might not be only dependent of individual's choice, but also the socioeconomic factors, which can influence the choice for any active lifestyle.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Ejercicio Físico , Aptitud Física , Factores Socioeconómicos , Brasil , Demografía , Estudios Transversales , Persona de Mediana Edad
Motriz (Online) ; 23(4): e101792, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-895022


AIMS: To reveal the pedagogical principles adopted by Brazilian coaches in teaching handball to the under-12 teams (U-12). METHODS: The sample included six coaches with extensive coaching experience, whose reports were collected through semi-structured interviews. The data were treated and analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) method. RESULTS: The results indicated a preference for game-centered approaches (CSD1), as they offer a complex environment in which distinct game skills can be developed (such as perception, attention, anticipation and decision making). To a lesser extent, coaches indicated their preference for teaching coordination exercises (justified by the maturation changes that take place during this period), and even less for the technique approach. CONCLUSION: Based on the coaches' perspective, games must be a central element to teaching U-12 teams, which permits the development of different aspects involved in decision-making during handball.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tutoría , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Deportes
Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e101704, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-894989


AIMS: The relative age effect (RAE) has been a research subject in several fields of society. RAE is present in different sports, influencing the young athlete's opportunities of participation. The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of RAE in Brazilian elite men and women futsal. METHODS: Birthdate of 376 athletes from Brazilian Men National Futsal League (LNF)/2013 and 227 from Brazilian Women National Futsal League/2014 were collected on leagues' homepages and divided into four quarters (Q1:January-March, Q2:April-June, Q3:July-September and Q4:October-December) and two semesters (S1:January-June, S2:July-December). In men case, results were compared with Penna and Moraes (2010) data on LNF/2009. Chi-square test was used to analyze differences between distributions of birthdates by quarters and semesters. The significance level was set at α<0.05, with Bonferroni correction when necessary. RESULTS: there is RAE in men futsal, predominantly on athletes born in first semester. In women futsal, there is no evidence of RAE. CONCLUSIONS: On men futsal, there is a need for offering similar opportunities to young players, while on women, the small amount of athletes in Brazil must be regarded as an alert to the culture of futsal as a men social space, which deters the entry of new practitioners.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Fútbol , Deportes , Factores de Edad , Rendimiento Atlético , Brasil
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(4): 937-949, out.-dez. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-843542


Resumo Este trabalho problematiza a posição ocupada pelas ciências humanas dentro do campo da Educação Física e questiona como se dão as relações entre o conhecimento próprio das humanidades, socialmente estabelecido e exposto em seus veículos de divulgação, e as interfaces com os objetos de pesquisa desta área em específico. O objetivo foi propor uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento científico, tendo como referencia concreta a interação entre a produção geral do campo da pesquisa em Educação Física e sua interação com objetos e metodologias originais do campo das ciências humanas. Para tal, é apresentada uma análise da relação entre o campo de pesquisa em Educação Física e sua apropriação de temas e métodos originais das ciências humanas. Foram organizados e categorizados artigos publicados por três importantes periódicos da área de Educação Física no Brasil, entre os anos de 2007 e 2012, de modo a subsidiar a discussão sobre a abrangência e utilização de referenciais das ciências humanas nesta área de conhecimento. Como conclusão, aponta-se que a compreensão da apropriação de temas e referenciais das ciências humanas pela Educação Física depende da observação de aspectos internos à própria área e suas disputas, como também de características específicas das ciências humanas e, por fim, da sociedade mais ampla que rodeia e interfere em todo o processo.(AU)

Abstract This paper intends to discuss the position occupied by the humanities in the field of Physical Education and to call into question the relationship between the socially-established knowledge pertaining to the humanities as socially established and portrayed in publication outlets in the field and the interaction between Physical Education and subjects of the humanities. The goal is to reflect on scientific development with base on the communication between research in Physical Education as a whole and subjects and methods originated in the field of human sciences. In order to do that, we present an analysis of the relationship between the field of Physical Education and its incorporation of subjects and methods of the humanities. Articles published by some important Brazilian Physical Education journals from between 2007 and 2012 were organized and classified so as to provide substance to the discussion on the use of references from the humanities and its scope in this field of knowledge. The conclusion is that the understanding of the incorporation of subjects and methods belonging to the humanities by the field of Physical Education comes from observing aspects that are internal to the field itself and the specific characteristics of the humanities and, finally, the broader society that surrounds them and has an impact on the entire process.(AU)

Humanidades , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Investigación
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 19(4): 788-799, out.-dez.2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-913356


O futebol americano tem sua institucionalização recente no Brasil, em um cenário de disputa por poder entre diversas entidades reguladoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar carac-terísticas socioculturais próprias do subcampo do futebol americano no Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 2012 e 2014, especificamente relacionadas à disputa por poder simbólico entre entidades reguladoras e equipes. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dirigentes de entidades concorrentes, e discussão de dados com base em categorias de Pierre Bourdieu, tem-se como principais resultados: a) existem habitus diferentes entre as entidades regulado-ras e equipes; b) há disputa por legitimidade na gestão de competições e equipes.

American football has its recent institutionalization in Brazil with a power struggle with the creation of new regulatory bodies. The aim of this study was to investigate sociocultural char-acteristics of the American football subfield in the state of São Paulo between 2012 and 2014, specifically related to the dispute for symbolic power between entities and teams. From semi-structured interviews with managers of competing entities, and discussion of data based on categories of Pierre Bourdieu, has as main results: a) there are different habitus between regu-lators and teams; b) contest for legitimacy in managing teams and competitions.

El fútbol americano tiene su reciente institucionalización en Brasil con una imagen de la lucha de poder con la creación de nuevos organismos reguladores. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las características socioculturales propias del subcampo de fútbol en el estado de São Paulo entre 2012 y 2014, específicamente relacionados con la disputa por el poder simbó-lico entre entidades y equipos. De las entrevistas semi-estructuradas con líderes de entidades competidoras, y la discusión de los datos basados en las categorías de Pierre Bourdieu, tiene como principales resultados: a) hay diferentes habitus entre los reguladores y los equipos; b) competencia por la legitimidad en la gestión de equipos y competiciones.

Humanos , Sociología , Deportes , Fútbol Americano
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(1): 87-95, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-782133


Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the potential impact of the high performance training on the anthropometric and maturational characteristics of female artistic gymnasts and to compare the adult target height with international standards of growth. A sample consisted of 23 elite Brazilian female former gymnasts was evaluated. From a historic retrospective, about 29.56 yrs. ago (average of all) they devoted themselves to the training for 9.3 (2.6) years, with a weekly 24.26 (4.2) training hours, and had been retired from competition around at 13.61 (5.12) years old. From the anthropometric data of the gymnasts (while still competing), their parents and their older sister (1) and younger sister (2), the target height was calculated by Tanner method {[(father’s height -13 cm) + mother’s height] ÷ 2}. Additionally, training history, age of menarche occurrence, and growth classifying in accordance with the international standards was recorded, aimed at comparisons. The average stature shown normal adult stature (NCHS), and some cases surpassed the standard 75th, 90th and 95th percentile. They are higher than their mother (p = 0.039), but not their sister 1 (0.952) or sister 2 (p = 0.998), but the age of menarche was significantly later only than their sisters 1 (p = 0.008) and 2 (p = 0.017). According to the Brazilian percentiles reference (IBGE), the final height of the former gymnasts was always higher of the standard, slightly smaller than their sisters 2 (5th and 10th), but was taller than their mothers and sisters 1. In conclusion, there is no evidence of artistic gymnastics high performance training having adverse effects on the final adult height.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o potencial impacto do treinamento de alta intensidade sobre as características antropométricas e maturacionais de ex-atletas da ginástica artística feminina e comparar a estatura adulta com padrões internacionais de crescimento. Uma amostra composta de 23 ex-atletas de elite da ginástica artística feminina brasileira foi avaliada. A partir de uma retrospectiva histórica média de 29,56 anos, foi determinado o tempo médio de formação [9,3 (2,6) anos], horas semanais de treinamento [24,26 (4,2)] e tempo após encerramento da carreira competitiva (13,61 ± 5,12 anos). A partir dos dados antropométricos das ginastas (quando ativas), o alvo parental da estatura das ex-atletas, de suas irmãs mais velhas (1) e mais jovens (2) foi calculado pelo método de Tanner {[(Altura do pai - 13 cm) + Altura da mãe] ÷ 2}. Além disso, o histórico de treino, idade de ocorrência da menarca e classificação do crescimento segundo os padrões internacionais, foram registrados para comparações. A estatura média das ex-atletas apresentou normalidade esperada para estatura adulta (NCHS), e em alguns casos ultrapassaram os valores dos percentis 75%, 90% e 95%. As ex-atletas foram maiores do que suas mães (p = 0,039), mas não diferiram da irmã 1 (0,952) ou irmã 2 (p = 0,998). A idade da menarca daquelas foi significantemente mais tardia do que de suas irmãs 1 (p = 0,008) e 2 ( p = 0,017). Em relação às referências brasileiras (IBGE), a altura final das ex-ginastas foi sempre maior do que o padrão nacional, ligeiramente menor do que suas irmãs 2 em alguns momentos (centis 5 e 10), mas eram mais altas do que suas mães e irmãs 1. Em conclusão, não há evidências de que o treinamento de alto impacto da ginástica artística resulte em efeitos adversos sobre a estatura adulta final das atletas.

Humanos , Femenino , Deportes/fisiología , Antropometría/instrumentación , Atletas , Crecimiento/fisiología , Gimnasia/fisiología
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 21(2): 463-477, 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-834939


O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear os métodos de ensino adotados por seis treinadores de handebol experientes da categoria infantil (sub-14). Os treinadores foram entrevistados e os depoimentos tabulados e analisados de acordo com o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados apontam que os treinadores preferem o ensino por meio de jogos, também mencionam o ensino baseado nas situações do jogo, nas habilidades técnicas e na combinação de diferentes métodos (devido à diversidade de estímulos e desenvolvimento de capacidades diferentes). Conclui-se que os procedimentos pedagógicos estão pautados na formação generalista, e evitam o processo de especialização esportiva precoce.

The aim of this study was to map teaching methods adopted by six experienced under-14 handball coaches. They were interviewed and the speeches were tabulated and analyzed according the method of Collective Subject Discourse. Results indicate that coaches prefer teaching through games. They also referred to teaching based on game situations, technical skills and combination of different methods (due to the diversity of stimuli and the development of different abilities and skills). The findings suggest that coaches’ procedures are guided by generalist training and avoid the process of early sport specialization.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los métodos de enseñanza adoptados por seis entrenadores expertos de balonmano en equipos infantiles. Los entrenadores fueron entrevistados y las declaraciones tabuladas y analizadas de acuerdo con el método del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Los resultados indican que los entrenadores prefieren la enseñanza a través de juegos y mencionan la enseñanza basada en situaciones de juego, habilidades técnicas y en la combinación de diferentes métodos (justificado por la diversidad de estímulos y el desarrollo de diferentes capacidades). Así, los procedimientos de enseñanza se orientan por el proceso de formación general, evitando la especialización deportiva temprana.

Humanos , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Deportes , Enseñanza