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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 19211, 2023 Nov 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37932388


Quasiparticles emerging in crystalline materials can possess a binary flavor known as the valley quantum number which can be used as a basis to encode information in an emerging class of valleytronic devices. Here we show that two-dimensional semimetals with tilted Dirac cones in the electronic band structure exhibit spatial separation of carriers belonging to different valleys under illumination. In stark contrast to gapped Dirac materials this optovalleytronic phenomenon occurs in systems with intact inversion and time-reversal symmetry that host gapless Dirac cones in the band structure, thereby retaining the exceptional graphene-like transport properties. We thus demonstrate that optical valley separation is possible at arbitrarily low photon frequencies including the deep infrared and terahertz regimes with full gate tunability via Pauli blocking. As a specific example of our theory, we predict tunable valley separation in the proposed two-dimensional tilted Dirac cone semimetal 8-Pmmn borophene for incident infrared photons at room temperature. This work highlights the potential of two-dimensional tilted Dirac cone materials as a platform for tunable broadband optovalleytronic applications.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2194, 2018 06 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29875384


Pseudorelativistic Dirac quasiparticles have emerged in a plethora of artificial graphene systems that mimic the underlying honeycomb symmetry of graphene. However, it is notoriously difficult to manipulate their properties without modifying the lattice structure. Here we theoretically investigate polaritons supported by honeycomb metasurfaces and, despite the trivial nature of the resonant elements, we unveil rich Dirac physics stemming from a non-trivial winding in the light-matter interaction. The metasurfaces simultaneously exhibit two distinct species of massless Dirac polaritons, namely type-I and type-II. By modifying only the photonic environment via an enclosing cavity, one can manipulate the location of the type-II Dirac points, leading to qualitatively different polariton phases. This enables one to alter the fundamental properties of the emergent Dirac polaritons while preserving the lattice structure-a unique scenario which has no analog in real or artificial graphene systems. Exploiting the photonic environment will thus give rise to unexplored Dirac physics at the subwavelength scale.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(2): 025301, 2018 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29176053


We consider a chain of regularly-spaced spherical metallic nanoparticles, where each particle supports three degenerate localized surface plasmons. Due to the dipolar interaction between the nanoparticles, the localized plasmons couple to form extended collective modes. Using an open quantum system approach in which the collective plasmons are interacting with vacuum electromagnetic modes and which, importantly, readily incorporates retardation via the light-matter coupling, we analytically evaluate the resulting radiative frequency shifts of the plasmonic bandstructure. For subwavelength-sized nanoparticles, our analytical treatment provides an excellent quantitative agreement with the results stemming from laborious numerical calculations based on fully-retarded solutions to Maxwell's equations. Indeed, the explicit expressions for the plasmonic spectrum which we provide showcase how including retardation gives rise to a logarithmic singularity in the bandstructure of transverse-polarized plasmons. We further study the impact of retardation effects on the propagation of plasmonic excitations along the chain. While for the longitudinal modes, retardation has a negligible effect, we find that the retarded dipolar interaction can significantly modify the plasmon propagation in the case of transverse-polarized modes. Moreover, our results elucidate the analogy between radiative effects in nanoplasmonic systems and the cooperative Lamb shift in atomic physics.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 25(37): 375301, 2013 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23963478


We explore the effect of trigonal warping and of elastic deformations on the electronic spectrum of bilayer graphene devices, on their ballistic conductance as well as on the shot noise. Uniaxial strain distorts the lattice creating a uniform fictitious gauge field in the electronic Dirac Hamiltonian which ultimately causes a dramatic reconstruction in the trigonally warped electronic spectrum, inducing topological transitions in the Fermi surface. In this paper we present results of ballistic transport in bilayer graphene in the absence and presence of strain, with particular focus on noise and the Fano factor F. The inclusion of trigonal warping preserves the pseudo-diffusive value of F = 1/3 at the Dirac point, as calculated in the absence of trigonal warping terms. However, the range of energies which show pseudo-diffusive transport increases by orders of magnitude compared to the results stemming out of a parabolic spectrum and the applied strain acts to increase this energy range further.

Conductividad Eléctrica , Grafito/química , Ruido , Simulación por Computador , Ensayo de Materiales , Modelos Químicos , Propiedades de Superficie
Phys Rev Lett ; 110(10): 106801, 2013 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23521276


We consider a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of metallic nanoparticles, each supporting a localized surface plasmon, and study the quantum properties of the collective plasmons resulting from the near-field dipolar interaction between the nanoparticles. We analytically investigate the dispersion, the effective Hamiltonian, and the eigenstates of the collective plasmons for an arbitrary orientation of the individual dipole moments. When the polarization points close to the normal to the plane, the spectrum presents Dirac cones, similar to those present in the electronic band structure of graphene. We derive the effective Dirac Hamiltonian for the collective plasmons and show that the corresponding spinor eigenstates represent Dirac-like massless bosonic excitations that present similar effects to electrons in graphene, such as a nontrivial Berry phase and the absence of backscattering off smooth inhomogeneities. We further discuss how one can manipulate the Dirac points in the Brillouin zone and open a gap in the collective plasmon dispersion by modifying the polarization of the localized surface plasmons, paving the way for a fully tunable plasmonic analogue of graphene.

Nanopartículas del Metal/química , Modelos Teóricos , Partículas Elementales , Grafito/química , Teoría Cuántica , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie
J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(39): 394017, 2012 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22964645


We provide a theory of the electronic transport properties of a graphene layer functionalized with molecular switches. Our considerations are motivated by the spiropyran-merocyanine system which is non-polar in its ring-closed spiropyran form and zwitterionic in its ring-open merocyanine form. The reversible switching between these two isomers affects the carriers in graphene through the associated change in the molecular dipole moment, turning the graphene layer into a sensor of the molecular switching state. We present results for both the quasiclassical (Boltzmann) and the quantum coherent regimes of transport. Quite generally, we find a linear sensitivity of the conductance on the molecular dipole moment whenever quantum interference effects play an essential role which contrasts with a quadratic (and typically weaker) dependence when quantum interference is absent.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(7): 076801, 2008 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352583


Rotation and reflection symmetries impose that out-of-plane (flexural) phonons of freestanding graphene membranes have a quadratic dispersion at long wavelength and can be excited by charge carriers in pairs only. As a result, we find that flexural phonons dominate the phonon contribution to the resistivity rho below a crossover temperature T(x) where we obtain an anomalous temperature dependence rho proportional, variantT(5/2)lnT. The logarithmic factor arises from renormalizations of the flexural-phonon dispersion due to coupling between bending and stretching degrees of freedom of the membrane.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(26): 263001, 2005 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486347


In this Letter, we derive the dispersion relation of the surface waves at the interfaces between Mott-insulating and superfluid domains for a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice subjected to a confining potential. We then calculate their contribution to the heat capacity of the system and show how its low-temperature scaling allows an experimental test of the existence and properties of Mott insulator-superfluid domains.