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Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21258055


BackgroundThe city of Melbourne, Australia experienced two waves of the COVID-19 epidemic peaking, the first in March and a more substantial wave in July 2020. During the second wave, a series of control measure were progressively introduced that initially slowed the growth of the epidemic then resulted in decreasing cases until there was no detectable local transmission. MethodsTo determine the relative efficacy of the progressively introduced intervention measures, we modelled the second wave as a series of exponential growth and decay curves. We used a linear regression of the log of daily cases vs time, using a four-segment linear spline model corresponding to implementation of the three successive major public health measures. The primary model used all reported cases between 14 June and 15 September then compared the projection of the model with observed cases predict future case trajectory up until the 31 October to assess the use of exponential models in projecting the future course and planning future interventions. The main outcome measures were the exponential daily growth constants, analysis of residuals and estimates of the 95% confidence intervals for the expected case distributions, comparison of predicted daily cases. ResultsThe exponential growth/decay constants in the primary analysis were: 0.122 (s.e. 0.004), 0.035 (s.e. 0.005), -0.037 (s.e. 0.011), and -0.069 (s.e. 0.003) for the initial growth rate, Stage 3, stage 3 + compulsory masks and Stage 4, respectively. Extrapolation of the regression model from the 14 September to the 31 October matched the decline in observed cases over this period. ConclusionsThe four-segment exponential model provided an excellent fit of the observed reported case data and predicted the day-to-day range of expected cases. The extrapolated regression accurately predicted the decline leading to epidemic control in Melbourne.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21252315


BackgroundIn clinical trials two vaccinations with mRNA vaccines have shown high efficacy in preventing COVID-19. However, in the context of a pandemic, the time to generation of protective immunity, the need for and timing of a second vaccination are matters of legitimate debate. This manuscript explores the efficacy and timing of the second dose COVID-19 vaccines, including a reanalysis of data from the Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine phase 3 study. Methods and findingsA non-weighted three-segment, two knot linear regression was fitted to the published cumulative infection incidence from the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine Phase III trial using the lspine routine in R. The optimal knot days were estimated through sensitivity analysis and the confidence limits for efficacy estimates were determined by Monte Carlo Simulations. This analysis showed the vaccine was effective from day 11 post first vaccination. The estimated efficacy over the period 11 to 28 days post first vaccination was 0.94 and there was no detectable increase in efficacy following the second vaccination. The efficacy post first vaccination substantially preceded the development of detectable serum neutralizing antibody. ConclusionsStrongly protective immunity develops rapidly following a single vaccination and at least in the short period covered by the timetable of the Phase III trial, there was no additional benefit from a second vaccination. This increases options for use of this vaccine, e.g., for ring fence vaccination, for use in travelers and for mass vaccination rollout. It highlights the need for further research into duration of immunity following a single vaccination and for understanding mechanisms of protection.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20248595


In settings with zero community transmission, any new SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks are likely to be the result of random incursions. The level of restrictions in place at the time of the incursion is likely to considerably affect possible outbreak trajectories. We used an agent-based model to investigate the relationship between ongoing restrictions and behavioural factors, and the probability of an incursion causing an outbreak and the resulting growth rate. We applied our model to the state of Victoria, Australia, which has reached zero community transmission as of November 2020. We found that a future incursion has a 45% probability of causing an outbreak (defined as a 7-day average of >5 new cases per day within 60 days) if no restrictions were in place, decreasing to 23% with a mandatory masks policy, density restrictions on venues such as restaurants, and if employees worked from home where possible. A drop in community symptomatic testing rates was associated with up to a 10-percentage point increase in outbreak probability, highlighting the importance of maintaining high testing rates as part of a suppression strategy. Because the chance of an incursion occurring is closely related to border controls, outbreak risk management strategies require an integrated approaching spanning border controls, ongoing restrictions, and plans for response. Each individual restriction or control strategy reduces the risk of an outbreak. They can be traded off against each other, but if too many are removed there is a danger of accumulating an unsafe level of risk. The outbreak probabilities estimated in this study are of particular relevance in assessing the downstream risks associated with increased international travel.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20209429


ObjectivesThe early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, has the potential to spread exponentially. Therefore, as long as a substantial proportion of the population remains susceptible to infection, the potential for new epidemic waves persists even in settings with low numbers of active COVID-19 infections, unless sufficient countermeasures are in place. We aim to quantify vulnerability to resurgences in COVID-19 transmission under variations in the levels of testing, tracing, and mask usage. SettingThe Australian state of New South Wales, a setting with prolonged low transmission, high mobility, non-universal mask usage, and a well-functioning test-and-trace system. ParticipantsNone (simulation study) ResultsWe find that the relative impact of masks is greatest when testing and tracing rates are lower (and vice versa). Scenarios with very high testing rates (90% of people with symptoms, plus 90% of people with a known history of contact with a confirmed case) were estimated to lead to a robustly controlled epidemic, with a median of [~]180 infections in total over October 1 - December 31 under high mask uptake scenarios, or 260-1,200 without masks, depending on the efficacy of community contact tracing. However, across comparable levels of mask uptake and contact tracing, the number of infections over this period were projected to be 2-3 times higher if the testing rate was 80% instead of 90%, 8-12 times higher if the testing rate was 65%, or 30-50 times higher with a 50% testing rate. In reality, NSW diagnosed 254 locally-acquired cases over this period, an outcome that had a low probability in the model (4-7%) under the best-case scenarios of extremely high testing (90%), near-perfect community contact tracing (75-100%), and high mask usage (50-75%), but a far higher probability if any of these were at lower levels. ConclusionsOur work suggests that testing, tracing and masks can all be effective means of controlling transmission. A multifaceted strategy that combines all three, alongside continued hygiene and distancing protocols, is likely to be the most robust means of controlling transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Strengths and limitations of this studyO_LIA key methodological strength of this study is the level of detail in the model that we use, which allows us to capture many of the finer details of the extent to which controlling COVID-19 transmission relies on the balance between testing, contact tracing, and mask usage. C_LIO_LIAnother key strength is that our model is stochastic, so we are able to quantify the probability of different epidemiological outcomes under different policy settings. C_LIO_LIA key limitation is the shortage of publicly-available data on the efficacy of contact tracing programs, including data on how many people were contacted for each confirmed index case of COVID-19. C_LI

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20186742


ObjectivesTo evaluate the risk of a new wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a setting with ongoing low transmission, high mobility, and an effective test-and-trace system, under different assumptions about mask uptake. DesignWe used a stochastic agent-based microsimulation model to create multiple simulations of possible epidemic trajectories that could eventuate over a five-week period following prolonged low levels of community transmission. SettingWe calibrated the model to the epidemiological and policy environment in New South Wales, Australia, at the end of August 2020. ParticipantsNone InterventionFrom September 1, 2020, we ran the stochastic model with the same initial conditions(i.e., those prevailing at August 31, 2020), and analyzed the outputs of the model to determine the probability of exceeding a given number of new diagnoses and active cases within five weeks, under three assumptions about future mask usage: a baseline scenario of 30% uptake, a scenario assuming no mask usage, and a scenario assuming mandatory mask usage with near-universal uptake (95%). Main outcome measureProbability of exceeding a given number of new diagnoses and active cases within five weeks. ResultsThe policy environment at the end of August is sufficient to slow the rate of epidemic growth, but may not stop the epidemic from growing: we estimate a 20% chance that NSW will be diagnosing at least 50 new cases per day within five weeks from the date of this analysis. Mandatory mask usage would reduce this to 6-9%. ConclusionsMandating the use of masks in community settings would significantly reduce the risk of epidemic resurgence.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20127027


AimsWe assessed COVID-19 epidemic risks associated with relaxing a set of physical distancing restrictions in the state of Victoria, Australia - a setting with low community transmission - in line with a national framework that aims to balance sequential policy relaxations with longer-term public health and economic need. MethodsAn agent-based model, Covasim, was calibrated to the local COVID-19 epidemiological and policy environment. Contact networks were modelled to capture transmission risks in households, schools and workplaces, and a variety of community spaces (e.g. public transport, parks, bars, cafes/restaurants) and activities (e.g. community or professional sports, large events). Policy changes that could prevent or reduce transmission in specific locations (e.g. opening/closing businesses) were modelled in the context of interventions that included testing, contact tracing (including via a smartphone app), and quarantine. ResultsPolicy changes leading to the gathering of large, unstructured groups with unknown individuals (e.g. bars opening, increased public transport use) posed the greatest risk, while policy changes leading to smaller, structured gatherings with known individuals (e.g. small social gatherings) posed least risk. In the model, epidemic impact following some policy changes took more than two months to occur. Model outcomes support continuation of working from home policies to reduce public transport use, and risk mitigation strategies in the context of social venues opening, such as >30% population-uptake of a contact-tracing app, physical distancing policies within venues reducing transmissibility by >40%, or patron identification records being kept to enable >60% contact tracing. ConclusionsIn a low transmission setting, care should be taken to avoid lifting sequential COVID-19 policy restrictions within short time periods, as it could take more than two months to detect the consequences of any changes. These findings have implications for other settings with low community transmission where governments are beginning to lift restrictions.