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bioRxiv ; 2024 Sep 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39282371


Auditory processing is widely understood to occur differently in autism, though the patterns of brain activity underlying these differences are not well understood. The diversity of autism also means brain-wide networks may change in various ways to produce similar behavioral outputs. We used larval zebrafish to investigate auditory habituation in four genetic lines relevant to autism: fmr1 , mecp2 , scn1lab and cntnap2 . In free-swimming behavioral tests, we found each line had a unique profile of auditory hypersensitivity and/or delayed habituation. Combining the optical transparency of larval zebrafish with genetically encoded calcium indicators and light-sheet microscopy, we then observed brain-wide activity at cellular resolution during auditory habituation. As with behavior, each line showed unique alterations in brain-wide spontaneous activity, auditory processing, and adaptation in response to repetitive acoustic stimuli. We also observed commonalities in activity across our genetic lines that indicate shared circuit changes underlying certain aspects of their behavioral phenotypes. These were predominantly in regions involved in sensory integration and sensorimotor gating rather than primary auditory areas. Overlapping phenotypes include differences in the activity and functional connectivity of the telencephalon, thalamus, dopaminergic regions, and the locus coeruleus, and excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in the cerebellum. Unique phenotypes include loss of activity in the habenula in scn1lab , increased activity in auditory regions in fmr1, and differences in network activity over time in mecp2 and cntnap2 . Comparing these distinct but overlapping brain-wide auditory networks furthers our understanding of how diverse genetic factors can produce similar behavioral effects through a range of circuit- and network-scale mechanisms.

Front Neural Circuits ; 15: 748535, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34744637


Animals from insects to humans perform visual escape behavior in response to looming stimuli, and these responses habituate if looms are presented repeatedly without consequence. While the basic visual processing and motor pathways involved in this behavior have been described, many of the nuances of predator perception and sensorimotor gating have not. Here, we have performed both behavioral analyses and brain-wide cellular-resolution calcium imaging in larval zebrafish while presenting them with visual loom stimuli or stimuli that selectively deliver either the movement or the dimming properties of full loom stimuli. Behaviorally, we find that, while responses to repeated loom stimuli habituate, no such habituation occurs when repeated movement stimuli (in the absence of luminance changes) are presented. Dim stimuli seldom elicit escape responses, and therefore cannot habituate. Neither repeated movement stimuli nor repeated dimming stimuli habituate the responses to subsequent full loom stimuli, suggesting that full looms are required for habituation. Our calcium imaging reveals that motion-sensitive neurons are abundant in the brain, that dim-sensitive neurons are present but more rare, and that neurons responsive to both stimuli (and to full loom stimuli) are concentrated in the tectum. Neurons selective to full loom stimuli (but not to movement or dimming) were not evident. Finally, we explored whether movement- or dim-sensitive neurons have characteristic response profiles during habituation to full looms. Such functional links between baseline responsiveness and habituation rate could suggest a specific role in the brain-wide habituation network, but no such relationships were found in our data. Overall, our results suggest that, while both movement- and dim-sensitive neurons contribute to predator escape behavior, neither plays a specific role in brain-wide visual habituation networks or in behavioral habituation.

Visión Ocular , Pez Cebra , Animales , Humanos , Larva , Neuronas Motoras , Percepción Visual