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Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 61(2): 17-22, dic. 2020. ilus.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIBOCS | ID: biblio-1179063


Además del sistema ABO, los subgrupos del mismo revisten gran importancia en inmunohematología, Los subgrupos A difieren tanto en el número de sitios antigénicos como en la configuración del antígeno eritrocitario. Los principales, A1 y A2 se diferencian en que los eritrocitos A1 son aglutinados por el anticuerpo Anti-A1 humano o por la Lectina Anti-A1 (Dolichos biflorus), y los eritrocitos A2 son aglutinados por la Lectina Anti-H (Ulex europaeus). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de Corte Transversal, Se analizó los registros tanto físico y electrónico del Banco de Sangre, se incluyeron todos los donadores efectivos, mismos que fueron tipificados por el laboratorio de inmunohematología en el periodo de mayo a julio del 2018. Método empleado, aglutinación en tubo y en micro placa. RESULTADOS: en un total de 1599 donantes, se determinó que el grupo O tiene mayor frecuencia con un 84% y el menos frecuente fue el AB con un 0,66%. Según el grupo sanguíneo A y AB tenemos las siguientes frecuencias: A1 que representa el (73.3%), A2 el (15.9%), Aint el (5.65%), A1 B el (3.60%) y A2 B el (1.55%). La importancia clínica se basa en que algunas personas del grupo A2 transfundidas con A1 , pueden producir Anti-A1 que es un anticuerpo natural irregular activo a 22 ºC, pero en ocasiones está activo a 37ºC causando una reacción transfusional extravascular, por lo que, si no se cuenta con eritrocitos A2 , se recomienda transfundir eritrocitos grupo O.

In addition to the ABO system, its subgroups review great importance in Immunohematology. Subgroups A differ both in the number of antigenic sites and in the configuration of the erythrocyte antigen. The main ones, A1 and A2 differ in that A1 erythrocytes are agglutinated by human Anti-A1 antibody or by Anti-A1 Lectin (Dolichos biflorus), and A2 erythrocytes are agglutinated by Anti-H Lectin (Ulex europaeus). MATERIALS AND METHODS: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted. The physical and electronic records of the Blood Bank were analyzed, all effective donors were included, which were typified by the Immunohematology Laboratory in the period of May. to July 2018. Method used, agglutination in tube and in microplate. RESULTS: in a total of 1599 protocols, it was determined that group O has the highest frequency with 84% and the least frequent was the AB with 0.66%. According to blood group A and AB we have the following frequencies: A1 representing (73.3%), A2 (15.9%), Aint (5.65%), A1B (3.60%) and A2B (1.55%). The clinical importance is based on the fact that some people in group A2 transfused with A1, can produce Anti-A1 which is an irregular natural antibody active at 22 ° C but sometimes it is active at 37 °C causing an extravascular transfusion reaction, so if A2 erythrocytes are not available, it is recommended to transfuse group O erythrocytes.

Bancos de Sangre , Aglutinación , Eritrocitos , Registros , Ulex , Laboratorios
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 61(2): 33-46, dic. 2020. ilus.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIBOCS | ID: biblio-1179186


PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: ¿Cuál será la composición corporal, el agua corporal total, y el agua extra e intracelular relacionados a los cambios después del ejercicio submáximo de 30 minutos y post rehidratación con agua pura en adultos residentes permanentes de gran altitud, La Paz, Bolivia, gestión 2019? OBJETIVO: Determinar la composición corporal, el agua corporal total, y el agua extra e intracelular relacionados a los cambios después del ejercicio submáximo de 30 minutos y post rehidratación con agua pura en adultos residentes permanentes de gran altitud, La Paz, Bolivia, gestión 2019. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: el trabajo de investigación fue tipo experimental, antes y después, sobre Fisiología de Altitud, en 29 jóvenes residentes de gran altitud (3600 m.s.n.m.). Se evaluó variables antes y después de realizar una prueba de ejercicio submáxima, de 30 minutos, y la rehidratación post ejercicio, tras el consumo de agua pura. Variables dependientes fueron: 1. Composición corporal, medida a través del análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica (AIB), 2. Volumen de agua corporal total, determinado por AIB. 3. Agua extra e intracelular evaluada por AIB y 4. Estado de rehidratación, evaluado por el cambio de peso post ejercicio, y mediante el AIB. Las variables independientes fueron el ejercicio a través de la prueba submáxima de 30 minutos y la rehidratación con agua pura. RESULTADOS: en jóvenes residentes de gran altitud, se estima que el porcentaje de agua corporal total en las mujeres está disminuida en relación a la referencia de poblaciones del nivel del mar. La masa grasa corporal está muy incrementada en las mujeres. La diferencia de agua basal versus el agua post ejercicio entre varones y mujeres no es significativa. La diferencia de agua del líquido extra e intracelular basal versus el agua post ejercicio entre varones y mujeres no es significativa. La diferencia en la distancia recorrida en 30 minutos de ejercicio de trote submáximo es estadísticamente significativa a favor de los varones (4424 vs. 3619 metros). La correlación del IMC y el porcentaje de masa grasa es muy baja (r=0.109). El IMC entre varones y mujeres no presenta diferencia estadísticamente significativa (26±3 vs 24±3 respectivamente). La frecuencia de exceso de grasa corporal evaluada por AIB, es del 55% en las mujeres y de 0% en varones. La presión arterial sistémica en varones (PS: 107±6 y PD:73± 4mmHg) y en mujeres (PS:104±8 y PD:70± 7mmHg), está disminuida en relación a referencia del nivel del mar. La frecuencia respiratoria esta incrementada tanto en varones (21±2) y mujeres (23±3). CONCLUSIONES: el método de AIB permite evaluar la composición corporal y el agua corporal total y por tanto la masa grasa, mismo que fue validado en altitud por el método estándar de referencia de dilución isotópica en estudios previos en altitud. El ejercicio de trote submáximo ejecutado, ha exigido más a los universitarios estudiados. Se verifica que en el mismo tiempo los varones han recorrido una mayor distancia que las mujeres. Se estima que en mujeres la masa grasa corporal (MGC) esta incrementada y que el exceso de grasa (obesidad) es del 55%. La diferencia del agua al momento basal y post ejercicio y el LEC y LIC entre varones y mujeres no es significativa. El IMC subestima en este grupo la frecuencia de obesidad, principalmente en mujeres. El uso de técnicas nucleares, ha permitido a través del análisis del deuterio estudiar el agua, la composición corporal, y se asocia fuertemente con determinaciones similares mediante el uso de la bioimpedancia eléctrica.

RESEARCH QUESTION: what will be the body composition, the total body water, and the extra and intracellular water related to the changes after submaximal exercise of 30 minutes and post rehydration with pure water in permanent resident adults of high altitude, La Paz, Bolivia, management 2019? OBJECTIVE: to determine the body composition, the total body water, and the extra and intracellular water related to the changes after submaximal exercise of 30 minutes and post rehydration with pure water in permanent residents of high altitude adults, La Paz, Bolivia, management 2019. MATERIAL AND METHODS: the research work was experimental, before and after, on Altitude Physiology, in 29 young residents of high altitude (3600 m.a.s.l.). Variables were evaluated before and after performing a 30-minute submaximal exercise test and post-exercise rehydration after consuming pure water. Dependent variables were: 1. Body composition, measured through bioelectrical impedance analysis (AIB), 2. Total body water volume, determined by AIB. 3. Extra and intracellular water evaluated by AIB and 4. Rehydration status, evaluated by post-exercise weight change, and by AIB. The independent variables were exercise through the 30-minute submaximal test and rehydration with pure water. RESULTS: in young residents of high altitude, it is estimated that the percentage of total body water in women is decreased in relation to the reference of sea level populations. Body fat mass is greatly increased in women. The difference in basal water versus post-exercise water between men and women is not significant. The difference in water from basal extra and intracellular fluid versus post-exercise water between men and women is not significant. The difference in distance covered in 30 minutes of submaximal jogging exercise is statistically significant in favor of men (4424 vs. 3619 meters). The correlation of BMI and the percentage of fat mass is very low (r = 0.109). The BMI between men and women did not present a statistically significant difference (26 ± 3 vs 24 ± 3 respectively). The frequency of excess body fat evaluated by AIB is 55% in women and 0% in men. The systemic blood pressure in men (PS: 107 ± 6 and PD: 73 ± 4mmHg) and in women (PS: 104 ± 8 and PD: 70 ± 7mmHg), is decreased in relation to the sea level reference. Respiratory rate is increased in both men (21 ± 2) and women (23 ± 3). CONCLUSIONS: the AIB method allows evaluating body composition and total body water and therefore fat mass, which was validated at altitude by the isotopic dilution reference standard method in previous studies at altitude. The submaximal trot exercise performed has demanded more from the university students studied. It is verified that in the same time the men have traveled a greater distance than the women. It is estimated that in women the body fat mass (FGM) is increased and that the excess fat (obesity) is 55%. The difference in water at baseline and post-exercise and the LEC and LIC between men and women is not significant. The BMI underestimates the frequency of obesity in this group, mainly in women. The use of nuclear techniques has allowed the analysis of deuterium to study water, body composition, and is strongly associated with similar determinations through the use of electrical bioimpedance.

Humanos , Agua Corporal , Cantidad de Agua , Ingestión de Líquidos , Altitud , Estudiantes , Universidades , Ejercicio Físico , Frecuencia Respiratoria
Pediatr Infect Dis J ; 20(7): 685-93, 2001 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11465841


BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the impact of rotavirus-associated disease on the health care systems of South America can aid in defining strategies for diagnosis, management and prevention. Up to date information on the impact of rotavirus disease in South America is scarce. AIM: To determine prospectively the impact of rotavirus disease as a cause of medical visits and hospitalizations at three large sentinel pediatric hospitals in Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. METHODS: A 2-year prospective surveillance for rotavirus-associated medical visits and hospitalizations was conducted during 1997 through 1998 at three large sentinel public hospitals, one each in Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. A common surveillance protocol was implemented at the three sites, and a representative number of nonbloody diarrhea stool samples from children <36 months of age were tested for rotavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: For our target age group, acute diarrhea-associated medical visits/hospitalizations represented 41%/2%, 5%/6% and 9%/13% of all medical visits/all hospitalizations at the Argentinean, Chilean and Venezuelan sites, respectively (P < 0.001 for difference among the three sites). Rotavirus detection rates among a total of 5,801/1,256 medical visit/hospitalization diarrhea stool samples tested were 39%/71% in Argentina, 34%/47% in Chile and 29%/38% in Venezuela (P < 0.01 by chi square for difference among the three sites). Rotavirus was associated with a mean of 1.5, 1.8 and 3% of total medical visits and 1.6, 2.8 and 5% of hospitalizations among children <36 months of age at the Argentinean, Chilean and Venezuelan sites, respectively. Seasonality was evident for medical visits at all three sites (although less striking in Chile) with peak activity occurring between November and May. Rotavirus-associated hospitalizations had a marked peak in Venezuela, represented largely by short stays, but not in Argentina and Chile. CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus was a significant cause of medical visits at all three sentinel sites. Rotavirus caused less hospitalizations than previously reported in Argentina and Chile. On the basis of our findings we estimate that approximately 106,000/ 21,000, 48,000/8,000 and 98,000/31,000 rotavirus-associated medical visits/hospitalizations occur yearly in Argentina, Chile and Venezuela, respectively.

Hospitalización/estadística & datos numéricos , Visita a Consultorio Médico/estadística & datos numéricos , Infecciones por Rotavirus/epidemiología , Argentina/epidemiología , Preescolar , Chile/epidemiología , Diarrea/virología , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Femenino , Hospitales Pediátricos/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Rotavirus/aislamiento & purificación , Infecciones por Rotavirus/diagnóstico , Infecciones por Rotavirus/economía , Vigilancia de Guardia , Venezuela/epidemiología
J Infect Dis ; 182(5): 1519-22, 2000 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11023476


Human caliciviruses (HuCVs) are increasingly recognized as common pathogens that cause acute sporadic diarrhea in children; however, regional antigenic and genetic diversity complicate detection techniques. Stool samples from children seeking medical attention in 2 outpatient clinics, a large emergency department, and 2 hospital wards were evaluated for HuCVs by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, using primers based on a conserved sequence of the polymerase region of a previously sequenced Chilean strain. HuCVs were detected in 53 (8%) of 684 children 1 month to 5 years of age (mean, 13 months). Detection occurred year-round without a clear seasonal peak, and detection frequency declined from 16% in 1997 to 2% in 1999. The decline may have been due to a change in virus genotype. HuCVs are a significant pathogen of acute sporadic diarrhea in Chilean children, and continuous characterization of genetic diversity will be crucial for appropriate detection.

Caliciviridae/aislamiento & purificación , Diarrea/virología , Enfermedad Aguda , Preescolar , Chile , Heces/virología , Humanos , Lactante , Factores de Tiempo
Rev Med Chil ; 127(5): 523-31, 1999 May.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10451621


BACKGROUND: Human calciviruses (HuCVs) cause diarrhea outbreaks associated with consumption of contaminated food and water. Seroepidemiological studies in developing countries, suggest that HuCVs can cause acute gastroenteritis in children. AIM: To study the presence of Norwalk (NV) and Mexico (MX) virus, two HuCVs, in stools of Chilean children from different settings. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: ELISA tests for NV and MX were performed in 677 stool samples for children aged 0 to 132 years old, with acute diarrhea occurring in day care centers or consulting in outpatient clinics or emergency rooms. We also studied eight samples from children involved in a diarrhea outbreak that occurred in a rural community in 1992. A subset of samples was tested with polymerase chain reactions using different primers. RESULTS: Only one sample from a child with acute diarrhea occurring in a day care center was positive for HuCV by polymerase chain reaction. Three samples from the outbreak were positive by the latter method and by ELISA. The HuCV obtained from the day care center was genetically different from other known HuCV. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the high seroprevalence, NV and MX viruses were detected in a very low proportion of Chilean children stools.

Infecciones por Caliciviridae/virología , Diarrea Infantil/virología , Virus Norwalk/aislamiento & purificación , Enfermedad Aguda , Adolescente , Caliciviridae/genética , Niño , Preescolar , Chile/epidemiología , Diarrea Infantil/epidemiología , Heces/virología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino
J Clin Microbiol ; 36(12): 3691-3, 1998 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9817899


The frequency of astrovirus infection in 456 Chilean children with diarrhea was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, reverse transcriptase PCR, and cell culture. Astrovirus was detected in 16.5% of rotavirus-negative and 7% of rotavirus-positive samples obtained from emergency rooms or hospitals and in 11% of samples from day care centers. HAst-1 was the predominant serotype identified.

Infecciones por Astroviridae/epidemiología , Gastroenteritis/virología , Enfermedad Aguda , Preescolar , Chile/epidemiología , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Heces/virología , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Prevalencia
Clin Infect Dis ; 27(4): 789-95, 1998 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9798035


Norwalk virus (NV) and Mexico (MX) virus represent distinct genetic clusters within the same genus of human caliciviruses (CVs), a major cause of diarrhea in adults. The magnitude and potential risk factors of human CV infection in populations from Santiago and Punta Arenas, Chile, were assessed. Individuals (n = 1,864) gave a blood sample and answered a questionnaire during a household survey. Sera were tested for antibody to NV and MX virus with use of recombinant capsid antigens. Overall, NV and MX virus seroprevalence rates were 83% and 91% in Santiago vs. 67% and 90% in Punta Arenas, respectively (P < .001 for NV virus). Lower socioeconomic status and increasing age were risk factors for infection with both viruses (P < .001). Consumption of seafood, consumption of vegetables, and child care center attendance were population risk factors for infection, but the association of a factor with a virus depended on the city. Prevention of human CV infections will require individual assessment in different communities.

Infecciones por Caliciviridae/epidemiología , Virus Norwalk , Adolescente , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anticuerpos Antivirales/sangre , Caliciviridae , Infecciones por Caliciviridae/sangre , Infecciones por Caliciviridae/inmunología , Niño , Preescolar , Chile/epidemiología , Ciudades/epidemiología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Virus Norwalk/inmunología , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios Seroepidemiológicos , Clase Social
Pediatr Infect Dis J ; 16(3): 305-11, 1997 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9076820


BACKGROUND: Protective immunity against rotavirus infection is directed against antigenic epitopes on the outer capsid proteins VP7 and VP4. Our aim was to characterize the epidemiology of rotavirus antigenic types over time in Santiago, Chile. METHODS: We prospectively obtained 2097 stool samples for rotavirus testing, VP7 (G1 to G4) and VP4 (P4, P6, P8, P9) typing from children with diarrhea evaluated in emergency rooms of 5 base hospitals of Santiago. In addition 256 rotavirus-positive samples collected between 1985 and 1987 in the north health care area of Santiago were studied. RESULTS: Of 995 rotavirus-positive samples obtained 825 (82%) were typable for 1 or more VP7 types. G1 represented 81% of the G-typed samples during 1993 through 1995 and 77% during 1985 through 1987, predominating in all health care areas. G2 was next most common in all 5 areas, representing 6 to 23% of typed samples, with 1 area, the Southeast concentrating a significantly higher number of G2 infections. G2 declined from 35% of rotavirus-positive samples in 1993 to 0% in 1995 (P < 0.001), and from 25% to 2% in the north health care area from 1985 to 1987 (P < 0.001). G4 was uncommon and significantly more prevalent in 1985 through 1987 than in 1993 through 1995 (7% vs. 3%, P = 0.015). G3 was not detected. G1P8 (53%) and G2P4 (16%) combinations were by far the most commonly detected G-P associations. CONCLUSIONS: In Santiago, Chile, rotavirus antigenic type G1P8 has been highly prevalent and G2P4 has circulated in cycles. Differences in epidemiology of rotavirus antigenic types worldwide may prove to be relevant in efficacy of rotavirus vaccines.

Infecciones por Rotavirus/epidemiología , Rotavirus/genética , Niño , Chile/epidemiología , Diarrea/virología , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Humanos , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Estudios Prospectivos , Rotavirus/clasificación
Rev Med Chil ; 124(12): 1431-7, 1996 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9334476


BACKGROUND: Since 1991, a massive cholera epidemic started in Peru and involved most Central and South American Countries. In Chile, 147 cases were registered, the last one in 1995. AIM: To study the phenotypic and molecular features of Vibrio cholerae strains isolated from patients in Perú, Bolivia and Chile and from environmental reservoirs in Santiago, Chile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The phenotype, biotype and susceptibility to nine antimicrobials was determined for each isolated strain. Also, the genes of cholera and termolabile toxins were determined using DNA probes and a chromosomal restriction profile was done using HindIII, EcoRI and NotI enzymes. RESULTS: Features studied were similar in the 53 strains isolated from patients. Those isolated from environmental reservoirs had different antimicrobial susceptibility, showing ampicillin resistance, and the GT gene was detected in one of 20 strains, compared to clinical samples were it was present in all. Strains isolated from patients and environment had similar chromosomal restriction profiles. CONCLUSIONS: The chromosomal restriction profile gives an image of bacterial genome and it is a useful and reliable tool for the epidemiological surveillance of cholera.

Cromosomas Bacterianos/genética , ADN Bacteriano/genética , Vibrio cholerae/genética , Bolivia , Chile , Reservorios de Enfermedades , Humanos , Perú , Vibrio cholerae/aislamiento & purificación , Microbiología del Agua
Rev Med Chil ; 123(5): 549-59, 1995 May.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8525200


Protective immunity against rotavirus infection is directed against antigenic epitopes on the outer capsid proteins VP7 and VP4. The aim of this study was to characterize the VP7 and VP4 antigenic types circulating in different hospital areas of Santiago, Chile, over different time periods. Between April 1993 and April 1994 a total of 1206 stool samples were obtained from children consulting for acute no bloody diarrhea in 5 hospitals representative of the 5 major health areas of Santiago. In addition, 256 rotavirus positive samples, obtained from children with acute diarrhea consulting in the north health area of Santiago between 1985-1987 were studied. All samples were processed for rotavirus by an ELISA and all rotavirus positive samples were VP7 typed (types G1-G4) by a monoclonal antibody based ELISA. 50 rotavirus positive samples were selected for VP4 typing by PCR (types P1-P4). A total of 782 rotavirus positive samples were obtained of which 618 (79%) were typable for one specific VP7 type. VP7 type G1 represented 63% of the rotavirus positive samples and predominated in all areas evaluated throughout the entire period of observation. VP7 type G2 represented 13% of rotavirus samples, following G1 in predominance. G2 types decreased progressively in all areas in both study periods. G4 types were detected mainly during 1985-1987, and G3 types have so far not been detected. Preliminary analysis of VP4 types suggests that P1 types are predominant and closely associated with VP7 G1 type. These results are relevant for the adoption of appropriate preventive strategies for rotavirus infection, specifically aimed to the development of effective vaccines.

Antígenos Virales/clasificación , Diarrea Infantil/inmunología , Infecciones por Rotavirus/inmunología , Rotavirus/inmunología , Enfermedad Aguda , Preescolar , Chile , Diarrea Infantil/virología , Heces/virología , Humanos , Lactante , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Rotavirus/aislamiento & purificación , Infecciones por Rotavirus/virología , Estaciones del Año
Rev Med Chil ; 121(5): 483-8, 1993 May.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8272626


The pathogenic potential of 20 strains of Vibrio Cholerae 01 isolated from the Mapocho river and Aguada ditch in Santiago, Chile was studied using a rabbit intestinal loop biological model. The presence of cholera toxin (CT) was previously found by the detection of CT gene, ELISA and passive reserve agglutination in only one of these strains. After 24 h of intestinal loop inoculation, the 20 strains showed enterotoxic activity. In four of these strains the secretory reaction was particularly intense. In these same four strains, the presence of cholera toxin was detected after the passage through the animal model. Thus, the number of cholera toxin producing strains increased after the inoculation in intestinal loops. These results suggest that the enterotoxic activity of strains that do not produce CT is given by the new cholera toxin (NCT). It is concluded that most of the strains of Vibrio Cholerae isolated from Mapocho river and its affluents are producers of NCT toxin, that some strains recover the capacity to produce CT after colonization of intestinal loops of living organisms and that the additive effects of CT and NCT may explain the intense enterotoxic activity of the strains that produce CT.

Vibrio cholerae/patogenicidad , Animales , Chile , Toxina del Cólera/biosíntesis , Conejos , Vibrio cholerae/aislamiento & purificación , Vibrio cholerae/metabolismo , Microbiología del Agua
Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam ; 23(4): 211-6, 1993.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8203182


Rotavirus is one of the most common etiologic agents of acute diarrhea in childhood. Understanding the immunologic mechanisms involved in rotavirus diseases, including knowledge on seasonal and geographic antigenic variations may be crucial for vaccine development. A monoclonal antibody based ELISA specific for antigenic domains on the outer capsid protein VP7 has been developed and used widely in the past years. We studied the rotavirus VP7-serotype epidemiology causing diarrhea in children who consulted at two main hospitals of Mendoza, Argentina over a 20 month period. A total of 227 cases of diarrhea were identified, 45 of which (20%) were rotavirus positive. We're able to serotype 43 viruses (96%), 42 VP7-type 1 and one VP7-type 3. The VP7-type 3 was detected towards the end of the second year, possibly representing a new incoming VP7-type. Three electropherotype patterns were identified, two corresponding to VP7-type epidemiology in Mendoza, Argentina seems to be characterized by a relatively homogeneous pattern of circulation with a strong predominance of VP7-type 1 viruses, at least during the 20 month period studied, in contrast to what has been reported in larger, more cosmopolitan cities like Buenos Aires.

Antígenos Virales/análisis , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/análisis , Diarrea/microbiología , Rotavirus/clasificación , Enfermedad Aguda , Antígenos Virales/inmunología , Argentina/epidemiología , Cápside/inmunología , Preescolar , Diarrea/epidemiología , Electroforesis en Gel de Poliacrilamida , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Heces/microbiología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Rotavirus/inmunología
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 23(4): 211-6, 1993.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-37658


Rotavirus is one of the most common etiologic agents of acute diarrhea in childhood. Understanding the immunologic mechanisms involved in rotavirus diseases, including knowledge on seasonal and geographic antigenic variations may be crucial for vaccine development. A monoclonal antibody based ELISA specific for antigenic domains on the outer capsid protein VP7 has been developed and used widely in the past years. We studied the rotavirus VP7-serotype epidemiology causing diarrhea in children who consulted at two main hospitals of Mendoza, Argentina over a 20 month period. A total of 227 cases of diarrhea were identified, 45 of which (20

) were rotavirus positive. Were able to serotype 43 viruses (96

), 42 VP7-type 1 and one VP7-type 3. The VP7-type 3 was detected towards the end of the second year, possibly representing a new incoming VP7-type. Three electropherotype patterns were identified, two corresponding to VP7-type epidemiology in Mendoza, Argentina seems to be characterized by a relatively homogeneous pattern of circulation with a strong predominance of VP7-type 1 viruses, at least during the 20 month period studied, in contrast to what has been reported in larger, more cosmopolitan cities like Buenos Aires.

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 58(4): 285-90, jul.-ago. 1987. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-45867


Para conocer importancia relativa de agentes enteropatógenos bacterianos y virales en niños con diarrea aguda que necesitan atención médica de nivel primario o secundario, se efectuó un estudio etiológico durante 2 períodos de verano. Primer período, verano 1983, 102 pacientes que cumplían con definición pre establecida de diarrea aguda (58 de hospital, 44 de consultorio) y 66. controles; segundo período, verano 86 se estudiaron 161 pacientes con diarrea (80 hospitalizados, 81 ambulatorios) y 71 controles pareados por edad. En el grupo con diatte los principales agentes detectados fueron E. coli enteropatógeno (ECEO) (37%), E. coli enterotoxiogénico (ECET) (21%), rotavirus (16%) shigella (12%). En el grupo control se aislaron ECEP, ECET, campylobacter y rotavirus; la frecuencia de ECEP, shigella y rotavirus fue significativamente inferior. En los pacientes hospitalizados por diarrea, con especto a los ambulatorios la prevalencia de ECEP y rotavirus en hospitalizados fue significativamente superior. Hubo mayor tendencia al aislamiento más frecuente de campylobacter en los pacientes ambulatorios

Recién Nacido , Lactante , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Diarrea Infantil/microbiología , Enterobacteriaceae/patogenicidad , Escherichia coli/aislamiento & purificación , Rotavirus/aislamiento & purificación , Shigella/aislamiento & purificación
Dig Dis Sci ; 32(2): 171-6, 1987 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-3803144


Duodenogastric reflux was studied in fasting dogs with gastric and duodenal cannulae, by means of recovery from the gastric cannula of phenol red infused into the duodenum and bile acids recovered from the gastric cannula. Simultaneously, antropyloric and intestinal motility was studied in order to establish a relationship between motility and duodenogastric reflux. A different pattern of duodenogastric reflux was observed, depending on the method utilized. While a significantly higher reflux was observed during phase II in bile acid studies, an irregular pattern not related to the different phases of the interdigestive motor complex was observed in experiments with phenol red. Antral motility estimated by an antral motility index showed a statistically significant correlation with DGR estimated by both methods. Pyloric pressure and intestinal motility did not show a correlation with DGR. We concluded that the results obtained in studying duodenogastric reflux depend on the method used. The main factor related to increased duodenogastric reflux was the decreased antral motility.

Reflujo Duodenogástrico/fisiopatología , Motilidad Gastrointestinal , Antro Pilórico/fisiopatología , Animales , Ácidos y Sales Biliares/análisis , Perros , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Ayuno , Manometría , Métodos , Fenolsulfonftaleína , Estómago/análisis