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J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(37): 9525-9534, 2024 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264357


Attosecond science offers unprecedented precision in probing the initial moments of chemical reactions, revealing the dynamics of molecular electrons that shape reaction pathways. A fundamental question emerges: what role, if any, do quantum coherences between molecular electron states play in photochemical reactions? Answering this question necessitates quantum tomography─the determination of the electronic density matrix from experimental data, where the off-diagonal elements represent these coherences. The Maximal Entropy (MaxEnt) based Quantum State Tomography (QST) approach offers unique advantages in studying molecular dynamics, particularly with partial tomographic data. Here, we explore the application of MaxEnt-based QST on photoexcited ammonia, necessitating the operator form of observables specific to the performed measurements. We present two methodologies for constructing these operators: one leveraging Molecular Angular Distribution Moments (MADMs) which accurately capture the orientation-dependent vibronic dynamics of molecules and another utilizing Angular Momentum Coherence Operators to construct measurement operators for the full rovibronic density matrix in the symmetric top basis. A key revelation of our study is the direct link between Lagrange multipliers in the MaxEnt formalism and the unique set of MADMs. Additionally, we visualize the electron density within the molecular frame, demonstrating charge migration across the molecule. Furthermore, we achieve a groundbreaking milestone by constructing, for the first time, the entanglement entropy of the electronic subsystem─a metric that was previously inaccessible. The entropy vividly reveals and quantifies the effects of coupling between the excited electron and nuclear degrees of freedom. Consequently, our findings open new avenues for research in ultrafast molecular spectroscopy within the broader domain of quantum information science, offering profound implications for the study of molecular systems under excitation using quantum tomographic schemes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(19): 193001, 2023 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000424


We develop and experimentally demonstrate a methodology for a full molecular frame quantum tomography (MFQT) of dynamical polyatomic systems. We exemplify this approach through the complete characterization of an electronically nonadiabatic wave packet in ammonia (NH_{3}). The method exploits both energy and time-domain spectroscopic data, and yields the lab frame density matrix (LFDM) for the system, the elements of which are populations and coherences. The LFDM fully characterizes electronic and nuclear dynamics in the molecular frame, yielding the time- and orientation-angle dependent expectation values of any relevant operator. For example, the time-dependent molecular frame electronic probability density may be constructed, yielding information on electronic dynamics in the molecular frame. In NH_{3}, we observe that electronic coherences are induced by nuclear dynamics which nonadiabatically drive electronic motions (charge migration) in the molecular frame. Here, the nuclear dynamics are rotational and it is nonadiabatic Coriolis coupling which drives the coherences. Interestingly, the nuclear-driven electronic coherence is preserved over longer timescales. In general, MFQT can help quantify entanglement between electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom, and provide new routes to the study of ultrafast molecular dynamics, charge migration, quantum information processing, and optimal control schemes.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(6)2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37862509


The 2D photoelectron velocity map imaging (VMI) technique is commonly employed in gas-phase molecular spectroscopy and dynamics investigations due to its ability to efficiently extract photoelectron spectra and angular distributions in a single experiment. However, the standard technique is limited to specific light-source polarization geometries. This has led to significant interest in the development of 3D VMI techniques, which are capable of measuring individual electron positions and arrival times, obtaining the full 3D distribution without the need for inversion, forward-convolution, or tomographic reconstruction approaches. Here, we present and demonstrate a novel time-stretched, 13-lens 3D VMI photoelectron spectrometer, which has sub-camera-pixel spatial resolution and 210 ps (σ) time-of-flight (TOF) resolution (currently limited by trigger jitter). We employ a kHz CMOS camera to image a standard 40 mm diameter microchannel plate (MCP)/phosphor anode detector (providing x and y positions), combined with a digitizer pick-off from the MCP anode to obtain the electron TOF. We present a detailed analysis of time-space correlation under data acquisition conditions which generate multiple electrons per laser shot, and demonstrate a major advantage of this time-stretched 3D VMI approach: that the greater spread in electron TOFs permits for an accurate time- and position-stamping of up to six electrons per laser shot at a 1 kHz repetition rate.

J Chem Phys ; 157(16): 164301, 2022 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319403


In most cases, the ultrafast dynamics of resonantly excited molecules are considered and almost always computed in the molecular frame, while experiments are carried out in the laboratory frame. Here, we provide a formalism in terms of a lab frame density matrix, which connects quantum dynamics in the molecular frame to those in the laboratory frame, providing a transparent link between computation and measurement. The formalism reveals that in any such experiment, the molecular frame dynamics vary for molecules in different orientations and that certain coherences, which are potentially experimentally accessible, are rejected by the orientation-averaged reduced vibronic density matrix. Instead, molecular angular distribution moments are introduced as a more accurate representation of experimentally accessible information. Furthermore, the formalism provides a clear definition of a molecular frame quantum tomography and specifies the requirements to perform such a measurement enabling the experimental imaging of molecular frame vibronic dynamics. Successful completion of such a measurement fully characterizes the molecular frame quantum dynamics for a molecule at any orientation in the laboratory frame.

Faraday Discuss ; 228(0): 191-225, 2021 May 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33629690


The optical formation of coherent superposition states, a wavepacket, can allow the study of zeroth-order states, the evolution of which exhibit structural and electronic changes as a function of time: this leads to the notion of a molecular movie. Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution, due to anharmonic coupling between modes, is the molecular movie considered here. There is no guarantee, however, that the formed superposition will behave semi-classically (e.g. Gaussian wavepacket dynamics) or even as an intuitively useful zeroth-order state. Here we present time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) studies of an electronically excited triatomic molecule wherein the vibrational dynamics must be treated quantum mechanically and the simple picture of population flow between coupled normal modes fails. Specifically, we report on vibronic wavepacket dynamics in the zeroth-order 3pσ2Σu Rydberg state of NO2. This wavepacket exemplifies two general features of excited state dynamics in polyatomic molecules: anharmonic multimodal vibrational coupling (forming polyads); nonadiabatic coupling between nuclear and electronic coordinates, leading to predissociation. The latter suggests that the polyad vibrational states in the zeroth-order 3p Rydberg manifold are quasi-bound and best understood to be scattering resonances. We observed a rapid dephasing of an initially prepared 'bright' valence state into the relatively long-lived 3p Rydberg state whose multimodal vibrational dynamics and decay we monitor as a function of time. Our quantum simulations, based on an effective spectroscopic Hamiltonian, describe the essential features of the multimodal Fermi resonance-driven vibrational dynamics in the 3p state. We also present evidence of polyad-specificity in the state-dependent predissociation rates, leading to free atomic and molecular fragments. We emphasize that a quantum molecular movie is required to visualize wavepacket dynamics in the 3pσ2Σu Rydberg state of NO2.

J Chem Phys ; 150(17): 174201, 2019 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31067867


We compare the excited state dynamics of diiodomethane (CH2I2) and bromoiodomethane (CH2BrI) using time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. A 4.65 eV UV pump pulse launches a dissociative wave packet on excited states of both molecules and the ensuing dynamics are probed via photoionization using a 7.75 eV probe pulse. The resulting photoelectrons are measured with the velocity map imaging technique for each pump-probe delay. Our measurements highlight differences in the dynamics for the two molecules, which are interpreted with high-level ab initio molecular dynamics (trajectory surface hopping) calculations. Our analysis allows us to associate features in the photoelectron spectrum with different portions of the excited state wave packet represented by different trajectories. The excited state dynamics in bromoiodomethane are simple and can be described in terms of direct dissociation along the C-I coordinate, whereas the dynamics in diiodomethane involve internal conversion and motion along multiple dimensions.

J Chem Phys ; 150(5): 054301, 2019 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30736696


Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with ab initio quantum chemistry calculations was used to study ultrafast excited state dynamics in formamide (FOR), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) following 160 nm excitation. The particular focus was on internal conversion processes within the excited state Rydberg manifold and on how this behavior in amides compared with previous observations in small amines. All three amides exhibited extremely rapid (<100 fs) evolution from the Franck-Condon region. We argue that this is then followed by dissociation. Our calculations indicate subtle differences in how the excited state dynamics are mediated in DMA/DMF as compared to FOR. We suggest that future studies employing longer pump laser wavelengths will be useful for discerning these differences.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(8): 083401, 2017 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28952763


Photoionization of molecular species is, essentially, a multipath interferometer with both experimentally controllable and intrinsic molecular characteristics. In this work, XUV photoionization of impulsively aligned molecular targets (N_{2}) is used to provide a time-domain route to "complete" photoionization experiments, in which the rotational wave packet controls the geometric part of the photoionization interferometer. The data obtained is sufficient to determine the magnitudes and phases of the ionization matrix elements for all observed channels, and to reconstruct molecular frame interferograms from lab frame measurements. In principle, this methodology provides a time-domain route to complete photoionization experiments and the molecular frame, which is generally applicable to any molecule (no prerequisites), for all energies and ionization channels.

J Chem Phys ; 147(1): 013911, 2017 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28688428


The Pixel-Imaging Mass Spectrometry (PImMS) camera allows for 3D charged particle imaging measurements, in which the particle time-of-flight is recorded along with (x, y) position. Coupling the PImMS camera to an ultrafast pump-probe velocity-map imaging spectroscopy apparatus therefore provides a route to time-resolved multi-mass ion imaging, with both high count rates and large dynamic range, thus allowing for rapid measurements of complex photofragmentation dynamics. Furthermore, the use of vacuum ultraviolet wavelengths for the probe pulse allows for an enhanced observation window for the study of excited state molecular dynamics in small polyatomic molecules having relatively high ionization potentials. Herein, preliminary time-resolved multi-mass imaging results from C2F3I photolysis are presented. The experiments utilized femtosecond VUV and UV (160.8 nm and 267 nm) pump and probe laser pulses in order to demonstrate and explore this new time-resolved experimental ion imaging configuration. The data indicate the depth and power of this measurement modality, with a range of photofragments readily observed, and many indications of complex underlying wavepacket dynamics on the excited state(s) prepared.

Faraday Discuss ; 194: 463-478, 2016 12 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27711853


Temporal evolution of electronic and nuclear wave packets created in strong-field excitation of the carbon dioxide molecule is studied employing momentum-resolved ion spectroscopy and channel-selective Fourier analysis. Combining the data obtained with two different pump-probe set-ups, we observed signatures of vibrational dynamics in both, ionic and neutral states of the molecule. We consider far-off-resonance two-photon Raman scattering to be the most likely mechanism of vibrational excitation in the electronic ground state of the neutral CO2. Using the measured phase relation between the time-dependent yields of different fragmentation channels, which is consistent with the proposed mechanism, we suggest an intuitive picture of the underlying vibrational dynamics. For ionic states, we found signatures of both, electronic and vibrational excitations, which involve the ground and the first excited electronic states, depending on the particular final state of the fragmentation. While our results for ionic states are consistent with the recent observations by Erattupuzha et al. [J. Chem. Phys.144, 024306 (2016)], the neutral state contribution was not observed there, which we attribute to a larger bandwidth of the 8 fs pulses we used for this experiment. In a complementary measurement employing longer, 35 fs pulses in a 30 ps delay range, we study the influence of rotational excitation on our observables, and demonstrate how the coherent electronic wave packet created in the ground electronic state of the ion completely decays within 10 ps due to the coupling to rotational motion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(17): 173602, 2014 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24836246


We show, by computation and experiment, that a sequence of nonresonant and impulsive laser pulses with different ellipticities can effectively align asymmetric top molecules in three dimensions under field-free conditions. By solving the Schrödinger equation for the evolution of the rotational wave packet, we show that the 3D alignment of 3,5 difluoroiodobenzene molecules improves with each successive pulse. Experimentally, a sequence of three pulses is used to demonstrate these results, which extend the multipulse schemes used for 1D alignment to full 3D control of rotational motion.

Struct Dyn ; 1(4): 044101, 2014 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26798781


Diffraction from laser-aligned molecules has been proposed as a method for determining 3-D molecular structures in the gas phase. However, existing structural retrieval algorithms are limited by the imperfect alignment in experiments and the rotational averaging in 1-D alignment. Here, we demonstrate a two-step reconstruction comprising a genetic algorithm that corrects for the imperfect alignment followed by an iterative phase retrieval method in cylindrical coordinates. The algorithm was tested with simulated diffraction patterns. We show that the full 3-D structure of trifluorotoluene, an asymmetric-top molecule, can be reconstructed with atomic resolution.