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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 6591, 2023 10 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37852975


The factors that govern the geographical distribution of nitrogen fixation are fundamental to providing accurate nitrogen budgets in aquatic environments. Model-based insights have demonstrated that regional hydrodynamics strongly impact nitrogen fixation. However, the mechanisms establishing this physical-biological coupling have yet to be constrained in field surveys. Here, we examine the distribution of nitrogen fixation in Lake Tanganyika - a model system with well-defined hydrodynamic regimes. We report that nitrogen fixation is five times higher under stratified than under upwelling conditions. Under stratified conditions, the limited resupply of inorganic nitrogen to surface waters, combined with greater light penetration, promotes the activity of bloom-forming photoautotrophic diazotrophs. In contrast, upwelling conditions support predominantly heterotrophic diazotrophs, which are uniquely suited to chemotactic foraging in a more dynamic nutrient landscape. We suggest that these hydrodynamic regimes (stratification versus mixing) play an important role in governing both the rates and the mode of nitrogen fixation.

Lagos , Fijación del Nitrógeno , Hidrodinámica , Tanzanía , Nitrógeno
Water Res X ; 15: 100130, 2022 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35287381


Nitrous oxide (N2O) dominates greenhouse gas emissions in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Formation of N2O occurs during biological nitrogen removal, involves multiple microbial pathways, and is typically very dynamic. Consequently, N2O mitigation strategies require an improved understanding of nitrogen transformation pathways and their modulating controls. Analyses of the nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) isotopic composition of N2O and its substrates at natural abundance have been shown to provide valuable information on formation and reduction pathways in laboratory settings, but have rarely been applied to full-scale WWTPs. Here we show that N-species isotope ratio measurements at natural abundance level, combined with long-term N2O monitoring, allow identification of the N2O production pathways in a full-scale plug-flow WWTP (Hofen, Switzerland). Heterotrophic denitrification appears as the main N2O production pathway under all tested process conditions (0-2 mgO2/l, high and low loading conditions), while nitrifier denitrification was less important, and more variable. N2O production by hydroxylamine oxidation was not observed. Fractional N2O elimination by reduction to dinitrogen (N2) during anoxic conditions was clearly indicated by a concomitant increase in site preference, δ18O(N2O) and δ15N(N2O). N2O reduction increased with decreasing availability of dissolved inorganic N and organic substrates, which represents the link between diurnal N2O emission dynamics and organic substrate fluctuations. Consequently, dosing ammonium-rich reject water under low-organic-substrate conditions is unfavorable, as it is very likely to cause high net N2O emissions. Our results demonstrate that monitoring of the N2O isotopic composition holds a high potential to disentangle N2O formation mechanisms in engineered systems, such as full-scale WWTP. Our study serves as a starting point for advanced campaigns in the future combining isotopic technologies in WWTP with complementary approaches, such as mathematical modeling of N2O formation or microbial assays to develop efficient N2O mitigation strategies.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 7850, 2021 04 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33846510


Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) plays an important role in aquatic systems as a sink of bioavailable nitrogen (N), and in engineered processes by removing ammonium from wastewater. The isotope effects anammox imparts in the N isotope signatures (15N/14N) of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate can be used to estimate its role in environmental settings, to describe physiological and ecological variations in the anammox process, and possibly to optimize anammox-based wastewater treatment. We measured the stable N-isotope composition of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate in wastewater cultivations of anammox bacteria. We find that the N isotope enrichment factor 15ε for the reduction of nitrite to N2 is consistent across all experimental conditions (13.5‰ ± 3.7‰), suggesting it reflects the composition of the anammox bacteria community. Values of 15ε for the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (inverse isotope effect, - 16 to - 43‰) and for the reduction of ammonium to N2 (normal isotope effect, 19-32‰) are more variable, and likely controlled by experimental conditions. We argue that the variations in the isotope effects can be tied to the metabolism and physiology of anammox bacteria, and that the broad range of isotope effects observed for anammox introduces complications for analyzing N-isotope mass balances in natural systems.

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom ; 30(17): 1923-40, 2016 09 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27501428


RATIONALE: Bulk and position-specific stable isotope characterization of nitrous oxide represents one of the most powerful tools for identifying its environmental sources and sinks. Constraining (14) N(15) N(18) O and (15) N(14) N(18) O will add two new dimensions to our ability to uniquely fingerprint N2 O sources. METHODS: We describe a technique to measure six singly and doubly substituted isotopic variants of N2 O, constraining the values of δ(15) N, δ(18) O, ∆(17) O, (15) N site preference, and the clumped isotopomers (14) N(15) N(18) O and (15) N(14) N(18) O. The technique uses a Thermo MAT 253 Ultra, a high-resolution multi-collector gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometer. It requires 8-10 hours per sample and ~10 micromoles or more of pure N2 O. RESULTS: We demonstrate the precision and accuracy of these measurements by analyzing N2 O brought to equilibrium in its position-specific and clumped isotopic composition by heating in the presence of a catalyst. Finally, an illustrative analysis of biogenic N2 O from a denitrifying bacterium suggests that its clumped isotopic composition is controlled by kinetic isotope effects in N2 O production. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a method for measuring six isotopic variants of N2 O and tested it with analyses of biogenic N2 O. The added isotopic constraints provided by these measurements will enhance our ability to apportion N2 O sources.