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Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 23(2)abr.-jun. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-702882


Introdução: a linfocintilografia de membros inferiores (LMMII) é método eficaz para avaliar a drenagem linfática. Objetivo: apresentar 154 pacientes submetidos à LMMII entre março/2009 e junho/2010. Métodos: foram adquiridas imagens da pelve e MMII após administração intradérmica simultânea de 1,0 mCi de 99mTc-Dextran 500 em 0,1mL no espaço interdigital do primeiro e segundo pododáctilos bilateralmente. Resultados:foram examinadas 129 (83,77%) mulheres; média de 51,48 anos de idade; 32 (20,78%) na faixa etária entre 40 e 49 anos; 58 (37,66%) com índice de massa corporal entre 25 e 30 kg/m2; 92 (59,74%) com edema, linfedema ou inchaço como motivo do exame; 93 (60,39%) não submetidos a cirurgia ou procedimento vascular prévios; 108 (70,13%) sem processo inflamatório, erisipela ou trauma prévios; 103 (66,88%) com edema bilateral ao exame; 48 (31,17%) com piora do edema no período noturno; 77 (50%) com evolução há mais de um ano; 31 (20,13%) hipertensos. Achados cintilográficos: 149 (96,75%) com alguma alteração ao exame; 38 com atraso bilateral acentuado no tempo de trânsito linfático; 85 (55,19%) com cadeias linfonodais normofuncionantes; 62 comdrenagem do radiotraçador via safena parva bilateralmente; 84 (54,55%) sem vasos colaterais; 92 (59,74%) sem retenção linfática; 85 (55,19%) sem refluxo dérmico; 15 (9,74%) com linfonodos em região poplítea. Conclusões: a LMMII é método disponível para detecção do linfedema e alterações na drenagem linfática, sendo importante para triagem inicial investigativa, avaliação de edemas em fases iniciais e monitoramento deintervenções terapêuticas, clínicas ou cirúrgicas.

Introduction: Lymphoscintigraphy of the lower limbs (LLL) is an effective method to assess lymphatic function. Objective: To present the case of 154 patients undergoing LLL between March 2009 and June 2010. Methods: Images of the pelvis and lower limbs were acquired after simultaneous intradermal administration of 1.0 mCi of 99mTc-Dextran 500 in 0.1 mL in the interdigital space of the first and second toes, bilaterally. Results: 129 (83.77%) patients were female, mean age was 51.48 years, with 32 patients (20.78%) aged between 40 and 49 years. 58 patients (37.66%) had body mass index between 25 and 30 kg/m², 92 patients (59.74%) reported edema, lymphedema or swelling as the reason for examination. 93 patients (60.39%) without previous vascular surgery or procedure, 108 patients (70.13%) without previous inflammation, erysipelas or trauma. 103 patients (66.88%) presented with bilateral swelling upon examination, with 48 patients (31.17%) reporting edema that worsened in the evening. 77 patients (50%) with symptoms for over a year. 31 patients (20.13%) were hypertensive. Scintigraphic findings: 149 patients (96.75%) with some abnormality caracteupon examination, 38 with severe bilateral delay in lymphatic transit time, 85 (55.19%) with normofunctioning lymph nodes, 62 patients with bilateral radiotracer drainage via small saphenous veins, 84 patients (54.55%) without collateral vessels, 92 (59.74%) without lymphatic retention, 85 patients (55.19%) without dermal backflow. 15 patients (9.74%) showed lymph nodes in the popliteal region. Conclusions: Lower limb lymphoscintigraphy is available as a method to detect lymphedema and changes in lymphatic drainage, and is important for initial investigative screenings, early stage assessments of edema, and for monitoring therapeutic, clinical or surgical interventions.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 47(2): 241-245, mar.-abr. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-643104


OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetiva apresentar sete casos de necrose avascular de sesamoide e relatar o papel da cintilografia óssea no diagnóstico desses pacientes. MÉTODOS: Sete pacientes com suspeita clínica de necrose avascular de sesamoide submetidos a cintilografia óssea trifásica com 30mCi de MDP-99mTc. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes eram adultos jovens, do sexo feminino, com queixas de dor limitante em antepé, que faziam uso de calçados inadequados e/ou apresentavam relato de trauma associado ou não à fratura. Não houve predileção por um dos pés ou entre sesamoides tibial ou femoral. Dois (28,57%) pacientes apresentavam sesamoides tibiais bipartidos e um (14,29%) apresentava bipartição de sesamoides tibial e fibular. Em 100% dos pacientes a cintilografia óssea trifásica, associada a outros métodos propedêuticos, mostrou-se fundamental para o diagnóstico. A conduta inicial em todos os casos foi conservadora. Nos quatro casos (57,14%) em que não houve remissão dos sintomas, excisão cirúrgica do tecido sesamoideo necrotizado foi realizada. Em todos os pacientes a terapia utilizada se mostrou eficaz, havendo completa remissão dos sintomas sem complicações ou deformidades do antepé. CONCLUSÕES: A cintilografia óssea trifásica torna-se angular na propedêutica da necrose avascular do sesamoide, concorrendo com diagnóstico precoce acurado e permitindo ao especialista tratamento adequado.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to present seven cases of avascular necrosis of the sesamoid end report the role of bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of these patients. METHODS: Seven patients with clinical suspicion of avascular necrosis of the sesamoid underwent three-phase bone scintigraphy with 30 mCi of 99mTc-MDP. RESULTS: Most of the patients were young female adults with complaints of limiting pain in the forefoot, who were making use of inappropriate footwear and/or had a history of injury with or without fracture. There was no predominance of either of the feet or between the femoral or tibial sesamoid. Two patients (28.57%) had a bipartite tibial sesamoid and one (14.29%) had splitting of the tibial and fibular sesamoids. In 100% of the patients, three-phase bone scintigraphy, combined with other propaedeutic methods, proved to be crucial for the diagnosis. The initial procedure in all cases was conservative. In four cases (57.14%), there was no remission of symptoms, and surgical excision of the necrotized sesamoid tissue was performed. In all the patients, the therapy used was effective, with complete remission of symptoms, without complications or deformities of the forefoot. CONCLUSIONS: Three-phase bone scintigraphy becomes a cornerstone of the propaedeutics when avascular necrosis of the sesamoid is suspected, through contributing towards early and accurate diagnosis and enabling allowing appropriate specialized treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Osteonecrosis , Cintigrafía
Rev Bras Ortop ; 47(2): 241-5, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27042628


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to present seven cases of avascular necrosis of the sesamoid and report the role of bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of these patients. METHODS: Seven patients with clinical suspicion of avascular necrosis of the sesamoid underwent three-phase bone scintigraphy with 30 mCi of (99m)Tc-MDP. RESULTS: Most of the patients were young female adults with complaints of limiting pain in the forefoot, who were making use of inappropriate footwear and/or had a history of injury with or without fracture. There was no predominance of either of the feet or between the femoral or tibial sesamoid. Two patients (28.57%) had a bipartite tibial sesamoid and one (14.29%) had splitting of the tibial and fibular sesamoids. In 100% of the patients, three-phase bone scintigraphy, combined with other propaedeutic methods, proved to be crucial for the diagnosis. The initial procedure in all cases was conservative. In four cases (57.14%), there was no remission of symptoms, and surgical excision of the necrotized sesamoid tissue was performed. In all the patients, the therapy used was effective, with complete remission of symptoms, without complications or deformities of the forefoot. CONCLUSIONS: Three-phase bone scintigraphy becomes a cornerstone of the propaedeutics when avascular necrosis of the sesamoid is suspected, through contributing towards early and accurate diagnosis and enabling allowing appropriate specialized treatment.