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Transl Anim Sci ; 8: txae098, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005630


The National Beef Quality Audit - 2022 serves as a benchmark of the current fed steer and heifer population of the U.S. beef industry and allows comparison to previous audits as a method of monitoring industry progress. In-plant cooler assessments and collections of beef carcass data took place from July 2021 to November 2022. During in-plant evaluations, 10% of 1-d production was surveyed for quality and yield indicating characteristics of fed beef carcasses (n = 9,746 beef carcasses). Distributions of sex classes among sampled carcasses were steer (65.0%) and heifer (35.0%), whereas distributions of breed type were native (87.7%), dairy (11.3%), and Bos indicus (0.9%). Mean values were observed for USDA Yield Grades (YG; 3.3), USDA Quality Grade (QG; Choice16), marbling score (Small98), ribeye area (91.0 cm2), adjusted fat thickness (1.49 cm), hot carcass weight (401.9 kg), and KPH (2.5%). Mean overall maturity was A66, with a mean lean maturity of A56 and mean skeletal maturity of A72. There were 28.1% of carcasses identified for use in a USDA-certified beef G-Schedule Program. Defects, such as dark cutting and blood splash, were observed at 1.8% and 0.5%, respectively. Distributions of USDA YG were YG 1 (8.2%), YG 2 (30.7%), YG 3 (40.2%), YG 4 (16.6%), and YG 5 (4.3%). USDA QGs were observed at 7.5% Prime, 69.2% Choice, 16.4% Select, and 6.8% other. The results of this study provide an updated look at the current grading trends of beef carcasses in the United States to drive progress in the fed beef industry.

Transl Anim Sci ; 8: txae033, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616995


The National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA)-2022 serves as a benchmark of the current market cow and bull sectors of the U.S. beef industry and allows comparison to previous audits as a method of monitoring industry progress. From September 2021 through May 2022, livestock trailers (n = 125), live animals (n = 5,430), and post-slaughter hide-on animals (n = 6,674) were surveyed at 20 commercial beef processing facilities across the U.S. Cattle were transported in a variety of trailer types for an average distance of 490.6 km and a mean transport time of 6.3 h. During transit, cattle averaged 2.3 m2 of trailer space per animal indicating sufficient space was provided according to industry guidelines. Of all trailers surveyed, 55.3% transported cattle from an auction barn to a processing facility. When surveyed, 63.6% of all truck drivers reported to be Beef Quality Assurance certified. The majority (77.0%) of cattle were sound when evaluated for mobility. Mean body condition scores (9-point scale) for beef cows and bulls were 3.8 and 4.4, respectively, whereas mean body condition scores (5-point scale) for dairy cows and bulls were 2.3 and 2.6, respectively. Of the cattle surveyed, 45.1% had no visible live animal defects, and 37.9% had only a single defect. Of defects present in cows, 64.6% were attributed to an udder problem. Full udders were observed in 47.5% of all cows. Nearly all cattle were free of visible abscesses and knots (97.9% and 98.2%, respectively). No horns were observed in 89.4% of all cattle surveyed. Beef cattle were predominantly black-hided (68.9% and 67.4% of cows and bulls, respectively). Holstein was the predominant dairy animal observed and accounted for 85.7% of the cows and 98.0% of the bulls. Only 3.1% of all animals had no form of identification. Findings from the NBQA-2022 show improvements within the industry and identify areas that require continued education and research to improve market cow and bull welfare and beef quality.

Transl Anim Sci ; 3(4): 1153-1161, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704879


Eighty-two yearling crossbred heifers (318.8 ± 1.03 kg) were utilized in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effects of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) supplementation on animal performance, while grazing on rangeland of the Northern Great Plains, and subsequent feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality traits. Treatments were: 1) 0% DDGS supplementation (CONT) and 2) 0.6% of body weight (BW) DDGS supplementation (SUP). Heifers received treatments for 70 d (6 June to 16 August) while grazing, and then were acclimated to and fed a common corn-based finishing diet for 109 d. Average daily gain (ADG) of SUP heifers was greater (P ≤ 0.01), resulting in heavier BW (P ≤ 0.03) following grazing compared with CONT heifers. Heifer performance, including ADG (1.91 ± 0.05 kg/d), gain to feed (G:F) (0.15 ± 0.003 kg), dry matter intake (DMI) (12.6 ± 0.20 kg), and final BW (572.4 ± 7.43 kg) were not different (P ≥ 0.13) during finishing. Hot carcass weight (335.7 ± 4.39 kg), Longissimus muscle area (81.30 ± 1.24 cm2), 12th rib fat thickness (1.24 ± 0.06 cm), and kidney, pelvic, heart fat (KPH) (1.85 ± 0.08%) were not different (P ≥ 0.47) between treatments. There were no differences (P ≥ 0.24) between treatments in yield grade (2.9 ± 0.10) or marbling (492 ± 22.3; Small00 = 400). Results from Warner-Bratzler shear force indicated that strip loin steaks from SUP heifers tended (P = 0.07) to have increased tenderness compared with strip loin steaks from CONT heifers (3.3 vs. 3.7 ± 0.12 kg, respectively). Inclusion of 0.6% BW supplementation during grazing increased (P = 0.01) strip loin steak muscle lightness (L*) compared with CONT steaks (46.5 vs. 45.5 ± 0.27, respectively). Strip loin steaks from heifers supplemented DDGS during grazing were perceived to be more tender by taste panelists (P = 0.02) than strip loin steaks from CONT heifers (5.9 vs. 5.5 ± 0.11; eight-point scale). Supplementation of DDGS during grazing improved ADG of yearling heifers with no effect on feedlot performance or carcass characteristics but did improve tenderness and steak sensory attributes.

Transl Anim Sci ; 2(1): 37-49, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704688


To continue the series that began in 1994, the National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA) - 2016 was conducted to quantify the quality status of the market cow and bull beef sector, as well as determine improvements made in the beef and dairy industry since 2007. The NBQA-2016 was conducted from March through December of 2016, and assessed hide-on carcasses (n = 5,278), chilled carcasses (n = 4,285), heads (n = 5,720), and offal items (n = 4,800) in 18 commercial processing facilities throughout the United States. Beef cattle were predominantly black-hided; 68.0% of beef cows and 67.2% of beef bulls possessed a black hide. Holstein was the predominant type of dairy animal observed. Just over half (56.0%) of the cattle surveyed had no mud contamination on the hide, and when mud was present, 34.1% of cattle only had small amounts. Harvest floor assessments found 44.6% of livers, 23.1% of lungs, 22.3% of hearts, 20.0% of viscera, 8.2% of heads, and 5.9% of tongues were condemned. Liver condemnations were most frequently due to abscess presence. In contrast, contamination was the primary reason for condemnation of all other offal items. Of the cow carcasses surveyed, 17.4% carried a fetus at the time of harvest. As expected, mean carcass weight and loin muscle area values observed for bulls were heavier and larger than cows. The marbling scores represented by cull animal carcasses were most frequently slight and traces amounts. Cow carcasses manifested a greater amount of marbling on average than bull carcasses. The predominant fat color score showed all carcasses surveyed had some level of yellow fat. Only 1.3% of carcasses exhibited signs of arthritic joints. Results of the NBQA-2016 indicate there are areas in which the beef and dairy industries have improved and areas that still need attention to prevent value loss in market cows and bulls.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 27(2): 102-113, abri-jun. 2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-712498


Background: the relatively high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acid in yellow corn may reduce the quality of pork fat, but feeding barley instead of yellow corn may increase pork quality. Objective: to determine the effects of feeding graded levels of barley on performance, carcass composition, and pork quality of finishing pigs. Methods: in experiment 1, diets containing 0, 20, 40, 60, or 80% barley were fed to pigs (initial BW: 67.9 kg) for 8 weeks. In experiment 2, a diet containing 60% barley was fed to pigs for 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks prior to slaughter. Results: feeding diets with increasing levels of barley resulted in a linear decrease in daily gain (p<0.01) and backfat thickness (p<0.01). Dressing percentage linearly decreased with length of barley feeding (p<0.05), but the concentration of saturated fatty acids in backfat increased (linear, p<0.05) the longer the barley diet was fed. Conclusion: there was no effect of barley on loin muscle quality and barley did not consistently change fat color or belly and bacon quality.

Antecedentes: la relativamente alta concentración de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados presente en el maíz amarillo puede reducir la calidad de la grasa del cerdo. Alimentar con cebada en lugar de maíz amarillo podría mejorar la calidad de dicha carne. Objetivo: determinar los efectos del suministro de niveles incrementales de cebada sobre el rendimiento, composición de la canal y calidad de la carne de cerdos en ceba. Métodos: en el experimento 1 se suministraron dietas que contenían 0, 20, 40, 60, o 80% de cebada a cerdos en ceba (PV inicial: 67,9 kg) durante 8 semanas. En el experimento 2 se suministró una dieta con 60% de cebada a cerdos durante 0, 2, 4, 6, u 8 semanas antes del sacrificio. Resultados: el introducir mayores niveles de cebada en la dieta resultó en una disminución lineal de la ganancia diaria (p<0,01) y del espesor de la grasa dorsal (p<0,01). El porcentaje de rendimiento disminuyó linealmente con la duración del suministro de cebada (p<0,05), pero la concentración de ácidos grasos saturados en la grasa dorsal aumentó (lineal, p<0,05) a medida que se incrementó la duración del suministro de cebada. Conclusión: no hubo efecto de la cebada en la calidad del músculo del lomo. La cebada no cambió el color de la grasa ni la calidad del vientre o del tocino.

Antecedentes: a concentração relativamente elevada de ácidos gordurosos poli-insaturados presentes no milho amarelo pode reduzir a qualidade da gordura suína. Fornecendo cevada ao invés de milho amarelo poderia melhorar a qualidade da carne. Objetivo: determinar os efeitos de níveis crescentes de cevada sobre o desempenho, composição e qualidade da carne a da carcaça de suínos de engorda. Métodos: no primeiro experimento os suínos foram alimentados durante o período de engorda com dietas contendo 0, 20, 40, 60, ou 80% de cevada (PV inicial de 67,9 kg) durante oito semanas. No segundo experimento se subministrou uma dieta com 60% de cevada aos suínos durante 0, 2, 4, 6 ou 8 semanas antes do abate. Resultados: a introdução de maiores níveis de cevada na dieta resultou em uma redução linear do ganho de peso diário (p<0,01) e da espessura de toucinho (p<0,01). A porcentagem de rendimento no período de engorda diminuiu linearmente com a duração de fornecimento de cevada (p<0,05), mas a concentração de ácidos gordurosos saturados do bacon aumentou enquanto se incrementou a duração de fornecimento de cevada (linear, p<0,05). Conclusão: não houve efeito de cevada na qualidade do olho de lombo. A cevada não mudou a cor da gordura nem a qualidade da barriga e do bacon.