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J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(41)2021 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33662946


Magnonics is a budding research field in nanomagnetism and nanoscience that addresses the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid advancements of this field during last one decade in terms of upsurge in research papers, review articles, citations, proposals of devices as well as introduction of new sub-topics prompted us to present the first roadmap on magnonics. This is a collection of 22 sections written by leading experts in this field who review and discuss the current status besides presenting their vision of future perspectives. Today, the principal challenges in applied magnonics are the excitation of sub-100 nm wavelength magnons, their manipulation on the nanoscale and the creation of sub-micrometre devices using low-Gilbert damping magnetic materials and its interconnections to standard electronics. To this end, magnonics offers lower energy consumption, easier integrability and compatibility with CMOS structure, reprogrammability, shorter wavelength, smaller device features, anisotropic properties, negative group velocity, non-reciprocity and efficient tunability by various external stimuli to name a few. Hence, despite being a young research field, magnonics has come a long way since its early inception. This roadmap asserts a milestone for future emerging research directions in magnonics, and hopefully, it will inspire a series of exciting new articles on the same topic in the coming years.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(4): 045701, 2018 01 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29300707


We report photoinduced effects in nonlinear third harmonic ac electric transport-which is a measure for the density of correlated polarons-in thin films of [Formula: see text] (LBMO) and [Formula: see text] (LPCMO) manganites. Both materials show an enhancement of third harmonic voltage in the vicinity of the metal-to-insulator transition, indicating strong electron-lattice correlations within a phase-separated state. Relatively low laser excitation with a pulse fluence of [Formula: see text] leads to an increase (decrease) in nonlinearity in LBMO (LPCMO). With a high pulse fluence of 8mJ cm-2, we were also able to suppress the correlations in LBMO, which is accompanied by a decrease of third harmonic voltage by [Formula: see text] in our time-averaging measurement technique.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 4114, 2017 06 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28646186


Manipulation of magnetisation with ultrashort laser pulses is promising for information storage device applications. The dynamics of the magnetisation response depends on the energy transfer from the photons to the spins during the initial laser excitation. A material of special interest for magnetic storage are FePt nanoparticles, for which switching of the magnetisation with optical angular momentum was demonstrated recently. The mechanism remained unclear. Here we investigate experimentally and theoretically the all-optical switching of FePt nanoparticles. We show that the magnetisation switching is a stochastic process. We develop a complete multiscale model which allows us to optimize the number of laser shots needed to switch the magnetisation of high anisotropy FePt nanoparticles in our experiments. We conclude that only angular momentum induced optically by the inverse Faraday effect will provide switching with one single femtosecond laser pulse.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(21): 214001, 2017 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28441142


The discovery of ultrafast magnetization dynamics 20 years ago has led to a broad variety of experimental techniques to explore phenomena in magnetic materials with high temporal resolution. In the current article we present a study dealing with broadband excitation of spin-wave packets at different magnonic crystal continuous magnetic film interfaces. Similar to protected conducting states on the surfaces of topological band insulators, these interfaces exhibit surface spin-wave modes that propagate out of the crystal into the continuous film. The propagation distance depends on the direction of the applied magnetic field as well as the surface geometry of the crystal.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(17): 174002, 2017 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28349899


We discuss fundamental aspects of laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization probed by the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). Studying thin Fe films on MgO substrate in the absence of electronic transport, we demonstrate how to disentangle pump-induced variations of magnetization and magneto-optical coefficients. We provide a mathematical formalism for retrieving genuine laser-induced magnetization dynamics and discuss its applicability in real experimental situations. We further stress the importance of temporal resolution achieved in the experiments and argue that measurements of both time-resolved MOKE rotation and ellipticity are needed for the correct assessment of magnetization dynamics on sub-picosecond timescales. The framework developed here sheds light onto the details of the time-resolved MOKE technique and contributes to the understanding of the interplay between ultrafast laser-induced optical and magnetic effects.

Sci Rep ; 5: 15304, 2015 Oct 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26510509


Topological insulators are candidates to open up a novel route in spin based electronics. Different to traditional ferromagnetic materials, where the carrier spin-polarization and magnetization are based on the exchange interaction, the spin properties in topological insulators are based on the coupling of spin- and orbit interaction connected to its momentum. Specific ways to control the spin-polarization with light have been demonstrated: the energy momentum landscape of the Dirac cone provides spin-momentum locking of the charge current and its spin. We investigate a spin-related signal present only during the laser excitation studying real and imaginary part of the complex Kerr angle by disentangling spin and lattice contributions. This coherent signal is only present at the time of the pump-pulses' light field and can be described in terms of a Raman coherence time. The Raman transition involves states at the bottom edge of the conduction band. We demonstrate a coherent femtosecond control of spin-polarization for electronic states at around the Dirac cone.

Sci Rep ; 4: 3980, 2014 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24496221


Magnetization manipulation is essential for basic research and applications. A fundamental question is, how fast can the magnetization be reversed in nanoscale magnetic storage media. When subject to an ultrafast laser pulse, the speed of the magnetization dynamics depends on the nature of the energy transfer pathway. The order of the spin system can be effectively influenced through spin-flip processes mediated by hot electrons. It has been predicted that as electrons drive spins into the regime close to almost total demagnetization, characterized by a loss of ferromagnetic correlations near criticality, a second slower demagnetization process takes place after the initial fast drop of magnetization. By studying FePt, we unravel the fundamental role of the electronic structure. As the ferromagnet Fe becomes more noble in the FePt compound, the electronic structure is changed and the density of states around the Fermi level is reduced, thereby driving the spin correlations into the limit of critical fluctuations. We demonstrate the impact of the electrons and the ferromagnetic interactions, which allows a general insight into the mechanisms of spin dynamics when the ferromagnetic state is highly excited, and identifies possible recording speed limits in heat-assisted magnetization reversal.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 8(4): 256-60, 2013 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23542903


In spin-based electronics, information is encoded by the spin state of electron bunches. Processing this information requires the controlled transport of spin angular momentum through a solid, preferably at frequencies reaching the so far unexplored terahertz regime. Here, we demonstrate, by experiment and theory, that the temporal shape of femtosecond spin current bursts can be manipulated by using specifically designed magnetic heterostructures. A laser pulse is used to drive spins from a ferromagnetic iron thin film into a non-magnetic cap layer that has either low (ruthenium) or high (gold) electron mobility. The resulting transient spin current is detected by means of an ultrafast, contactless amperemeter based on the inverse spin Hall effect, which converts the spin flow into a terahertz electromagnetic pulse. We find that the ruthenium cap layer yields a considerably longer spin current pulse because electrons are injected into ruthenium d states, which have a much lower mobility than gold sp states. Thus, spin current pulses and the resulting terahertz transients can be shaped by tailoring magnetic heterostructures, which opens the door to engineering high-speed spintronic devices and, potentially, broadband terahertz emitters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(23): 237401, 2008 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19113591


We relate the energy dissipation processes at the femtosecond (electron-spin relaxation time tau el-sp) and nanosecond time scale (Gilbert relaxation taualpha) to the microscopic model proposed by Koopmans [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 267207 (2005)]. At both time scales, Elliot-Yafet scattering is proposed as the dominant contribution. We controllably manipulate the energy dissipation by transition metal doping (Pd) and rare earth doping (Dy) of a Permalloy film. While a change in taualpha of more than a factor of 2 is observed, tau el-sp remains constant. We explain the discrepancies as due to relaxation channels not considered in the model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(24): 246803, 2008 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643609


Oxygen vacancies in the MgO barriers of epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions are observed to introduce symmetry-breaking scatterings and hence open up channels for noncoherent tunneling processes that follow the normal WKB approximation. The evanescent waves inside the MgO barrier thus experience two-step tunneling, the coherent followed by the noncoherent process, and lead to lower tunnel magnetoresistance, higher junction resistance, as well as increased bias and temperature dependence. The characteristic length of the symmetry scattering process is determined to be about 1.6 nm.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(11): 117204, 2003 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12688964


The interface magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) in Fe/CeH(2) multilayers has been site and element-specifically isolated by combining soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (SXRMS) with soft x-ray standing waves. Using the different temperature evolutions of the Fe and Ce SXRMS contributions, following an in-plane to out-of-plane spin reorientation, the interface Fe 3d MAE and Ce 4f single-ion anisotropy have been separated. The results demonstrate that the transition metal interface MAE dominates the spin reorientation while the rare-earth contribution becomes significant only at much lower temperatures.