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Front Psychol ; 11: 604412, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33362665


BACKGROUND: Studies and meta-analyses found individual, meso and micro-social factors that are associated with individual well-being, as well as a positive socio-emotional climate or collective well-being. AIM: This article simultaneously studies and examines these factors of well-being. METHOD: Well-Being is measured as a dependent variable at the individual and collective level, as well as the predictors, in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal studies. Education and social intervention workers (N = 1300, K = 80) from Chile, Spain and Uruguay participate; a subsample of educators (k = 1, n = 37) from the south central Chile and from Chile, Uruguay and Spain (n = 1149); workers from organizations in Latin America and Southern Europe, military cadets from Argentina (N < 1000); and teams (K = 14) from Spanish companies. RESULTS: Individual and collective well-being indicators were related, suggesting that the emotional climate as a context improves personal well-being. Individual factors (emotional creativity and openness and universalism values), psychosocial factors (low stress, control over work and social support supervisors and peers) were positively associated with personal well-being in education and social intervention context. Organizational dynamic or transformational culture is directly and indirectly associated with individual well-being through previously described psychosocial factors. Group processes such as internal communication and safe participation, task orientation or climate of excellence as well as leadership style that reinforces participation and belonging, were positively associated with collective well-being in labor and military context and predict team work socio-emotional climate in a longitudinal study- but were unrelated to individual well-being. Transformational leadership plays a mediating role between functional factors and social-emotional climate in work teams. Organizational role autonomy, functional organizational leadership, integration and resources were associated with collective well-being in organizations. Organizational leadership moderates the relationship between task orientation and collective well-being in military context. CONCLUSION: Individual and microsocial factors influence personal well-being. Meso level factors favorable to well-being through processes which reinforce social belonging, influence directly collective well-being and indirectly personal well-being. Leadership that reinforces participation and belonging play a central role for emotional climate. Stress and emotional climate playing an important pivotal role for psychological well-being.

Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 3(1): 10-21, jun. 2014. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1145632


Los resultados de los procesos operativos son el producto de las actuaciones de las personas por una parte y de la estructura organizacional por la otra, de allí que los esfuerzos deben ir en ambas direcciones de manera armónica, inteligente, de aplicación de técnicas acertadas y responsabilidad. Los Gerentes Medios en Enfermería (GME), constituyen el vínculo entre gerentes de enfermería y profesionales de enfermería que están bajo su mando, caracterizado por un hilo conductor apropiado y una respuesta afectiva, voluntaria que indica un gran compromiso de la gestión. Es importante tener presente que existen factores que dentro de su actuación son reconocidos por ellos como condicionantes de los comportamientos que asumen durante el desempeño del rol. Las organizaciones deben adaptarse a las nuevas realidades, ajustándose apropiadamente a su manera de actuar y la gerencia, como motor conductor de los procesos de producción, está llamada a introducir los cambios necesarios, en un clima de compromiso general. En la investigación se solicitó la opinión de los GME con el objetivo de establecer los elementos administrativos y profesionales que intervienen en el desempeño del rol de los Gerentes Medios en Enfermería, en el Hospital Universitario de Caracas, mediante un trabajo de campo que permitió establecer las relaciones; en primer lugar con Elementos administrativos tales como el apoyo institucional y las oportunidades de desarrollo y en segundo lugar con los Elementos Profesionales relacionados con las Características Intelectuales, Elementos Prácticos, Servicio a la Sociedad y Autonomía. Los GME consideran, que los elementos administrativos y profesionales estudiados, intervienen en porcentajes superiores al 70%.(AU)

The results of operational processes are the product of the actions of people on the one hand and the organizational structure on the other; hence efforts should go both ways in a harmonious, smart manner; with the successful application of techniques and accountability. Media Managers Nursing (GME) are the link between nurse managers and nurses who are under his command, characterized by an appropriate thread and an affective, voluntary response indicating a strong commitment of management. It is important to note that there are factors in its performance are recognized by them as determinants of behaviors that take over the role performance. Organization must adapt to new realities, appropriately adjusting to their ways and management, as drive motor production processes, is called to make the necessary changes, in a climate of general commitment researching the views of GME whit the aim of establishing administrative and professional elements involved in performing the role of Middle Managers in nursing at the University Hospital of Caracas, through a fieldwork that allowed to establish the relationships; first with administrative items such as institutional support and development opportunities and secondly with Professional Autonomy elements related to Intellectual, Practical Elements, Service to the Society. The GME consider that the administrative and professional elements studied, are involved in percentages above 70%(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación en Enfermería , Técnicos Medios en Salud , Personal de Enfermería , Administración de los Servicios de Salud , Gestión en Salud