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J Chem Phys ; 157(1): 014506, 2022 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35803804


The glass formation ability of an alloy depends on two competing processes: glass-transition, on one hand, and crystal nucleation and growth, on the other hand. While these phenomena have been widely studied before in nearly equiatomic Cu-Zr alloys, studies are lacking for solute/solvent-rich ones. In the present work, molecular dynamics simulations show that the addition of a small amount of Zr (1-10 at. %) to Cu drastically increases the incubation time and slows down crystal growth, thus, leading to an improved glass forming ability. The crystal nucleation and growth processes of a competing face-centered cubic (FCC) Cu crystalline phase are analyzed in detail. In particular, the values of the critical cooling rate, incubation period for crystallization, and growth rate of FCC Cu crystals in these Cu-rich alloys are obtained. The growth of a supersaturated FCC Cu solid solution is found to be polymorphic at the interface (except for alloys with 9 and 10 at. % Zr) though a Zr concentration gradient is observed within growing crystals at high enough Zr content. The crystal growth rate before crystal impingement is nearly constant in all alloys, though it decreases exponentially with the Zr content. Crystallization kinetics are also analyzed within the existing theories and compared with the experimental values available in the literature.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 13650, 2021 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34211030


Shear-induced segregation, by particle size, is known in the flow of colloids and granular media, but is unexpected at the atomic level in the deformation of solid materials, especially at room temperature. In nanoscale wear tests of an Fe-based bulk metallic glass at room temperature, without significant surface heating, we find that intense shear localization under a scanned indenter tip can induce strong segregation of a dilute large-atom solute (Y) to planar regions that then crystallize as a Y-rich solid solution. There is stiffening of the material, and the underlying chemical and structural effects are characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The key influence of the soft Fe-Y interatomic interaction is investigated by ab-initio calculation. The driving force for the induced segregation, and its mechanisms, are considered by comparison with effects in other sheared media.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(3): 1089-1099, 2019 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30566131


The thermodynamic aspects of various 2D materials are explored using Density Functional Theory (DFT). Various metal chalcogenides (MX2, M = metal, chalcogen X = S, Se, Te) are investigated with respect to their interaction and stability under different ambient conditions met in the integration process of a transistor device. Their interaction with high-κ dielectrics is also addressed, in order to assess their possible integration in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) field effect transistors. 2D materials show promise for high performance nanoelectronic devices, but the presence of defects (vacancies, grain boundaries,…) can significantly impact their electronic properties. To assess the impact of defects, their enthalpies of formation and their signature levels in the density of states have been studied. We find, consistently with literature reports, that chalcogen vacancies are the most likely source of defects. It is shown that while pristine 2D materials are in general stable whenever set in contact with different ambient atmospheres, the presence of defective sites affects the electronic properties of the 2D materials to varying degrees. We observe that all the 2D materials studied in the present work show strong reactivity towards radical oxygen plasma treatments while reactivity towards other common gas phase chemical such as O2 and H2O and groups present at the high-κ surface varies significantly between species. While energy band-gaps, effective masses and contact resistivities are key criteria in selection of 2D materials for scaled CMOS and tunneling based devices, the phase and ambient stabilities might also play a very important role in the development of reliable nanoelectronic applications.