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J Endourol Case Rep ; 6(4): 249-252, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33457646


Background: Historically, exocrine pancreas secretions during pancreas transplant were commonly managed by bladder drainage. Although this technique has fallen out of favor because of significant rates of urologic complications, urologists must still be prepared to assist when they arise. We describe the first reported case of a cystoscopically placed pancreatic duct stent for management of a pancreas transplant duodenocystostomy leak in the setting of normal bladder function. Case Presentation: A 63-year-old male with a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus complicated by end-stage renal disease underwent a simultaneous bladder-drained pancreas and kidney transplant 25 years ago. He developed hematuria and acute rejection of his pancreas, with CT showing large volume ascites concerning for pancreatic leak. Cystoscopy revealed an intact and patent duodenal-cystostomy anastomosis; however, intraperitoneal extravasation on intraoperative cystogram raised concern for pancreatic head necrosis. The patient underwent intraperitoneal drain placement and Foley catheter bladder decompression, but drain output and drain amylase and lipase remained markedly elevated. He was taken back to the operating room for attempted cystoscopic stenting of the pancreatic duct, which was effective using a 5F × 4 cm Zimmon® pancreatic stent. His drain output normalized in the following days and the pancreatic stent and intraperitoneal drain were removed 4 and 5 weeks after discharge, respectively. Outpatient urodynamics revealed no signs of obstruction and his catheter was removed with minimal postvoid residuals on follow-up. Conclusion: Anastomotic leak after duodenocystostomy during pancreas transplant is a complication typically related to elevated intravesical pressures, managed with bladder decompression and subsequent bladder outlet procedure. We present a novel technique for cystoscopic pancreatic duct stenting in the setting of intact anastomosis and normal bladder function with delayed leak secondary to necrotic pancreatic head. Endoscopic stent placement, intraperitoneal drainage, and bladder decompression with Foley catheter are an effective technique to avoid unnecessary reconstructive surgery.