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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 36(4): 457-465, out.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365588


■ RESUMO Introdução: Os benefícios da realização de reconstrução mamária em pacientes mastectomizadas vão muito além da estética, contribuindo para a saúde emocional, autoestima e vida sexual da mulher. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo abordar a relevância da realização da cirurgia plástica em mulheres mastectomizadas no Brasil, bem como evidenciar os direitos da mulher, dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde, durante o processo. Métodos: Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de caráter qualitativo através da coleta de dados nas plataformas SciELO, PubMed e LILACS, além de uma pesquisa complementar no Google Acadêmico. Os artigos incluídos no estudo foram analisados pelo método de conteúdo. Resultados: No total foram incluídos 21 artigos, nos quais observou-se que as mulheres mastectomizadas relatavam sentimentos de medo, vergonha, sofrimento, redução da sexualidade e insatisfação. Também foi observado que esses sentimentos diminuíram após a realização do procedimento estético. Conclusão: Pelo fato de as mamas representarem um símbolo de sensualidade e orgulho feminino, é de extrema importância que o Sistema Único de Saúde, assim como os profissionais da saúde estejam capacitados para acolher e sanar as dúvidas das pacientes, garantindo que não haja negligência no cuidado e proporcionando um tratamento digno.

■ ABSTRACT Introduction: The benefits of performing breast reconstruction in mastectomized patients go far beyond aesthetics, contributing to a woman's emotional health, self-esteem and sex life. Thus, this study aimed to address the relevance of performing plastic surgery in women with mastectomies in Brazil and highlight women's rights within the Brazilian Unified Health System during the process. Methods: For this, an integrative qualitative review was carried out through data collection on the SciELO, PubMed and LILACS platforms, in addition to a complementary search on Google Scholar. The articles included in the study were analyzed using the content method. Results: In total, 21 articles were included, in which it was observed that women with mastectomies reported feelings of fear, shame, suffering, reduced sexuality and dissatisfaction. It was also observed that these feelings decreased after performing the cosmetic procedure. Conclusion: Because the breasts represent a symbol of sensuality and female pride, it is extremely important that the Brazilian Unified Health System, as well as health professionals, are trained to welcome and resolve the patients' doubts, ensuring that there is no negligence in the care and providing a decent treatment.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 500-509, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041977


Resumo A carga psicoemocional gerada com a morte de pacientes é uma das questões mais difíceis de serem enfrentadas na medicina. Este levantamento de dados, de caráter descritivo e abordagem quantitativa, teve como objetivo principal analisar a atitude de médicos e a percepção de estudantes de medicina em relação ao fim da vida. Os dados foram organizados em duas categorias: percepção dos entrevistados quanto à morte e influência da experiência médica para superar o óbito de enfermos. Os resultados mostram que os discentes se sentem despreparados para enfrentar essa realidade, e a vivência profissional é o principal fator de compreensão dos médicos sobre o tema. Conclui-se que a tanatologia e seus desdobramentos são lacuna na formação em medicina, tornando a morte questão crítica e dolorosa da profissão. Aprovação CEP-Fadip CAAE 68401717.6.0000.8063

Abstract The psycho-emotional pressure generated with the death of a patient is one of the most difficult issues to be faced in medicine. This survey aims to analyze how physicians and medical students perceive the end of life. The study was characterized as a data survey, with a descriptive and quantitative approach. The data were organized into two categories for analysis: perception of death; and the influence of the medical experience in facing patient death. The results show that students feel unprepared to face this reality and that the professional experience is the main modifying factor of the doctors' understanding of the death. It is concluded that thanatology and its unfoldings are part of an academic gap in medicine, and the confrontation of death is a painful issue for professionals. Aprovação CEP-Fadip CAAE 68401717.6.0000.8063

Resumen La carga psicoemocional generada por la muerte de pacientes es una de las cuestiones más difíciles a enfrentar en la medicina. Esta recolección de datos, de carácter descriptivo y de abordaje cuantitativo, tuvo como objetivo principal analizar la actitud de médicos y la percepción de estudiantes de medicina en relación con el fin de la vida. Los datos se organizaron en dos categorías: percepción de los entrevistados respecto de la muerte e influencia de la experiencia médica para superar la muerte de pacientes. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes no se sienten preparados para enfrentar esa realidad, y la vivencia profesional es el principal factor de comprensión de los médicos sobre el tema. Se concluye que la tanatología y sus desdoblamientos son una laguna en la formación en medicina, tornando a la muerte una cuestión crítica y dolorosa de la profesión. Aprovação CEP-Fadip CAAE 68401717.6.0000.8063

Bioética , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Tanatología , Educación Médica
Microb Ecol ; 73(3): 505-520, 2017 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27900461


Element cycling in aquatic systems is driven chiefly by planktonic processes, and the structure of the planktonic food web determines the efficiency of carbon transfer through trophic levels. However, few studies have comprehensively evaluated all planktonic food-web components in tropical regions. The aim of this study was to unravel the top-down controls (metazooplankton community structure), bottom-up controls (resource availability), and hydrologic (water residence time) and physical (temperature) variables that affect different components of the microbial food web (MFW) carbon stock in tropical reservoirs, through structural equation models (SEM). We conducted a field study in four deep Brazilian reservoirs (Balbina, Tucuruí, Três Marias, and Funil) with different trophic states (oligo-, meso-, and eutrophic). We found evidence of a high contribution of the MFW (up to 50% of total planktonic carbon), especially in the less-eutrophic reservoirs (Balbina and Tucuruí). Bottom-up and top-down effects assessed through SEM indicated negative interactions between soluble reactive phosphorus and phototrophic picoplankton (PPP), dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF). Copepods positively affected ciliates, and cladocerans positively affected heterotrophic bacteria (HB) and PPP. Higher copepod/cladoceran ratios and an indirect positive effect of copepods on HB might strengthen HB-HNF coupling. We also found low values for the degree of uncoupling (D) and a low HNF/HB ratio compared with literature data (mostly from temperate regions). This study demonstrates the importance of evaluating the whole size spectrum (including microbial compartments) of the different planktonic compartments, in order to capture the complex carbon dynamics of tropical aquatic ecosystems.

Bacterias/metabolismo , Cilióforos/metabolismo , Cladóceros/metabolismo , Copépodos/metabolismo , Cadena Alimentaria , Plancton/metabolismo , Animales , Brasil , Ecosistema , Eutrofización , Agua Dulce/microbiología , Nitrógeno/metabolismo , Temperatura , Microbiología del Agua
Environ Microbiol ; 17(7): 2336-51, 2015 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25471233


Metacommunity studies on lake bacterioplankton indicate the importance of environmental factors in structuring communities. Yet most of these studies cover relatively small spatial scales. We assessed the relative importance of environmental and spatial factors in shaping bacterioplankton communities across a > 6000 km latitudinal range, studying 48 shallow lowland lakes in the tropical, tropicali (isothermal subzone of the tropics) and tundra climate regions of South America using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Bacterioplankton community composition (BCC) differed significantly across regions. Although a large fraction of the variation in BCC remained unexplained, the results supported a consistent significant contribution of local environmental variables and to a lesser extent spatial variables, irrespective of spatial scale. Upon correction for space, mainly biotic environmental factors significantly explained the variation in BCC. The abundance of pelagic cladocerans remained particularly significant, suggesting grazer effects on bacterioplankton communities in the studied lakes. These results confirm that bacterioplankton communities are predominantly structured by environmental factors, even over a large-scale latitudinal gradient (6026 km), and stress the importance of including biotic variables in studies that aim to understand patterns in BCC.

Bacterias/genética , Lagos/microbiología , Consorcios Microbianos/genética , Plancton/genética , Electroforesis en Gel de Gradiente Desnaturalizante , Ecosistema , Lagos/química , Consorcios Microbianos/fisiología , América del Sur