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Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 734-737,779, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-752427


Objective ThispaperpresentedaninvestigationonthesimilaritiesanddifferencesintheclinicalfeaturesandCTfindings betweenallogeneichematopoieticstem celltransplantation (allo-HSCT)inducedandnon-transplantinducedair-leaksyndromes (ALS)inpatientssufferingfromhematopathy,toimprovetheunderstandingofALSinpatientswithhematopathy.Methods Retrospective analysesandcomparisonsofclinicaldataandCTimageswereconductedbetweenGroupA (12patientswithALSafterallo-HSCT) andGroupB (26patientswithnon-transplant-relatedALS).A M annG W hitney U testwasperformedtoevaluatethemeasurementdata, andthe χ 2testor Fisher exacttestwasconductedtoexaminetheenumerationdata.Differencethresholdsof P<0.05from bothsides weretakentobethedeterminantforstatisticalsignificance.Results TheincidenceratesofALSinpatientswithhematopathyafter anallo-HSCTwerefoundtobesignificantlyhigherthanthoseinpatientsonwhomsuchtransplantshadnotbeenperformed(1.84%. vs.0.06%),P<0.001.SymptomsofdyspneaweremuchmorefrequentlyobservedingroupAcomparedtogroupB (7/12vs1/26), P<0.01;whereasthedifferencesforthesymptomsofchesttightness,chestpain,andpharyngalgia werenotadequateintermsofstatistical significance,P>0.05.IngroupA,theoccurrencesofALSsecondarytolongonsetnon-infectionpulmonarycomplications(LONIPC) associatedwithchronicgraft-versus-hostdisease(cGVHD)werefoundin8/12patients,whereastheoccurrencesin15/26patients weresecondarytopulmonaryinfectioningroupB,P<0.01.Therewerenostatisticallysignificantdifferencesinage,gender,BMI, backgroundblooddisease,basictreatmentcounts,CTtype,treatmentmethodsandCTdisappearancetimelengthbetweenthetwo groups,P>0.05.Conclusion Thereweredifferencesintheincidencerates,basiclungdiseasesandclinicalsymptomsbetweenallo-HSCT inducedandnon-transplantinducedALSinpatientssufferingfromhematopathy.Hematopathy-associatedALSwascommoninyoung adultswithlankypostures,patientswithleukemiaasback-grounddisease,patientswithahistoryofchemotherapyandpatientswith pulmonarydiseases.Thecommonsymptomsofpatients with hematopathy-associated ALS were chesttightness and chest pain,andpatients’overallprognosisweregood,meanwhileCT manifestationsweremainlycharacterizedbymixedpulmonary interstitialemphysema(PIE)+pneumomediastinum (PM)andsimplepneumothorax (PT).

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-558003


Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and importance of cesarean section in time.Methods Three cases of AFLP treated in our hospital during the past three years were retrospectively studied with emphasis on symptoms,laboratory findings,maternal complications and the action of well-timed cesarean section.Clinical diagnose was proved by postpartum liver biopsy or autopsy.Results The gestational age at onset of the three multiparae was 35~36 weeks.In the early stage,all cases had malaise,nausea,vomit,loss of appetite and epigastric distress followed by jaundice.Laboratory findings included raised transaminases (≤300IU/L)and total serum bilirubin levels.Neither B ultrasonic nor CT examine found fatty liver.Two of them were received cesarean section after obvious complication,and one died with her baby,the other pulled through MSOF,whose twins died of seriously asphyxia.While the third received cesarean section at early stage and was cured with a healthy baby.Conclusion Increasing awarenessespecially in early piagnosis of AFLP cases and termination pregnancy in time,the prognosis of AFLP is obviously improved.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-564109


Objective To evaluate the effects of angiostatin on vascular endothelial growth factor expression in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells.Methods Subcutaneous xenografts of human tongue squamous cell carcinoma(Tca8113)cell line in BALB/c nude mice were employed and eighteen mice were randomly divided into three groups(6 mice each):the PBS group injected with PBS,the AS group injected with 250 ng purified angiostatin,and the AS group injected with 30 ?g purified angiostatin.Reagents were injected intraperitoneally twice daily and tumor volume was calculated twice weekly for 21 d,then animals were sacrificed and each tumor specimen was divided into two parts after surgical resection.The first part was submitted to both immunocytochemistry for VEGF,VEGFR1,VEGFR2 and CD34,and TUNEL apoptosis assay.The second part was prepared for semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of VEGF,VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 mRNA abundance.Results There was an increase of apoptotic index(AI)(P

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-538662


Objective To improve the diagnostic level of pulmonany complications of leukemia by analysing imaging characteristics.Methods The imaging findings of pulmonary complications were analysed in 200 cases with leukemia.Results The pathogenic agents of pulmonary complications included:infection of single type of bacteria in 33.5%(67 cases),mixed bacteria infection in 35%(70 cases),fungal infection in 3.5%(7 cases),fungal infection combined with bacteria infection in 5%(10 cases),unknown pathogenic agents in 23%(46 cases).The radiologic findings were as follows:the change of lung markings in 84 cases(42%),lung parenchyma lesion in 116 cases(58%),pleura lesion in 29 cases(14.5%) ,pleural effusion in 19 cases(9.5%), hilum of the lung or mediastina lesion in 40 cases (20%).Conclusion Pulmonary complications of leukemia are mainly pulmonary infection.The diagnosis of this lesion has to combined with clinical data and laboratory test,repeat radiography after treatment is also helpful in differential diagnosis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-675148


Objective:To study the immunologic and endocrinologic mechanism of Chinese herbs in the treatment of abortion Methods:SD rats injected with bromocriptine 0 125 mg/d subcutaneously(sc)during day 6~8 of pregnancy were used as aborting model Uteruses of the rats treated with or without Chinese herbs were taken out at day 12 of pregnancy for counting embryoes and determining mRNA levels of Th1/Th2 type cytokines in decidua by semiquantity RT PCR Results:The insufficiency of PRL and P in serum during gestation was related to embryo miscarriage remarkably A predominant Th1 response at the maternal fetal interface is harmful to pregnancy Aborting rate induced by bromocriptine was decreased after treating with Chinese herbs Chinese herbs can increase serum PRL and P , then trigger a predominant Th2 response in the model Conclusion:With it's effect of increasing PRL and P in serum and the Th2 bias response at the maternal fetal interface, Chinese herbs can reverse the abortion effect of bromocriptine

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-537441


Objective To evaluate the value of X-ray imaging in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.Methods The findings of X-ray plain films of 136 patients with multiple myeloma were retrospectively analysed.Results Abnormal radiological changes were found in 117 of 136 patients (86.03%),of which 84 cases(61.76%) were located in skull,61 cases(44.85%) in spinal column,47(34.56%)in pelvis,51(37.5%)in humerus,41(30.15%)in ribs,29 (21.32%)in femur.In addition,clavical was involved in 15 cases,scapula in 13,radius in 9,tibia in 9,fibula in 4 and ulna in 3.Conclusion X-ray plain film is of important effect on the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.