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J Chem Phys ; 148(8): 084302, 2018 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29495790


We report an ab initio study of the low-lying valence and Rydberg states of HBr. The calculations are carried out employing the multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction method including the spin-orbit interaction. The first excited adiabatic potential of 1Σ+ symmetry presents two minima which correspond to the Rydberg E1Σ+ and valence V1Σ+ observed states. We calculate the vibrational levels of these two states using a coupled-channel treatment based on the two diabatic potentials deduced from the ab initio adiabatic potentials and the Rydberg-valence interaction. The chaotic energy separations between the observed levels are well reproduced in the calculations. We have also obtained for the first time theoretical data for numerous Rydberg states of HBr lying in the (66-79) × 103 cm-1 excitation energy interval. The calculated spectroscopic parameters are found to be in good agreement with experiment and provide a basis for future studies of radiative and non-radiative processes in the HBr molecule.

J Chem Phys ; 144(14): 144302, 2016 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27083716


We report an ab initio study of the quintet states of molecular oxygen. The calculations are carried out employing the multireference single and double excitation configuration interaction package. Potential energy curves of the six quintet valence states dissociating into ground state atoms and of the four quintet states dissociating to ion-pair atoms were computed. A number of bound quintet Rydberg series converging to the a(4)Πu and b(4)Σg(-) states of the O2(+) cation have been identified.

J Chem Phys ; 144(5): 054306, 2016 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26851920


K-vacancy Auger states of N(q+) (q = 2-5) ions are studied by using the complex multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction (CMRD-CI) method. The calculated resonance parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental and theoretical data. It shows that the resonance positions and widths converge quickly with the increase of the atomic basis sets in the CMRD-CI calculations; the standard atomic basis set can be employed to describe the atomic K-vacancy Auger states well. The strong correlations between the valence and core electrons play important roles in accurately determining those resonance parameters, Rydberg electrons contribute negligibly in the calculations. Note that it is the first time that the complex scaling method has been successfully applied for the B-like nitrogen. CMRD-CI is readily extended to treat the resonance states of molecules in the near future.

J Chem Phys ; 134(20): 204104, 2011 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21639421


In this contribution we first report new ab initio self-consistent field configuration interaction calculations of the first excited adiabatic potential of (1)Σ(+) symmetry, the 2(1)Σ(+) or B(1)Σ(+) state, which presents two minima and can thus be seen as made up of the Rydberg E(1)Σ(+) and the valence V(1)Σ(+) states. Based on the computed 2(1)Σ(+) potential, we devised a theoretical procedure to compute the vibronic structure in order to try to explain the energy levels observed in the region above 76 254.4 cm(-1) which display an irregular vibrational structure, indicative of spectral perturbations. We try to find out which representation of the electronic states, the diabatic or the adiabatic one, is best suited to replicate the lowest observed vibronic levels of the E and V states. To this end, we deduce, from the 2(1)Σ(+) potential and its complementary adiabatic potential, two diabatic potentials. We then carry out a coupled equation treatment based on these diabatic potentials. The results of this treatment indicate that, in the present case, the adiabatic representation is better than the diabatic one to describe the observed vibronic levels. This is due, as expected, to the existence of a strong electrostatic interaction between the two diabatic potentials.

J Chem Phys ; 132(2): 024311, 2010 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20095678


The far-UV spectrum of carbon monoxide presents numerous abnormal (1)Pi rovibronic levels in the region 92,000-105,000 cm(-1) which have been observed by several experimentalists. Yet, and in spite of various attribution attempts carried out over the past two decades, the nature of these levels is poorly understood and they still lack a definitive assignment. The absorption lines in this energy region are characterized by irregular energy level positions and spacings, and odd, smaller than expected, rotational constants. In the current contribution we address this puzzle by relying on recent ab initio calculations of several Rydberg and valence states of CO [G. J. Vazquez, J. M. Amero, H. P. Liebermann, and H. Lefebvre-Brion, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 13395 (2009)], and on further new calculations in which we compute electronic transition moments between the ground state and several excited (1)Pi states. We focus on the perturbations between the adiabatic (1)Pi states, specifically on the interaction between the second and third potential energy curves, reported in our previous paper. The second adiabatic potential energy curve, which we refer to as E-E('), displays a distorted shape with two minima as a result of an avoided crossing with the third one. We report here the computation of the lowest vibronic levels of a system of two electronic states which undergo a strong Rydberg-valence interaction. Our vibronic calculations proceed as follows: from the second and third computed adiabatic curves we first obtain approximate diabatic curves for the (X (2)Sigma(+))3ppi E (1)Pi Rydberg state and for the valence E(') (1)Pi state. Then we solve a system of 2x2 coupled equations in order to obtain the perturbed vibronic energy levels and wave functions for the interacting E and E(') states. The computed vibronic levels obtained from the coupled equation treatment are compared to the first six observed (1)Pi levels. A good agreement is found with experiment for the four lowest vibronic levels and a reasonable accord for two higher levels.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(47): 13395-401, 2009 Nov 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19757842


Ab initio potential energy curves of CO are calculated to address a number of problems remaining in the interpretation of the experimental VUV absorption spectra. The calculations are of the type SCF MRSD-CI. We employed the aug-cc-pVQZ basis set for both carbon and oxygen, augmented with twelve diffuse functions, of s-, p-, and d-type, located on both atomic centers. We focus on the energy region 85,000 cm(-1) < E < 110,000 cm(-1) characterized by strong interactions between Rydberg and valence states. In this work we deal specifically with the (1)Sigma(+), (1)Pi, and (3)Pi states lying in this region. Some of the relevant findings are as follows: The minimum of the C'(1)Sigma(+) valence state is found 1920 cm(-1) above the value inferred from an extrapolation of experimental data. A new (1)Pi valence state, labeled E', is found to perturb strongly the (X(2)Sigma(+))3ppi E(1)Pi Rydberg state. The electrostatic perturbation of the (X(2)Sigma(+))3ppi c(3)Pi Rydberg state by the k(3)Pi valence state is confirmed. The energy position of the (A(2)Pi)3ssigma (3)Pi state, the triplet companion of the W(1)Pi Rydberg state, is predicted.

J Chem Phys ; 126(16): 164302, 2007 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17477597


Ab initio electronic structure calculations of a relatively large number of Rydberg states of the CH radical were carried out employing the multireference single and double excitation configuration interaction (MRD-CI) method. A Gaussian basis set of cc-pV5Z quality augmented with 12 diffuse functions was used together with an extensive treatment of electron correlation. The main focus of this contribution is to investigate the 3d Rydberg complex assigned by Watson [Astrophys. J. 555, 472 (2001)] to three unidentified interstellar bands. The authors' calculations reproduce quite well the absolute excitation energies of the three components of the 3d complex, i.e., 2Sigma+(3dsigma), 2Pi(3dpi), and 2Delta(3ddelta), but not the energy ordering inferred from a rotational assignment of the 3d<--X 2Pi laboratory spectrum. The computation of the 4d complex is reported for the first time along with a number of other higher lying Rydberg species with an X 1Sigma+ core. The lowest Rydberg states belonging to series converging to the a 3Pi and A 1Pi excited states of CH+ are also calculated.

J Comput Chem ; 23(10): 943-9, 2002 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12116399


Localized molecular orbitals (LMOs) derived from exchange maximization with respect to all atom-centered basis functions in the basis set are shown to generate a good starting electronic field for self-consistent field calculations on extended systems such as metal clusters, for which well-defined chemical bonds are not present. Examples studied are a cluster of 20 Ni atoms and the Pt(97)CO, Ag(43)/H(3)CNON, Ag(91)/H(2)CO, and vinylidene/Ni metal cluster plus adsorbate systems. It is also shown that improved starting vectors can be obtained by remixing a subset of the LMOs with the largest exchange eigenvalues through diagonalization of the Fock matrix computed with a null electronic field. Employing only a subset of the exchange-maximized LMOs in the first iterations, and then gradually expanding the space in which the diagonalizations are carried out in succeeding cycles, is shown to be an effective means of guiding the SCF procedure to the converged full-basis solution.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 206(2): 181-197, 2001 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11281700


Gas-phase emission spectra of the hitherto unknown free radical TeLi have been measured in the NIR range with a Fourier-transform spectrometer. The emissions were observed from a fast flow system in which tellurium vapor in argon carrier gas was passed through a microwave discharge and mixed with lithium vapor in an observation tube. Two systems of blue-degraded bands were measured at high spectral resolution in the ranges 8000-9000 and 5700-6700 cm(-1) and vibrational and rotational analyses were performed. In order to aid in the analysis of the experimental data, a series of relativistic configuration interaction calculations has been carried out to obtain potential curves for the low-lying states of TeLi and the isovalent TeH and also electric dipole transition moments connecting them. As in the TeH system, the ground state of TeLi is found to be X(2)Pi(i), but with a remarkably smaller spin-orbit splitting. The TeLi calculations indicate a strongly bound A(2)Sigma(+) state, while in TeH the analogous state is computed to lie significantly higher at approximately 32 000 cm(-1), and it is strongly predissociated. Based on the theoretical analysis, the observed TeLi band systems are assigned to the transitions A(2)Sigma(+)(A1/2)-->X(1)(2)Pi(3/2)(X(1)3/2) and A(2)Sigma(+)(A1/2)-->X(2)(2)Pi(1/2)(X(2)1/2). Analysis of the spectra has yielded the molecular constants (in cm(-1)) X(1)(2)Pi(3/2):omega(e)=457.49(3), omega(e)x(e)=2.482(9), B(0)=0.408908(8); X(2)(2)Pi(1/2): T(e)=2353.44(3), omega(e)=456.28(4), omega(e)x(e)=2.635(8), B(0)=0.414954(8), p(0)=1.00637(4); A(2)Sigma(+): T(e)=8574.64(2), omega(e)=437.81(3), omega(e)x(e)=2.581(8), B(0)=0.423903(8), p(0)=-0.19915(2), where the numbers in parentheses are the standard deviations of the parameters. Comparison of the isovalent TeLi and TeH systems emphasizes that the difference in bonding character (ionic in TeLi vs covalent in TeH) is responsible for qualitative differences in the electronic spectra of these two molecules. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

Virus Res ; 73(2): 145-51, 2001 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11172918


Linear antigenic epitopes on the Ad5 fibre knob (FK5) were characterised with fibre- and virion-specific antisera, using 15-mer overlapping peptides covering the knob of the fibre. They were compared with epitopes on the Ad2 fibre knob (FK2) domain. The stronger reactive FK5 epitopes were represented by peptides P3 (amino acids (aa A419-L433)), P6 (aa S449-E463), P7 (aa I459-L473), P12 (aa G509-N523), P14 (aa P529-G543) and P16 (aa A549-Y563). P3 spans the B beta-strand and the left portion of the C beta-strand, P6 and P7 the D beta-strand and the adjacent parts of the CD and DE loops, P12, P14 and P16 the G, H and I beta strands and the adjacent parts of the loops, respectively. The stronger reactive epitopes on FK2 were located in P2 (aa P409-L423), P6 (aa T449-Q463), P8 (aa E469-G483), P13 (aa Q519-T533) and P16 (aa S549-K563). The positions of FK5 and FK2 derived peptides, representing epitopes, are either identical or overlapping or adjacent, as determined by amino acid sequence alignment. Antisera obtained against several longer peptides showed virus neutralising capacity, indicating neutralising epitopes in these peptides.

Adenovirus Humanos/inmunología , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/inmunología , Mapeo Epitopo , Infecciones por Adenovirus Humanos/inmunología , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Anticuerpos Antivirales/inmunología , Antígenos Virales/inmunología , Cápside/química , Cápside/genética , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Humanos , Sueros Inmunes , Immunoblotting , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Pruebas de Neutralización , Péptidos/síntesis química , Péptidos/química , Péptidos/inmunología , Serotipificación
J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 1(2): 191-200, 2001 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12914051


The microstructure and the average grain size were investigated by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy for nanocrystalline (n) Ni-P alloys with 18, 19, and 22 at.% P. A detailed study of the nanocrystalline states obtained along different heat treatment routes has been performed: (1) a-->ni by isothermal annealing of the melt-quenched amorphous (a) Ni-P alloys; (2) ni-->nii by isothermal annealing of the nanocrystalline ni state; (3) ni-->nii by linear heating of the ni state. The heats evolved during the structural transformations were determined by differential scanning calorimetry. From these studies, a scheme of the structural transformations and their energetics was constructed, which also includes previous results on phases obtained by linear heating of the as-quenched amorphous state of the same alloys. Grain boundary energies also have been estimated. In some cases it was necessary to assume a variation of the specific grain boundary energy during the phase transformation to understand the enthalpy and microstructure changes during the different heat treatments.

Aleaciones/química , Calor , Nanotecnología/métodos , Níquel/química , Fósforo/química , Rastreo Diferencial de Calorimetría , Cristalización/métodos , Microscopía Electrónica , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Temperatura , Difracción de Rayos X
J Virol ; 73(7): 6182-7, 1999 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10364380


We have investigated the antigenicity of the C- and N-terminal halves of pIX of human adenovirus types 2 and 3 (Ad2 and Ad3) as well as their orientations in virions. We found that only the C-terminal halves of Ad2 pIX and Ad3 pIX reacted in a subgenus-specific manner by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot analysis. Based on immunoelectron microscopy experiments, pIX in viral capsids appears to be positioned such that the C-terminal part of pIX constitutes the surface domain whereas the N terminus of the protein makes up the internal domain in icosahedral Ad capsids.

Adenovirus Humanos/química , Antígenos Virales/análisis , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/análisis , Cápside/química , Adenovirus Humanos/genética , Adenovirus Humanos/ultraestructura , Animales , Anticuerpos Antivirales/inmunología , Antígenos Virales/genética , Sitios de Unión , Cápside/genética , Expresión Génica , Humanos , Pruebas de Neutralización , Plásmidos , Conejos , Virión
J Virol ; 72(11): 9121-30, 1998 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9765458


The adenovirus fiber knob causes the first step in the interaction of adenovirus with cell membrane receptors. To obtain information on the receptor binding site(s), the interaction of labeled cell membrane proteins to synthetic peptides covering the adenovirus type 3 (Ad3) fiber knob was studied. Peptide P6 (amino acids [aa] 187 to 200), to a lesser extent P14 (aa 281 to 294), and probably P11 (aa 244 to 256) interacted specifically with cell membrane proteins, indicating that these peptides present cell receptor binding sites. Peptides P6, P11, and P14 span the D, G, and I beta-strands of the R-sheet, respectively. The other reactive peptides, P2 (aa 142 to 156), P3 (aa 153 to 167), and P16 (aa 300 to 319), probably do not present real receptor binding sites. The binding to these six peptides was inhibited by Ad3 virion and was independent of divalent cations. We have also screened the antigenic epitopes on the knob with recombinant Ad3 fiber, recombinant Ad3 fiber knob, and Ad3 virion-specific antisera by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The main antigenic epitopes were presented by P3, P6, P12 (aa 254 to 269), P14, and especially the C-terminal P16. Peptides P14 and P16 of the Ad3 fiber knob were able to inhibit Ad3 infection of cells.

Adenovirus Humanos/inmunología , Adenovirus Humanos/patogenicidad , Antígenos Virales , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/inmunología , Cápside/fisiología , Receptores Virales/fisiología , Adenovirus Humanos/genética , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Antígenos Virales/genética , Secuencia de Bases , Sitios de Unión/genética , Cápside/genética , Cartilla de ADN/genética , Mapeo Epitopo , Epítopos/genética , Células HeLa , Humanos , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/inmunología , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Serotipificación
J Virol Methods ; 71(2): 187-96, 1998 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9626952


Bacterially expressed recombinant protein IX (pIX) of human adenovirus serotype 2 (Ad2) and 3 (Ad3) was evaluated for use as a subgenus-specific antigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting. Patients sera positive by ELISA for the genus-specific adenovirus hexon antigen recognized the recombinant pIX of Ad2 and Ad3 in a subgenus-specific manner by both assays. Polyclonal rabbit serum raised against the recombinant Ad2pIX reacted strongly by indirect immunofluorescence assay, with Adl, 2 and 5 (subgenus C) but not with serotypes representing other subgenera. In a similar way, anti-Ad3pIX reacted with Ad3, 7, 11 and 14 (subgenus B), but not with serotypes representing other subgenera. A polymerase chain reaction showed that the complete pIX gene could be amplified in a subgenus specific fashion using primers specific for Ad3 (subgenus B), Ad2 (subgenus C), or Ad40/41 (subgenus F). The pIX gene from the available isolates of subgenus A, D and E was not amplified with these primers. The use of pIX-based serological assays is useful for subgenotyping as a primary screen of anti-Ad sera. It is much more rapid than the currently used neutralization assay or hemagglutination inhibition test. The application of anti-pIX sera by immunofluorescence and a pIX gene-based PCR are rapid methods which will improve subgenus identification of adenoviruses.

Infecciones por Adenovirus Humanos/virología , Adenovirus Humanos/clasificación , Antígenos Virales/inmunología , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/inmunología , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática/métodos , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa/métodos , Infecciones por Adenovirus Humanos/diagnóstico , Adenovirus Humanos/genética , Adenovirus Humanos/inmunología , Adenovirus Humanos/aislamiento & purificación , Anticuerpos Antivirales/inmunología , Antígenos Virales/genética , Cápside/genética , Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente Indirecta , Humanos , Immunoblotting , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusión/inmunología , Serotipificación , Especificidad de la Especie
J Med Virol ; 51(3): 252-7, 1997 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9139092


Lymphocytes play a key role in cell-mediated immunity and are host cells for several viral and bacterial pathogens. Their importance in adenovirus (Ad) infections is not yet fully understood. The initial event, the attachment of Ad to lymphocytes and their subsets, was examined using flow cytometry. The study included analysis of stimulated T cells in binding assays with FITC-labeled Ad fiber. The results confirm that native peripheral lymphocytes express very small amounts of Ad receptors. Stimulation with PHA and interleukin 2 induced the expression. The presence of Ad DNA as a sign of internalization in stimulated cells was demonstrated using the polymerase chain reaction. The findings suggest that lymphocytes after stimulation can turn into target cells for Ad. This is particularly important if there are indications for persistence of Ad, and in the case of immunocompromised patients severe, life-threatening diseases can develop.

Adenovirus Humanos/fisiología , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/fisiología , Linfocitos/inmunología , Linfocitos/virología , Receptores Virales/fisiología , Adenovirus Humanos/inmunología , Antígenos Virales/fisiología , Cápside/análisis , Cápside/biosíntesis , Células Cultivadas , Cartilla de ADN , ADN Viral/análisis , Citometría de Flujo , Humanos , Interleucina-2/farmacología , Cinética , Activación de Linfocitos , Fitohemaglutininas/farmacología , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Receptores Virales/biosíntesis , Factores de Tiempo , Replicación Viral
Virus Res ; 45(2): 111-22, 1996 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8896246


The fiber knob of adenovirus (Ad) causes the first step in the interaction of adenovirus with cell membrane receptors. To obtain information on the receptor binding site(s) several synthetic peptides derived from Ad2 and Ad3 fiber head sequences and their antisera were tested for interference with virus attachment to HeLa and FL cells and cell adhesion to viruses. The anti-peptide sera were also evaluated in ELISA and virus neutralisation test. Ad2 (of subgroup C) and Ad3 (of subgroup B) attachment was not significantly inhibited by peptides corresponding to the amino acid residues 535-554, 555-573, 562-582 of Ad2 fiber or 210-225, 267-283, 291-306 and 300-319 of Ad3 fiber. However, microplate pre-adsorbed Ad3 fiber residues 210-225 and 267-283 could bind FL and HeLa cells, and 1 mg/ml of Ad3 fiber residues 267-283 inhibited the cell adhesion to Ad3 virus to approximately 90%. This peptide may participate in the receptor binding site of Ad3 fiber. ELISA reactive anti-peptide antibodies against the homologous peptide and virus did not significantly reduce the cell adhesion to the immobilised virus or the virus attachment to cells, but in the neutralisation assay antibodies raised to Ad2 fiber residues 555-573 and 562-582 and Ad3 fiber residues 210-225 caused neutralisation of the homologous virus at serum dilutions of 1:500 and 1:32, respectively. The corresponding peptides and one further peptide of Ad2 fiber and two of Ad3 fiber seem to contain neutralisation epitopes.

Adenovirus Humanos/metabolismo , Proteínas de la Cápside , Cápside/metabolismo , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Anticuerpos Antivirales/metabolismo , Cápside/síntesis química , Línea Celular , Células HeLa , Humanos , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Pruebas de Neutralización , Péptidos/síntesis química , Péptidos/metabolismo , Serotipificación
J Virol Methods ; 50(1-3): 281-91, 1994 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7714051


A physical method for quantification of the adenovirus was tested. It implies a centrifugation of the clarified or chloroform- (or freon-) treated crude virus suspension (0.5 ml) in a gentle sucrose gradient, following the analysis in a sensitive UV flow photometer and calculation of virus mass. The result (micrograms/ml) is obtained after about 1 h. The sensitivity of detection at wavelength 254 nm, 278 nm and 226 nm was compared. Virus yield of several serotypes from monolayer cultures of FL-cells was determined in a range of < 0.1 to 7 micrograms/ml. The ratio of infectious to physically complete virus (about the 770S component), the influence of freezing and thawing, storing at 4 degrees C and the effectiveness of concentration steps were also determined. There was no significant difference between the sucrose density gradient method (sedimentation rate) and the density equilibrium ultracentrifugation in a CsCl gradient.

Adenoviridae/aislamiento & purificación , Virión/aislamiento & purificación , Células Cultivadas , Centrifugación por Gradiente de Densidad
Zentralbl Veterinarmed B ; 41(2): 139-44, 1994 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7985430


Synthetic peptides corresponding to the 141-160 amino acid sequence of the protein VP1 of virus type O1 Kaufbeuren (O1K) and A5 Riems (A5R) were conjugated to thyroglobulin and mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA) together with Quil A. Although the peptide of A5R, together with IFA and Quil A, or with CFA, elicited a high antibody response to the virus in the ELISA, formula containing both IFA and Quil A induced only high titres of virus-neutralizing antibodies in rabbits. These adjuvant formulas did not display significant differences with regard to side effects.

Adyuvantes Inmunológicos , Anticuerpos Antivirales/biosíntesis , Aphthovirus/inmunología , Cápside/inmunología , Vacunas Virales/inmunología , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Antígenos Virales/inmunología , Cápside/química , Proteínas de la Cápside , ISCOMs/inmunología , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Conejos