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Int J Aging Hum Dev ; : 914150241268178, 2024 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39140286


Objectives: This study aims to investigate the mediating effects of positive psychological capital (both as compound PsyCap and separate resources) in the relationship between social support and the two components of HRQoL: physical and mental health. Method: We conducted the current cross-sectional study on a sample of 319 participants (114 male; 205 female) aged 65 to 90. Results: The results indicated significant positive associations between social support, PsyCap, physical health and mental health. Compound PsyCap fully mediated the relationship between perceived social support and physical/mental health. Hope and optimism positively predicted physical health, while the same PsyCap resources, along with self-efficacy positively predicted mental health. Discussion: The retirees that perceived increased social support presented higher levels of PsyCap, which in turn increased their physical and mental health. Our results highlighted some new explanatory mechanisms regarding the relationships between variables that affect health-related quality of life among older adults.

An. psicol ; 40(1): 20-30, Ene-Abri, 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229023


Antecedentes y objetivos: Aunque se consideraba que los jóvenes estaban menos expuestos a contraer una forma severa de la infección, los efectos que ellos más resintieron fueron los psicosociales. El presente artículo se propone comprobar el papel mediador de los afectos negativos y de las estrategias evasivas, primero en la relación entre el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 y el estrés percibido, y luego entre la amenaza percibida y el estrés. Diseño: Se utilizó un diseño transversal. Métodos: Se empleó una muestra de 669 estudiantes de grado (18 - 28 años) durante la cuarta oleada de coronavirus, cuando la variante delta era la dominante. Resultados: Se observaron asociaciones positivas entre el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 y el estrés percibido (r = .485; p<.001), por un lado, y entre la amenaza percibida y el estrés (r = .283; p< .001), por otro lado. Los datos estadísticos demuestran que los afectos negativos y las estrategias evasivas actúan como mediadores seriales (efecto indirecto = .3349, 95% CI, [.2858; .3852] / (efecto indirecto = .2072, 95% CI, [.1515; .2624]). Consecuentemente, el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 (β = .137; 95% CI [.0019; .0045]) y la amenaza percibida (β = .069; 95% CI [.0007; .0046]) aumentan el estrés no sólo de manera directa, sino también indirecta, intensificando los afectos negativos. Esto genera una propensión hacia el uso específico de estrategias evasivas de afrontamiento. Conclusiones: El estudio subraya algunos mecanismos explicativos en cuanto a las relaciones entre variables que afectan la salud mental durante la pandemia COVID-19.(AU)

Background and objectives:Although young adults were considered to face a lower risk of severe coronavirus infection, they were at higher risk for adverse psychosocial effects. The aim of this study was to test the me-diating roles of negative affect and avoidant coping, firstly in the relation-ship between COVID-19 impact and perceived stress, and then in the rela-tionship between perceived coronavirus threat and perceived stress. Design:Cross-sectional design. Methods: We conducted the study on a sample of 669 university students (aged between 18-28), during the critical fourth wave, when the delta variant was the dominant strain. Results: The results indicate significant positive associations between the impact of COVID-19 and perceived stress (r = .485; p<.001), and between perceived corona-virus threat and perceived stress (r= .283; p<.001). Our findings demon-strate that negative affect and avoidant coping serially mediate these rela-tionships (total indirect effect = .3349, 95% CI, [.2858; .3852] / (total indi-rect effect = .2072, 95% CI, [.1515; .2624]). Thus, the impact of COVID-19 (β= .137; 95% CI [.0019; .0045]) and perceived coronavirus threat (β= .069; 95% CI [.0007; .0046]) induce an increase in stress not only directly, but also indirectly, through amplified negative affect, which in turn in-creases the specific-oriented use of avoidant coping strategies. Conclusions:Our results highlighted some new explanatory relationships between varia-bles that affect mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Estrés Psicológico , /psicología , Impacto Psicosocial , Salud Mental , Salud del Estudiante , Rumanía , Psicología , Psicología Social , /epidemiología , Estudios Transversales