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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(3): 033201, 2024 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094141


Excess "micromotion" of trapped ions due to the residual radio-frequency (rf) trapping field at their location is often undesirable and is usually carefully minimized. Here, we induce precise amounts of excess micromotion on individual ions by adjusting the local static electric field they experience. Micromotion modulates the coupling of an ion to laser fields, ideally tuning it from its maximum value to zero as the ion is moved away from the trap's rf null. We use tunable micromotion to vary the Rabi frequency of stimulated Raman transitions over two orders of magnitude, and to individually control the rates of resonant fluorescence from three ions under global laser illumination without any changes to the driving light fields. The technique is amenable to situations where addressing individual ions with focused laser beams is challenging, such as tightly packed linear ion strings or two-dimensional ion arrays illuminated from the side.

Science ; 385(6710): 790-795, 2024 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088652


Understanding molecular state evolution is central to many disciplines, including molecular dynamics, precision measurement, and molecule-based quantum technology. Details of this evolution are obscured when observing a statistical ensemble of molecules. Here, we report real-time observations of thermal radiation-driven transitions between individual states ("jumps") of a single molecule. We reversed these jumps through microwave-driven transitions, which resulted in a 20-fold improvement in the time the molecule dwells in a chosen state. The measured transition rates showed anisotropy in the thermal environment, pointing to the possibility of using single molecules as in situ probes for the strengths of ambient fields. Our approaches for state detection and manipulation could apply to a wide range of species, facilitating their uses in fields including quantum science, molecular physics, and ion-neutral chemistry.

Appl Phys Lett ; 122(17)2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37461743


State readout of trapped-ion qubits with trap-integrated detectors can address important challenges for scalable quantum computing, but the strong rf electric fields used for trapping can impact detector performance. Here, we report on NbTiN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) employing grounded aluminum mirrors as electrical shielding that are integrated into linear surface-electrode rf ion traps. The shielded SNSPDs can be operated at applied rf trapping potentials of up to 54 Vpeak at 70 MHz and temperatures of up to 6 K, with a maximum system detection efficiency of 68 %. This performance should be sufficient to enable parallel high-fidelity state readout of a wide range of trapped ion species in typical cryogenic apparatus.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(22): 223201, 2023 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37327411


We characterize and model the Stark effect due to the radio-frequency (rf) electric field experienced by a molecular ion in an rf Paul trap, a leading systematic in the uncertainty of the field-free rotational transition. The ion is deliberately displaced to sample different known rf electric fields and measure the resultant shifts in transition frequencies. With this method, we determine the permanent electric dipole moment of CaH^{+}, and find close agreement with theory. The characterization is performed by using a frequency comb which probes rotational transitions in the molecular ion. With improved coherence of the comb laser, a fractional statistical uncertainty for a transition line center of as low as 4.6×10^{-13} was achieved.

Electricidad , Luz
Phys Rev Lett ; 128(16): 160503, 2022 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522486


We propose and demonstrate a protocol for high-fidelity indirect readout of trapped ion hyperfine qubits, where the state of a ^{9}Be^{+} qubit ion is mapped to a ^{25}Mg^{+} readout ion using laser-driven Raman transitions. By partitioning the ^{9}Be^{+} ground-state hyperfine manifold into two subspaces representing the two qubit states and choosing appropriate laser parameters, the protocol can be made robust to spontaneous photon scattering errors on the Raman transitions, enabling repetition for increased readout fidelity. We demonstrate combined readout and back-action errors for the two subspaces of 1.2_{-0.6}^{+1.1}×10^{-4} and 0_{-0}^{+1.9}×10^{-5} with 68% confidence while avoiding decoherence of spectator qubits due to stray resonant light that is inherent to direct fluorescence detection.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(8): 080502, 2022 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35275690


We demonstrate a simplified method for dissipative generation of an entangled state of two trapped-ion qubits. Our implementation produces its target state faster and with higher fidelity than previous demonstrations of dissipative entanglement generation and eliminates the need for auxiliary ions. The entangled singlet state is generated in ∼7 ms with a fidelity of 0.949(4). The dominant source of infidelity is photon scattering. We discuss this error source and strategies for its mitigation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(25): 250507, 2021 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241508


Characterization and suppression of noise are essential for the control of harmonic oscillators in the quantum regime. We measure the noise spectrum of a quantum harmonic oscillator from low frequency to near the oscillator resonance by sensing its response to amplitude modulated periodic drives with a qubit. Using the motion of a trapped ion, we experimentally demonstrate two different implementations with combined sensitivity to noise from 500 Hz to 600 kHz. We apply our method to measure the intrinsic noise spectrum of an ion trap potential in a previously unaccessed frequency range.

Phys Rev A (Coll Park) ; 104(5)2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38915757


We demonstrate the use of a single trapped ion as a sensor to probe electric-field noise from interchangeable test surfaces. As proof of principle, we measure the magnitude and distance dependence of electric-field noise from two ion-trap-like samples with patterned Au electrodes. This trapped-ion sensor could be combined with other surface characterization tools to help elucidate the mechanisms that give rise to electric-field noise from ion-trap surfaces. Such noise presents a significant hurdle for performing large-scale trapped-ion quantum computations.

Nature ; 581(7808): 273-277, 2020 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32433622


Conventional information processors convert information between different physical carriers for processing, storage and transmission. It seems plausible that quantum information will also be held by different physical carriers in applications such as tests of fundamental physics, quantum enhanced sensors and quantum information processing. Quantum controlled molecules, in particular, could transduce quantum information across a wide range of quantum bit (qubit) frequencies-from a few kilohertz for transitions within the same rotational manifold1, a few gigahertz for hyperfine transitions, a few terahertz for rotational transitions, to hundreds of terahertz for fundamental and overtone vibrational and electronic transitions-possibly all within the same molecule. Here we demonstrate entanglement between the rotational states of a 40CaH+ molecular ion and the internal states of a 40Ca+ atomic ion2. We extend methods used in quantum logic spectroscopy1,3 for pure-state initialization, laser manipulation and state readout of the molecular ion. The quantum coherence of the Coulomb coupled motion between the atomic and molecular ions enables subsequent entangling manipulations. The qubit addressed in the molecule has a frequency of either 13.4 kilohertz1 or 855 gigahertz3, highlighting the versatility of molecular qubits. Our work demonstrates how molecules can transduce quantum information between qubits with different frequencies to enable hybrid quantum systems. We anticipate that our method of quantum control and measurement of molecules will find applications in quantum information science, quantum sensors, fundamental and applied physics, and controlled quantum chemistry.

Nature ; 572(7767): 86-90, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31332388


Special quantum states are used in metrology to achieve sensitivities below the limits established by classically behaving states1,2. In bosonic interferometers, squeezed states3, number states4,5 and 'Schrödinger cat' states5 have been implemented on various platforms and have demonstrated improved measurement precision over interferometers using coherent states6,7. Another metrologically useful state is an equal superposition of two eigenstates with maximally different energies; this state ideally reaches the full interferometric sensitivity allowed by quantum mechanics8,9. Here we demonstrate the enhanced sensitivity of these quantum states in the case of a harmonic oscillator. We extend an existing experimental technique10 to create number states of order up to n = 100 and to generate superpositions of a harmonic oscillator ground state and a number state of the form [Formula: see text] with n up to 18 in the motion of a single trapped ion. Although experimental imperfections prevent us from reaching the ideal Heisenberg limit, we observe enhanced sensitivity to changes in the frequency of the mechanical oscillator. This sensitivity initially increases linearly with n and reaches a maximum at n = 12, where we observe a metrological enhancement of 6.4(4) decibels (the uncertainty is one standard deviation of the mean) compared to an ideal measurement on a coherent state with the same average occupation number. Such measurements should provide improved characterization of motional decoherence, which is an important source of error in quantum information processing with trapped ions11,12. It should also be possible to use the quantum advantage from number-state superpositions to achieve precision measurements in other harmonic oscillator systems.

Science ; 364(6443): 875-878, 2019 05 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31147517


Large-scale quantum computers will require quantum gate operations between widely separated qubits. A method for implementing such operations, known as quantum gate teleportation (QGT), requires only local operations, classical communication, and shared entanglement. We demonstrate QGT in a scalable architecture by deterministically teleporting a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate between two qubits in spatially separated locations in an ion trap. The entanglement fidelity of our teleported CNOT is in the interval (0.845, 0.872) at the 95% confidence level. The implementation combines ion shuttling with individually addressed single-qubit rotations and detections, same- and mixed-species two-qubit gates, and real-time conditional operations, thereby demonstrating essential tools for scaling trapped-ion quantum computers combined in a single device.

Nature ; 545(7653): 203-207, 2017 05 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28492258


Laser cooling and trapping of atoms and atomic ions has led to advances including the observation of exotic phases of matter, the development of precision sensors and state-of-the-art atomic clocks. The same level of control in molecules could also lead to important developments such as controlled chemical reactions and sensitive probes of fundamental theories, but the vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom in molecules pose a challenge for controlling their quantum mechanical states. Here we use quantum-logic spectroscopy, which maps quantum information between two ion species, to prepare and non-destructively detect quantum mechanical states in molecular ions. We develop a general technique for optical pumping and preparation of the molecule into a pure initial state. This enables us to observe high-resolution spectra in a single ion (CaH+) and coherent phenomena such as Rabi flopping and Ramsey fringes. The protocol requires a single, far-off-resonant laser that is not specific to the molecule, so many other molecular ions, including polyatomic species, could be treated using the same methods in the same apparatus by changing the molecular source. Combined with the long interrogation times afforded by ion traps, a broad range of molecular ions could be studied with unprecedented control and precision. Our technique thus represents a critical step towards applications such as precision molecular spectroscopy, stringent tests of fundamental physics, quantum computing and precision control of molecular dynamics.

Nat Commun ; 7: ncomms11839, 2016 06 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27291425


A precisely controlled quantum system may reveal a fundamental understanding of another, less accessible system of interest. A universal quantum computer is currently out of reach, but an analogue quantum simulator that makes relevant observables, interactions and states of a quantum model accessible could permit insight into complex dynamics. Several platforms have been suggested and proof-of-principle experiments have been conducted. Here, we operate two-dimensional arrays of three trapped ions in individually controlled harmonic wells forming equilateral triangles with side lengths 40 and 80 µm. In our approach, which is scalable to arbitrary two-dimensional lattices, we demonstrate individual control of the electronic and motional degrees of freedom, preparation of a fiducial initial state with ion motion close to the ground state, as well as a tuning of couplings between ions within experimental sequences. Our work paves the way towards a quantum simulator of two-dimensional systems designed at will.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(20): 200502, 2015 Nov 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26613425


A protocol is discussed for preparing a spin chain in a generic many-body state in the asymptotic limit of tailored nonunitary dynamics. The dynamics require the spectral resolution of the target state, optimized coherent pulses, engineered dissipation, and feedback. As an example, we discuss the preparation of an entangled antiferromagnetic state, and argue that the procedure can be applied to chains of trapped ions or Rydberg atoms.

Opt Express ; 22(16): 19783-93, 2014 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25321060


We report large-mode-area solid-core photonic crystal fibers made from fused silica that resist ultraviolet (UV) solarization even at relatively high optical powers. Using a process of hydrogen loading and UV irradiation of the fibers, we demonstrate stable single-mode transmission over hundreds of hours for fiber output powers of 10 mW at 280 nm and 125 mW at 313 nm (limited only by the available laser power). Fiber attenuation ranges from 0.9 dB/m to 0.13 dB/m at these wavelengths, and is unaffected by bending for radii above 50 mm.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 84(8): 085001, 2013 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24007096


An electroformed, three-dimensional stylus Paul trap was designed to confine a single atomic ion for use as a sensor to probe the electric-field noise of proximate surfaces. The trap was microfabricated with the UV-LIGA technique to reduce the distance of the ion from the surface of interest. We detail the fabrication process used to produce a 150 µm tall stylus trap with feature sizes of 40 µm. We confined single, laser-cooled, (25)Mg(+) ions with lifetimes greater than 2 h above the stylus trap in an ultra-high-vacuum environment. After cooling a motional mode of the ion at 4 MHz close to its ground state ( = 0.34 ± 0.07), the heating rate of the trap was measured with Raman sideband spectroscopy to be 387 ± 15 quanta/s at an ion height of 62 µm above the stylus electrodes.

Nature ; 463(7281): 608, 2010 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20130629
Phys Rev Lett ; 103(18): 183602, 2009 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19905805


We show that a multistep quantum walk can be realized for a single trapped ion with an interpolation between a quantum and random walk achieved by randomizing the generalized Hadamard coin flip phase. The signature of the quantum walk is manifested not only in the ion's position but also in its phonon number, which makes an ion-trap implementation of the quantum walk feasible.

Science ; 325(5945): 1227-30, 2009 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19661380


Large-scale quantum information processors must be able to transport and maintain quantum information and repeatedly perform logical operations. Here, we show a combination of all of the fundamental elements required to perform scalable quantum computing through the use of qubits stored in the internal states of trapped atomic ions. We quantified the repeatability of a multiple-qubit operation and observed no loss of performance despite qubit transport over macroscopic distances. Key to these results is the use of different pairs of 9Be+ hyperfine states for robust qubit storage, readout, and gates, and simultaneous trapping of 24Mg+ "re-cooling" ions along with the qubit ions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(23): 233002, 2009 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19658931


Trapped ions offer long internal state (spin) coherence times and strong interparticle interactions mediated by the Coulomb force. This makes them interesting candidates for quantum simulation of coupled lattices. To this end, it is desirable to be able to trap ions in arbitrary conformations with precisely controlled local potentials. We provide a general method for optimizing periodic planar radio-frequency electrodes for generating ion trapping potentials with specified trap locations and curvatures above the electrode plane. A linear-programming algorithm guarantees globally optimal electrode shapes that require only a single radio-frequency voltage source for operation. The optimization method produces final electrode shapes that are smooth and exhibit low fragmentation. Such characteristics are desirable for practical fabrication of surface-electrode trap lattices.