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Beilstein J Org Chem ; 18: 1270-1277, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36225728


A series of N 6-substituted adenine-ferrocene conjugates was prepared and the reaction mechanism underlying the synthesis was explored. The SN2-like reaction between ferrocenoyl chloride and adenine anions is a regioselective process in which the product ratio (N7/N9-ferrocenoyl isomers) is governed by the steric property of the substituent at the N 6-position. Steric effects were evaluated by using Charton (empirical) and Sterimol (computational) parameters. The bulky substituents may shield the proximal N7 region of space, which prevents the approach of an electrophile towards the N7 atom. As a consequence, the formation of N7-isomer is a kinetically less feasible process, i.e., the corresponding transition state structure increases in relative energy (compared to the formation of the N9-isomer). In cases where the steric hindrance is negligible, the electronic effect of the N 6-substituent is prevailing. That was supported by calculations of Fukui functions and molecular orbital coefficients. Both descriptors indicated that the N7 atom was more nucleophilic than its N9-counterpart in all adenine anion derivatives. We demonstrated that selected substituents may shift the acylation of purines from a regioselective to a regiospecific mode.

J Org Chem ; 84(19): 12471-12480, 2019 10 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31479271


In the reaction of purines with ferrocenoyl chloride in dimethylformamide (DMF), a regioselective acylation occurred. The two products have been isolated and, according to detailed NMR analysis, identified as N7- and N9-ferrocenoylated isomers. In a more polar solvent, for example, in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), the two isomers interconvert to each other. The N7/N9 isomerization was followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy, until dynamic equilibrium was reached. Both kinetics and thermodynamics of the transacylation process are governed by a C6-substituent on the purine ring (R = NH2, Me, NHBz, OBz). The observed rate constant for the N7/N9-isomerization in the adenine system (R = NH2) is kobs = 0.3668 h-1, whereas the corresponding process in the C6-benzyloxypurine is 56 times slower. By use of density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, several reaction pathways were considered and explored. Only the reaction mechanism involving DMSO as a nucleophilic reactant is in harmony with the experimental kinetic data. The calculated barrier (ΔG⧧ = 107.9 kJ/mol; at the M06L/6-311+G(d,p)/SDD level of theory) for this SN2-like reaction in the adenine system agrees well with the experimental value of 102.7 kJ/mol. No isomerization was detected in other organic solvents, for example, acetonitrile, N,N-dimethylformamide, or acetone, which indicated the exceptional nucleophilicity of DMSO. Our results raise a warning when treating or dissolving acylated purines in DMSO as they are prone to isomerization. We observed that the N7/N9-group transfer was specific not only for the organometallic moiety only, but for other acyl groups in purines as well. The relevance of this isomerization may be expected for a series of nucleobases and heterocyclic systems in general.