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Braz J Biol ; 81(2): 361-369, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32490985


The construction of reservoirs is a common practice in the world. These systems modify the hydric landscape and alter the flow of rivers, becoming lotic environments in lentic. Here we investigated the structure and spatial distribution of rotifers along a tropical reservoir. We sampled four points in the Pedra do Cavalo Reservoir, Bahia, Brazil, bimonthly, between August 2014 and June 2015. We registered more than 70 taxa distributed in 17 families, with the majority of species belonging to the Lecanidae, Brachionidae and Trichocercidae families. The species rarefaction curve did not achieve a total asymptote, indicating that species richness in the reservoir is higher than what was registered. Based in the species frequency of occurrence, we identified 48 rare species, 16 common species, five constant species and one frequent species. The highest beta diversity values were registered in riverine P1 (0.513) and intermediate P2 (0.503), although there were no significant differences between the sampling points. Despite the high abundance values in P1, P2 and P3 no significant differences were found between the studied points. Thus, this study substantially increases the knowledge on the rotifer community in the Paraguaçu River and contributes to future studies that focus on biodiversity, ecology and conservation in the Brazilian reservoir ecosystems.

Ecosistema , Ríos , Animales , Biodiversidad , Brasil , Humanos , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 361-369, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153350


The construction of reservoirs is a common practice in the world. These systems modify the hydric landscape and alter the flow of rivers, becoming lotic environments in lentic. Here we investigated the structure and spatial distribution of rotifers along a tropical reservoir. We sampled four points in the Pedra do Cavalo Reservoir, Bahia, Brazil, bimonthly, between August 2014 and June 2015. We registered more than 70 taxa distributed in 17 families, with the majority of species belonging to the Lecanidae, Brachionidae and Trichocercidae families. The species rarefaction curve did not achieve a total asymptote, indicating that species richness in the reservoir is higher than what was registered. Based in the species frequency of occurrence, we identified 48 rare species, 16 common species, five constant species and one frequent species. The highest beta diversity values were registered in riverine P1 (0.513) and intermediate P2 (0.503), although there were no significant differences between the sampling points. Despite the high abundance values in P1, P2 and P3 no significant differences were found between the studied points. Thus, this study substantially increases the knowledge on the rotifer community in the Paraguaçu River and contributes to future studies that focus on biodiversity, ecology and conservation in the Brazilian reservoir ecosystems.

A construção de reservatórios é uma prática comum no mundo. Esses sistemas modificam a paisagem hídrica e alteram o fluxo dos rios, tornando-se ambientes lóticos em lênticos. Aqui investigamos a estrutura e distribuição espacial de rotíferos ao longo de um reservatório tropical. Foram amostrados quatro pontos no Reservatório da Pedra do Cavalo, Bahia, Brasil, bimestralmente, entre agosto de 2014 e junho de 2015. Registramos mais de 70 táxons distribuídos em 17 famílias, com a maioria das espécies pertencentes às famílias Lecanidae, Brachionidae e Trichocercidae. A curva de rarefação das espécies não alcançou uma assíntota total, indicando que a riqueza de espécies no reservatório é superior à registrada. Com base na frequência de ocorrência das espécies, identificamos 48 espécies raras, 16 espécies comuns, cinco espécies constantes e uma espécie frequente. Os maiores valores de diversidade beta foram registrados no ribeirinho P1 (0,513) e no intermediário P2 (0,503), embora não houvesse diferenças significativas entre os pontos de amostragem. Apesar dos altos valores de abundância em P1, P2 e P3, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os pontos estudados. Assim, este estudo aumenta substancialmente o conhecimento sobre a comunidade de rotíferos no rio Paraguaçu e contribui para estudos futuros que enfocam biodiversidade, ecologia e conservação nos ecossistemas de reservatórios brasileiros.

Animales , Rotíferos/clasificación , Reservorios de Agua/análisis , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad , Estaciones del Año , Brasil , Densidad de Población , Ríos
Braz. j. biol ; 80(4): 844-859, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142522


Abstract We aimed to investigate spatial and temporal scales, abundance, and factors that structure the communities of protozoans in a tropical urban stream. Methods: Samples of water for analysis of biological communities (testate amoebae, ciliates and bacteria) and limnological variables were taken in the Mandacaru stream located in the Conservation Unit of Parque do Cinquentenário, in the city of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, in two hydrological periods (dry and rainy). We calculated the Water Quality Index (WQI) composed by nine parameters of water quality (dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, pH, BOD, water temperature, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, turbidity, and total solids), Trophic State Index (TSI) for phosphorous and we used a Redundancy Analysis (RDA) to verify the influence of environmental variables in the protozoan community. Results: The WQI showed that water quality was considered good in some points and considered bad in other points. The TSI for phosphorus classified the stream as mesotrophic in the majority of sampled sites points (mean between 53.09 and 58.35). We identified 19 taxa of testate amoebae, belonging to six families, being Difflugiidae, Centropyxidae, and Arcellidae those with more species and 71 infrageneric taxa of ciliates, distributed in 12 orders being Peniculida the most representative order, followed by Euplotida. According to RDA analysis, samples of the dry period were characterized by higher values of bacteria density and concentrations of chlorophyll-a, total phosphorous, and total nitrogen. Ciliates and testate amoebae presented higher abundance values in some of the months characterized by higher precipitation and in conditions of higher system productivity. Conclusion: we may conclude that the Mandacaru stream, although strongly influenced by anthropic action, still presents an acceptable water quality. Lastly, we emphasize that protists abundance was strongly influenced by system productivity. This was evidenced by elevated protozoan densities where there was higher primary and bacterial productivity. Thus, these organisms must be considered in studies that aim at the identification of organisms that may indicate anthropic impacts and environmental quality.

Resumo O objetivo foi investigar, em escalas espacial e temporal, a abundância das comunidades de protozoários bem como os fatores intervenientes na estruturação das mesmas em um córrego urbano. Métodos: Amostras de água para análise de comunidades biológicas (amebas testáceas, ciliados e bactérias) e para análise de variáveis limnológicas foram tomadas no córrego Mandacaru localizado na Unidade de Conservação do Parque do Cinquentenário, na cidade de Maringá, Paraná State, Brasil, em dois períodos hidrológicos (seco e chuvoso). Calculamos o Índice de Qualidade de Água (IQA), o Índice de Estado Trófico (ETI) para fósforo e utilizamos uma Análise de Redundância (RDA) para verificar a influência de variáveis ambientais na comunidade de protozoários. Resultados: O IQA mostrou que a qualidade da água foi considerada boa em alguns pontos e considerada ruim em outros pontos, e o ETI para o fósforo classificou o córrego como mesotrófico na maioria dos locais amostrados (média entre 53,09 e 58,35). Foram identificados 19 táxons de amebas testáceas, pertencentes a seis famílias, sendo Difflugiidae, Centropyxidae e Arcellidae as mais especiosas, e 71 táxons de ciliados, distribuídos em 12 ordens, sendo Peniculida a ordem mais representativa, seguida por Euplotida. De acordo com a análise RDA, amostras do período seco foram caracterizadas por maiores valores de densidade bacteriana e concentrações de clorofila-a, fósforo total e nitrogênio total. As amebas testáceas e os ciliados apresentaram valores de abundância maiores em alguns dos meses caracterizados por maior precipitação e em condições de maior produtividade do sistema. Podemos concluir que o córrego Mandacaru, embora fortemente influenciado pela ação antrópica, ainda apresenta uma qualidade de água aceitável. Por fim, enfatizamos que a abundância de protistas foi fortemente influenciada pela produtividade do sistema. Isto foi evidenciado pelas elevadas densidades de protozoários onde houve maior produtividade primária e bacteriana. Assim, esses protistas devem ser considerados em estudos que visem à identificação de organismos que possam indicar impactos antrópicos e qualidade ambiental.

Humanos , Calidad del Agua , Ríos , Estaciones del Año , Brasil , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Ciudades
Braz. j. biol ; 80(3): 648-660, July-Sept. 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132406


Abstract Many plants may accumulate rainwater, forming phytotelmata, aquatic microhabitats inhabited by various organisms. The aim of this study was to conduct an inventory of heterotrophic flagellates associated with phytotelmata of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha Lem., found in rocky cliffs on the Upper Paraná River. The bromeliads were removed manually from the rocky wall, the water was removed and cultures of organisms of each plant were mounted in Petri dishes. Sixteen species of heterotrophic flagellate were recorded, drawn and described, among them one species belonging to the Amorpha Domain and 15 species to the Diaphoretiches Domain. The groups with most species were Euglenida and Kinetoplastea. The low diversity of heterotrophic flagellates recorded in this study, compared to the plankton of lakes and reservoirs, is probably related to the fact that phytotelmata are habitats with extreme environmental conditions, thus selecting organisms tolerant to these environments.

Resumo Em sua superfície externa, muitas plantas podem acumular água da chuva formando fitotelmata, ou seja, micro-habitat aquáticos colonizados por diversos organismos, entre eles, os flagelados protistas. Fez-se um inventário de flagelados heterotróficos associados ao fitotelmata da bromélia Aechmea distichantha Lem., encontrada em paredões rochosos em um trecho da bacia do alto rio Paraná. As bromélias foram retiradas manualmente de paredão rochoso e, em laboratório, a água foi retirada dos tanques de cada planta, e foram montadas culturas dos organismos em placas de Petri. Os flagelados heterotróficos foram, então, observados in vivo sob microscópio óptico Olympus BX51, com sistema de contraste de interferência diferencial (DIC) acoplado. Dezesseis espécies flagelados heterotróficos foram registradas, desenhadas e descritas, sendo uma espécie pertencente ao Domínio Amorpha e 15 espécies ao Domínio Diaphoretiches. Os grupos mais especiosos foram Euglenida e Kinetoplastea. A diversidade relativamente reduzida de flagelados heterotróficos, quando comparada ao plâncton de lagos e reservatórios, pode estar relacionada ao fato de os fitotelmata serem habitats limitados, com condições ambientais extremas, selecionando, assim, organismos tolerantes a esses ambientes.

Bromeliaceae , Fabaceae , Plancton , Ecosistema , Ríos
Braz J Biol ; 80(4): 844-859, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31800767


We aimed to investigate spatial and temporal scales, abundance, and factors that structure the communities of protozoans in a tropical urban stream. METHODS: Samples of water for analysis of biological communities (testate amoebae, ciliates and bacteria) and limnological variables were taken in the Mandacaru stream located in the Conservation Unit of Parque do Cinquentenário, in the city of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, in two hydrological periods (dry and rainy). We calculated the Water Quality Index (WQI) composed by nine parameters of water quality (dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, pH, BOD, water temperature, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, turbidity, and total solids), Trophic State Index (TSI) for phosphorous and we used a Redundancy Analysis (RDA) to verify the influence of environmental variables in the protozoan community. RESULTS: The WQI showed that water quality was considered good in some points and considered bad in other points. The TSI for phosphorus classified the stream as mesotrophic in the majority of sampled sites points (mean between 53.09 and 58.35). We identified 19 taxa of testate amoebae, belonging to six families, being Difflugiidae, Centropyxidae, and Arcellidae those with more species and 71 infrageneric taxa of ciliates, distributed in 12 orders being Peniculida the most representative order, followed by Euplotida. According to RDA analysis, samples of the dry period were characterized by higher values of bacteria density and concentrations of chlorophyll-a, total phosphorous, and total nitrogen. Ciliates and testate amoebae presented higher abundance values in some of the months characterized by higher precipitation and in conditions of higher system productivity. CONCLUSION: we may conclude that the Mandacaru stream, although strongly influenced by anthropic action, still presents an acceptable water quality. Lastly, we emphasize that protists abundance was strongly influenced by system productivity. This was evidenced by elevated protozoan densities where there was higher primary and bacterial productivity. Thus, these organisms must be considered in studies that aim at the identification of organisms that may indicate anthropic impacts and environmental quality.

Ríos , Calidad del Agua , Brasil , Ciudades , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Humanos , Estaciones del Año
Braz J Biol ; 80(3): 648-660, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31644658


Many plants may accumulate rainwater, forming phytotelmata, aquatic microhabitats inhabited by various organisms. The aim of this study was to conduct an inventory of heterotrophic flagellates associated with phytotelmata of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha Lem., found in rocky cliffs on the Upper Paraná River. The bromeliads were removed manually from the rocky wall, the water was removed and cultures of organisms of each plant were mounted in Petri dishes. Sixteen species of heterotrophic flagellate were recorded, drawn and described, among them one species belonging to the Amorpha Domain and 15 species to the Diaphoretiches Domain. The groups with most species were Euglenida and Kinetoplastea. The low diversity of heterotrophic flagellates recorded in this study, compared to the plankton of lakes and reservoirs, is probably related to the fact that phytotelmata are habitats with extreme environmental conditions, thus selecting organisms tolerant to these environments.

Bromeliaceae , Fabaceae , Ecosistema , Plancton , Ríos
Braz. j. biol ; 78(4): 763-772, Nov. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951606


Abstract Most studies on mechanisms regulating fish larvae processes have focused on assessing the isolated effects of food distribution and feeding behavior. However, in natural ecosystems, fish larvae may strongly interact with zooplankton organisms in an array of complex, direct and indirect interdependencies. This study analyzed the spatial distribution, diet and feeding behavior of early stages of Hypophthalmus edentatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus, two fish species co-occurring in an isolated floodplain lake, during the light-dark cycle. Larvae fed more actively during dark periods (dusk and night) when they migrated toward the surface of the lake, and remained on the bottom and fed less during light periods (day and dawn). Cladocerans represented the most frequent prey in the diet of H. edentatus larvae. In turn, P. squamosissimus larvae initially preferred cladocerans and, as they developed, included calanoid copepods in the diet. Significant differences were detected in the frequencies of food items consumed during larval development, which could be related to a better ability of the most developed stages to explore the environment in search of other prey.

Resumo A maioria dos estudos de mecanismos que regulam os processos de larvas de peixes se concentra na avaliação dos efeitos isolados da distribuição do alimento e do comportamento alimentar. No entanto, em ecossistemas naturais, as larvas de peixes podem interagir fortemente com os organismos do zooplâncton em uma série de interdependências complexas, diretas e indiretas. Este estudo analisou a distribuição espacial, dieta e comportamento alimentar dos estágios iniciais de vida de Hypophthalmus edentatus e Plagioscion squamosissimus, duas espécies de peixes coexistentes em uma lagoa isolada de planície de inundação, durante o ciclo claro-escuro. As larvas se alimentaram mais ativamente durante os períodos escuros (crepúsculo e noite) quando ascenderam em direção à superfície da lagoa, enquanto durante os períodos luminosos (dia e amanhecer) permaneceram no fundo e pouco se alimentaram. Os cladóceros foram as presas mais frequentes na dieta de larvas de H. edentatus. Por sua vez, larvas de P. squamosissimus inicialmente preferiram cladóceros, e a medida que se desenvolveram incluíram copépodes calanóides na dieta. Diferenças significativas foram detectadas nas frequências dos itens alimentares consumidos durante o desenvolvimento larval, o que poderia estar relacionado a uma melhor capacidade dos estágios mais desenvolvidos em explorar o ambiente na busca por outras presas.

Animales , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiología , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Peces/fisiología , Larva/fisiología , Brasil , Lagos , Densidad de Población , Fotoperiodo , Ecosistema , Dieta
Braz J Biol ; 78(4): 763-772, 2018 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29340532


Most studies on mechanisms regulating fish larvae processes have focused on assessing the isolated effects of food distribution and feeding behavior. However, in natural ecosystems, fish larvae may strongly interact with zooplankton organisms in an array of complex, direct and indirect interdependencies. This study analyzed the spatial distribution, diet and feeding behavior of early stages of Hypophthalmus edentatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus, two fish species co-occurring in an isolated floodplain lake, during the light-dark cycle. Larvae fed more actively during dark periods (dusk and night) when they migrated toward the surface of the lake, and remained on the bottom and fed less during light periods (day and dawn). Cladocerans represented the most frequent prey in the diet of H. edentatus larvae. In turn, P. squamosissimus larvae initially preferred cladocerans and, as they developed, included calanoid copepods in the diet. Significant differences were detected in the frequencies of food items consumed during larval development, which could be related to a better ability of the most developed stages to explore the environment in search of other prey.

Ritmo Circadiano/fisiología , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Peces/fisiología , Larva/fisiología , Animales , Brasil , Dieta , Ecosistema , Lagos , Fotoperiodo , Densidad de Población
Braz. j. biol ; 77(2): 402-412, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-888762


Abstract The objective of the present work is to evaluate the seasonal patterns of species richness and abundance of the zooplankton community in a semi-arid river, Northeastern of Brazil. Zooplankton samples were taken in four hydrological periods along the Upper Parnaíba River: April (low), August (dry), November (rising) 2013 and January (flood) 2014. The zooplankton community consisted of 125 species; the testate amoebae was the most species-rich (56 species) and the most abundant group (71.5%) of total zooplankton abundance. Season-specific differences were highly significant. The overall zooplankton richness and abundance was significantly higher during the low (71 species) and flood (878.47 ind.m-3) period, respectively. The hydrological regime was important in structuring the zooplankton community, emphasising the importance of the Parnaíba River and its seasonal variation for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian semi-arid region.

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os padrões sazonais da riqueza de espécies e abundância da comunidade zooplanctônica em um rio do semi-árido, Nordeste do Brasil. As amostragens do zooplâncton foram realizadas em quatro períodos hidrológicos ao longo do alto rio Parnaíba: Abril (vazante), Agosto (seca), Novembro (enchente) de 2013 e Janeiro (cheia) de 2014. A comunidade zooplanctônica foi constituída por 125 espécies, sendo as amebas testáceas o grupo mais rico em espécies (56 espécies) e o grupo mais abundante (71,5%) do zooplâncton. Diferenças significativas foram registradas entre os períodos. A riqueza e a abundância do zooplâncton foram significativamente maiores durante o período de vazante (71 espécies) e cheia (878,47 ind.m-3), respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram ainda, que o regime hidrológico foi importante na estruturação da comunidade zooplanctônica, ressaltando a importância do rio Parnaíba e sua variação sazonal para a conservação da biodiversidade do semi-árido brasileiro.

Animales , Zooplancton/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Inundaciones , Estaciones del Año , Brasil , Hidrología , Densidad de Población , Ríos
Braz J Biol ; 77(2): 402-412, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27533733


The objective of the present work is to evaluate the seasonal patterns of species richness and abundance of the zooplankton community in a semi-arid river, Northeastern of Brazil. Zooplankton samples were taken in four hydrological periods along the Upper Parnaíba River: April (low), August (dry), November (rising) 2013 and January (flood) 2014. The zooplankton community consisted of 125 species; the testate amoebae was the most species-rich (56 species) and the most abundant group (71.5%) of total zooplankton abundance. Season-specific differences were highly significant. The overall zooplankton richness and abundance was significantly higher during the low (71 species) and flood (878.47 ind.m-3) period, respectively. The hydrological regime was important in structuring the zooplankton community, emphasising the importance of the Parnaíba River and its seasonal variation for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian semi-arid region.

Biodiversidad , Inundaciones , Zooplancton/fisiología , Animales , Brasil , Hidrología , Densidad de Población , Ríos , Estaciones del Año
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467342


Abstract Many plants may accumulate rainwater, forming phytotelmata, aquatic microhabitats inhabited by various organisms. The aim of this study was to conduct an inventory of heterotrophic flagellates associated with phytotelmata of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha Lem., found in rocky cliffs on the Upper Paraná River. The bromeliads were removed manually from the rocky wall, the water was removed and cultures of organisms of each plant were mounted in Petri dishes. Sixteen species of heterotrophic flagellate were recorded, drawn and described, among them one species belonging to the Amorpha Domain and 15 species to the Diaphoretiches Domain. The groups with most species were Euglenida and Kinetoplastea. The low diversity of heterotrophic flagellates recorded in this study, compared to the plankton of lakes and reservoirs, is probably related to the fact that phytotelmata are habitats with extreme environmental conditions, thus selecting organisms tolerant to these environments.

Resumo Em sua superfície externa, muitas plantas podem acumular água da chuva formando fitotelmata, ou seja, micro-habitat aquáticos colonizados por diversos organismos, entre eles, os flagelados protistas. Fez-se um inventário de flagelados heterotróficos associados ao fitotelmata da bromélia Aechmea distichantha Lem., encontrada em paredões rochosos em um trecho da bacia do alto rio Paraná. As bromélias foram retiradas manualmente de paredão rochoso e, em laboratório, a água foi retirada dos tanques de cada planta, e foram montadas culturas dos organismos em placas de Petri. Os flagelados heterotróficos foram, então, observados in vivo sob microscópio óptico Olympus BX51, com sistema de contraste de interferência diferencial (DIC) acoplado. Dezesseis espécies flagelados heterotróficos foram registradas, desenhadas e descritas, sendo uma espécie pertencente ao Domínio Amorpha e 15 espécies ao Domínio Diaphoretiches. Os grupos mais especiosos foram Euglenida e Kinetoplastea. A diversidade relativamente reduzida de flagelados heterotróficos, quando comparada ao plâncton de lagos e reservatórios, pode estar relacionada ao fato de os fitotelmata serem habitats limitados, com condições ambientais extremas, selecionando, assim, organismos tolerantes a esses ambientes.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467371


Abstract We aimed to investigate spatial and temporal scales, abundance, and factors that structure the communities of protozoans in a tropical urban stream. Methods: Samples of water for analysis of biological communities (testate amoebae, ciliates and bacteria) and limnological variables were taken in the Mandacaru stream located in the Conservation Unit of Parque do Cinquentenário, in the city of Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, in two hydrological periods (dry and rainy). We calculated the Water Quality Index (WQI) composed by nine parameters of water quality (dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, pH, BOD, water temperature, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, turbidity, and total solids), Trophic State Index (TSI) for phosphorous and we used a Redundancy Analysis (RDA) to verify the influence of environmental variables in the protozoan community. Results: The WQI showed that water quality was considered good in some points and considered bad in other points. The TSI for phosphorus classified the stream as mesotrophic in the majority of sampled sites points (mean between 53.09 and 58.35). We identified 19 taxa of testate amoebae, belonging to six families, being Difflugiidae, Centropyxidae, and Arcellidae those with more species and 71 infrageneric taxa of ciliates, distributed in 12 orders being Peniculida the most representative order, followed by Euplotida. According to RDA analysis, samples of the dry period were characterized by higher values of bacteria density and concentrations of chlorophyll-a, total phosphorous, and total nitrogen. Ciliates and testate amoebae presented higher abundance values in some of the months characterized by higher precipitation and in conditions of higher system productivity. Conclusion: we may conclude that the Mandacaru stream, although strongly influenced by anthropic action, still presents an acceptable water quality. Lastly, we emphasize that protists abundance was strongly influenced by system productivity. This was evidenced by elevated protozoan densities where there was higher primary and bacterial productivity. Thus, these organisms must be considered in studies that aim at the identification of organisms that may indicate anthropic impacts and environmental quality.

Resumo O objetivo foi investigar, em escalas espacial e temporal, a abundância das comunidades de protozoários bem como os fatores intervenientes na estruturação das mesmas em um córrego urbano. Métodos: Amostras de água para análise de comunidades biológicas (amebas testáceas, ciliados e bactérias) e para análise de variáveis limnológicas foram tomadas no córrego Mandacaru localizado na Unidade de Conservação do Parque do Cinquentenário, na cidade de Maringá, Paraná State, Brasil, em dois períodos hidrológicos (seco e chuvoso). Calculamos o Índice de Qualidade de Água (IQA), o Índice de Estado Trófico (ETI) para fósforo e utilizamos uma Análise de Redundância (RDA) para verificar a influência de variáveis ambientais na comunidade de protozoários. Resultados: O IQA mostrou que a qualidade da água foi considerada boa em alguns pontos e considerada ruim em outros pontos, e o ETI para o fósforo classificou o córrego como mesotrófico na maioria dos locais amostrados (média entre 53,09 e 58,35). Foram identificados 19 táxons de amebas testáceas, pertencentes a seis famílias, sendo Difflugiidae, Centropyxidae e Arcellidae as mais especiosas, e 71 táxons de ciliados, distribuídos em 12 ordens, sendo Peniculida a ordem mais representativa, seguida por Euplotida. De acordo com a análise RDA, amostras do período seco foram caracterizadas por maiores valores de densidade bacteriana e concentrações de clorofila-a, fósforo total e nitrogênio total. As amebas testáceas e os ciliados apresentaram valores de abundância maiores em alguns dos meses caracterizados por maior precipitação e em condições de maior produtividade do sistema. Podemos concluir que o córrego Mandacaru, embora fortemente influenciado pela ação antrópica, ainda apresenta uma qualidade de água aceitável. Por fim, enfatizamos que a abundância de protistas foi fortemente influenciada pela produtividade do sistema. Isto foi evidenciado pelas elevadas densidades de protozoários onde houve maior produtividade primária e bacteriana. Assim, esses protistas devem ser considerados em estudos que visem à identificação de organismos que possam indicar impactos antrópicos e qualidade ambiental.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467419


Abstract The construction of reservoirs is a common practice in the world. These systems modify the hydric landscape and alter the flow of rivers, becoming lotic environments in lentic. Here we investigated the structure and spatial distribution of rotifers along a tropical reservoir. We sampled four points in the Pedra do Cavalo Reservoir, Bahia, Brazil, bimonthly, between August 2014 and June 2015. We registered more than 70 taxa distributed in 17 families, with the majority of species belonging to the Lecanidae, Brachionidae and Trichocercidae families. The species rarefaction curve did not achieve a total asymptote, indicating that species richness in the reservoir is higher than what was registered. Based in the species frequency of occurrence, we identified 48 rare species, 16 common species, five constant species and one frequent species. The highest beta diversity values were registered in riverine P1 (0.513) and intermediate P2 (0.503), although there were no significant differences between the sampling points. Despite the high abundance values in P1, P2 and P3 no significant differences were found between the studied points. Thus, this study substantially increases the knowledge on the rotifer community in the Paraguaçu River and contributes to future studies that focus on biodiversity, ecology and conservation in the Brazilian reservoir ecosystems.

Resumo A construção de reservatórios é uma prática comum no mundo. Esses sistemas modificam a paisagem hídrica e alteram o fluxo dos rios, tornando-se ambientes lóticos em lênticos. Aqui investigamos a estrutura e distribuição espacial de rotíferos ao longo de um reservatório tropical. Foram amostrados quatro pontos no Reservatório da Pedra do Cavalo, Bahia, Brasil, bimestralmente, entre agosto de 2014 e junho de 2015. Registramos mais de 70 táxons distribuídos em 17 famílias, com a maioria das espécies pertencentes às famílias Lecanidae, Brachionidae e Trichocercidae. A curva de rarefação das espécies não alcançou uma assíntota total, indicando que a riqueza de espécies no reservatório é superior à registrada. Com base na frequência de ocorrência das espécies, identificamos 48 espécies raras, 16 espécies comuns, cinco espécies constantes e uma espécie frequente. Os maiores valores de diversidade beta foram registrados no ribeirinho P1 (0,513) e no intermediário P2 (0,503), embora não houvesse diferenças significativas entre os pontos de amostragem. Apesar dos altos valores de abundância em P1, P2 e P3, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os pontos estudados. Assim, este estudo aumenta substancialmente o conhecimento sobre a comunidade de rotíferos no rio Paraguaçu e contribui para estudos futuros que enfocam biodiversidade, ecologia e conservação nos ecossistemas de reservatórios brasileiros.

Braz. j. biol ; 76(4): 1043-1053, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-828098


Abstract The objective of this work was to investigate the patterns of diversity and abundance of ciliates protozoa community in three tropical urban streams and verify which species can be considered bioindicators of water quality. In each stream, three regions (headwater, middle and mouth) were sampled in two years, in the rainy and dry seasons. The abiotic factors (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, turbidity, width, depth, flow and conductivity) and biotic factors (total coliforms, bacterioplankton, chlorophyll and flagellates) were analyzed using appropriate methods and ciliates were identified and counted through specialized literature. We identified 84 species distributed into 24 orders. Peniculida was the most representative order followed by Prorodontida. The RDA scores showed a spatial difference between streams. On the other hand, regarding the temporal variation, there was no separation of the sampled data. The Indval analysis showed ten species indicators, such as Coleps hirtus, Euplotes moebiusi and Tintinidium pusillum. The Cluster analysis per stream versus period showed a greater distinction of the streams in the dry season. On the other hand, a low similarity was observed between sections within the same stream. In summary, the results indicated that the ciliates can be used as important tools as bioindicators in lotic environments affected by different degrees of pollution, due to the fact that they have short life cycle, allowing the detection of impacts on a small time scale, as well as by having direct answers to environmental changes and high sensitivity to contaminants.

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os padrões de diversidade e abundância da comunidade de protozoários ciliados em três córregos urbanos tropicais, bem como verificar quais espécies podem ser consideradas bioindicadoras da qualidade da água. Em cada córrego foram amostradas três regiões (cabeceira, intermediária e foz) em dois anos, nas estações chuvosa e seca. Os fatores abióticos (oxigênio dissolvido, pH, temperatura, turbidez, largura, profundidade, fluxo e condutividade) e fatores bióticos (coliformes totais, bacterioplâncton, clorofila e flagelados) foram analisados ​​por metodologia específica e os ciliados foram contados e identificados por meio de literatura especializada. Foram identificadas 84 espécies distribuídas em 24 ordens. Peniculida foi a ordem mais representativa, seguida por Prorodontida. Os escores da RDA mostraram uma diferença espacial entre os córregos. Por outro lado, em relação à variação temporal, não houve separação entre os dados amostrados. A análise Indval mostrou dez espécies indicadoras, como Coleps hirtus, Euplotes moebiusi e Tintinidium pusillum. A análise de Cluster realizada por riacho versus período evidenciou uma maior distinção dos córregos no período seco. Por outro lado, foi observada uma baixa similaridade entre os locais dentro do mesmo córrego. Em síntese, os resultados indicaram que os ciliados podem ser utilizados como ferramentas importantes como bioindicadores em ambientes lóticos afetados por diferentes graus de poluição, devido ao fato de apresentarem um curto ciclo de vida, permitindo a detecção de impactos em uma pequena escala de tempo, bem como por apresentarem respostas diretas às mudanças ambientais e alta sensibilidade a contaminantes.

Microbiología del Agua , Calidad del Agua , Cilióforos/aislamiento & purificación , Ríos/microbiología , Estaciones del Año , Brasil , Cilióforos/crecimiento & desarrollo
Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 279-291, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-781407


Abstract This study evaluated changes in the community of rotifers and microcrustaceans associated with the construction of a large and dendritic reservoir in Iguaçu River (Brazil), as the last reservoir of a sequence of five cascading systems. Differences were clear between pre-filling and post-filling phases for organisms and some of environmental variables. In the pre-filling phase, the community was more homogeneous along the downstream river gradient, and spatial compartmentalization in the new reservoir was common during the post-filling phase. From 140 identified taxa, 10 species occurred exclusively in the pre-filling phase and 32 in the post-filling phase. After completion of the fifth reservoir filling-up, opportunistic, pioneer and fast-developing species quickly dominated, and downstream of the fourth reservoir the pre-filling decreasing gradient of richness, diversity and evenness disappeared. Richness of rotifers and cladocerans, cladocerans diversity, and evenness of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods were generally higher in the post-filling phase. A non-metric multidimensional analysis based on a presence/absence matrix depicted a homogeneous and dense group of species associated to the pre-filling phase and a second, dispersed group related to the post-filling phase. Spearman correlations pointed out significant positive effects of transparency on rotifer species richness in the post-filling phase, and negative effects on the microcrustacean richness in the pre-filling phase. Dam construction caused disruption of the downstream lotic gradient along the series of dams, leading to the development of distinct species in lentic spatial compartments.

Resumo Esse estudo analisou os efeitos da construção de um reservatório largo e dendrítico no Brasil sobre a comunidade de rotíferos e microcrustáceos, sendo o último reservatório de uma cascata de cinco. Houve claras diferenças entre as fases pré e pós-enchimento para os organismos e para algumas variáveis ambientais. Na fase pré-enchimento, a comunidade foi mais homogênea no gradiente longitudinal no rio a jusante, e na fase pós-enchimento houve compartimentalização espacial no novo reservatório. Dos 140 táxons identificados, dez espécies ocorreram exclusivamente na fase pré-enchimento e 32 na fase pós-enchimento. Após o enchimento, espécies oportunistas, pioneiras e de rápido desenvolvimento foram dominantes, e desapareceu o gradiente de decréscimo a jusante do quarto reservatório para a riqueza, diversidade e equitabilidade durante a fase pré-enchimento. A riqueza de rotíferos e cladóceros, a diversidade de cladóceros, e a equitabilidade de rotíferos, cladóceros e copépodes foram elevadas na fase pós-enchimento. A análise de escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico sobre a matriz de presença e ausência mostrou um grupo homogêneo e denso de espécies e meses de amostragem na fase pré-enchimento, e outro grupo disperso na fase pós-enchimento. Correlações de Spearman apontaram efeitos significativos da transparência sobre a riqueza de rotíferos na fase pós-enchimento, e efeitos negativos sobre a riqueza de microcrustáceos na outra fase. Os efeitos da construção do reservatório causaram rompimento no gradiente lótico contínuo a jusante do quarto reservatório observado na fase pré-enchimento, permitindo o desenvolvimento de espécies em compartimentos espaciais lênticos.

Animales , Rotíferos/fisiología , Zooplancton/fisiología , Ríos , Estaciones del Año , Brasil , Dinámica Poblacional , Densidad de Población , Acuicultura/métodos , Copépodos/fisiología , Fenómenos Ecológicos y Ambientales , Hidrobiología
Braz J Biol ; 76(4): 1043-1053, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27191462


The objective of this work was to investigate the patterns of diversity and abundance of ciliates protozoa community in three tropical urban streams and verify which species can be considered bioindicators of water quality. In each stream, three regions (headwater, middle and mouth) were sampled in two years, in the rainy and dry seasons. The abiotic factors (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, turbidity, width, depth, flow and conductivity) and biotic factors (total coliforms, bacterioplankton, chlorophyll and flagellates) were analyzed using appropriate methods and ciliates were identified and counted through specialized literature. We identified 84 species distributed into 24 orders. Peniculida was the most representative order followed by Prorodontida. The RDA scores showed a spatial difference between streams. On the other hand, regarding the temporal variation, there was no separation of the sampled data. The Indval analysis showed ten species indicators, such as Coleps hirtus, Euplotes moebiusi and Tintinidium pusillum. The Cluster analysis per stream versus period showed a greater distinction of the streams in the dry season. On the other hand, a low similarity was observed between sections within the same stream. In summary, the results indicated that the ciliates can be used as important tools as bioindicators in lotic environments affected by different degrees of pollution, due to the fact that they have short life cycle, allowing the detection of impacts on a small time scale, as well as by having direct answers to environmental changes and high sensitivity to contaminants.

Cilióforos/aislamiento & purificación , Ríos/microbiología , Microbiología del Agua , Calidad del Agua , Brasil , Cilióforos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estaciones del Año
Braz J Biol ; 76(2): 279-91, 2016 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26983084


This study evaluated changes in the community of rotifers and microcrustaceans associated with the construction of a large and dendritic reservoir in Iguaçu River (Brazil), as the last reservoir of a sequence of five cascading systems. Differences were clear between pre-filling and post-filling phases for organisms and some of environmental variables. In the pre-filling phase, the community was more homogeneous along the downstream river gradient, and spatial compartmentalization in the new reservoir was common during the post-filling phase. From 140 identified taxa, 10 species occurred exclusively in the pre-filling phase and 32 in the post-filling phase. After completion of the fifth reservoir filling-up, opportunistic, pioneer and fast-developing species quickly dominated, and downstream of the fourth reservoir the pre-filling decreasing gradient of richness, diversity and evenness disappeared. Richness of rotifers and cladocerans, cladocerans diversity, and evenness of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods were generally higher in the post-filling phase. A non-metric multidimensional analysis based on a presence/absence matrix depicted a homogeneous and dense group of species associated to the pre-filling phase and a second, dispersed group related to the post-filling phase. Spearman correlations pointed out significant positive effects of transparency on rotifer species richness in the post-filling phase, and negative effects on the microcrustacean richness in the pre-filling phase. Dam construction caused disruption of the downstream lotic gradient along the series of dams, leading to the development of distinct species in lentic spatial compartments.

Copépodos/fisiología , Ríos , Rotíferos/fisiología , Zooplancton/fisiología , Animales , Acuicultura/métodos , Brasil , Fenómenos Ecológicos y Ambientales , Hidrobiología , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año
Braz J Biol ; 75(4 Suppl 1): S52-9, 2015 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26602342


Streams may exhibit differences in community structure of invertebrate drift, which may be a reflex of variation in environmental factors, able to change in conditions of anthropogenic interventions. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, diversity and abundance of insects drifting in two neotropical streams under different land use and to identify the environmental factors involved in determining such patterns. 54 taxa of aquatic insects were identified in urban and rural streams. The results indicated significant differences in species composition due to the replacement of specialist species by generalist species in the urban stream. Higher diversity of taxa was recorded in the rural stream, with high levels of dissolved oxygen and high water flow, which favored the occurrence of sensitive groups to environmental disturbances, such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera taxa, that living mainly in clean and well oxygenated waters. On the other hand, a higher density of insects drifting, especially Chironomidae, was observed in the urban stream, where high values of pH, electrical conductivity and nitrogen were observed. These larvae are able to explore a wide range of environmental conditions, owing to their great capacity for physiological adaptation. Despite observing the expected patterns, there were no significant differences between streams for the diversity and abundance of species. Thus, the species composition can be considered as the best predictor of impacts on the drifting insect community.

Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Insectos/fisiología , Urbanización , Animales , Brasil , Insectos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Larva/crecimiento & desarrollo , Larva/fisiología , Densidad de Población , Ríos
Braz. j. biol ; 75(4)Nov. 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468322


Abstract Streams may exhibit differences in community structure of invertebrate drift, which may be a reflex of variation in environmental factors, able to change in conditions of anthropogenic interventions. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, diversity and abundance of insects drifting in two neotropical streams under different land use and to identify the environmental factors involved in determining such patterns. 54 taxa of aquatic insects were identified in urban and rural streams. The results indicated significant differences in species composition due to the replacement of specialist species by generalist species in the urban stream. Higher diversity of taxa was recorded in the rural stream, with high levels of dissolved oxygen and high water flow, which favored the occurrence of sensitive groups to environmental disturbances, such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera taxa, that living mainly in clean and well oxygenated waters. On the other hand, a higher density of insects drifting, especially Chironomidae, was observed in the urban stream, where high values of pH, electrical conductivity and nitrogen were observed. These larvae are able to explore a wide range of environmental conditions, owing to their great capacity for physiological adaptation. Despite observing the expected patterns, there were no significant differences between streams for the diversity and abundance of species. Thus, the species composition can be considered as the best predictor of impacts on the drifting insect community.

Resumo Riachos podem exibir diferenças na estrutura das comunidades de invertebrados à deriva, o que pode ser um reflexo da variação nos fatores ambientais, capazes de se alterar em condições de intervenções antrópicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a composição, diversidade e abundância de insetos à deriva em dois riachos neotropicais sob diferentes usos do solo, além de identificar os fatores ambientais intervenientes na determinação de tais padrões. Foram registrados 54 táxons de insetos aquáticos nos riachos urbano e rural. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas na composição de espécies, devido à substituição de espécies especialistas por espécies generalistas no riacho urbano. Maior diversidade de táxons foi registrada no riacho rural, com altos níveis de oxigênio dissolvido e elevado fluxo hídrico, que favoreceram a ocorrência de grupos sensíveis a perturbações ambientais, como táxons das ordens Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera e Coleoptera, que vivem principalmente em águas limpas e bem oxigenadas. Por outro lado, maior densidade de insetos a deriva, especialmente Chironomidae, foi observada no riacho urbano, onde foram registrados elevados valores de pH, condutividade elétrica e nitrogênio. Estas larvas são capazes de explorar uma vasta gama de condições ambientais, consequência da sua grande capacidade de adaptação fisiológica. Apesar de ter encontrado os padrões esperados, não foram contatadas diferenças significativas na diversidade e abundância de espécies entre os riachos. Assim, a composição de espécies pode ser considerada como melhor preditora de impactos sobre a comunidade de insetos à deriva.

Braz. j. biol ; 75(4,supl.1): 52-59, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-768247


Abstract Streams may exhibit differences in community structure of invertebrate drift, which may be a reflex of variation in environmental factors, able to change in conditions of anthropogenic interventions. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, diversity and abundance of insects drifting in two neotropical streams under different land use and to identify the environmental factors involved in determining such patterns. 54 taxa of aquatic insects were identified in urban and rural streams. The results indicated significant differences in species composition due to the replacement of specialist species by generalist species in the urban stream. Higher diversity of taxa was recorded in the rural stream, with high levels of dissolved oxygen and high water flow, which favored the occurrence of sensitive groups to environmental disturbances, such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera taxa, that living mainly in clean and well oxygenated waters. On the other hand, a higher density of insects drifting, especially Chironomidae, was observed in the urban stream, where high values of pH, electrical conductivity and nitrogen were observed. These larvae are able to explore a wide range of environmental conditions, owing to their great capacity for physiological adaptation. Despite observing the expected patterns, there were no significant differences between streams for the diversity and abundance of species. Thus, the species composition can be considered as the best predictor of impacts on the drifting insect community.

Resumo Riachos podem exibir diferenças na estrutura das comunidades de invertebrados à deriva, o que pode ser um reflexo da variação nos fatores ambientais, capazes de se alterar em condições de intervenções antrópicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a composição, diversidade e abundância de insetos à deriva em dois riachos neotropicais sob diferentes usos do solo, além de identificar os fatores ambientais intervenientes na determinação de tais padrões. Foram registrados 54 táxons de insetos aquáticos nos riachos urbano e rural. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas na composição de espécies, devido à substituição de espécies especialistas por espécies generalistas no riacho urbano. Maior diversidade de táxons foi registrada no riacho rural, com altos níveis de oxigênio dissolvido e elevado fluxo hídrico, que favoreceram a ocorrência de grupos sensíveis a perturbações ambientais, como táxons das ordens Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera e Coleoptera, que vivem principalmente em águas limpas e bem oxigenadas. Por outro lado, maior densidade de insetos a deriva, especialmente Chironomidae, foi observada no riacho urbano, onde foram registrados elevados valores de pH, condutividade elétrica e nitrogênio. Estas larvas são capazes de explorar uma vasta gama de condições ambientais, consequência da sua grande capacidade de adaptação fisiológica. Apesar de ter encontrado os padrões esperados, não foram contatadas diferenças significativas na diversidade e abundância de espécies entre os riachos. Assim, a composição de espécies pode ser considerada como melhor preditora de impactos sobre a comunidade de insetos à deriva.

Animales , Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Insectos/fisiología , Urbanización , Brasil , Insectos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Larva/crecimiento & desarrollo , Larva/fisiología , Densidad de Población , Ríos