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J Therm Biol ; 74: 325-330, 2018 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29801645


A meta-analysis was carried out to evaluate the effect of heat on the performance of lactating sows and their litters. The database containing information on the effects heat stress has on the productive and reproductive performance of lactating sows was composed by 20 articles published in international journals from 2000 to 2016, totalizing 2222 lactating sows. The duration of lactation was corrected to 21d. In the studies analyzed, the most representative variables were piglet weight at 21 days (kg) and litter weight at 21 days (kg). Daily ambient temperature (T°C) ranged from 15.0° to 32.0 °C. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate were higher in lactating sows maintained in hot conditions compared to those maintained in the thermal comfort range. The nutrient intake by the lactating sows was inversely proportional to the ambient temperature. The piglets weaned of lactating sows were kept in thermal comfort 90.84 heavier percentage point after 21 days of the piglets of lactating sows kept in heat stress environment. Piglet weight gain exhibited a high and negative correlation with ambient temperature. At 1 °C above the thermal comfort range (from 15° to 25°C) leads to a decrease in food intake (kg/d) and milk yield (kg/d), which represents a high and negative correlation with at room temperature, that is, as the ambient temperature increases, there is less consumption of nutrients, resulting in reduced milk production (less mobilization of nutrients to the mammary gland). Increased respiratory rate is an efficient parameter for evaluating the intensity of heat stress in lactating sows.

Calor/efectos adversos , Lactancia , Porcinos/fisiología , Animales , Temperatura Corporal , Bases de Datos Factuales , Ingestión de Alimentos , Femenino , Frecuencia Respiratoria
Ciênc. rural ; 42(11): 2071-2077, nov. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-654320


O trabalho foi realizado para avaliar as características de carcaça e carne de suínos machos castrados e imunocastrados alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes níveis nutricionais. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos principais (T1-suínos machos castrados alimentados com dieta basal; T2-machos imunocastrados alimentados com dieta basal; T3-machos imunocastrados alimentados com dieta basal+3% aminoácidos e energia; T4-machos imunocastrados alimentados com dieta basal+5% aminoácidos e energia) e dois tratamentos secundários com ou sem ractopamina dentro de cada tratamento principal. Os suínos machos castrados apresentaram peso de abate 3,3% inferior (P<0,05), peso de carcaça fria 1,4% superior (P<0,05) e peso de carré 13% superior (P<0,05) em relação aos machos imunocastrados. Suínos machos imunocastrados suplementados com 5% a mais de aminoácidos e energia apresentaram costela 19% mais (P<0,05) pesada e valores superiores (P<0,05) na coloração b* (amarelo-azul) na carne aos 45min e às 24h pós-abate em relação aos machos castrados alimentados com a dieta basal. A suplementação com 5% de aminoácidos e energia aumenta o peso e rendimento de costela e altera o valor da coloração b* (amarelo-azul) na carne aos 45min e às 24h pós-abate de suínos machos imunocastrados.

The study was carried out to evaluate the carcass characteristics and meat of surgically castrated and immunocastrated pigs fed with different nutritional levels. The animals were distribuited in a completely randomized experimental design with four main treatments (T1-surgically castrated pigs fed with basal diet; T2-immunocastrated pigs fed with basal diet; T3-immunocastrated pigs fed with basal diet+3% amino acids and energy; T4-immunocastrated pigs fed with basal diet+5% amino acids and energy) and two secondary treatments with or without ractopamine within each main treatment. The surgically castrated pigs had slaughter weight 3.3% lower (P<0.05), cold carcass weight 1.4% higher (P<0.05) and loin chop weight 13% higher (P<0.05) compared to immunocastred pigs. The immunocastrated pigs supplemented with 5% more amino acids and energy had rib 19% more heavier (P<0.05) and higher values (P<0.05) in the color b* (yellow-blue) in the meat to 45min and 24h post-slaughter compared with surgically castrated pigs fed with basal diet. Supplementation with 5% amino acids and energy increases weight and yield of rib and changes the value of color b* (yellow-blue) in the meat to 45min and 24h post-slaughter male pigs immunocastrated.

Ciênc. rural ; 41(1): 186-191, 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-571452


Uma meta-análise foi realizada para avaliar a associação da ractopamina com variáveis nutricionais e de desempenho em suínos. A base de dados contemplou 29 artigos publicados em periódicos nacionais e internacionais entre 1990 e 2007, totalizando 155 tratamentos e 3.786 suínos em terminação. A inclusão média de ractopamina foi de 15,3ppm (variação de 0 a 30ppm) e a ingestão média diária de ractopamina foi 24,9mg (variação de 0 a 84mg). A inclusão de ractopamina nas dietas apresentou (P<0,05) correlação positiva com o ganho de peso (0,214) e com a eficiência alimentar dos animais (0,231). A ractopamina não alterou (P>0,05) o consumo de ração, mas aumentou (P<0,05) em cerca de 12 por cento a eficiência alimentar, em 10 por cento o ganho de peso e em 3,7 por cento o peso vivo final dos animais. As concentrações de proteína, lisina e energia nas dietas afetaram a resposta dos animais suplementados com ractopamina. Para cada incremento em uma unidade percentual no conteúdo dietético de lisina, pode ser esperado aumento de 341g no ganho de peso (GMD=0,687+0,341LIS; R²=0,71) e de 1,3 por cento na eficiência alimentar dos animais (EF=2,14+1,34LIS; R²=0,62). A ractopamina melhora o desempenho dos suínos, porém a interação do aditivo com os componentes nutricionais deve ser considerada para a formulação das dietas.

A meta-analysis was carried to evaluate the relationship of ractopamine with nutritional variables and performance in pigs. The database included 29 articles published in national and international journals from 1990 to 2007, totaling 155 treatments and 3,786 pigs. The average inclusion of ractopamine was 15.3ppm (ranged from 0 to 30ppm) and the daily average intake of ractopamine was 24.9mg (ranging from 0 to 84mg). Inclusion of ractopamine in diets showed (P<0.05) a positive correlation with weight gain (0.214) and feed efficiency (0.231). Ractopamine did not change (P>0.05) the feed intake, but increased (P<0.05) in 12 percent the feed efficiency, in 10 percent the weight gain and in 3.7 percent the final body weight. The concentrations of protein, lysine and energy in diets affected the animal response feeding with ractopamine. Increasing a unit in dietary lysine concentration resulted in increase of 341g in weight gain (ADG=0.687+0.341LIS, R²=0.71) and 1.3 percent in feeding efficiency (EF=2.14+1.34LIS; R²=0.62). Ractopamine improves pig performance, however, the interaction between additive and nutritional components must be considered in diets formulation.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(2): 477-483, mar.-abr. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-474516


Foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a digestibilidade aparente de dietas e o metabolismo de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo soja integral (SI) processada a vácuo (SIvac) ou a vapor (SIvap). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (dieta controle - DC; DC com substituição isométrica de 40 por cento de SIvac ou SIvap; dieta com SIvac e dieta com SIvap). Os tratamentos com substituição isométrica avaliaram a digestibilidade das sojas processadas; os demais, a digestibilidade de dietas contendo ou não soja processada (controle). A ingestão de N foi 23 e 20 por cento menor (P<0,01) para as aves alimentadas com dietas com SIvac ou SIvap em relação ao grupo controle. A excreção, digestibilidade e absorção do N não foram influenciadas (P>0,05) pelas dietas. A excreção de energia foi 19 e 22 por cento menor (P<0,01) para as aves alimentadas com SIvac na dieta em relação ao grupo controle e àquele alimentado com dieta com SIvap. A dieta com SIvac melhorou (P<0,01) a digestibilidade e a metabolização da energia. A energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para retenção de N (EMn) foi 12 por cento superior (P<0,01) à da dieta com SIvap e similar (P<0,01) à da dieta controle. A matéria seca, a proteína e o extrato etéreo digestíveis, as energias metabolizável aparente e EMn foram semelhantes (P>0,05) para a soja integral processada a vácuo ou a vapor. A soja processada a vácuo ou a vapor é uma alternativa ao farelo de soja e ao óleo vegetal em dietas para frangos de corte.

An experiment was carried out to evaluate the apparent digestibility of diets and the metabolism of broilers fed diets containing full-fat soybean (FFS) processed by vacuum (FFSvac) or by steam (FFSstm). The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments (control diet - CD, CD with isometric substitution of 40 percent FFSvac or FFSstm; diet with FFSvac and diet with FFSstm). The treatments with isometric substitution evaluated the digestibility of processed soybeans; the remains, the digestibility of diets containing either processed soybean or not (control). The N intake was 23 and 20 percent less (P<0.01) to the broilers fed with diets containing FFSvac or FFSstm than control group. The excretion, digestibility and absorption of N were not influenced (P>0.05) by the diets. The excretion of energy was 19 and 22 percent less (P<0.01) to the broilers fed with FFSvac in the diet than control group and those fed with FFSstm in the diet. The diet with FFSvac enhanced (P<0.01) the digestibility and the metabolization of energy. The apparent metabolizable energy corrected for N retention (MEn) was 12 percent higher (P<0.01) to the one fed of diet with FFSstm and similar to control diet (P<0.01). The dry matter, protein and ether extract digestibles, the apparent metabolizable energy and MEn were similar (P>0.05) for full-fat soybean processed by vacuum or by steam. Full-fat soybean processed by vacuum or by steam is an alternative to soybean meal and to the vegetal oil in the diets for broilers.