Global surges in industrialization and human development have resulted in environmental contamination. Streambed sediment contamination threatens ecological and human health due to groundwater leaching and downstream contaminant mobilization. This is especially true in the wider Caribbean region, where streambed sediment contamination is understudied. In the current study, we assessed human impact on intermittent streams by measuring heavy metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in streambed sediment on St. Croix in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), where intermittent streams receive limited conservation and research attention. In contrast to our hypothesis that streambed sediment pollutant concentrations would be higher in developed, compared to undeveloped areas, contaminant concentrations did not vary significantly according to land cover. Elevated lead, mercury, and zinc concentrations were correlated with commercial building density, suggesting an unnatural origin of these elements in streambed sediment. At some sites, levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, thallium, or zinc exceeded regulatory limits. The most prevalent VOCs at both developed and undeveloped sites were benzene and toluene. Sub-groups of heavy metals identified by principal component analysis indicated potential pollution sources, including fuel combustion (chromium, nickel, arsenic, selenium), vehicle exhaust, oil refining, and gasoline leaks (2-butanone and xylenes), and plastics (acetone and styrene). Our results suggest USVI intermittent streams require further research attention and intervention strategies for pollution reduction.