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Polymers (Basel) ; 14(21)2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36365755


The dynamical response of a tethered semiflexible polymer with self-attractive interactions and subjected to an external force field is numerically investigated by varying stiffness and self-interaction strength. The chain is confined in two spatial dimensions and placed in contact with a heat bath described by the Brownian multi-particle collision method. For strong self-attraction the equilibrium conformations range from compact structures to double-stranded chains, and to rods when increasing the stiffness. Under the external field at small rigidities, the initial close-packed chain is continuously unwound by the force before being completely elongated. For double-stranded conformations the transition from the folded state to the open one is sharp being steeper for larger stiffnesses. The discontinuity in the transition appears in the force-extension relation, as well as in the probability distribution function of the gyration radius. The relative deformation with respect to the equilibrium case along the direction normal to the force is found to decay as the inverse of the applied force.

J Chem Phys ; 154(22): 224901, 2021 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241216


The properties of semiflexible polymers tethered by one end to an impenetrable wall and exposed to oscillatory shear flow are investigated by mesoscale simulations. A polymer, confined in two dimensions, is described by a linear bead-spring chain, and fluid interactions are incorporated by the Brownian multiparticle collision dynamics approach. At small strain, the polymers follow the applied flow field. However, at high strain, we find a strongly nonlinear response with major conformational changes. Polymers are stretched along the flow direction and exhibit U-shaped conformations while following the flow. As a consequence of confinement in the half-space, frequency doubling in the time-dependent polymer properties appears along the direction normal to the wall.

Materials (Basel) ; 13(12)2020 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32570931


The use of a mathematical model is proposed in order to denoise X-ray two-dimensional patterns. The method relies on a generalized diffusion equation whose diffusion constant depends on the image gradients. The numerical solution of the diffusion equation provides an efficient reduction of pattern noise as witnessed by the computed peak of signal-to-noise ratio. The use of experimental data with different inherent levels of noise allows us to show the success of the method even in the case, experimentally relevant, when patterns are blurred by Poissonian noise. The corresponding MatLab code for the numerical method is made available.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 42(6): 81, 2019 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31250142


We review the state of the art of active fluids with particular attention to hydrodynamic continuous models and to the use of Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) in this field. We present the thermodynamics of active fluids, in terms of liquid crystals modelling adapted to describe large-scale organization of active systems, as well as other effective phenomenological models. We discuss how LBM can be implemented to solve the hydrodynamics of active matter, starting from the case of a simple fluid, for which we explicitly recover the continuous equations by means of Chapman-Enskog expansion. Going beyond this simple case, we summarize how LBM can be used to treat complex and active fluids. We then review recent developments concerning some relevant topics in active matter that have been studied by means of LBM: spontaneous flow, self-propelled droplets, active emulsions, rheology, active turbulence, and active colloids.

Polymers (Basel) ; 11(4)2019 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31018564


The properties of a semiflexible polymer with fixed ends exposed to oscillatory shear flow are investigated by simulations. The two-dimensionally confined polymer is modeled as a linear bead-spring chain, and the interaction with the fluid is described by the Brownian multiparticle collision dynamics approach. For small shear rates, the tethering of the ends leads to a more-or-less linear oscillatory response. However, at high shear rates, we found a strongly nonlinear reaction, with a polymer (partially) wrapped around the fixation points. This leads to an overall shrinkage of the polymer. Dynamically, the location probability of the polymer center-of-mass position is largest on a spatial curve resembling a limaçon, although with an inhomogeneous distribution. We found shear-induced modifications of the normal-mode correlation functions, with a frequency doubling at high shear rates. Interestingly, an even-odd asymmetry for the Cartesian components of the correlation functions appears, with rather similar spectra for odd x- and even y-modes and vice versa. Overall, our simulations yielded an intriguing nonlinear behavior of tethered semiflexible polymers under oscillatory shear flow.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 90(5-1): 052130, 2014 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25493762


We analyze the dynamics of a two-dimensional system of interacting active dumbbells. We characterize the mean-square displacement, linear response function, and deviation from the equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem as a function of activity strength, packing fraction, and temperature for parameters such that the system is in its homogeneous phase. While the diffusion constant in the last diffusive regime naturally increases with activity and decreases with packing fraction, we exhibit an intriguing nonmonotonic dependence on the activity of the ratio between the finite-density and the single-particle diffusion constants. At fixed packing fraction, the time-integrated linear response function depends nonmonotonically on activity strength. The effective temperature extracted from the ratio between the integrated linear response and the mean-square displacement in the last diffusive regime is always higher than the ambient temperature, increases with increasing activity, and, for small active force, monotonically increases with density while for sufficiently high activity it first increases and next decreases with the packing fraction. We ascribe this peculiar effect to the existence of finite-size clusters for sufficiently high activity and density at the fixed (low) temperatures at which we worked. The crossover occurs at lower activity or density the lower the external temperature. The finite-density effective temperature is higher (lower) than the single dumbbell one below (above) a crossover value of the Péclet number.