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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(3): 037204, 2021 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34328783


The monolayer halides CrX_{3} (X=Cl, Br, I) attract significant attention for realizing 2D magnets with genuine long-range order (LRO), challenging the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Here, we show that monolayer CrCl_{3} has the unique benefit of exhibiting tunable magnetic anisotropy upon applying a compressive strain. This opens the possibility to use CrCl_{3} for producing and studying both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic 2D Ising-type LRO as well as the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) regime of 2D magnetism with quasi-LRO. Using state-of-the-art density functional theory, we explain how realistic compressive strain could be used to tune the monolayer's magnetic properties so that it could exhibit any of these phases. Building on large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we compute the phase diagram of strained CrCl_{3}, as well as the magnon spectrum with spin-wave theory. Our results highlight the eminent suitability of monolayer CrCl_{3} to achieve very high BKT transition temperatures, around 50 K, due to their singular dependence on the weak easy-plane anisotropy of the material.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(17): 177205, 2020 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32412274


The dimerized quantum magnet BaCuSi_{2}O_{6} was proposed as an example of "dimensional reduction" arising near the magnetic-field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) due to perfect geometrical frustration of its interbilayer interactions. We demonstrate by high-resolution neutron spectroscopy experiments that the effective intrabilayer interactions are ferromagnetic, thereby excluding frustration. We explain the apparent dimensional reduction by establishing the presence of three magnetically inequivalent bilayers, with ratios 3∶2∶1, whose differing interaction parameters create an extra field-temperature scaling regime near the QCP with a nontrivial but nonuniversal exponent. We demonstrate by detailed quantum Monte Carlo simulations that the magnetic interaction parameters we deduce can account for all the measured properties of BaCuSi_{2}O_{6}, opening the way to a quantitative understanding of nonuniversal scaling in any modulated layered system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(17): 177202, 2018 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30411922


The coupled spin-1 chains material NiCl_{2}-4SC(NH_{2})_{2} (DTN) doped with Br impurities is expected to be a perfect candidate for observing many-body localization at high magnetic field: the so-called "Bose glass," a zero-temperature bosonic fluid, compressible, gapless, incoherent, and short-range correlated. Using nuclear magnetic resonance, we critically address the stability of the Bose glass in doped DTN, and find that it hosts a novel disorder-induced ordered state of matter, where many-body physics leads to an unexpected resurgence of quantum coherence emerging from localized impurity states. An experimental phase diagram of this new "order-from-disorder" phase, established from nuclear magnetic resonance T_{1}^{-1} relaxation rate data in the 13±1% Br-doped DTN, is found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction from large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(4): 047201, 2009 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19659393


We have studied the effect of nonmagnetic Zn impurities in the coupled spin ladder Bi(Cu_{1-x}Zn_{x})_{2}PO_{6} using ;{31}P NMR, muon spin resonance (microSR), and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that the impurities induce in their vicinity antiferromagnetic polarizations, extending over a few unit cells. At low temperature, these extended moments freeze in a process which is found universal among various other spin-gapped compounds: isolated ladders, Haldane, or spin-Peierls chains. This allows us to propose a simple common framework to explain the generic low-temperature impurity-induced freezings observed in low-dimensional spin-gapped materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(13): 137205, 2007 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17501237


We study the magnetic susceptibility of one-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnets containing nonmagnetic impurities which cut the chain into finite segments. For the susceptibility of long anisotropic Heisenberg chain segments with open boundaries we derive a parameter-free result at low temperatures using field-theory methods and the Bethe ansatz. The analytical result is verified by comparing with quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We then show that the partitioning of the chain into finite segments can explain the Curie-like contribution observed in recent experiments on Sr2Cu(1-x)PdxO(3+delta). Possible additional paramagnetic impurities seem to play only a minor role.