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Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 38(9): 635-646, Nov-Dic. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-227347


Introducción: La pandemia COVID-19 ha provocado un inusitado impulso a la telemedicina(TM). Analizamos el impacto de la pandemia en la TM aplicada en las consultas de cefaleasespañolas, revisamos la literatura y lanzamos unas recomendaciones para implantar la TM enlas consultas. Método: Tres fases: 1) Revisión de la base Medline desde el año 1958 (primera experienciade TM); 2) Formulario Google Forms enviado a todos los neurólogos del Grupo de Estudio de Cefaleas de la Sociedad Espa˜nola de Neurología (GECSEN), y 3) Consenso on-line de expertosGECSEN para emitir recomendaciones para implantar la TM en España. Resultados: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha empeorado los tiempos de espera presenciales,incrementando el uso de todas las modalidades de TM antes y después de abril de 2020: teléfonofijo (del 75% al 97%), teléfono móvil (del 9% al 27%), correo electrónico (del 30% al 36%) yvideoconsulta (del 3% al 21%). Los neurólogos son conscientes de la necesidad de ampliar laoferta con videoconsultas, claramente in crescendo, y otras herramientas de e-health y m-health. Conclusiones: Desde el GECSEN recomendamos y animamos a todos los neurólogos que asis-ten a pacientes con cefaleas a implantar recursos de TM, teniendo como objetivo óptimo lavideoconsulta en menores de 60-65 a˜nos y la llamada telefónica en mayores, si bien cada casodebe individualizarse. Se deberá contar previamente con la aprobación y asesoramiento de losservicios jurídicos e informáticos y de la dirección del centro. La mayoría de los pacientes concefalea y/o neuralgia estable son candidatos a seguimiento mediante TM, tras una primeravisita que tiene que ser siempre presencial.(AU)

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unexpected boost to telemedicine. Weanalyse the impact of the pandemic on telemedicine applied in Spanish headache consultations,review the literature, and issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine inconsultations. Method: The study comprised 3 phases: 1) review of the MEDLINE database since 1958 (firstreported experience with telemedicine); 2) Google Forms survey sent to all members of theSpanish Society of Neurology’s Headache Study Group (GECSEN); and 3) online consensus ofGECSEN experts to issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine in Spain.Results: COVID-19 has increased waiting times for face-to-face consultations, increasing theuse of all telemedicine modalities: landline telephone (from 75% before April 2020 to 97% after),mobile telephone (from 9% to 27%), e-mail (from 30% to 36%), and video consultation (from 3%to 21%). Neurologists are aware of the need to expand the availability of video consultations,which are clearly growing, and other e-health and m-health tools. Conclusions: The GECSEN recommends and encourages all neurologists who assist patients withheadaches to implement telemedicine resources, with the optimal objective of offering videoconsultation to patients under 60-65 years of age and telephone calls to older patients, althougheach case must be considered on an individual basis. Prior approval and advice must be soughtfrom legal and IT services and the centre’s management. Most patients with stable headacheand/or neuralgia are eligible for telemedicine follow-up, after a first consultation that mustalways be held in person.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Telemedicina , Cefalea , Consulta Remota , Atención al Paciente , Teleneurología , Neurología , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios de Cohortes
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 38(8): 591-598, Oct. 20232. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-226326


Introducción: Las nuevas tecnologías (NT) están cada vez más presentes en el ámbito biomédico. Utilizando la definición de consenso de NT del Comité Ad-Hoc de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Sociedad Española de Neurología (SEN), se evalúa su impacto en la neurología española a través de las comunicaciones de las reuniones anuales de la SEN. Material y métodos: Se define el concepto de NT en neurología como una tecnología novedosa o aplicación de una tecnología anterior, caracterizada por un cierto grado de coherencia persistente en el tiempo, con potencial de tener impacto en el presente y futuro de la neurología. Se plantea un estudio descriptivo tomando como fuente las comunicaciones de las reuniones de la SEN desde 2012 hasta 2018 y analizando los tipos de NT empleadas, la subespecialidad, así como su distribución territorial. Resultados: De las 8.139 comunicaciones presentadas, 299 estaban relacionadas con NT (3,7%), incluyendo 120 pósteres y 179 comunicaciones orales, variando desde el 1,6% en 2012 hasta el 6,8% en 2018. Los tipos de tecnología mayormente representados fueron neuroimagen avanzada (24,7%), biosensores (17,1%), electrofisiología y neuroestimulación (14,7%) y telemedicina (13,7%). Las áreas neurológicas con mayor empleo de NT fueron trastornos del movimiento (18,4%), enfermedades cerebrovasculares (15,7%) y demencias (13,4%). Madrid fue la comunidad que presentó más comunicaciones (32,8%), seguida por Cataluña (26,8%) y Andalucía (9,0%). Conclusiones: Las comunicaciones sobre NT siguen una tendencia creciente. El número de NT empleadas ha ido aumentando de manera paralela a la disponibilidad tecnológica. Se encontraron comunicaciones en todas las subespecialidades neurológicas, con una distribución geográfica heterogénea.(AU)

Introduction: New technologies (NT) are increasingly widespread in biomedicine. Using the consensus definition of NT established by the New Technologies Ad-Hoc Committee of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), we evaluated the impact of these technologies on Spanish neurology, based on communications presented at Annual Meetings of the SEN. Material and methods: We defined the concept of NT in neurology as a novel technology or novel application of an existing technology, characterised by a certain degree of coherence persisting over time, with the potential to have an impact on the present and/or future of neurology. We conducted a descriptive study of scientific communications presented at the SEN's annual meetings from 2012 to 2018, analysing the type of NT, the field of neurology, and the geographical provenance of the studies. Results: We identified 299 communications related with NT from a total of 8,139 (3.7%), including 120 posters and 179 oral communications, ranging from 1.6% of all communications in 2012 to 6.8% in 2018. The technologies most commonly addressed were advanced neuroimaging (24.7%), biosensors (17.1%), electrophysiology and neurostimulation (14.7%), and telemedicine (13.7%). The neurological fields where NT were most widely employed were movement disorders (18.4%), cerebrovascular diseases (15.7%), and dementia (13.4%). Madrid was the region presenting the highest number of communications related to NT (32.8%), followed by Catalonia (26.8%) and Andalusia (9.0%). Conclusions: The number of communications addressing NT follows an upward trend. The number of NT used in neurology has increased in parallel with their availability. We found scientific communications in all neurological subspecialties, with a heterogeneous geographical distribution.(AU)

Humanos , Neurología/tendencias , Invenciones/clasificación , Invenciones/historia , Evaluación de la Tecnología Biomédica , Tecnología Biomédica , España
Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 38(8): 591-598, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35842132


INTRODUCTION: New technologies are increasingly widespread in biomedicine. Using the consensus definition of new technologies established by the New Technologies Ad-Hoc Committee of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), we evaluated the impact of these technologies on Spanish neurology, based on communications presented at Annual Meetings of the SEN. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We defined the concept of new technology in neurology as a novel technology or novel application of an existing technology, characterised by a certain degree of coherence persisting over time, with the potential to have an impact on the present and/or future of neurology. We conducted a descriptive study of scientific communications presented at the SEN's annual meetings from 2012 to 2018, analysing the type of technology, the field of neurology, and the geographical provenance of the studies. RESULTS: We identified 299 communications related with new technologies from a total of 8139 (3.7%), including 120 posters and 179 oral communications, ranging from 1.6% of all communications in 2012 to 6.8% in 2018. The technologies most commonly addressed were advanced neuroimaging (24.7%), biosensors (17.1%), electrophysiology and neurostimulation (14.7%), and telemedicine (13.7%). The neurological fields where new technologies were most widely employed were movement disorders (18.4%), cerebrovascular diseases (15.7%), and dementia (13.4%). Madrid was the region presenting the highest number of communications related to new technologies (32.8%), followed by Catalonia (26.8%) and Andalusia (9.0%). CONCLUSIONS: The number of communications addressing new technologies follows an upward trend. The number of technologies used in neurology has increased in parallel with their availability. We found scientific communications in all neurological subspecialties, with a heterogeneous geographical distribution.

Trastornos Cerebrovasculares , Trastornos del Movimiento , Neurología , Humanos , España , Sociedades
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 36(9): 657-665, noviembre-diciembre 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-220128


Introducción: El uso de smartphones en investigación biomédica está creciendo rápidamente en diferentes entornos clínicos. Realizamos un estudio piloto para obtener información sobre el uso de smartphones en pacientes con temblor esencial (TE) y en sujetos sanos, con el objetivo de evaluar si la realización de diversas tareas con las pantallas táctiles difiere entre grupos y describir factores de esta interacción.MétodoSe administró un cuestionario sobre el uso de smartphones a 31 pacientes con TE y 40 sujetos control apareados por edad y sexo. Acto seguido, los participantes interactuaron con una aplicación Android en desarrollo y realizaron 4 test basados en diferentes modos de interacción típicos con pantallas táctiles, con 5 repeticiones de cada tarea.ResultadoLos tipos de uso de smartphones así como su interacción no fueron significativamente diferentes entre pacientes y controles. La edad y el número de usos del smartphone son factores clave en esta interacción con pantallas táctiles.ConclusiónEstas observaciones apoyan el uso de las pantallas táctiles de los smartphones para investigación en TE, pero se requieren más estudios. (AU)

Introduction: Smartphones use in biomedical research is becoming more prevalent in different clinical settings. We performed a pilot study to obtain information on smartphone use by patients with essential tremor (ET) and healthy controls, with a view to determining whether performance of touchscreen tasks is different between these groups and describing touchscreen interaction factors.MethodA total of 31 patients with ET and 40 sex- and age-matched healthy controls completed a descriptive questionnaire about the use of smartphones. Participants subsequently interacted with an under-development Android application, and performed 4 tests evaluating typical touchscreen interaction gestures; each test was performed 5 times.ResultThe type of smartphone use and touchscreen interaction were not significantly different between patients and controls. Age and frequency of smartphone use are key factors in touchscreen interaction.ConclusionOur results support the use of smartphone touchscreens for research into ET, although further studies are required. (AU)

Humanos , Temblor Esencial , Gestos , Estado de Salud , Teléfono Inteligente , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 36(9): 657-665, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34752343


INTRODUCTION: Smartphone use in biomedical research is becoming more prevalent in different clinical settings. We performed a pilot study to obtain information on smartphone use by patients with essential tremor (ET) and healthy controls, with a view to determining whether performance of touchscreen tasks is different between these groups and describing touchscreen interaction factors. METHOD: A total of 31 patients with ET and 40 sex- and age-matched healthy controls completed a descriptive questionnaire about the use of smartphones. Participants subsequently interacted with an under-development Android application, and performed 4 tests evaluating typical touchscreen interaction gestures; each test was performed 5 times. RESULT: The type of smartphone use and touchscreen interaction were not significantly different between patients and controls. Age and frequency of smartphone use are key factors in touchscreen interaction. CONCLUSION: Our results support the use of smartphone touchscreens for research into ET, although further studies are required.

Temblor Esencial , Teléfono Inteligente , Gestos , Estado de Salud , Humanos , Proyectos Piloto
Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 2021 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33867184


INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unexpected boost to telemedicine. We analyse the impact of the pandemic on telemedicine applied in Spanish headache consultations, review the literature, and issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine in consultations. METHOD: The study comprised 3 phases: 1) review of the MEDLINE database since 1958 (first reported experience with telemedicine); 2) Google Forms survey sent to all members of the Spanish Society of Neurology's Headache Study Group (GECSEN); and 3) online consensus of GECSEN experts to issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine in Spain. RESULTS: COVID-19 has increased waiting times for face-to-face consultations, increasing the use of all telemedicine modalities: landline telephone (from 75% before April 2020 to 97% after), mobile telephone (from 9% to 27%), e-mail (from 30% to 36%), and video consultation (from 3% to 21%). Neurologists are aware of the need to expand the availability of video consultations, which are clearly growing, and other e-health and m-health tools. CONCLUSIONS: The GECSEN recommends and encourages all neurologists who assist patients with headaches to implement telemedicine resources, with the optimal objective of offering video consultation to patients under 60-65 years of age and telephone calls to older patients, although each case must be considered on an individual basis. Prior approval and advice must be sought from legal and IT services and the centre's management. Most patients with stable headache and/or neuralgia are eligible for telemedicine follow-up, after a first consultation that must always be held in person.

Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 2020 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33358062


INTRODUCTION: New technologies (NT) are increasingly widespread in biomedicine. Using the consensus definition of NT established by the New Technologies Ad-Hoc Committee of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), we evaluated the impact of these technologies on Spanish neurology, based on communications presented at Annual Meetings of the SEN. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We defined the concept of NT in neurology as a novel technology or novel application of an existing technology, characterised by a certain degree of coherence persisting over time, with the potential to have an impact on the present and/or future of neurology. We conducted a descriptive study of scientific communications presented at the SEN's annual meetings from 2012 to 2018, analysing the type of NT, the field of neurology, and the geographical provenance of the studies. RESULTS: We identified 299 communications related with NT from a total of 8,139 (3.7%), including 120 posters and 179 oral communications, ranging from 1.6% of all communications in 2012 to 6.8% in 2018. The technologies most commonly addressed were advanced neuroimaging (24.7%), biosensors (17.1%), electrophysiology and neurostimulation (14.7%), and telemedicine (13.7%). The neurological fields where NT were most widely employed were movement disorders (18.4%), cerebrovascular diseases (15.7%), and dementia (13.4%). Madrid was the region presenting the highest number of communications related to NT (32.8%), followed by Catalonia (26.8%) and Andalusia (9.0%). CONCLUSIONS: The number of communications addressing NT follows an upward trend. The number of NT used in neurology has increased in parallel with their availability. We found scientific communications in all neurological subspecialties, with a heterogeneous geographical distribution.

Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 2018 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30100094


INTRODUCTION: Smartphones use in biomedical research is becoming more prevalent in different clinical settings. We performed a pilot study to obtain information on smartphone use by patients with essential tremor (ET) and healthy controls, with a view to determining whether performance of touchscreen tasks is different between these groups and describing touchscreen interaction factors. METHOD: A total of 31 patients with ET and 40 sex- and age-matched healthy controls completed a descriptive questionnaire about the use of smartphones. Participants subsequently interacted with an under-development Android application, and performed 4 tests evaluating typical touchscreen interaction gestures; each test was performed 5 times. RESULT: The type of smartphone use and touchscreen interaction were not significantly different between patients and controls. Age and frequency of smartphone use are key factors in touchscreen interaction. CONCLUSION: Our results support the use of smartphone touchscreens for research into ET, although further studies are required.