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Sci Rep ; 8(1): 9651, 2018 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29941897


The electron-doped SrTiO3 exhibits good thermoelectric properties, which makes this material a promising candidate of an n-type oxide thermoelectric device. Recent studies indicated that only a few percent co-doping of La and Mn in SrTiO3 substantially reduces the thermal conductivity, thereby greatly improving the thermoelectric figure of merit at room temperature. Our time-of-flight neutron scattering studies revealed that by doping both La and Mn into SrTiO3, the inelastic scattering spectrum shows a momentum-independent increase in the low-energy spectral weight approximately below 10 meV. The increase in the low-energy spectral weight exhibits a clear correlation with thermal conductivity. The correlation is attributed to dynamical and local structural fluctuations caused by the Jahn-Teller instability in Mn3+ ions coupled with the incipient ferroelectric nature of SrTiO3, as the origin of the low thermal conductivity.

J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) ; 58(3): 131-6, 2009 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19033323


We demonstrate local crystal structure analysis based on annular dark-field (ADF) imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Using a stabilized STEM instrument and customized software, we first realize high accuracy of elemental discrimination and atom-position determination with a 10-pm-order accuracy, which can reveal major cation displacements associated with a variety of material properties, e.g. ferroelectricity and colossal magnetoresistivity. A-site ordered/disordered perovskite manganites Tb(0.5)Ba(0.5)MnO(3) are analysed; A-site ordering and a Mn-site displacement of 12 pm are detected in each specific atomic column. This method can be applied to practical and advanced materials, e.g. strongly correlated electron materials.