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Cent Eur J Oper Res ; 31(1): 1-20, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35494406


The COVID19 virus, which first appeared in Wuhan, China, and has become a pandemic in a short time, has threatened the health system in many countries and put it into a bottleneck. Simultaneously, the second wave's expectation spread it necessary to plan the health services correctly. In this study, a location-allocation problem in the two-echelon system, which considers different test sampling alternatives, is examined to obtain test sampling centers' location-allocation. The problem is modeled as a goal programming model to create a network that tests samples at a minimum total distance, establishes a minimum number of test sampling centers, and reaches the distance of PCR test laboratories at minimum total distances. The proposed model is applied as a case study for the two cities located in Turkey, and the obtained locations and inventory levels of each location are presented. Besides, different scenarios are examined to understand the structure of the model. As a result, only testing in hospitals will increase the risk of contamination. Since testing at all points will not be possible administratively, it will be ensured that the most appropriate location-allocation decisions are taken by considering all the proposed model's objectives.

Complex Intell Systems ; 8(1): 429-441, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34777965


This study aims to model a workforce-planning problem of pilot roles which include captain and first officer in an airline company and to make an efficient plan having maximal utilization of minimum workforce requirements. To tackle this problem, a mixed integer programming based a new mathematical model is proposed. The model considers different conditions such as employing pilots with different skill types, resignations, retirements, holidays of pilots, transitions between different skills regarding needs of the demands during the planning horizon. The application of the proposed approach is investigated using a case study with real-world data from an airline company in Turkey. The results show that a company can use transitions instead of new employment and this is a more suitable medium-term production and human resource planning decision.