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Health Psychol Rep ; 11(2): 108-123, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38084314


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate English teachers' self-efficacy for student engagement, classroom management, instructional strategies and literacy instruction, as well as to determine whether teacher stress and job satisfaction may affect their occupational health (in terms of self-efficacy). In addition, this is one of the first studies to examine the differences in self-efficacy among pre-service, novice and experienced in-service teachers in a Chinese society, where English is positioned as a foreign language. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: 271 English teachers (90 pre-service, 181 in-service) with mean teaching experience of 5.57 months for per-service and 98.51 months for in-service participated in this quantitative research study. As the targets could not be approached randomly, the English teachers were approached individually though referral sampling, informing them of the purpose of the study and obtaining their consent. RESULTS: It was found that both pre-service and novice in-service teachers possess the lowest self-efficacy. Moreover, teachers' stress from the classroom predicted their self-efficacy for student engagement and classroom management negatively. On the other hand, teachers' job satisfaction predicts their self-efficacy for student engagement, instructional strategies and literacy instruction positively. CONCLUSIONS: Implications (based on the findings) are discussed in order to provide insights for schools and education departments to strengthen the teachers' capability of teaching and their occupational health.

Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 38(3): 223-230, dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-212978


Social workers’ work engagement and burnout were tested in relation to (a) personal variable, i.e., emotional intelligence; (b) organizational variables, i.e., work satisfaction and affective commitment. Regressions revealed emotional intelligence - controlling self – negatively predicted depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment and positively predicted three facets of work engagement. Emotional intelligence - understanding others – was a negative predictor of reduced personal accomplishment. In addition, work satisfaction negatively predicted three components of burnout and positively predicted emotional work engagement. Affective commitment was a positive predictor of three facets of work engagement and negatively predicted reduced personal accomplishment. Implications for management are discussed.(AU)

Se puso a prueba la implicación en el trabajo y el estrés de los trabajadores sociales en relación con (a) la variable personal inteligencia emocional y (b) las variables organizativas satisfacción con el trabajo y compromiso afectivo. Las regresiones mostraron que la inteligencia emocional (el control del yo) predecía negativamente la despersonalización y un logro personal mermado y positivamente tres aspectos de la implicación en el trabajo. La inteligencia emocional (comprender a los demás) era un predictor negativo de la merma del logro personal. Además, la satisfacción con el trabajo predecía tres componentes del agotamiento emocional y positivamente el compromiso con el trabajo. El compromiso afectivo predecía positivamente los tres aspectos de la implicación en el trabajo y negativamente el de la disminución del logro personal. Se comentan las inferencias con respecto a la gestión.(AU)

Humanos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Trabajadores Sociales , Estrés Psicológico , Agotamiento Profesional , Agotamiento Psicológico , Psicología Industrial , Psicología
Health Psychol Rep ; 10(4): 302-312, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38084133


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate elite athletes' mental well-being, and to ascertain whether the personal factor resilience and the social factor social support can play a role in promoting mental well-being and life satisfaction. In addition, this is one of the first studies to investigate well-being among elite athletes who are from a region belonging to an unrecognised National Olympic Committee and are not eligible to join the Olympic Games. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: Eighty-four full-time elite athletes (37 males, 47 females) with mean age of 22.36 years old participated in this quantitative research study. Formal letters describing the purpose and organiser of the study were sent to the sport entities in Macao asking their permission for the researchers to contact the elite athletes to participate in this study. After gaining the permission, the elite athletes belonging to these entities were approached individually, to inform them of the purpose of the study and receive their consent. RESULTS: Regression revealed that emotional support and adaptability of resilience were strong positive predictors of mental well-being. Additionally, mental well-being was found to be a strong positive predictor of life satisfaction. The results reflected that in elite athletes possessing high adaptability and receiving more emotional support could help to maintain their mental well-being. CONCLUSIONS: Implications (based on the findings) are discussed in order to provide insights for policy makers or coaches how to promote elite athletes' mental well-being.