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J Parasit Dis ; 47(4): 727-732, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38009150


The present investigation deals with the accounts of a novel species of ciliate parasite belonging to the genus Paratrichodina namely, Paratrichodina indiana n. sp. identified from the respiratory organ of goldfish Carassius auratus at Nadia district of West Bengal, India. 276 fish have been collected for parasitological examination from various fish farm of West Bengal, India. The parasitological investigation was conducted using the AgNO3 impregnation technique, which was supplemented by a taxonomic description, morphological variations and data comparison with previously documented closely related species. Paratrichodina indiana n. sp. is a small-sized trichodinid, measures uniquely 19.21 ± 1.6 µm in body diameter, with prominent adhesive disc measure 15.55 ± 1.22 µm. The current investigation supports the first record of the genus from C. auratus and adds one new species to the genus Paratrichodina, as well as report of a new host, region and prevalence rates.

J Parasit Dis ; 47(3): 465-490, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37520200


A synopsis of the species of Monocystis (Apicomplexa: Gregarinomorphea: Arthrogregarida) is presented, including a total of 114 species of worldwide. The most significant morphological and morphometric traits for each species are included together with information on the type-host, type locality, the infection site within the host and the original references. This checklist enumerates total Monocystis spp. in a place described so far in the worldwide pattern.

J Parasit Dis ; 44(4): 754-771, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33184543


This communication deals with the morphology, taxonomy and life history of six new acephaline gregarines (Apicomplexa: Gregarinomorphea) of the genus Monocystis Stein (1848), Nematocystis Hesse (1909), Aikinetocystis Gates (1926) and Dirhynchocystis Cognetti de Martiis (1921) from oligochaete hosts. These are Monocystis molnari sp. nov. from Metaphire anomala (Clitellata: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae); Monocystis paneki sp. nov. from Lampito mauritii (Clitellata: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae); Monocystis bulbae sp. nov from Metaphire posthuma (Clitellata: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae); Nematocystis cylindrum sp. nov. from Perionyx excavatus (Clitellata: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae); Aikinetocystis perionyxae sp. nov. from Perionyx excavatus (Clitellata: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae) and Dirhynchocystis drawidae sp. nov. from Drawida nepalensis (Clitellata: Haplotaxida: Moniligastridae). Trophozoites of Monocystis molnari sp. nov. elongated and cylindrical. Gametocysts elliptoid. Oocysts fusiform. Trophozoites of Monocystis paneki sp. nov. elongated and hump like. Gametocysts orbicular. Oocysts fusiform. Trophozoites of Monocystis bulbae sp. nov. elongated and cylindrical. Gametocysts fusiform. Oocysts fusiform. Trophozoites of Nematocystis cylindrum sp. nov. cylindrical. Gametocysts orbicular. Oocysts fusiform. Trophozoites of Aikinetocystis perionyxae sp. nov. cylindrical. Gametocyst ovoid. Oocysts fusiform. Dirhynchocystis drawidae sp. nov. having a capsule like body. Gametocysts orbicular. Oocysts rhomboid.

J Parasit Dis ; 43(3): 487-497, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31406415


Gregarines are mainly coelozoic parasites belonging to the protozoan phylum Apicomplexa. The present communication deals with 137 species belonging to the genera Aikinetocystis Gates, 1926; Apolocystis Cognetii de Martiis, 1923; Dirhynchocystis Cognetii de Martiis, 1921; Enterocystis Tsvetkov, 1926; Nematocystis Hesse 1909; Rhynchocystis Hesse 1909; and Zygocystis Von Stain, 1848. This study was conducted to explore the diversity of gregarine parasites infecting the oligochaete hosts of the world.