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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(10)2023 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37430612


Ultrasonic communication and power transfer are attractive solutions when conventional electromagnetic-based or wired connections are unfeasible. Most ultrasonic communication applications concern a single-solid barrier. Nevertheless, some relevant scenarios can be composed of several fluid-solid media, through which communication and power transfer are intended. Due to its multi-layer nature, insertion loss and, consequently, the system efficiency considerably decrease. This paper presents an ultrasonic system capable of simultaneously power transferring and transmitting data through a set of two flat steel plates separated by a fluid layer using a pair of co-axially aligned piezoelectric transducers on opposite sides of the barrier. The system is based on frequency modulation and adopts a novel technique for automatic gain and automatic carrier control. The modems used herein were developed specifically for this application, rendering the system able to transfer data at a rate of 19,200 bps, using the frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation scheme and simultaneously transferring 66 mW of power through two flat steel plates (5 mm) separated by a fluid layer (100 mm), which completely supplied a pressure and temperature sensor. The proposed automatic gain control allowed a higher data transmission rate and the automatic carrier control reduced power consumption. The former reduced the transmission error from 12% to 5%, while the latter reduced the global power consumption from 2.6 W to 1.2 W. The proposed system is promising for monitoring applications such as oil wellbore structural health monitoring systems.

Ultrasonics ; 124: 106772, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35660201


Array transducers can allow wavelength and frequency selectivity and can be used to generate different types of waves, such as ultrasonic bulk or guided waves. Dual-array transducers consist of two interlaced arrays, where the elements of each array are electrically connected. Therefore, by driving each array with a pair of phased pulses one can achieve a degree of wave generation control that allows unidirectional generation, unlike single array transducers that generate waves in both 0° and 180° directions with respect to the array's longitudinal axis. In this paper, we present a one-dimensional analytical model to determine the ultrasonic waves generated by dual-array transducers based on the excitability of the array in the frequency-wavenumber domain, the so-called operation region, determined by the joint spatial and temporal spectrum of the dual-array. We further exploited it to analyse the effectiveness of unidirectional generation with time-delayed excitation signals that provide ideal constructive or destructive interferences. The model also provides the time-domain received waveforms, which were compared to experimentally generated shear-horizontal ultrasonic guided waves, with a dual periodic permanent magnet array electromagnetic acoustic transducer, showing very good agreement. The adequate selection of the excitation signal allowed one to obtain up to about 40 dB unidirectionality experimentally.

Modelos Teóricos , Transductores , Acústica , Ondas Ultrasónicas , Ultrasonido
Ultrasonics ; 117: 106544, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34365241


The interaction of guided waves with wall thinning can be complex, depending on the thinning geometry and the frequency. At a high frequency-thickness, when a shear-horizontal (SH) guided wave mode impinges upon a tapered wall thinning region, there is mode conversion to other propagating SH modes, either in reflection or transmission, which heavily depends on the shape of the taper. In this paper, we have combined the reciprocity theorem of elastodynamics and the theory of multiple reflections, in order to analytically calculate the scattered SH wavefield in plates, due to the interaction with an arbitrary tapered thinning. The taper is discretized into several sections and the formulation is addressed in matrix notation, in order to tackle several modes which arise due to mode interconversion distributed within the taper. The method was validated with experimental and numerical data at linear tapered thinning, in the high-frequency-thickness regime. It was also applied to provide understanding of the reflection behaviour within smoother taper profiles, namely, raised-cosine and Blackman window tapers, and to visualize the propagating field of each mode. It is shown that for a linear taper profile, the reflection within the taper is virtually constant, which produces an interference pattern in the overall reflection from the whole taper. Such a mechanism is broken with smoother tapers, since they impose lower reflection close to the taper ends. The method proves itself useful for analytically investigating the scattering from arbitrary wall thinning when mode-conversion arises.

Ultrasonics ; 112: 106334, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33385707


When shear horizontal ultrasonic guided waves interact with thickness discontinuities in plates, the reflected and transmitted wavefields can be composed of several modes due to mode conversion. It is known that in a plate with a symmetric discontinuity, with respect to the plate's mid-plane, mode conversion is restricted to modes that share the same symmetry as the incident mode. In this paper, we use an analytical model based on the reciprocity principle and finite element analysis to investigate mode conversion due to the interaction with different types of discontinuity, namely, non-symmetric, symmetric and geometrically symmetric but with opposite boundary conditions, that is one side of the discontinuity free and the other rigidly fixed. We show that the reflected field due to interaction with the latter is virtually restricted to modes with the opposite symmetry of the incident one, acting as a symmetry inverter discontinuity. Unlike fully symmetric discontinuities, the effectiveness of a symmetry inverter discontinuity depends on the frequency. This was proved with aid of the analytical model for a full-depth discontinuity and verified for partial depth discontinuities. Finally, symmetry inversion of SH waves was experimentally verified in acrylic plates which were symmetrically machined and filled with steel in one side to mimic a fixed boundary condition.

IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control ; 67(12): 2757-2760, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32986551


Periodic permanent magnet (PPM) array electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) can efficiently generate and receive shear horizontal (SH) ultrasonic waves. Conventional PPM EMATs typically generate waves which simultaneously propagate both forward and backward. This can complicate the received signals and make it difficult to locate the position of scatterers. Unidirectional generation of ultrasounds can be achieved if two ultrasonic sources are separated by a predefined distance and are excited with the proper delay. Relying on this principle, EMATs have been previously designed aiming to generate other modes of ultrasonic waves. The main challenge when extending this conception to an SH-wave EMAT is how to restrict each coil to its specific magnet array. We present the concept of a unidirectional SH EMAT consisting of two racetrack coils and two interlaced PPM arrays, that are slightly shifted sideways, in such a way that the generated wavefronts still properly interfere. The design was fabricated and experimentally evaluated in an aluminum plate generating the SH0 guided wave mode. The forward to backward generated wave ratio is above 20 dB and well agrees with finite element simulations.

Sensors (Basel) ; 19(19)2019 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31547167


Ultrasonic power and data transfer through multilayered curved walls was investigated using numerical and experimental analysis. The acoustic channel used in this paper was formed by two concentric pipes filled with water, aiming for applications that involve powering and monitoring sensors installed behind the pipe walls. The analysis was carried out in the frequency and time domains using numerical and experimental models. Power and data were effectively simultaneously transferred through the channel. A remote temperature and pressure sensor was powered and interrogated throughout all the layers, and the power insertion loss was 10.72 dB with a data transmission rate of 1200 bps using an amplitude modulated scheme with Manchester coding. The efficiency of the channel was evaluated through an experimental analysis of the bit error rate (BER) with different values of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), showing a decrease in the number of errors compared with detection without Manchester coding.

Data Brief ; 21: 2179-2191, 2018 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30533468


This data article reports the data for reflection and transmission coefficients of the SH0 and SH1 ultrasonic guided waves modes due to their interaction with tapered wall thinning in aluminium plates. Several thinning depths and edge taper angles were machined, at the total of 35 different samples. Periodic permanent magnet array electromagnet acoustic transducers were used to generate and receive the waves. Both modes were individually generated and separated in the received signal by means of effective post-processing technique. Reflection and transmission coefficients were calculated at both the leading and trailing edges of the thinning region for mode-converted and non-mode converted signals; therefore, eight coefficients were calculated for each generated mode, at the total of sixteen coefficients for each sample. Additional finite-element model was used in order to obtain numerical values for the coefficients. These data were used in order to analyze the interaction of the SH0 and SH1 modes with wall thinning and the capabilities of using them in non-destructive evaluation of corrosion-like defects in the research paper entitled "Interaction of SH guided waves with wall thinning" (Kubrusly et al., 2019).

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29993376


Shear horizontally (SH) guided waves, generated by periodic permanent magnet arrays, have been used previously in nondestructive evaluation of metal plates and pipes. When an SH guided wave interacts with a defect or a change in sample thickness, the incident SH wave may undergo mode conversion. Analysis of mode conversion is complicated, due to the interference of several propagating modes in the received signal that can often temporally overlap. This paper proposes a mode selection technique to help understand the interaction of SH guided waves with changes in sample thickness. Using an understanding of the propagation characteristics of the guided waves, SH guided waves are sequentially generated and detected on both surfaces of the plate, capturing four distinct waveforms. By superposition of the detected signals, symmetric modes can be clearly separated from antisymmetric modes in the processed received signals. For this method to work well, the transducers used should have very similar responses and be precisely positioned on exactly opposite positions either side of the plate. Finite element simulations are also performed, mirroring the experimental measurements, and the results correlate well with the experimental observations made on an 8-mm-thick plate with a region of simulated wall thinning machined into the sample.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24297022


The use of the time-reversal technique to detect variations in the external applied traction in a strip of aluminum plate is presented. Experiments have been performed in transmission-reception mode, using two fixed ultrasonic transducers near the ends of the plate. Two different parameters of the time-reversed signal are used for monitoring the strain state, the peak amplitude and the focusing time. The inverse filter technique was used in the transmitted signal to equalize the amplitude spectrum, enhancing the sensitivity in the focus amplitude by 5 times. The external traction sensitivity was experimentally verified by using an aluminum plate (800 × 100 × 3 mm) and two 5-MHz ultrasonic transducers spaced 700 mm apart. At the maximum strain state (180 µstrain), the peak value was reduced by about 10% in the conventional process and by 50% using the inverse filter. To evaluate the effects of the strain in the time-reversal signal, a theoretical model was constructed. This model is successful in predicting the changes in the group delay and, consequently, the focusing time using a linear equation. This relationship can also be used to determine the strain level quantitatively. The experimental results show that the time-reversal signal technique can be used in practical monitoring of changes at the strain level in mechanical structures.