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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(39): e2410703121, 2024 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39298481


The discovery of the quantum Hall effect has established the foundation of the field of topological condensed matter physics. An amazingly accurate quantization of the Hall conductance, now enshrined in quantum metrology, is stable against any reasonable perturbation due to its topological protection. Conversely, the latter implies a form of censorship by concealing any local information from the observer. The spatial distribution of the current in a quantum Hall system is such a piece of information, which, thanks to spectacular recent advances, has now become accessible to experimental probes. It is an old question whether the original and intuitively compelling theoretical picture of the current, flowing in a narrow channel along the sample edge, is the physically correct one. Motivated by recent experiments locally imaging quantized current in a Chern insulator (Bi, Sb)[Formula: see text]Te[Formula: see text] heterostructure [Rosen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 246602 (2022); Ferguson et al., Nat. Mater. 22, 1100-1105 (2023)], we theoretically demonstrate the possibility of a broad "edge state" generically meandering away from the sample boundary deep into the bulk. Further, we show that by varying experimental parameters one can continuously tune between the regimes with narrow edge states and meandering channels, all the way to the charge transport occurring primarily within the bulk. This accounts for various features observed in, and differing between, experiments. Overall, our findings underscore the robustness of topological condensed matter physics, but also unveil the phenomenological richness, hidden until recently by the topological censorship-most of which, we believe, remains to be discovered.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(8): 086602, 2019 Aug 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491199


Out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) describe information scrambling under unitary time evolution, and provide a useful probe of the emergence of quantum chaos. Here we calculate OTOCs for a model of disorder-free localization whose exact solubility allows us to study long-time behavior in large systems. Remarkably, we observe logarithmic spreading of correlations, qualitatively different to both thermalizing and Anderson localized systems. Rather, such behavior is normally taken as a signature of many-body localization, so that our findings for an essentially noninteracting model are surprising. We provide an explanation for this unusual behavior, and suggest a novel Loschmidt echo protocol as a probe of correlation spreading. We show that the logarithmic spreading of correlations probed by this protocol is a generic feature of localized systems, with or without interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(12): 127701, 2019 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30978103


We discuss a theoretical model of an on-demand single-particle emitter that employs a quantum dot, attached to an integer or fractional quantum Hall edge state. Via an exact mapping of the model onto the spin-boson problem we show that Coulomb interactions between the dot and the chiral quantum Hall edge state, unavoidable in this setting, lead to a destruction of precise charge quantization in the emitted wave packet. Our findings cast doubt on the viability of this setup as a single-particle source of quantized charge pulses. We further show how to use a spin-boson master equation approach to explicitly calculate the current pulse shape in this setup.

Sci Adv ; 3(9): e1701758, 2017 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28959729


It is believed that not all quantum systems can be simulated efficiently using classical computational resources. This notion is supported by the fact that it is not known how to express the partition function in a sign-free manner in quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for a large number of important problems. The answer to the question-whether there is a fundamental obstruction to such a sign-free representation in generic quantum systems-remains unclear. Focusing on systems with bosonic degrees of freedom, we show that quantized gravitational responses appear as obstructions to local sign-free QMC. In condensed matter physics settings, these responses, such as thermal Hall conductance, are associated with fractional quantum Hall effects. We show that similar arguments also hold in the case of spontaneously broken time-reversal (TR) symmetry such as in the chiral phase of a perturbed quantum Kagome antiferromagnet. The connection between quantized gravitational responses and the sign problem is also manifested in certain vertex models, where TR symmetry is preserved.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(3): 030406, 2006 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486673


We consider the motion of a matter-wave bright soliton under the influence of a cloud of thermal particles. In the ideal one-dimensional system, the scattering process of the quasiparticles with the soliton is reflectionless; however, the quasiparticles acquire a phase shift. In the realistic system of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a tight waveguide trap, the transverse degrees of freedom generate an extra nonlinearity in the system which gives rise to finite reflection and leads to dissipative motion of the soliton. We calculate the velocity and temperature-dependent frictional force and diffusion coefficient of a matter-wave bright soliton immersed in a thermal cloud.