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Int J Biometeorol ; 65(1): 5-29, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33025117


There is an increasing interest to study the interactions between atmospheric electrical parameters and living organisms at multiple scales. So far, relatively few studies have been published that focus on possible biological effects of atmospheric electric and magnetic fields. To foster future work in this area of multidisciplinary research, here we present a glossary of relevant terms. Its main purpose is to facilitate the process of learning and communication among the different scientific disciplines working on this topic. While some definitions come from existing sources, other concepts have been re-defined to better reflect the existing and emerging scientific needs of this multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary area of research.

Biología , Electricidad
Int J Biometeorol ; 65(1): 45-58, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32666310


The atmosphere is host to a complex electric environment, ranging from a global electric circuit generating fluctuating atmospheric electric fields to local lightning strikes and ions. While research on interactions of organisms with their electrical environment is deeply rooted in the aquatic environment, it has hitherto been confined to interactions with local electrical phenomena and organismal perception of electric fields. However, there is emerging evidence of coupling between large- and small-scale atmospheric electrical phenomena and various biological processes in terrestrial environments that even appear to be tied to continental waters. Here, we synthesize our current understanding of this connectivity, discussing how atmospheric electricity can affect various levels of biological organization across multiple ecosystems. We identify opportunities for research, highlighting its complexity and interdisciplinary nature and draw attention to both conceptual and technical challenges lying ahead of our future understanding of the relationship between atmospheric electricity and the organization and functioning of biological systems.

Ecosistema , Electricidad , Atmósfera
Sci Total Environ ; 612: 923-930, 2018 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28886544


A method is developed that allows the construction of spatial emission inventories. The method is applied for anthropogenic SO2 over China (0.25°×0.25°). The Enhancement Ratio Method (ERM) allows for the calculation of SO2 emissions using relationships between gridded satellite measurements of SO2 and NO2 at low wind speeds, and satellite-based NOx emission estimates. Here, we derive SO2 emissions for five years (2007-2011). A large decrease of emissions during 2007-2009 and a modest increase between 2010 and 2011 is observed. The evolution of emissions over time calculated here is in general agreement with bottom-up inventories, although differences exist, not only between the current inventory and other inventories but also among the bottom up inventories themselves. The ERM-derived emissions are consistent, spatially and temporally, with existing inventories.

Atmos Chem Phys ; 16(21): 13853-13884, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29755508


This study characterizes the spatiotemporal variability and relative contribution of different types of aerosols to the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) over the Eastern Mediterranean as derived from MODIS Terra (3/2000-12/2012) and Aqua (7/2002-12/2012) satellite instruments. For this purpose, a 0.1° × 0.1° gridded MODIS dataset was compiled and validated against sunphotometric observations from the AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET). The high spatial resolution and long temporal coverage of the dataset allows for the determination of local hot spots like megacities, medium sized cities, industrial zones, and power plant complexes, seasonal variabilities, and decadal averages. The average AOD at 550 nm (AOD550) for the entire region is ~ 0.22 ± 0.19 with maximum values in summer and seasonal variabilities that can be attributed to precipitation, photochemical production of secondary organic aerosols, transport of pollution and smoke from biomass burning in Central and Eastern Europe, and transport of dust from the Sahara Desert and the Middle East. The MODIS data were analyzed together with data from other satellite sensors, reanalysis projects and a chemistry-aerosol-transport model using an optimized algorithm tailored for the region and capable of estimating the contribution of different aerosol types to the total AOD550. The spatial and temporal variability of anthropogenic, dust and fine mode natural aerosols over land and anthropogenic, dust and marine aerosols over the sea is examined. The relative contribution of the different aerosol types to the total AOD550 exhibits a low/high seasonal variability over land/sea areas, respectively. Overall, anthropogenic aerosols, dust and fine mode natural aerosols account for ~ 51 %, ~ 34 % and ~ 15 % of the total AOD550 over land, while, anthropogenic aerosols, dust and marine aerosols account ~ 40 %, ~ 34 % and ~ 26 % of the total AOD550 over the sea, based on MODIS Terra and Aqua observations.